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2013-07-01 09:23 21005680 Anonymous (1357172048528.jpg 300x258 14kB)
Is accounting a beta major?
I'm just about to graduate with an accounting degree and I've seen this board constantly bag it- give it to me straight. I hope you'll forgive how far removed this is from fitness.
3 min later 21005719 Anonymous
as long as you got a job that pays enough
4 min later 21005742 Anonymous
Life is what you make it. It's beta to dwell on what every other faggot thinks of you. Make your own life, bro. Be a man.
5 min later 21005755 Anonymous
The shirt needs more wolves.
6 min later 21005768 Anonymous
Both my parents are accountants
It is a rather easy to obtain degree when you think of it, my mom wanted to be a doctor but the line was too long and my father just did whatever his cousins did
Im not blaming them, since both were kinda poor and they had to work while studying, and my dad had an amazing job like 10 years ago and we were rich, but he was fired.
8 min later 21005790 Anonymous
>It is a rather easy to obtain degree when you think of it,
I see someone has never taken Intermediate Accounting or Contemporary Accounting Issues at a college worth a shit. The degree is often the most difficult of business degrees, but far from impossible.
Much more difficult is becoming a CPA.
11 min later 21005827 Anonymous
>The degree is often the most difficult of business degrees
I agree that there are easier jobs, but they're shit tier like administration and stuff, but comparing business degrees to any engineering or science careers is not possible at all
52 min later 21006364 Anonymous
chuck liddell has a degree in accounting.
Also, there is like two positions in business worth their salt I'm told. HR & Accounting. Yes, Getting your CPA is BALLS.
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