4chan archive /fit/ (index)
2013-07-01 08:55 21005338 Anonymous (hqdefault.jpg 480x360 14kB)
does /fit/ like Elliott Hulse? I've been watching his videos and holy shit he's got so much badass advice on both strength training and just life in general.
anyone else been inspired by this guy?
3 min later 21005397 Anonymous
Elliots a pretty smart guy but when he talks about chakra and stuff, I just turn the video off. Its confusing that he is this smart but talks about chakra. Maybe he has changed in the last year since I have seen no 2013 video of the chakra bullshit.
15 min later 21005552 Anonymous
chakra's might not be 'real' but thinking about them from that perspective might be *useful*. That's kind of how it is with a lot of "spiritual" things the way I see it...and I think Elliott does too.
21 min later 21005622 Anonymous
elliott is a decent dude and knows what he's talking about in regards to lifting/gaining mass in general.. way better than the hodge twins or any other blue eyed negrums on youtube.
23 min later 21005640 Anonymous
But Elliot is in the Hodge Twins, r u dumb?
25 min later 21005655 Anonymous
Another internet guru making things more complicated than they need to be.
25 min later 21005661 Anonymous (220px-Henry_Winkler_Fonzie_1977.jpg 220x315 14kB)
isnt he the fresh prince?
29 min later 21005710 Anonymous
he talks and rambles about bullshit and makes things complicated so that he can answer question that aren't particularly interesting or distinct. if he was just like "oh, your problem is this? try this common sense or well established fix" his videos was would be A) shorter than they are B) sound less interesting to the average person and C) start getting more and more repetitive
he makes big bucks off of youtube, so it's in his best interest to do whatever it takes to draw attention to himself and produce content even if it means saying nonsensical bullshit
32 min later 21005751 Anonymous (Elliot hnggggg.gif 232x195 2197kB)
33 min later 21005762 Anonymous
>big bucks
im sure he's rolling in it
39 min later 21005830 Anonymous
"big bucks" is a relative term - if you're making an extra $10,000 (which he easily makes) making a few <5 minute videos with minimal editing every week and you're an average guy, I'd say it's pretty good. at the same time, he's also cultivating interest for and advertising his products and websites
the hodgetwins made enough of a living off of 3 channels with 450k+ subscribers and one with 115k+ to support 2 families with 4/5 people before they even started selling merchandise, for reference.
40 min later 21005849 Anonymous
I meant $10k every year with a few videos a week, not 10k every week
43 min later 21005903 Anonymous
i like him. he's got some crazy stuff going on when it comes to stuff like his bioenergetic monkus bullhonkus, and i never go near his personal channel where he just spouts ridiculous shit all day. but when it comes to old fashion training and conditioning he really knows his stuff and tends to be my go-to source for lifting advice.
44 min later 21005916 Motivatiom/Tips
/r/equesting the Elliot vid where he orgasms.
45 min later 21005924 Anonymous
hodgetwins are also sponsored by some fitness websites and supplement companies as well i believe, but don't hold me to that. i do know that it's not all from youtube
46 min later 21005939 Anonymous
He's making more than 10k a year lol,
try about 30-50k
46 min later 21005947 Anonymous
well read interesting guy who's worth listening to even if he does like to rant and talk out his ass pretty often
49 min later 21005993 Anonymous
"I actually just became a YouTube partner 2 days ago. The pay is $2.50 every 1,000 views. Which means if the person gets 100,000 views they make $250, which really isnt that bad. When I was accepted, they required me to create a Google AdSense account. I get a certain percentage when someone clicks an ad while watching one of my videos."
58 min later 21006119 Anonymous (1372532156596.jpg 638x425 68kB)
I like Elliot, yeah. I also appreciate that he has opinions, and that his opinions are not always going to align with others.
As with every fitness "expert", it's important to look at multiple sources for their experiences and also to try things for yourself.
Cool guy though, I like his ideas and presentation.
1 hours later 21006129 Anonymous
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLKd q-J5NE4
5 hours later 21009168 Anonymous
He really said that? Google doesn't allow partners to say how much their earn you know.
He should be reported.
5 hours later 21009178 Anonymous
Elliott Hulse is a poor mans Steve Cook.
5 hours later 21009224 Anonymous (1359051613173.png 344x291 241kB)
He's a condescending arrogant prick and extremely unpleasant to watch.
5 hours later 21009246 Anonymous
http://socialblade.com/youtube/user /elliottsaidwhat
http://socialblade.com/youtube/user /strength%20camp
these suggest that elliott is making at least £40k a year of video's alone
5 hours later 21009273 Anonymous
lol how does he condescend?
5 hours later 21009298 Anonymous
these stats are not accurate at all. it depends on what type of contract he has going.
5 hours later 21009334 Anonymous (1372678531206.jpg 528x671 73kB)
Anyone else think he looks a lot like this syntholman?
5 hours later 21009517 Anonymous
how weird would it be to get in a knife fight with someone like that and just have them leaking oil all over the place like some kind of robot with a hydraulics leak
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