4chan archive /fit/ (index)
2013-07-01 08:54 21005319 Anonymous Pros of being on a fat cut (1361865140134.gif 245x118 475kB)
>Be out of cigs
>there's a high school 40 yards away from my house
>walk up there, go to faggot smokers
>ask every smoker there for 2-3 cigs
>come back home with enough for the day
I do this every second day. I'm such an asshole, but it's so addicting
3 min later 21005378 Anonymous
Yeah, no shit Sherlock
21 min later 21005618 Anonymous
What does that have to do with lowered body fat?
33 min later 21005745 Anonymous
Maybe OP meant that he looks ripped and intimidating?
Or he wanted to write "bulk" instead of "cut"
I dunno
41 min later 21005839 Anonymous
>being a smoker
>bragging about it on /fit/
Pls go.
0.623 0.022