4chan archive /fit/ (index)
2013-07-01 08:44 21005170 Anonymous Jump Higher (jump-high.jpg 800x1200 207kB)
Hi /fit/ , the one fit related thing i have always wanted to be better at is jumping. could anyone give me a workout plan that would help whit this specifically?
18 , 6ft , 140 lbs , a bit out of shape but nothing to bad.
7 min later 21005279 Anonymous
Do box jumps.
12 min later 21005369 Anonymous
dont listen to this faggot
do squats and cleans.
17 min later 21005449 Anonymous
thanks both of you , but why no box jumps at all?
21 min later 21005486 Anonymous
box jumps are cardio
you already know how to jump. weight training will increase your jump by a shit ton.
35 min later 21005653 Anonymous
i have also hear calf raises are good , that true?
37 min later 21005669 Anonymous
No, calves barely influence jump height.
38 min later 21005686 Anonymous
the majority of your jump is going to come from your upper legs and hips.
41 min later 21005716 Anonymous
squats and oats
42 min later 21005739 Anonymous
Box Jumps
Depth Jumps
Box Squats
Jump Squats
http://msuathletics.ru/books/bible/ vert_jump_bible.pdf
0.398 0.031