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2013-07-01 07:37 21004105 Anonymous (squatter.jpg 320x439 67kB)
hi /fit/
Recently whenever id extend my left leg id hear a clicking noise in my knee, this doesnt happen with my right knee.
Ive been squatting for months and only recently had this, there isnt really any pain, however one time last week i felt some discomfort on my knee, and sometimes i can feel something when i extend my knee.
Any advice on what to do? Of course im going to try improve my form but do you think I should give my knee time to recover or what?
Any advice is appreciated, thanks guys
4 min later 21004176 Anonymous
12 min later 21004290 Anonymous
aany advice guys?
13 min later 21004310 Anonymous
My knees have always popped while squatting.
17 min later 21004370 Anonymous
had a similar problem. I bet you're letting your knee drift forward too far.
take a box and place it at your toes. then squat with weight. if you move or knock the box over, you're deloading your hams in favor of your quads.
you'll notice instant relief and no clicking if you stick out your ass more and use
17 min later 21004375 Anonymous
>what the fuck
>am i a retard
>im retarded
19 min later 21004410 Anonymous
Okay, its just that this only happens with my left knee and my left knee makes a clicking noise when extending the leg.
Will try this, thanks.
20 min later 21004433 Anonymous
By the way, do you also get the clicking when just extending your leg?
25 min later 21004503 Anonymous
yes, and it was coincidentally my left knee as well.
squatting properly solved my knee issues within 2 weeks
just make sure your toes are pointing out at 45 degrees and that you actively push your knees out when you squat (you should feel a pleasant stretch in your groin)
27 min later 21004538 Anonymous
Thanks man, really appreciate your input. Ive been quite worried recently, i really dont want to mess my ligaments and bones up.
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