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2013-07-01 07:30 21003997 Anonymous (1363187967057.jpg 800x800 164kB)
I can choose to study for an year of my Computer Engineering course in either Germany or South Korea. Keep in mind that I am brazilian. I already have some knowledge of german, so I think I could progress a lot more on the german language than on the korean one. Opinions? I know what most of you are going to pick (tfwnoaveragekoreangf), but please try to be reasonable! I've already got a gf, so that's not an objective of my year abroad.

1 min later 21004023 Anonymous (south-korea-super-hot-chicks[1].jpg 250x393 23kB)

2 min later 21004031 Anonymous (german-beer-girls[1].jpg 300x390 32kB)

2 min later 21004037 Anonymous
>>21003997 what a disgusting body

3 min later 21004047 Anonymous
germany would be more fun south korea would be more interesting

3 min later 21004053 Anonymous
>>21003997 If you think that you'll get more benefit from the course in Germany, then I think that it's clear which you should do?

4 min later 21004067 Anonymous
>>21003997 Germany hands down. larger reputation, less plastic women, more to see than seoul

5 min later 21004070 Anonymous
germany, play soccer like you do in your native land and win friends but stay away from turks because you do not want to be associated as fuck. Do not go to korea they're xenophobic as fuck. citation: I was in the army stationed in germania, also happen to be korean born american. also HUAHUAHUAHUHAUAUHAUHUHA BR? (I just had to I'm not sorry about that last part)

6 min later 21004083 Anonymous
germany why the fuck are you studying CE abroad

8 min later 21004122 Anonymous
>>21004053 I'm not really sure of that! Both countries have great universities on my area, but in germany I think I'd have the benefit of coming back to brazil with solid german skills, in contrast with korean, which I find less probable. In korea I'll take classes in english with other foreigners, while in germany classes are going to be in german, with native students. I think social interaction is something important... Korea seems to be full of opportunities for foreigners, lot's of internships are being offered in big companies, such as Samsung or Hyundai, but I'm not really sure I can say the same for Germany. >>21004047 I think something like that, in germany I could visit virtually every country in western europe, but korean culture just seems so appealing...

12 min later 21004188 Anonymous (1327589734261.png 407x435 60kB)
>>21004122 let me tell you this my br friend. Korean culture is: pop culture drinking clubbing being trendy if none of those interest you and you're comparing culture to culture aspect. Go to Germania

13 min later 21004190 Anonymous
>>21004070 Yeah, I am really scared away by the xenophobia, is it really that bad? My friends tell me I'm one of the few persons they know willing to go to korea (I have lived in Thailand for an year already), and as such I should enjoy the opportunity. They also say that kind of thing should be taken in consideration on my curriculum years later. >>21004083 I'm brazilian, I live here and study CE here, but the brazilian government is offering full scholarships for engineering students with good grades. A whole year abroad, having around 1000 euros from the government each month, apart from plane tickets and study material cost. Seems interesting, right?

14 min later 21004203 Anonymous
>>21003997 South Korea is a great place, but their programs are not respected. If you want to have an interesting year, go to the ROK. Germany will be fun, but probably more of a typical Uni experience

14 min later 21004212 Anonymous
>>21004188 But is that also true for the countryside? I know seoul must be pretty much like that, but is everyone so superficial? You must know better since you're korean yourself... I was almost sure I was going to korea, but now you guys made me pretty insecure, hahah.

16 min later 21004234 Anonymous
>>21004203 What do you mean with their programs are not respected?

16 min later 21004242 Anonymous
>>21004234 they are a little short sided

16 min later 21004243 Anonymous
>>21004212 >is everyone so superficial? Yes There's a reason why Korean make the best Dramas in E.Asia

20 min later 21004299 Anonymous
>>21004242 good info bro. You'd probably make more money in Germany tho

26 min later 21004406 Anonymous (1369523973263.jpg 400x600 94kB)
>>21004212 In my opinion, korea has lost so much of it's cultural roots trying to become a major competitor in the world economy. The social transformation into a westernized country during the 80s pretty much created a shocking gap between the countryside and the city. It's so bad that land owning farmers in the country side order mail order brides to work on the farm as their wife and continue their blood line. No one wants to live in the country side in korea. That being said I'll say some positive stuff about korea. Food is great. They're very tech savvy so if you want to look into meeting up with groups I'm pretty sure you can look online for koreans wanting to meet up with english speaking people or br? meet up.

28 min later 21004429 Anonymous
also, OP stop posting silva in the other thread. I know its you.

32 min later 21004490 Anonymous
>>21003997 Beautiful picture, sauce?

33 min later 21004514 Anonymous
>>21003997 Personally, I would much rather go to Korea than Germany, just for the experience. Germany seems a bit tame for this Amerifag.

36 min later 21004558 Anonymous
>>21004406 Oh, I see it. Westernizing must be a pretty big problem for most eastern cultures, I believe things are going on a similar direction in some places of mainland china, as well as hong kong, taiwan and some japanese cities. Still, at least in my situation, korea has some sort of appeal. Since I have already lived in Thailand, I think that having lived in both Thailand and Korea, and having visited a dozen of asian countries can be very useful on my future on engineering. Apart from that, I do like asia a lot, and I'm really interested by the way things work around there. The languaage is what still makes me reluctant. I think learning german should be really really useful, whilst korean probably not that much. >>21004429 Sadly I'm not really that into MMA. Anderson is pretty cool, but I have no idea of what's going on, apart from the fight that is happening next saturday, which I'm going to watch with some friends.

38 min later 21004619 Anonymous
>>21004490 I haven't got it bro, I'm sorry! This pic comes from your usual /fit/ grills threads... But from what I got by a reverse search, it's by some guy named Keith Small.

39 min later 21004630 Anonymous
>>21004514 Yes, the experience! I have a feeling that I'll probably visit Germany some day in the future, it's not something that distant. But Korea? It's kinda unique, agree?

42 min later 21004685 Anonymous
>>21004558 I think south east asia is great, people are very humble and cultural and less bastardization due to the conflicting eastern-western ideology (These people fought for their independence from colonial rule). If you're concerned about getting experience working in a foreign market, you already sound like you know china is and will be the main place for that kind of stuff.

46 min later 21004753 Anonymous
Wow, Matheus? South Korea is a lot more appealing for a CE student, go for it bro!

53 min later 21004861 Anonymous
>>21004753 W-wait, you know me? This is scary, hahahah. But I think I will take your advice bro! I'm almost sure of it.

54 min later 21004874 Anonymous
>>21004619 Thanks!, my reverse search got nothing, but with the name you provided I found it. melannc.deviantart.com/art/MS7mm-33 3576519

1 hours later 21004980 Anonymous
>>21004753 I know you're probably not going to answer this, but where do I know you from? This is killing me!

1 hours later 21005149 Anonymous
>>21004980 I'm sorry bro, but telling you would spoil all the fun. Ha!

1 hours later 21005164 Anonymous
>>21005149 is he dyel? tell us his weakness.

1 hours later 21005174 Anonymous
>>21005149 Yeah it sure would! I guess I'll have to watch out next time I'm going to post about personal stuff, hahahah. Nice to see you around, whoever you are. You've made /fit/ even more interesting!

1 hours later 21005186 Anonymous
>>21005164 Yeah I'm dyel as fuck.

1 hours later 21005497 Anonymous
>>21004558 >I believe things are going on a similar direction in some places of mainland china, as well as hong kong, taiwan and some japanese cities. You are a fucking retard. How could you make such a broad generalization with literally no knowledge at all? Hell, even my 12 year old brother probably wouldn't make such a stupid comment And the reason I'm so mad over this is because you make us Westerners look so fucking stupid by repeating all this bullshit you make up about other countries without any background knowledge at all Do you also think that Africa is just an unga bunga group of black people who just wear leather thongs and throw spears at each other? Don't lie you actually do.

1 hours later 21005626 Anonymous
>>21005497 Oh dear, I wasn't expecting this. I really tried not to make a generalization, that's why I included "some" in my examples. I do have that impression though, and I'm sorry if your 12 year old brother is smarter than me. Judge me all you want, you don't even know what is my background by saying "us Westerners" and assuming my life is anyhow similar to yours. Peace.

1 hours later 21005648 Anonymous
>>21005497 not even the original poster but you're obviously not familiar with world history. Why do you think the middle east hates western influences? Why do you think Japan had to modernize so fast during the Meiji Restoration. South Korea in the 80s. Africa is in ruins due to colonization and the follow up civil wars due to crudely drawn lines by western influences. Ethnocentric ideas of the "white man's burden" has led to disastrous implosion within almost every culture it comes into contact with due to "keep up or get killed off". I'm not saying this is right or wrong but in a post-civil rights, fuck that, post human rights UN time period, western ideology of "christianization" of all of mankind since Emperor Constantine has fucked the world plenty of times.

1 hours later 21005665 Anonymous
>>21005648 Christianity is a middle-eastern religion.

1 hours later 21005672 Anonymous
>>21003997 Germany, less boring and white/hot girls

1 hours later 21005704 Anonymous
>>21005648 I understand it has started in the middle east but the people that wielded jesus on a cross as a spiked bat was the romans. Why do you think Rome and the vatican is the "holy city" and noone gives a fuck about reconquering Jerusalem.

1 hours later 21005728 Anonymous
>>21005665 You mean was. It started in middle-east, but the peak of it's importance is closely tied with western civilization.

1 hours later 21005746 Anonymous
>>21005648 Sorry but if you're going to talk about world history, you would know that the way Korea has embraced America (not the western world, but America specifically) has no similarity to the way any other Asian country has experienced the Western world whatsoever, which was the initial idea. Secondly, the statement was so broad that it had no meaning whatsoever, perfected with the idiot's "some" ("some" people are serial killers" stunning intelligence, clearly). How can someone whose never even been to China or Japan make such a statement? Can he even name 3 Japanese cities, and locate them on a map? Has he ever read a news story from a publication NOT from Brazil or America? How can someone feel obligated to make a statement on something he literally knows nothing about? Since when is globalization "becoming Western"? Is building buildings "becoming Western"? Also, the White Man's Burden was a satirical piece

2 hours later 21006035 Anonymous
>>21005746 I find "embrace" a way too happy term in describing the relationship between korea and america. I feel think "once opened arm welcoming to foreign occupiers" would be a proper term. America supported the KMT during china's civil war and south vietnam during the duration of their conflict. America has done some wtf shit in asia after WWII in the name is democracy. Democracy itself is a western ideology. I won't argue in the defense of the OP cause yea I'm not gonna do that. Globalization is becoming an homogenization of Western influences upon everyone else, the way we dress, the way we think and the way we behave. We all know which way that culture is spreading, you cannot deny this influence. Also fuck globalization. sage due to irrelevant postin

3 hours later 21006769 Anonymous

3 hours later 21006824 Anonymous
>>21006769 Not OP but why not?

3 hours later 21006862 Anonymous
>>21006824 >tfw attendance part of the grades in college >tfw no learning, just assignments and drinking >tfw xenophobic "pure" Koreans

3 hours later 21006866 Anonymous
>>21003997 oh my god OP. I'm sorry but i can't even respond to your post because that is an amazing picture. that is my dream girl. Do you have more?

3 hours later 21006903 Anonymous
>>21006824 also Korean college level computer science is fucking horrible unless it's KAIST or POSTECH or Seoul National Univ.

3 hours later 21006910 Anonymous
Where in Germany? That's kinda important.

3 hours later 21007102 Anonymous
>>21006862 >tfw no learning, just assignments and drinking What do you mean by this exactly? They just give you homework and expect you to teach how to do it yourself? >tfw xenophobic "pure" Koreans How common is this?

3 hours later 21007109 Anonymous
OP, you need to stop listen to any of these guys in this thread. They're all exchange student scrubs. First of all, which university do you have planned to attend? At least 70% of your experience depends on this. If your university have bad location exploiting your party and going out options might be limited, and another university might have shitty academics. Furthermore, which german city do you have in mind. If you go to Korea you go to Seoul, but Germany is not the necessarily that easy of a pick. Myself I spent a half year in Seoul and that was easily the wildest and craziest semester I ever had. Lots of happy international people, extremely beautiful and safe city to go out in, and even though most koreans have no english skills the ones in your buddy program should be up for getting to know you. Furthermore, the academics was okay but not at the same level as my home university. Lastly, Seoul is cheap and you can visit all of Asia which is even more cheap and interesting. It is harder to travel around Europe like that. There is no need to worry about sightseeing. Any place you go will have interesting stuff to do and see. Btw. GL having a LDR for a year. I did half with my american GF I picked up in Seoul. Ain't no walk in the park. Oh, and Berlin is a super city been there several times. But dude, if you are looking to improve your academics, don't go on exchange. Unless you are from an unga bunga university the international programs always lack behind on level.

3 hours later 21007130 Anonymous
>>21007102 Ofc they're xenophpic if you are American. Nobody likes Americans. And Koreans have reason to HATE Americans.

3 hours later 21007161 Anonymous
>>21007130 But at the same time they seem to be ameriboos. I'm not American though.

3 hours later 21007190 Anonymous (Huehueteotl.jpg 298x224 18kB)
My opinion is that nonwhites should stay the fuck away from Deutschland.

3 hours later 21007204 Anonymous (1367938555001.jpg 194x200 8kB)
I am a German machine engeneer from Dortmund.

3 hours later 21007213 Anonymous
>>21007130 anyone who hates an entire group of people based solely on the geography of their origins is a high octane idiot

3 hours later 21007234 Anonymous
>>21007204 You are a disgrace. Learn to name your degree in English correctly next time you reveal to be German. Never mention that you are a German when you behave like an idiot. Just claim to be American.

3 hours later 21007256 Anonymous
>>21007102 their work is not as much as you expect from colleges in the US or Germany, but if you gotta learn the language first, it's gonna be a big trouble. a lot of writings. Also, Koreans are generous to white people because Koreans are racists. Generally hate Japanese/Chinese and love American/European. If you are brown skinned boy, you are fucked. People wouldn't even bother talk to you in street if you are lost. But if you can speak English, holy shit, all the azn tight pussies are yours. But other than bar whores, people don't care you are there and generally horrible at English or any other language than Korean if they are not majoring in/live on the particular language. And they have weird college culture of drinking until totally fucked as possible and always putting "group" first than individuals. Also, quality of Korean college ed isn't as superior as you are expecting. Since they try the hardest in their lives in high school to get into college and stop giving shit about learning and putting as much as alcohol into their bodies in college, you have to REALLY try hard if you want to get something out of it. Also their "college students rioting" against the gov. is fucking nonsense and they will try to make you a part of them to suck North Korean ass. Pick Germany, faggit, you wouldn't regret shit. College is some real serious shit in your life if you wanna go abroad to do this shit. Source: Me. I moved from South Korea to the US in my 10th grade in high school and loving every single motherfucking day of my life since then. >tfw not having to go through all Korean "group culture" bullshit in college

3 hours later 21007277 Anonymous
>>21007130 They love americans. it's only the lefty fuckers who want American force out of Korea so that the North Korea can invade and rape them in their loose asses as easy as possible. America saved Koreans asses in the war in 1950. If you see people who are against Americans in Korea, you know what kinda people they are.

3 hours later 21007280 Anonymous
I would go to Germany. German is similar to English Western world > East (culturally speaking) But that's just my opinion. I say be academic. Which option offers the best school, the most reputable class and stuff... Also German girls are fucking beautiful. Heads up if you are not tall get platform shoes.

3 hours later 21007288 Anonymous
>>21007234 enguner dont have to spell correctly, faggot

3 hours later 21007321 Anonymous
>>21007280 OP is Brazilian and said OP has some background with German language

4 hours later 21007425 Anonymous
>>21003997 lol >cultural ignorant reporting in Actually believing in culturally superior countries. Biggot.

4 hours later 21007485 Anonymous
I hardly doubt that your German is good enough to study there. Did you take the TOEFL yet?

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