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2013-07-01 07:22 21003876 Anonymous (02532050.jpg 600x900 67kB)
>Vandalizing your body with tattoos
Why? Your body should be art itself, without injecting ugly ink all over it.
3 min later 21003939 Anonymous
Truth. Most tattoos I see people getting today are trashy as fuck and honestly look horrible. OP pic related. Just why? The tats are not only distracting but also make the dude look like some poor white trash imbred.
Now I'm not against people getting tattoos if they are meaningful (army unit or small memorial for a dead friend/family member, my friend survived cancer and got a phenoix) but this dumb stars, tramp stamps, and dumb Asian symbols need to stop
4 min later 21003948 Anonymous (1349905310724.jpg 600x600 36kB)
>posts picture of shit tattoos saying tattoos are shit
Pleb logic
6 min later 21003977 Anonymous
>shit tattoos
Only reason it's shit is because he's not a real Thief in Law. He would get murdered for that.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF8U S2rKshE
6 min later 21003986 Anonymous
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vory_V _Zakone
8 min later 21004007 Anonymous (1360911473414.jpg 580x530 33kB)
You think getting a tattoo for a military industral complex that rapes 90% of the world so you can eat cheese burgers and watch TV is meaningful. And getting a phoenix tattoo when you survive cancer is silly, cancer happens when cells refuse to die or die and are reborn as a terminal growth. Cancer=Phoenix
9 min later 21004016 Anonymous (tattoo2966.jpg 1417x1010 346kB)
That guy would be killed if he ever traveled to Russia. Those star tattoos are only for the russian mob.
11 min later 21004046 Anonymous
>Now I'm not against people getting tattoos if they are meaningful
Why? Can't people just get them because they look awesome?
>hurr durr everything must be symbolism and intellectually challenging because im a fat neckbeard
12 min later 21004058 Anonymous (1372434442563.jpg 300x193 23kB)
I want a tattoo, I like sleeves the most.
What is a aesthetic sleeve that dosn't cause joblessnes and isn't too unrealistic, I want one that a normal tattoo shop can actually make, not some photoshopped shit.
This is now a aesthetic tattoo thread.
12 min later 21004059 Anonymous
No he would be killed if he ever broke a serious law in russia like murdering someone and was placed in a russian prison.
13 min later 21004069 Anonymous
14 min later 21004085 Anonymous
Yes because they would risk prison because some guy has a tattoo, implying hes gonna show some dirty old mafia dude hes chest.
15 min later 21004106 Anonymous
>MFW my back tattoo is interfering with my workout
>have had 4 sessions already, 2 more left (each one 3-4 hs)
> can't do cardio. Abs are vanishing
> iwanttocry.jpg
16 min later 21004114 Anonymous
None, tattoos are gay.
16 min later 21004118 Anonymous
how can a back tattoo inferfere with a workout?
16 min later 21004123 Anonymous
rich pianna has tattoos that were designed to make his muscles look more seperated and have better insertions.
17 min later 21004137 Anonymous
Yea well a serious beating atleast. And as that other guy said, if he ever landed in prison for something he'd be in for it.
Still its pathetic as fuck to get a tattoo like that. It's like me getting a cosa nostra tattoo
17 min later 21004143 Anonymous
I know people say it a lot but it might look good when you're young but what happens when you're an old man with a sleeve? That would be disgusting and you would look like biker trash.
18 min later 21004150 Anonymous
Getting a tattoo with a meaning is pathetic.
Hur Hur I have to lable myself for attention, need a reason to bring up this again and again.
Get a aesthetic one, much better.
18 min later 21004154 Anonymous
then you can get it removed ffs stop being such an angsty life pussy
18 min later 21004160 Anonymous
Every fucking day
you people are such children
19 min later 21004165 Anonymous
19 min later 21004166 Anonymous
sleeves are the WORST kind of tattoos. then again, all tattoos are shit.
except maybe whole-body yakuza tattoos. that's some dedication.
19 min later 21004169 Anonymous
Just put it on maybe? Hurts quite a lot if you exercise - it's basically the artistic equivalent of road rash.
20 min later 21004175 Anonymous
Maybe in the future that will work but to my knowledge right now you can really only blacks.
20 min later 21004183 Anonymous
a half-sleeve.
if you ever want a big boy's job you can't really have a full sleeve, unless you're exceptional.
21 min later 21004187 Anonymous
>"Tattoos are shit."
Then don't get one, fuckstick.
22 min later 21004208 Anonymous
aha you mean just because it's a fresh one right?
22 min later 21004211 Anonymous
>Most tattoos I see
There's the exact point here: most tasteless tattoos are openly displayed. The ones with a sort of meaning are usually literally close to the heart, where you can't see them in everyday life. I'll be damned if any of my tattoos are ever visible when I'm wearing a T-shirt and shorts.
23 min later 21004223 Anonymous (4906515404_584016ea31_z.jpg 250x381 43kB)
The only tattoos I have ever liked. And I can't get them because I'm white and it's 2013.
23 min later 21004227 Anonymous
>t-shirt and shorts
Oh great now this is going to turn into a tattoo and a /fa/ troll thread
26 min later 21004274 Anonymous
It's not to troll or anything, it's to say I could easily disguise all of my tattoo's, since I don't want them to show - even with clothes that show most of the locations tattoos are usually put(arms, legs). The only place I could actually dress to show off would be at the swimming pool - and to be honest, I rarely go to any public ones.
27 min later 21004279 Anonymous (1358988709957.png 1363x635 873kB)
What's wrong with a tee shirt and shorts?
27 min later 21004282 Anonymous
That's not actually true, prison tattoos were for long term convicts. Stars on the shoulder meant that they were fighters, and bowed to no one. Lots of Russian mobsters had them but they weren't exclusive to the mafia.
After the fall of the Soviet Union, prison tattoos lost a lot of the meaning, because you didn't have the same sort of permanent underclass of political and hardened criminals with their own gulag society.
30 min later 21004335 Anonymous
>what happens when you're an old man with a sleeve?
You become an old man with a sleeve, ina generation filled with old men with sleeves. No big deal for most, but a dealbreaker to some.
I've got a pretty good relationship with my lawyer, and he's a pretty nice guy. He's an Indo, and in hi family it's tradition for the men to be tattoo'd from top to bottom. He once honored me bike taking off his suit(something he rarely does, since it could ruin his white collar career), and he showed me some of his tattoo's. In normal everyday you wouldn't notice it, but still he's got tats from his wrists to his neck, and down to his ankles - a beautiful piece.
31 min later 21004338 Anonymous (ses4.jpg 480x640 97kB)
>You can't bench-press or do anything that you have to lay hard on your back (45º press), I replaced it with different kind of push ups (1 handed, with jumps, very wide, etc).
And the first 3 days is better if you don't sweat much, because you can rub the tattoo with soap...
Also it can get irritated.
the problem is not dealing with pain ( or enter whatever), the problem is if the tattoo gets ruined... it's not worth it.
pic related: the tattoo I'm gettign done.
(an yellow-orange-pink sky has yet to be done, and another white layer on the bear, icewall, icebergs and orca)
32 min later 21004372 Anonymous (ahistoryx.jpg 495x329 14kB)
I don't have tattoos but it always bugs me when people say this shit "what happens when you get old and wrinkly. Nothing fucking happens because you are old and look like complete shit anyways even without tattoos
41 min later 21004508 Anonymous
I have intentions of getting a few but all in places that can be hidden by a short sleeved shirt. But I can't think of anything
44 min later 21004555 Anonymous (1294421252_1.jpg 450x601 52kB)
I want a tattoo in the style of black figure pottery. Call me a fag, but I think it's pretty
46 min later 21004600 Anonymous
trips of fag
46 min later 21004601 Anonymous
>implying only russian mafia use that tattoo
55 min later 21004764 Anonymous
he does not lift
59 min later 21004823 Anonymous (1362910243025.jpg 550x619 53kB)
Because, i've just always wanted to get tattoos, i reckon they can enhance your aesthetics if they are good, i'd only get them on my arms and back though, thats just me though. I love it how people always look down on people for their live choices, it's their life let them do what they want.
1 hours later 21004851 Anonymous
>mental capacity and emotional maturity of a 13 year old
1 hours later 21004854 Anonymous (1362712622786.jpg 500x744 60kB)
Yeah it's lol when people say that, plus i don't intend to look that shit when i am older, i'll be training all my life. You really think this guy's tats would look all wrinkly if he had any?
1 hours later 21004856 Anonymous (bate.png 480x504 496kB)
trips confirm, best tattoo
1 hours later 21004882 Anonymous
If one of your biggest regrets when you're an old fuck is that you have some ink in your skin, you've either lived a blessed or utterly unexciting life.
1 hours later 21004884 Anonymous (1365433909566.jpg 272x445 52kB)
Explain. You can not sit there and tell me that zyzz's tats didn't enhance his appearance.
1 hours later 21004891 Anonymous
Doesn't that stuff poison your blood?
1 hours later 21004913 Anonymous
No. Your parents only told you that so you wouldn't get a tattoo.
1 hours later 21004920 Anonymous (1320729265426.jpg 588x626 83kB)
is dis nigga srs?
1 hours later 21004925 Anonymous
excellent choice of a tattoo
make sure to get a tan and love handles to really pull of the ancient greek pot look
1 hours later 21004927 Anonymous
ay bro, sorry to break it to you. you dont look like zyzz. and he was blowing up long before his tats.
1 hours later 21004972 Anonymous
>not getting a lone wolf tattooed on your dick
its like you don't want to be cool
1 hours later 21004974 Anonymous
Never said that i do look like zyzz? I am saying that they enhanced his appearance. Please do continue to tell me about my 13 year old maturity level pls.
1 hours later 21005007 Anonymous
chill out. his tats dont enhance shit. there i told you.
1 hours later 21005050 Anonymous (laughing girls.png 960x792 1825kB)
>using hash tags
>Saying i have a maturity level of a 13 year old
1 hours later 21005051 Anonymous
>that logic
So irrelevant.
Anyway, I can.
1 hours later 21005052 Anonymous
You're wrong actually. Stars on the shoulder area mean you are of the rank of captain or higher. Stars on the knees signify soldier status and mean "kneel to no man" hence why they are on the knees.
1 hours later 21005076 Anonymous
>getting this upset over what a person said on 4chan
>in any way more mature than a 13 year old
1 hours later 21005086 Anonymous
for anyone wondering what autism entitles, follow this comment thread.
1 hours later 21005114 Anonymous
Lol, never change /fit/.
1 hours later 21005491 Anonymous
*tips fedora* m'lady *raises glass of scotch*
1 hours later 21005517 Anonymous
We should all follow in the path of Rich Piano
1 hours later 21005531 Anonymous (king of aesthetics.jpg 863x536 44kB)
forgot my pic
1 hours later 21005562 Anonymous
Can you use tattoos to cover up stretchmarks?
1 hours later 21005574 Anonymous
Michael Moore pls go
1 hours later 21005612 Anonymous
If you are caught with those tattoos in russia, you're killed by a mafia member.
1 hours later 21005617 Anonymous
>tattood masterrace reporting in
>mfw faggy op complains about tattoos like the fat neckbeard-moron he is
1 hours later 21005624 Anonymous
Why would anyone want to go to Russia to begin with?
1 hours later 21005638 Anonymous (1010644_631748896844708_1254848707_n[1].jpg 601x850 120kB)
>pic related - its me
3 hours later 21006561 Anonymous
>cancer survivor
>phoenix tattoo
That's actually pretty cool
3 hours later 21006868 Anonymous
tattoos are a permanent scar from a temporary feeling -Jimmy Buffett
3 hours later 21006898 Anonymous
im considering getting a pretty large back tatoo, basically Im thinking about getting a page from the RAND corporation table of random numbers.
3 hours later 21006924 Anonymous (_MG_3420[1].jpg 1134x754 165kB)
because slavs
slavs everywhere
3 hours later 21006953 Anonymous
Also pull up your pants pls
3 hours later 21007089 Anonymous (RANDtatoo.jpg 608x864 368kB)
pic related
5 hours later 21008397 Anonymous
That tattoo is so damn gay
5 hours later 21008417 Anonymous
top lel
Soldier status = kneel to no man
Even though the soldiers will do as told
5 hours later 21008473 Anonymous (1348430815580.jpg 500x750 95kB)
5 hours later 21008484 Anonymous (1348434473068.jpg 809x1034 299kB)
5 hours later 21008490 Anonymous (1348434614501.jpg 448x480 72kB)
5 hours later 21008492 Anonymous
There are no old people with tattoos, cause only stupid plebs get them and they young to stupid shit like suffocating in a plastic bag
5 hours later 21008499 Anonymous (1348443215698.jpg 319x480 49kB)
5 hours later 21008508 Anonymous
5 hours later 21008512 Anonymous (1348471843257.jpg 500x333 72kB)
5 hours later 21008518 Anonymous (1348471254973.jpg 500x319 25kB)
5 hours later 21008526 Anonymous (1360176824373.jpg 720x720 93kB)
5 hours later 21008552 Anonymous
>implying anybody wants to travel to russia
5 hours later 21008561 Anonymous
Christ thats awesome
5 hours later 21008588 Anonymous
sick as fuck
5 hours later 21008670 Anonymous (SMMGradient2.png 400x516 336kB)
some anon posted a tattoo on his arm with pic related
anyone saved it?
5 hours later 21008681 Anonymous
those are from Guy le tatooer arent they ?
5 hours later 21008704 Anonymous (best tatoo.jpg 600x432 51kB)
6 hours later 21008761 Anonymous
jeus fucking christ
what the fuck america
6 hours later 21008763 Anonymous (Au8lk68CIAAsEMZ.jpg large.jpg 760x1022 181kB)
Yuri Boyka's Star placement is perfect. OP's suck.
6 hours later 21008768 Anonymous (1355894519512.png 439x450 295kB)
6 hours later 21008775 Anonymous (boyka.jpg 800x538 88kB)
6 hours later 21008780 Anonymous
I don't think you realise just how dangerous the people who get hose mob tattoos are.
6 hours later 21008803 Anonymous
how can i be yuri boyka
6 hours later 21008819 Anonymous
Why not just buy a t-shirt and wear that instead?
6 hours later 21008828 Anonymous
mofo was crazy in Rock n Rolla
I mired hard in that movie
6 hours later 21008831 Anonymous
lmao faggot
6 hours later 21008948 Anonymous (tattooed-men.jpg 720x720 100kB)
6 hours later 21008949 Anonymous (tumblr_mk1zjstBmZ1qerbdoo1_r1_500.jpg 334x750 83kB)
6 hours later 21008974 Anonymous (tumblr_mjbv94vbF71re71vio1_500.jpg 500x591 83kB)
6 hours later 21009010 Anonymous (20100801andrea.jpg 480x640 48kB)
Gonna get this shit
6 hours later 21009045 Anonymous
That tattoo is awesome as fuck good sir.
6 hours later 21009122 Anonymous (5k5nQA6.jpg 618x378 44kB)
Yes, some of you don't like tats full stop, but my personal tip for avoiding trashiness with tattoos is YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!
As a fan of heavy metal I see this time and time again, as gigs, at festivals, even with mates (though I wouldn't say out of politeness). People go to their friend who will do them a whole arm piece for £80, and it just looks awful (I have a girl on Facebook who does this, should anyone want to see them - wiggly lines, blotchiness and poor shading errywhere).
If you want a tat, think up your idea and refine it in your head until you are truly happy with it, don't get one on a whim. Save up too, like I said.
6 hours later 21009203 Anonymous (abo.png 262x395 168kB)
6 hours later 21009227 Anonymous
>tfw you will never be Hawkeye ;_;
6 hours later 21009410 Anonymous
i want to get some norse myth tattoos
they look fucking badass as fuck
also im white
7 hours later 21009429 Anonymous
7 hours later 21010114 Anonymous
That's the them I'm going for. I have a tree that looks like Yggdrasil on my arm (although it's meant to me part of a norse/germanic forest scene that I'll make in to a sleeve).
I'd post it, but you know people on here "HURR DURR IT OFFENDS MY FEDORA!!!"
7 hours later 21010186 Anonymous
I'm going to get a Norse sleeve and a Gaelic sleeve. Get an Aegishjalmur yet?
Please post it m8.
8 hours later 21010272 Anonymous (bendertattoo.jpg 303x166 7kB)
speaking of tattoos...
Since i'm a ginger and my name is Fry, i've been thinking of getting this tattoo.
8 hours later 21010274 Anonymous
they all look like shit if you are any further than a foot way from the person, just looks like a blob of burned skin or some sorta growth.
8 hours later 21010302 Anonymous
Ma almeno sei di roma?
8 hours later 21010320 Anonymous
Pic or GTFO
8 hours later 21010334 Anonymous (546782_10151215110621629_1911848141_n.jpg 720x960 49kB)
Halfway through last years bulk when I had this done. This oily look is from the balm they gave me to help it heal.
Only tat so far. Would like a valknut on my left chest, and to fill in a forest scene around the tree, mountains in the backgrounds, with a small dash of colour from the Aurora Borealis behind.
Thinking for my right arm a tribute to pagan heros, such as Trondur, in "Mammen" style norse art.
8 hours later 21010349 Anonymous
Look up "guy le tattooer"
Only tattoos I find aesthetic. It has to be art, or else why bother?
8 hours later 21010350 Anonymous
but that's all misaligned and shit
8 hours later 21010357 Anonymous
gay as fuck lol, looks dumb
8 hours later 21010361 Anonymous
THIS. The shoulder star tats mean "I don't take shit from anyone" and are for Russian Prisons.
8 hours later 21010397 Anonymous
8 hours later 21010400 Anonymous
In that picture it is, but trust me it is level in real life. Bad angle, thats all
How did I see that coming...
8 hours later 21010432 Anonymous
These are the only good tattoos ITT, would like Achilles on my lower calf, for the irony
8 hours later 21010446 Anonymous
I know it's because I just woke up, but I could have sworn I read "when I'm wearing a fedora and shorts"
8 hours later 21010499 Anonymous
get rekt faggot :)
get a better tatoo next time :^)
8 hours later 21010526 Anonymous
I would agree with the OP, but some dudes have really cool tats.. like Zyzz..
8 hours later 21010535 Anonymous
My tat is just fine, and it'll look sick as a sleeve.
Enjoy your MLP transfer on your 3rd chin, you autistic fuck
8 hours later 21010540 Anonymous
looks like you need to start lifting tho
8 hours later 21010541 Anonymous
>using Zyzz as a rolemodel
I hate this board sometimes
8 hours later 21010551 Anonymous
way to fuck that up
8 hours later 21010585 Anonymous
8 hours later 21010595 Anonymous
using quotes when all you have is a shitty arguement, is a shitty arguement - A. Guy
8 hours later 21010609 KALOKAGATHIA
8 hours later 21010661 Anonymous
I once fucked a girl with the bioshock chains on her wrists. She was tryhard as fuck and bad at sex
9 hours later 21011136 Anonymous
Well I'm covered in tattoos, both my arms, my chest, one leg, one of my hands, and I'm barely ottermode but bitches flock over me and it's easy mode, plus I love them so I can do what the fuck I want
9 hours later 21011176 Anonymous
Those stars will get you killed in russia
9 hours later 21011277 Anonymous (1346869058562.gif 240x203 1710kB)
Even Zyzz thought that most tattoos are unaesthetic. He took (atleast one of them) to hide his birth marks.
Imo tattoos are pretty stupid.
10 hours later 21011836 Anonymous
why the fuck would you get a tattoo like that?
10 hours later 21011864 Anonymous
>even zyzz
A dead amateur bodybuilder, little known outside of an anime imageboard for teens with social anxiety, thought tattoos are unaesthetic, though he had them himself? Def not getting any tats now
10 hours later 21011870 Anonymous
You mean the rose one on his oblique?
He was actually trying to cover oil burns he got from cooking shirtless
10 hours later 21012109 Anonymous
>little known
Bro, he's known by anyone who is interested in bodybuilding, as well as almost being a celebrity in auz.
He was a pretty cool bloke who went from being a skinny nerd who played WOW to a sick cunt.
If a tat looks good then get it, don't go looking for a fucking meaning to get a tattoo.
10 hours later 21012226 Anonymous (image.jpg 1052x530 154kB)
What does /fit/ think of this tattoo? I'm thinking of getting something similar to it to cover up the stretch marks on my arms/delts.
Also dumping some other good tattoos
10 hours later 21012248 Anonymous
Looks fucking horrible
10 hours later 21012267 Anonymous (image.jpg 500x500 95kB)
10 hours later 21012278 Anonymous (image.jpg 539x740 148kB)
10 hours later 21012308 Anonymous (image.jpg 500x428 84kB)
10 hours later 21012324 Anonymous (image.jpg 630x930 138kB)
10 hours later 21012344 Anonymous (wh40k tat.jpg 800x984 204kB)
thinkin bout getting this soon
10 hours later 21012361 Anonymous (image.jpg 192x278 23kB)
10 hours later 21012423 Anonymous
Damn that's a shit ton of ink brah. I can't even imagine how many hours it'll take to get that done. Pair that tatt with a 500+ deadlift and you'll be a beast.
10 hours later 21012445 Anonymous
Oh wow. Forget fedoras and fantasy sword replicas, THIS is the final solution to keep your virginity until wizardry.
10 hours later 21012446 Anonymous
That tattoo will not age well, will be extremely expensive, and is absolutely meaningless.
You will look like a burn victim in 5 or 6 years.
Hurr Durr Chaos Spuce Murine!
10 hours later 21012449 Anonymous (image.jpg 370x608 83kB)
10 hours later 21012519 Anonymous
kill yourself mode initiated
11 hours later 21012589 Anonymous (1358519358975.jpg 500x309 35kB)
11 hours later 21012597 Anonymous (1363642249349.jpg 427x640 137kB)
11 hours later 21012601 Anonymous
why is that squid giving the whale a blowjob?
11 hours later 21012607 Anonymous (1358529593336.jpg 1176x679 279kB)
I have a thing with tentacles
11 hours later 21012625 Anonymous (1358516262865.jpg 1920x1200 499kB)
They love eachother
11 hours later 21012639 Anonymous (1358515630405.jpg 412x412 37kB)
11 hours later 21012676 Anonymous (1358514772784.jpg 408x557 36kB)
11 hours later 21012699 Anonymous (tattoo_ryan-whittaker_200x362.png 200x362 127kB)
11 hours later 21012704 Meskamok (1371090036532.jpg 472x762 371kB)
11 hours later 21012724 Anonymous (1358514142604.jpg 640x494 83kB)
11 hours later 21012726 Anonymous
A-are you an architect?
11 hours later 21012730 Anonymous
OMG!! Thats like soooo deep,, <3 :3
11 hours later 21012833 Anonymous
That is fucking horrible. It'd look a lot better on a different body part.
11 hours later 21012887 Anonymous
Why is this thread still here? It was around last night.
Then again, why am I here again?
11 hours later 21012893 Anonymous (tumblr_lhlfc6rrWv1qd9o49o1_500.jpg 500x574 81kB)
tfw Hindu
11 hours later 21012910 Anonymous
i see no problems with this
11 hours later 21013223 Anonymous
not even once
11 hours later 21013237 Anonymous
I'd love to see your body, god damn neck beard
11 hours later 21013278 Anonymous
11 hours later 21013288 Anonymous
>What's a Hindu?
>It liys iggs (Kiwi accent)
11 hours later 21013321 Anonymous (ss (2013-06-27 at 11.36.06).jpg 755x543 155kB)
What's wrong with hinduism?
We remember the gods that Europeans have forgotten along with our own. An ancient and proud system of faiths with no central overriding dogma, providing an environment where free thought and scientific enquiry are encouraged.
Also, rad fucking gods.
Get on my level.
11 hours later 21013328 Anonymous
Tattoos are for low lifes
11 hours later 21013361 Anonymous
>enforcing your views on everyone else
Such is the life of all religious people and most other cunts as well
11 hours later 21013377 Anonymous
Plebs are the only people who get tats
11 hours later 21013381 Anonymous (shoulder-tribal.jpg 600x450 28kB)
What do you guys think of this? I'm thinking of getting something in this style as just a shoulder cap.
11 hours later 21013393 Anonymous
But tattoos don't look awesome you retard.
11 hours later 21013395 Anonymous
Tribal tatts are tatts that everyone has.
Unless it's your fucking tribe and you understand what the pattern means, it's pointless and stupid.
11 hours later 21013431 Anonymous
All tattoos are stupid, they're for uneducated white trash rednecks
11 hours later 21013458 Anonymous (20130605_190116.jpg 1200x1600 634kB)
havent seen anything ITT yet but just wonna hear som thoughts on my new tato? and yes i know its spelled wrong dont get me startet...
11 hours later 21013466 Anonymous
>tfw not white
>tfw have a tattoo of the emblem of my warrior clan
>tfw have a masters degree in engineering
You're a fucking retard m8.
11 hours later 21013468 Anonymous
> only whites have tats
> all whites are "rednecks"
> implying
> implying
> implying
> implying
11 hours later 21013504 Anonymous (IMG_0933.png 640x1136 1644kB)
11 hours later 21013511 Anonymous
Hahaha someone who has tats is in no position to call anybody a retard
11 hours later 21013525 Anonymous
stay buttmad beta
11 hours later 21013544 Anonymous
>to be the best you got to pass the test
>pass the test
>pass on the testosterone
a natty anthem for us all, well done
11 hours later 21013545 Anonymous (lanes[1].png 740x1727 166kB)
Given how often cancer itself can show up again, that tattoo may have a darker, more ironic meaning.
11 hours later 21013553 Anonymous
Tattoos that try to look like they're interacting with your flesh are tacky/gimmicky as fuck, IMO.
11 hours later 21013581 Anonymous
>calls me beta
>he has tattoos
top lel
11 hours later 21013582 Anonymous
damn that shit looks gay
>getting a tattoo when DYEL
>"gotta be the best!"
11 hours later 21013622 Anonymous
You probably spelled the tattoo wrong because you don't know how to spell lots of words.
You are not doing the tattoo movement a favor.
11 hours later 21013624 Anonymous
>has his high school diploma
beta as fuck
11 hours later 21013632 wolfbrah wolf tattoos
I want a wolf tattoo on my upper left/right back area, not too big, not too small
Any opinions?
I just fucking love wolves - deep, focused and aesthetic as fuck
Any opinions /fit/?
11 hours later 21013639 Anonymous (Photo Jul 01, 12 08 15.png 640x1136 1671kB)
>giving a fuck, whatsoever, what a bunch of 17 year old think about tattoo's or their engineering degrees.
when some of you kids start seeing actual women outside of .jpg format, reality is gunna knock your teeth out when it comes to what women find desireable, versus whatever elitist shit you cooked up on the internet.
12 hours later 21013658 Anonymous (A5cpcECCUAAA1ZO.jpg_large.jpg 768x1024 53kB)
12 hours later 21013666 Anonymous (Picture 61.jpg 1600x1200 540kB)
yeh im dyel ofc post a pic yourself
12 hours later 21013688 Noonga (1340290657073.jpg 372x473 30kB)
he was an out of shape fat fuck who did steroids
12 hours later 21013696 Anonymous
yeh trust me i felt like shooting myself after finding out and no my english aint good at all
12 hours later 21013697 Anonymous (1372694567082.png 640x1136 1506kB)
a new one from today
12 hours later 21013714 Anonymous
>speaking anything other than English
my seids
12 hours later 21013722 Anonymous
You're a big guy.
12 hours later 21013723 Anonymous
12 hours later 21013729 Anonymous
fuck cant find it, saw that shit few days ago 2
12 hours later 21013751 Anonymous
If I was a mathematics major I would get formulas and other cool stuff tattooed on me.
But I am not.
12 hours later 21013762 Anonymous
As if that negates his accomplishments. Fuck you, prick.
12 hours later 21013773 Anonymous (zYgVYT2[1].png 459x439 32kB)
Jesus christ man. If you want it then get it. If you really have to ask other people for their opinion then that's a pretty good sign of a bad idea. Just commission a good artist and get a good one you won't regret down the line.
I'm actually getting a head of a lion on the left side of my chest, a head of a wolf on the right and something inbetween, no idea what yet. Maybe nothing - I want the two heads to come together somehow, I'll get to that when I'll have the heads more or less ready. Still experimenting with the way they're going to look, going to draw them with a calligraphy brush and maybe some watercolor for a little dash of color. Not much, I prefer to go the minimalistic route, I'd rather have my skin as the main backdrop.
Pictured - a VERY rough draft of the left side, practically no detail and at this point it's just a shitty sketch no. 12432 I've made. I think that I'm going to stick with the shape this time around.
12 hours later 21013786 Anonymous
>Getting a mediocre build with steroids
12 hours later 21013804 Anonymous
Getting a tattoo from a binder in the parlor is retarded
Getting a meaningful tattoo is not.
12 hours later 21013831 Anonymous
>70 years old
>that build
12 hours later 21013843 Anonymous
rofl.. SO MAD
but seriously bro your tattoo looks gay , like some hippy shit
12 hours later 21013861 Anonymous
That's actually decent looking, but the ear looks kind of strange
I think it's too scruffy looking when compared with the mane
12 hours later 21013863 Anonymous (IMG_1224.jpg 2448x3264 2793kB)
>hurr im brand new to tattoo's
>every tattoo has to be this special deep snowflake that has a very important meaning about my fathers death and a butterfly he gave me when i was 9 to remind of the day I heard my first bible verse
yup, hey, corny corny corny corny corny corny corny
12 hours later 21013881 Anonymous
and this. I am impressed with the amount of negative replies. Enjoy your sword tattoo on your ass cheek, I guess. I'm sure it'll make for a nice conversation starter with the nurses once you're in a retirement home and they have to change your diaper.
12 hours later 21013884 Anonymous
you look like a faggot and your tattos make you look even more queer. gj lol
12 hours later 21013895 Anonymous
You seem to think that being old makes something that isn't very impressive, impressive.
My uncle is one of those losers who happens to have mid-life crisis' every 5 years. (now 55) and he's blasting deca-test jacked again. Should I be impressed with his 3 months of working-out
12 hours later 21013902 Anonymous
>That's actually decent looking, but the ear looks kind of strange
Yeah, still trying to get the ear figured out along with other details - just pasted in one of the attempts, going to make it look more like the rest of the mane.
12 hours later 21013916 Anonymous
Khol's graphic tee, the tattoo
12 hours later 21013935 Anonymous
Overall, it's pretty good, and minimalist tattoos like that design always look the best
Good luck
12 hours later 21013944 Anonymous
Thanks man, gonna keep working on it.
12 hours later 21013952 Anonymous (e8770b392907.jpg 640x480 61kB)
> autistic retards in charge of getting tattoos
not even once
you spastics need to learn that tattoos only look good if they are scumbag tats and done by a person who gives no fucks..
your autistic self concious "norse mythology" pretentious bullshit doesnt work.
see pic related f or what is a badass tattoo
12 hours later 21013961 Anonymous (IMG_1260.png 640x1136 1639kB)
does my dick make me look gay tho?
12 hours later 21013987 Anonymous
jesus christ why is this so funny to me
12 hours later 21013989 Anonymous
I don't think that haircut is working for you man, you could at least a little volume on the sides.
12 hours later 21014003 Anonymous
you could use*
12 hours later 21014008 Anonymous (tattoo2.preview.jpg 240x320 22kB)
> why this tattoo works
the message is bold and clear.
It does not try to be pretentious or 2deep 4u
it suits the owner perfectly
here is another example of a tattoo done right
12 hours later 21014022 Anonymous
the wind hes blowing actually looks like its the end of the dick thats going into his mouth
12 hours later 21014023 Anonymous
dude i was going to tell you what a faggot you are some more, but badass RTL t shirt... so i will let you off this time..
12 hours later 21014050 Anonymous
This man started working out when he was fucking 70 you retard.
12 hours later 21014054 Anonymous (spongebob_by_SimplyTattoo.jpg 900x1202 156kB)
following on from this, the majority of this board is braindead, boring and very self concious.. with no personality apart from epic trell u mad lelz am i zyzz yet .. the only tatoo you could pull of is pic related
12 hours later 21014063 Anonymous (Photo Jul 01, 12 08 07.png 640x1136 1356kB)
all hate is really love. Im the most loved person no matter which way you look at it.
12 hours later 21014071 Anonymous (Justin-Bieber-New-Tattoos.jpg 659x927 464kB)
getting a tattoo
shit like that use to have a meaning
12 hours later 21014105 Anonymous
i think it looks fucking awesome, saved
12 hours later 21014125 Anonymous (Photo Mar 11, 17 29 31.jpg 768x1024 232kB)
12 hours later 21014129 Anonymous
you know you are deluding yourself lol.. youre trying to hard to be cocky bro and it doesnt suit you, as you dont have the face to pull it off
your dick is very small btw, idk why you post it?
12 hours later 21014135 Anonymous
i think this looks cool as hell, though i dont like the spot he chose very much
12 hours later 21014158 wolfbrah
No i was asking for any suggestions for what to actually get,
Im sure i want a wolf though
12 hours later 21014163 Anonymous
Ohhh my sides
12 hours later 21014237 Anonymous
mirin small nips, you'll make it
12 hours later 21014263 Anonymous
if i'm even alive at 60-70 yrs old you bet your dumb ass I'm blast test/tren/deca and copious gh
12 hours later 21014264 Anonymous (597120605_e61a4ec005_b.jpg 1010x1024 672kB)
>mfw virtually the same thread was on /v/
>mfw OP sounds like some fag on arguably the worst board on 4chan
12 hours later 21014265 Anonymous (IMG_1231.png 640x1136 1243kB)
im a complete badass, is why
12 hours later 21014294 Anonymous
that tat is sick af.
12 hours later 21014314 Anonymous (Photo Jun 14, 19 23 57.jpg 2340x2340 1725kB)
12 hours later 21014318 Anonymous
>No i was asking for any suggestions for what to actually get,
Oh. Well - try to be creative with it, that's for sure.
I mean, look at this motherfucker:
He's got an autumn leaf, an eagle and a fucking rabbit in there. All cleverly put together. I'd say that's what you should be aiming for.
Google image some wolves, drawings of wolves, tattoos of wolves - print out what you like, show it to a reputable tattoo artist and go from there.
12 hours later 21014336 Anonymous
my dad has a motorbike too.. but you seem to be even more of an insecure limp dick than even him!
12 hours later 21014351 OCB (elegant-sleeve.jpg 960x960 142kB)
This tattoo looks fucking awesome
12 hours later 21014377 Anonymous
What is that?
12 hours later 21014401 Anonymous
My sides...they won't stop. On another note, what he said.
12 hours later 21014432 Anonymous
>implying all this detail will be gone in less than a year and it will look like shit
12 hours later 21014435 Anonymous (me XDDDDD.jpg 610x508 166kB)
12 hours later 21014437 Anonymous (IMG_1209.jpg 2340x2340 1812kB)
1989 kawasaki 454 ltd. I chopped it up over the past year. makes approx 51 hp, weights a little less than 300lbs, 6 speed gearbox.
12 hours later 21014470 Anonymous (1918419472.jpg 438x658 93kB)
I post this tattoo every time I see one of these threads.
Go on, tell me this isn't art, and tell me it doesn't enhance his aesthetics at all.
12 hours later 21014475 Anonymous
12 hours later 21014484 Anonymous
I'd love to get a photo-realistic tattoo of a B-29. I grew up going to airshows in Texas, and they'd always re-enact pearl harbor, the Doolittle raid, and Hiroshima with the actual planes. The climax was FiFi doing a flyover and a fuckhuge explosion going off. I guess it got ingrained in my little head and now I have a huge romantic attachment to WWII design.
Motherfucking FiFi. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xzb p92V3GY
12 hours later 21014510 Anonymous
hey cool, i hope you have $7k or know the artist as a friend personally.
12 hours later 21014513 Anonymous
And who gives a fuck about Jimmy Buffett?
12 hours later 21014548 Anonymous
looks like a DYEL so he had no body aesthetics
12 hours later 21014553 Anonymous (10-2-05airsho-700-sentimental-journey.jpg 2372x1152 276kB)
12 hours later 21014666 Anonymous
same here m8 but i want a b24
12 hours later 21014685 Anonymous
Christian Bale?
13 hours later 21014800 Anonymous
13 hours later 21014930 Anonymous
dat liberator
13 hours later 21015303 Anonymous
go to russia
get thrown in prison
13 hours later 21015329 Anonymous
If only he lifted.
13 hours later 21015376 Anonymous
Did he really post Russian mafia tattoos on the shoulders?
13 hours later 21015492 Anonymous (264756_185855071472892_100001452003417_544375_792477_n.jpg 537x720 90kB)
Mirin tattoo.
Also you body looks juicy.
13 hours later 21015650 Anonymous (2306162_3_b.jpg 768x573 384kB)
What the fuck is this shit?
Pic related.
A real motorcycle.
14 hours later 21015853 Anonymous
Well, you could interpret it as the patient killing a phoenix (the cancer) which is supposed to be immortal.
14 hours later 21015892 Anonymous
250cc with street wheels? bitch, take that thing out in the jungle where it belongs
14 hours later 21015907 Anonymous (5070262828_5f2665a67f_z[1].jpg 640x427 130kB)
I was thinking about getting this, but different spot and maybe drop the text or change it to something that means something to me, opinions?
14 hours later 21015910 Anonymous
Weird tattoo.
Also you body looks like a pregnant woman.
14 hours later 21015941 Anonymous
Yeah nah viking tats are infinitely better than swastikas
14 hours later 21015943 Anonymous (1371156048903.gif 300x160 1391kB)
this guy just posted in the DBT on /o/ and we all laughed at him.
14 hours later 21015994 Anonymous (1371597005342.png 447x341 193kB)
Sweet quote there sun tzu. did that come with your fedora?
14 hours later 21015996 Anonymous
I'm white and I think tatoos look shit on white people.
It's for blacks and browns imo.
14 hours later 21016000 Anonymous
my girlfriend wants a tattoo and i literally told her she can't get one
>inb4 oppression
14 hours later 21016081 Anonymous
You don't get symbolism, do you?
14 hours later 21016092 Anonymous
subjective opinion is subjective
14 hours later 21016103 Anonymous
Yeah, I don't know. A smear? Sure, if that's what you want then go for it, but I personally would advise against solid black tattoos. Also typography very rarely looks good on skin, so I would advise against quotes as well. If you want it to mean something then get something meaningful instead of a smear.
And I wouldn't get what other people already have.
Sounds to me like you don't want anything in particular, you just want to get stabbed with a needle repeatedly as long as it looks semi decent. I'd reconsider, think about it for a while and then decide. There's no rush, once I got my first shitty tattoo, suddenly hundreds of ideas started popping into my head. A lot of ideas and so very little real estate. Value it, don't make the mistake some make.
Good luck.
14 hours later 21016171 Anonymous
All tattoos with text in it are total gay as fuck
14 hours later 21016189 Anonymous
for you
14 hours later 21016201 Anonymous
Thanks mate, really made me reconsider
14 hours later 21016229 Anonymous
I usually get aesthetic shadows like subtle shading on my abs to bring them out more or an outline of my biceps / triceps to make them more pronounced.
Gonna do a highlight on my lats next to make them really pop.
Point is Tattoos can be used for aesthetics and can enhance what is already there if you use them intelligently. They don't need to just serve as distractions from your natural beauty.
14 hours later 21016249 Anonymous
God fucking damnit stop trolling you autistic fuck
He was fucking 70 years old, 50 years ain't shit compared to that
Yeah I mad but tommorw I'll be calm and you'll still be a fucking autist
14 hours later 21016327 Anonymous
If that old turd can get that kind of size at his age with juice, it makes me wonder how big I can get on it
14 hours later 21016376 Anonymous (1363843659839.jpg 612x612 135kB)
14 hours later 21016412 Anonymous (contra-game.jpg 820x1123 210kB)
14 hours later 21016436 Anonymous (faceTattoo_2471516b.jpg 620x387 54kB)
The only bad tattoos are people who obviously don't give a shit about quality/integrity and get pointless shit that says nothing more than "I have no self control or esteem."
14 hours later 21016444 Anonymous
That is fucking pathetic.
14 hours later 21016446 Anonymous
Because of the women. Seriously, you'd never think it, seeing as all the men are retarded, ugly, drunk and sporting mullets, and women over 40 seem to be 5'3 midgets and look like they're 80+.
But chicks between 18-40 look fucking godly, and most of them know how to dress. High heels, dresses everywhere, no matter the fucking weather.
I was in st. petersburg a couple of years ago and I was mirin all the time.
Also, St. Petersburg looks fucking beautiful itself. Dat history, dat architechture.
Too bad they all hate foreigners though.
14 hours later 21016464 Anonymous
huh, that is surpisingly cool
14 hours later 21016487 Anonymous
damn that is one beautiful art style. You know who did it?
14 hours later 21016531 Anonymous
The laurel is shit but the rest is fucking beautiful.
14 hours later 21016549 Anonymous
is it that bad with the foreigner hating? I've heard about it before, tourists are not very welcome.
thought about going to st. Petersburg and maybe moscow this summer
14 hours later 21016552 Anonymous
any advice brahz
went to get a tattoo, didn't have much money but told him what I wanted, he said he would draw up the whole thing and that I had enough for one line of ink
ok that's cool brah, he start and it hurtz like a bitch
first tatto ever, on my side upper rib cage, whole thing complete will be down to my hip bone
is the prayer from boondock saints
any tips or anything to much it NOT HURT so fucking bad the next time I go in, or was the dude giving me the tatoo just retarded and doing it wrong
14 hours later 21016601 Anonymous
Personally I think those that look like they hang onto skin and such look horribly disgusting and as some other anon said, gimmicky.
But sure, go for it if you want to. My opinion is mine, yours is yours.
14 hours later 21016635 Anonymous
bad placement
Way too much black. The balance between bare skin and ink should be about equal, else it will age horrbily.
Cliche as fuck
Avoid large, straight geometry. As you get older, the straight lines will deform and it will look bad. On that scale, organic shapes are way better.
I like this
14 hours later 21016693 Anonymous
>upper rib cage
Nah, perfectly normal.
I had about seven hours of work put into a tattoo (with two 15 minute breaks - they actually make it worse). Coloring and everything. On the fourth pass with the coloring, it was fucking agony.
14 hours later 21016709 Anonymous
>into a tattoo on my ribcage
14 hours later 21016818 Anonymous
I was there with a lot of people, and we weren't trying to hook up with anyone, but people weren't very welcoming.
Some are very nice, of course, but in general, they're not.
It's best to go there in a small group, because language barriers and the slight hostility will make it a bit hard to socialize.
But I'd def go to ST. Petersburg. Don't know anything about moscow though.
St. Petersburg is interesting as fuck, due to the history of the place, the architechture, and the contrast between the city and it's people.
Like the metro stations are marble, with chandeliers and shit, but the trains are dirty S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-tier shit.
and the blue palace, a museum, is beautiful beyond fucking belief. Gold and marble everywhere, it's mindblowing. But when I was there, some dudes in military outfits patrolled wiht AK's covered in blue duct-tape. It's full of those weird contrasts.
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