4chan archive /fit/ (index)
2013-07-01 07:17 21003806 Anonymous (mega feel.png 227x251 157kB)
>you meet a nice girl >you find her on facebook >you have to force yourself with every ounce of your self control not to friend her immediately

9 min later 21003949 Anonymous (zZNtzya.jpg 679x593 71kB)
>>21003806 nothing says "p-please don't fuck me" like friending a girl the night you met her

10 min later 21003971 Anonymous
>>21003806 >implying i have a facebook >implying i don't stalk them anyway with a troll account

11 min later 21003984 Anonymous
>facebook people still use that shit?

13 min later 21004010 Anonymous
>>21003949 I've made this mistake Cuts deep bro

14 min later 21004024 Anonymous
>>21003949 >what dyel neckbeards actually think muscle looks like

18 min later 21004080 Anonymous
>>21003949 Is this comic character on synthol?

28 min later 21004232 Anonymous (1350947618479.png 586x456 72kB)
>>21004010 >be freshman in college, pledging frat >at frat party, drinking and socializing >8/10 petite blonde with huge rack comes up, says I look familiar >turns out my dad was one of her high school teachers >get to talking, she clearly is interested (/fit/ gainz) >because I'm a stupid freshman, brag about how good I am at drinking games >she asks me to play a drinking game with her, flip cup >I'm designated the leader of my 5 man team, first to go, but never played the game in my life >ohgodwhathaveigottenmyselfinto.png >game starts, chug my beer and begin to try and flip the cup to land on it's end >not even getting close, the other team is on it's 3rd person now >at this point, spaghetti is flowing from all of my pockets as I attempt to salvage this >other team finishes, I never manage to flip the cup >awkward laugh, say "m-maybe next time I'll try" >spaghetti was so bad everyone at the party is just staring >she look at me with a mixture of disgust and pity and says "good try anon, but maybe you should sit out next game" >all i can manage to say is "o-okay" >watch a few more games, then leave party, walk all the way back to my dorm room >search facebook for three hours trying to find her >eventually manage to find her, send her request >message her "hows it going?" >tfw still no reply

31 min later 21004270 Anonymous
>>21004232 >people being douches at a frat party Who in the fuck would have seen that coming, right?

33 min later 21004302 Anonymous
>not having a gf to take meth with at festivals

34 min later 21004323 Anonymous
>>21004024 Your missing the joke. The /fit/ guy only has biceps and a six pack. Its joking that he only lifts for girls, thus his dissapointment and depression when he realizes it didnt work.

36 min later 21004344 Anonymous
>>21004270 >Pledging a frat You deserved it

37 min later 21004369 Anonymous
>Occasionally mire charming, average girl at gym that trains really hard. >She's there every time I work out. >Finally make small talk with her after a while, get her name, and then move on to continue my work out. >Wanna ask her out but dont know if I should do it asap or have a few more conversations with her first. Help me /fit/. I swear I'm not a complete social retard, but I've never asked a gymgurl out before.

39 min later 21004407 Anonymous
>>21004302 >tfw no co-dependant heroin addicted gf

39 min later 21004412 Anonymous
>>21004369 When your compass breaks just follow your heart <3

46 min later 21004504 Anonymous (1318282547616.jpg 3072x2304 1016kB)
>>21004270 >>21004344 i cringe every time i think about it............

1 hours later 21005096 Anonymous
>>21003984 Every time.

1 hours later 21005120 Anonymous
>>21004232 You best be practicing flip cup, my nigga.

1 hours later 21005148 Anonymous
>>21004369 Probably ASAP so you don't waste too much mindspace thinking about it

1 hours later 21005599 Anonymous
fb = pussy magnet

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