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2013-07-01 07:03 21003622 Anonymous (34624312.png 760x524 662kB)
How do Asians eat all those simple carbs and not end up with the beetus?
All those noodles and rice and yet it seems to not be a problem.
1 min later 21003636 Anonymous
they dont eat a lot
1 min later 21003638 Anonymous
2 min later 21003648 Anonymous
2 min later 21003653 Anonymous
portion control and cultural pressure
2 min later 21003657 Anonymous
They do. My grandma had it.
4 min later 21003679 Anonymous
Natural selection.
That has been the diet of the majority of the chinks for a long long time and the 1s that couldn't handle it died at 30, and all the genocides helped thin out the already poor gene pool.
4 min later 21003683 Anonymous
you think we sit around and eat a bowl of rice?
it's a mixed meal.
prot, fats, veg, carbs.
guess what. glycemic index doesn't mean shit when you have MULTIPLE ingredients.
5 min later 21003691 Anonymous
what do you mean by cultural pressure?
to not eat a lot?
6 min later 21003704 Anonymous
Gooks aren't actually human.
6 min later 21003706 Anonymous
Asians have extremely high rates of kidney failure though.
7 min later 21003714 Anonymous
no but it's the main component of most meals
I hardly contribute carbs to my meals
My meals are more like fish on a bed of salad and mixed veg than rice
9 min later 21003737 Anonymous
In (many) Asian cultures, it's pretty normal for people to say that you're looking fat. You get called on your shit much more than here.
A lot of the Japanese and Chinese mothers I've heard about, in particular, get on their daughters to stay slim (and fair).
11 min later 21003759 Anonymous
rice and noodles are side dishes you retarded fucks
12 min later 21003777 Anonymous
Squats, they squat to poop.
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