4chan archive /fit/ (index)
2013-07-01 06:52 21003435 Anonymous (Weber+One-Touch+Gold+Kettle+Charcoal+BBQ+Grill.jpg 320x320 17kB)
So, /fit/ question for you all. I know many of you lift for the grills, but in the end is it worth it? To workout hard just so shallow women give you attention and then railing them for an emotionless 15 minutes. Is the whole "party it up fuck bitches" scene worth it over just finding the one girl who will be there for you no matter what?
1 min later 21003453 Anonymous
Not really my scene. I don't want some whore STDs just to get off for 10 minutes.
2 min later 21003478 Anonymous
3 min later 21003487 Anonymous
> implying anyone here gets grills
> implying we don't still live in our parents basement
5 min later 21003542 Anonymous
I love myself more than those grills ever could. I love to see myself grow and get better, in and out of the gym. I pretend all girls are ugly now, less fucks have been given since
5 min later 21003547 Anonymous
Honestly, it ain't worth it, OP. I've wasted so much time on dumb women that when a perfect one comes along I fuck it up. Don't let society's views on living it large while young brainwash you.
5 min later 21003548 Anonymous (a man's face when.gif 500x297 996kB)
nigga what
just because you're in good shape doesn't mean you're limited to whores and sluts and shit
not like all qt 3.14s hate guys in good shape or anything
getting shredded is satisfying as fuck and you feel way better about yourself regardless of how you're doing with the ladies
7 min later 21003569 Anonymous
> No gf The new fragrance from thatfeel
8 min later 21003602 Anonymous
Most college girls are dumb as fukh, srs. I stopped wasting my time and lift only for me.
11 min later 21003631 Anonymous
I'm 25, op, and the way I see it is there's two types of crowds. One will settle down with their qt honey and have kids, the other will party it up, fuck bitches, but feel empty forever.
27 min later 21003858 Anonymous
Op detected for being beta
30 min later 21003889 Anonymous
I lift for an ego boost. Also my friends and i do a lot of physical activities so its nice to be able to compete.
40 min later 21004043 Anonymous
>not fucking the nice qt3.14 like useless sluts and dating the shallow whores
What the fuck are you doing?
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