4chan archive /fit/ (index)
2013-07-01 06:47 21003349 Anonymous (solonely.png 710x711 865kB)
>TFW lifting consistently 4 days a week and 2 cardio days on top of that with a 40 hour/wk job. >TFW ever since I started working out years ago friends have abandoned me >TFW only find girls that only want to fuck (not that I don't take the offer on getting the dicky sticky) >TFW feel so alone now in this world ever since I turned 23 years old (turning 27) Is this really what I had pictured at 27? Not at all. If there's any advice I can give you guys it's don't miss out on opportunities to hang out with friends. (not that I did) No one has time for each other anymore and it's kind of upsetting when you really look at it. Friends come and go, that is certain. The ones that say are the ones you need to hold onto.

8 min later 21003506 Anonymous (image.jpg 338x430 20kB)
>>21003349 >24 >had fiancé of 2.5 years >broke up >parents divorced same year >parrents, siblings, all moved to other states for college/work >rent old home out and live alone >Tfw empty nest syndrome >forearm splints so toughed out a rest week last week >stabbed finger while gardening, deep, stitches. Banned by doctor from lifting. >Tfw haven't lifted in two weeks.

12 min later 21003574 Anonymous (because.jpg 310x232 10kB)
>2.013 x 10^3 >Implying theres more to life than lifting and fucking bitches.

18 min later 21003663 Anonymous (feel6.jpg 731x800 293kB)
>25 >broke up with girlfriend of 5 years two weeks ago >work 40 hr/week >full time college student >all free time was split between gf and lifting >all free time is now spent lifting >no friend for past several years >she was the only friend I needed >the feel

19 min later 21003678 Anonymous
>>21003663 since she was your only friend, why did you break up?

22 min later 21003707 Anonymous
>>21003678 for 3 solid years she made no attempt to get a job or go to school or better herself in anyway and just lived with me and leeched off of my success and I finally came to the realization that even though I love her, I can't be with a freeloader

24 min later 21003729 Anonymous
>>21003707 damn, sorry to hear that bro

25 min later 21003741 Anonymous (feels.png 500x461 32kB)
>>21003707 left my fiance for pretty much the same reason

25 min later 21003746 Anonymous (feels.gif 500x245 438kB)
>>21003663 >be 18, girlfriend gets into prestigious dance school 500 miles away from home town >move with her to support, her parents can't afford to support her otherwise and I want to stay with her >1 year later, she breaks up with me, quits school and moves back to her parents house >stuck doing 3 year IT degree >500 miles from all my family and friends >home gym, all I do is lift and play/watch starcraft >so lonely

25 min later 21003748 Anonymous
>>21003707 what if she kills herself without your companionship?

26 min later 21003766 Anonymous
>>21003707 did she put out and clean the house? for fucks sake man, women dont belong in the work place. they are suppose to stay home and raise the kids. dumping the bitch for wanting to be a housewife is the dumbest shit

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