4chan archive /fit/ (index)
2013-05-17 06:24 20004927 Anonymous (billfuckingmurray.jpg 500x651 92kB)
how often can i train a certain muscle for maximum growth? I neglected bicepts for a entire year because I didnt want to look like a curlbro (literally skipped every bi-movement and did rows instead). I also neglected back width (its thick, but not wide). can i train bi's everyday? every other? i plan to incorporate more pullups and lat pulldowns to get wider.
>tl;dr how often can i train bi's without overtraining? i skipped them for an entire year.
3 min later 20004982 Islam will dominate the world First target:Sweden
generally 48 hours but biceps are small you can do them every other day
5 min later 20005009 Islam will dominate the world First target:Sweden
err everyday
7 min later 20005035 Anonymous
Thanks bruv.
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