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2013-01-14 01:00 17003874 Anonymous Workout Plan for Consecutive Days? (Chicken Brine.png 832x832 330kB)
My schedule has changed with the New Year and now my most convenient/doable gym days are consecutive (Tu/W/Th). I have an hour and a half on Tu/Th and solid or over 2 hours on Wednesday (carpooling with housemate who has night classes). I usually do a yoga/abs/bodyweight/stretching workout on either Saturday or Sunday. Current routine: 3x5 Squats 3x5 Deadlifts 3x5 Overhead press 2x12 Lat pulldown 3x5 Dumbbell press (bad shoulder doesn't like barbell bench press) 2x15 One arm dumbbell row 2x30 calf raises 3x30 plank Stretching Right now I'm thinking of just doing strength training Tu/Th and a really long cardio session on Wednesday. Or is 2 hours of moderate cardio too much?

5 min later 17004001 Anonymous (week_of_simple_meals.jpg 985x700 542kB)
tl;dr > Need 3-day consecutive routine > Weak-intermediate lifter (~9 months experience, no PT) > Good form achieved, working on adding weight > Main goal is weight loss, slow lift improvement > Also working on lordosis stretching/exercises I also do "cardio" M/F walking dogs at the local shelter. Otherwise sedentary working/school.

8 min later 17004070 Anonymous
Dunno if you'll make much gains doing so much. As a general rule if you're spending more than 45 minutes in the gym you might be overtraining.

29 min later 17004466 Anonymous
>>17004070 So you'd suggest splitting up my current routine into two different shorter ones? I already noticed I don't do well with a push/pull or upper/lower split, I get very tired and end up skimping on my later exercises (tfw no gymbro for quality control). I'd prefer to do two full body workouts, but I can see your point in making them shorter... Would this be a better full body split? A: 3x5 Squat 3x5 OHP 2x12 Lat pulldown 2x25 Calf raise 2x15 Back extension Stretching Cardio B: 3x5 Front Squat 3x5 Deadlift 2x15 Seated cable row 3x5 Dumbbell press 2x25 calf raises 3x30s plank

32 min later 17004516 Anonymous
>>17004466 Neat, triple dubs! Also forgot Stretching + Cardio after B. I guess I could probably leave the calf raises out of B, too. Yes/no?

46 min later 17004777 Anonymous
>>17003874 In my opinion, this is too much. But I am also a minimalist; all I do is deadlift and single presses when I am doing a normal routine (!!!). What I suggest doing is take a minimalist approach. Don't do a split; do the same exercise each day. Consider a working weight for the week, and each day is some percentage of that working weight. Since you have a little extra time on Wednesday, you can toss on squats and curls, assuming you can do those with good form. Ramp up to your working weight (10xbar, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1), then do the working weight for a set of five solid reps with good form. Rest for 3-5 minutes, and decrease your working weight by 10%. Pound out five reps of that. If you think you have more gas in the tank, deload 10% more (so 80% of working load) and pound out five more solid reps after a 3-5 minute break. Your done. Rest 5 minutes before you move on to the next exercise. You want to be working close to your maximal effort. So if you can barely muster 225lbs in a deadlift, you will want your working load to be 200lbs your first week. The first day is 80% of your working load for the week. The next day is 90%. The last day is 100%. So for the 200lb deadlift, you will be doing 160 on Tu, 180 on W, and then on Thu do 200. I recommend: Tu: Deadlift Press (overhead, bench, military ... doesn't matter, pick your favorite upper body press) **Pullups (or lat pulldowns if you can't pull your own bodyweight) [completely optional; grease the groove] W: Deadlift Squat [ramp to working weight, do working weight, unload 10%, unload another 10% if you have gas in the tank] Press Curls [same as squat] Th: Deadlift Press [keep doing 5 sets of 80% with 30s-1.5min rests until you can't do anymore sets of five with solid form] Thank me when you are big and strong, anon

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