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2021-02-17 08:05 28969702 Anonymous $HOGE the DeFi door (IMG_20210217_135642_424.jpg 591x1280 42kB)
DOGE has tricked many, including me, into discovering crypto in general HOGE is tricking people into discovering DeFi. Buy and hold Hoge, watch your wallet earn more Hoge. Join us in Telegram, 2000 members and growing.

0 min later 28969778 Anonymous
how the fuck did u discover hoge before discovering something like bitcoin?

1 min later 28969847 Anonymous
>>28969778 Sir what is this bitcino you are talking about

4 min later 28970058 Anonymous
>>28969702 I am very new to crypto trading, how much would you recommend I put into HOGE? I'm thinking $2000

5 min later 28970146 Anonymous (1611707734833.jpg 190x265 7kB)
>>28969702 >HOGE is tricking people into discovering DeFi. HOGE is tricking people into getting rugpulled

5 min later 28970157 Anonymous
>>28969778 What's bitcoin? You mean boomercoin? I thought that was litecoin? Crazy stuff anon

7 min later 28970301 Anonymous
>>28969702 You should put your all your savings into HOGE

8 min later 28970354 Anonymous
>>28970146 Rugpull? Were talking about Hoge, not husky or dogira bro

8 min later 28970372 Anonymous (Untitled.png 1332x326 63kB)
>>28970146 No such thing, only frens.

8 min later 28970373 Anonymous
>>28969702 >>28969778 >>28969847 >>28970058 >>28970146 >>28970157 >>28970301 sneed

9 min later 28970425 Anonymous
HOGE has locked liquidity and the largest whale owns only 2.5% of total supply. Literally can't be rug pulled... Hoge is a community driven meme generator. Its use case is to bring in new people to crypto/defi.

10 min later 28970508 Anonymous (Best-stock-market-memes-on-the-internet.png 499x512 385kB)
>>28970058 1 ETH Not financial advice.

16 min later 28970938 Anonymous (hogehow2.png 593x1436 138kB)
That was pump and dump, but now it is getting slowly ressurected by telegram group. that is the usual content on telegram, it needs to go on

16 min later 28970981 Anonymous
>>28970058 If you're very new you should stick with lower risk coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum, even if you buy at close to all time high, its bound to pay off long term. Coins like hoge are a complete gamble. That $2,000 could become $20,000 once hoge hits an exchange, or it could dwindle down to $0. There's no real way of knowing. I'm not trying to FUD hoge either, I hold the coin myself, but new buyers need to understand the risk involved in buying early meme coins like this. Good luck anon I hope whatever you choose works out.

18 min later 28971102 Anonymous
>>28970058 2000? How does 20 million EOY sound?

29 min later 28972022 Anonymous
If the high school students behind hoge had any brains they'd invade the doge coin threads because hoge is just a better version of doge. But they're actually retarded Hoge has a fixed supply whereas doge is unlimited. If only this team had half a brain cell between the four of them they'd push that fact instead of "HURRR DUDRRR WURR GUNNA SKAM THE NORMIES XDDDD" but alas bpa and onions has ruined an entire generation

29 min later 28972084 Anonymous
2.4 Billion HOGE stack. Will I become a millionaire?

32 min later 28972309 Anonymous
>>28972022 i'm gonna run this by management--thank you for your contribution

35 min later 28972501 Anonymous
>>28972084 probably before ALGO puts me in the poor house.

35 min later 28972534 Anonymous
>>28972022 Onionpill me anon >>28972084 Fair market value for Hoge is 1 cent eoy

37 min later 28972748 Anonymous
>>28972084 no more than 5 months, screen this

38 min later 28972822 Anonymous
Seems like the telegram has a team developing RealFuckingValue, a twitch stream, and a fuckton of memes. Cant be rugpulled (you can always sell) Every sale contributes to your wallet Also the whales are almost bought out?

38 min later 28972838 Anonymous
>>28972022 That’s completely understandable but I think you fail to realise that dogefaggots are beyond delusional, there’s normies into doge rn that unironically think it will do a Bitcoin (I saw it on twatter I wish I was joking) Plus all of the plebbit faggots who are desperately shilling doge won’t even allow themselves to hear about Hoge, they delete the threads, comments, everything concerning Hoge, were still in the early stages, eventually the delusion will wear thin and retarded normie doge bag holders will eventually fomo into Hoge where the price could 1000x with a bit of luck so I can finally dump my heavy bags on normies, that’s always been a dream of mine kek.

40 min later 28972986 Anonymous
>>28972534 >Fair market value for Hoge is 1 cent eoy what is this even based on

43 min later 28973214 Anonymous
>>28969702 >>28969778 >>28969847 >>28970058 >>28970146 >>28970157 >>28970301 >>28970354 >>28970372 >>28970373 >>28970425 >>28970508 >>28970938 >>28970981 >>28971102 >>28972022 >>28972084 >>28972309 >>28972501 >>28972534 >>28972748 >>28972822 >>28972838 >>28972986 sneed

43 min later 28973243 Anonymous (1612825315764.jpg 2048x1158 233kB)
>>28972986 belief. what is the value of anything based on. people sued fucking sea shell for currency ffs!

43 min later 28973301 Anonymous
>>28973214 Thank you

44 min later 28973309 Anonymous
>>28969702 HOGE threads should include the telegram link fren

46 min later 28973507 Anonymous
>>28970058 What this anon says >>28970981 HOGE is a (wholesome) gamble, and will require resolve/experience to hold through massive dumps and moonshots.

47 min later 28973557 Anonymous (1613094860876.png 1000x1000 54kB)
>>28973309 I kinda miss the generals...

47 min later 28973585 Anonymous
>>28972748 Screened

48 min later 28973664 Anonymous
>>28973243 crazy that pic has all of my bitbean gains and REQ losses in one pic

49 min later 28973706 Anonymous (believe.jpg 1752x790 447kB)
>>28973243 i believe anon

50 min later 28973808 Anonymous
>>28969702 thank you i will now put 2 million dollars in to that making me a 5 times quintippletrillionaire in less than a week very much based fellow anonymous friend

51 min later 28973865 Anonymous
>>28969702 >>28969778 >>28969847 >>28970058 >>28970146 >>28970157 >>28970301 >>28970354 >>28970372 >>28970373 >>28970425 >>28970508 >>28970938 >>28970981 >>28971102 >>28972022 >>28972084 >>28972309 >>28972501 >>28972534 >>28972748 >>28972822 >>28972838 >>28972986 >>28973214 >>28973243 >>28973301 >>28973309 >>28973507 >>28973557 >>28973585 >>28973664 >>28973706 >>28973808 sneed

52 min later 28973927 Anonymous
>>28973865 Chuck?

1 hours later 28974640 Anonymous (shittycrop.jpg 658x534 39kB)
>>28973865 feed and seed this you fucking commie

1 hours later 28974698 Anonymous (Air-Hoge.jpg 723x960 571kB)

1 hours later 28975048 Anonymous (1613064796801.jpg 768x669 167kB)

1 hours later 28975147 Anonymous
Best meme and art is coming from Hoge. Check out our own video games @ hoge.fun

1 hours later 28975324 Anonymous
thank u to all swingies for padding my wallet while i wait for coofcheques to buy more $HOGE

1 hours later 28975436 Anonymous
telegram t . me/hogefinance

1 hours later 28975801 Anonymous
>>28972838 Your lack of self-awareness is incredible. All it takes is for them to realize the superior tokenomics of hoge and they will never go back. Hoge is a classic example of a superior competitor to a dinosaur in the marketplace. Leave your bloodthirtiness for normies behind, you're acting like a wolf in wolf's clothing >they delete the comments you need to go back

1 hours later 28976217 Anonymous
>>28969702 >>28969778 >>28969847 >>28970058 >>28970146 >>28970157 >>28970301 >>28970354 >>28970372 >>28970373 >>28970425 >>28970508 >>28970938 >>28970981 >>28971102 >>28972022 >>28972084 >>28972309 >>28972501 >>28972534 >>28972748 >>28972822 >>28972838 >>28972986 >>28973214 >>28973243 >>28973301 >>28973309 >>28973507 >>28973557 >>28973585 >>28973664 >>28973706 >>28973808 >>28973865 >>28973927 >>28974640 >>28974698 >>28975048 >>28975147 >>28975324 >>28975436 >>28975801 sneed

1 hours later 28976930 Anonymous
Hogebros, what anime decal would you think matches up best with the lambo I'm pre-ordering? No hentai please my mom would cry

1 hours later 28976960 Anonymous
>>28976217 >>28973865 >>28973214 Anything that makes Changs this obsessed is a solid hold for me

1 hours later 28977091 Anonymous
>>28969702 >>28969778 >>28969847 >>28970058 >>28970146 >>28970157 >>28970301 >>28970354 >>28970372 >>28970373 >>28970425 >>28970508 >>28970938 >>28970981 >>28971102 >>28972022 >>28972084 >>28972309 >>28972501 >>28972534 >>28972748 >>28972822 >>28972838 >>28972986 >>28973214 >>28973243 >>28973301 >>28973309 >>28973507 >>28973557 >>28973585 >>28973664 >>28973706 >>28973808 >>28973865 >>28973927 >>28974640 >>28974698 >>28975048 >>28975147 >>28975324 >>28975436 >>28975801 >>28976217 >>28976930 >>28976960 sneed

1 hours later 28977365 Anonymous (151210273_147211577234947_6695131601419540609_n.jpg 800x600 36kB)
>>28977091 >>28976217 >>28973865 >>28973214 >>28970373

1 hours later 28977415 Anonymous
>>28969702 Oh, so you guys ARE newfags like I thought? Fucking lurk more, retards.

1 hours later 28977444 Anonymous
>>28977091 Why the link to the telegam cant be posted because "it seems to be spam" and this is shit is good to go?

1 hours later 28977557 Anonymous
>>28970373 what does sneed mean

1 hours later 28977563 Anonymous
>>28969702 >>28969778 >>28969847 >>28970058 >>28970146 >>28970157 >>28970301 >>28970354 >>28970372 >>28970373 >>28970425 >>28970508 >>28970938 >>28970981 >>28971102 >>28972022 >>28972084 >>28972309 >>28972501 >>28972534 >>28972748 >>28972822 >>28972838 >>28972986 >>28973214 >>28973243 >>28973301 >>28973309 >>28973507 >>28973557 >>28973585 >>28973664 >>28973706 >>28973808 >>28973865 >>28973927 >>28974640 >>28974698 >>28975048 >>28975147 >>28975324 >>28975436 >>28975801 >>28976217 >>28976930 >>28976960 >>28977091 >>28977365 >>28977415 >>28977444 sneed

1 hours later 28978040 Anonymous
>>28975147 >>28975436 Even if HOGE is pretty much legit at that point and fated to explode with the normies flow going in it, when i'am seeing anons posting links like this, i'am feeling scammed.

1 hours later 28978340 Anonymous
>>28978040 I'll be honest, the community is 90% pretty cool non-pajeets who want to have fun with a memecoin and the other 10% are scam-tier ethnics who sound like they are trying to get you to buy Google play gift cards to pay your taxes

1 hours later 28978835 BEWARE OF THE FAKES - THERE IS ONLY 1 REAL HOGE (changemymind.png 576x429 460kB)
>>28978040 That is the telegram link - and hoge.fun is just a fun site that our community made for games with HOGE theme. Very wholesome.

2 hours later 28979696 Anonymous
>>28977557 If you're new enough to not know about sneed then you shouldn't be putting your money into these shitcoins.

2 hours later 28980052 Anonymous
>>28978040 why? its a telegram link and a game someone made

2 hours later 28980620 Anonymous (hoge_train_doge_bus.jpg 650x767 74kB)
HOGE is actually amazing. Ive already up 5x and am holding for 100x. HOGE has the best community on the internet and makes the best meme art. Its the ingenuity of the HOGE owners that will power us to the moon because we got the meme power on our side before anyone else. If you want to jump on our rocket its still not too late. Come join us and dab on the virgins that bought dogecoin and their sinking ship while we fly to the moon for the easiest 100x in your life! The best exclusive secret insiders club on the interwebs! HOGE Chads forever united!

2 hours later 28981401 Anonymous
>>28980620 why do hogebros post shit like this? they act like they're on reddit. nobody wants to read this shit. i'm holding the fucking coin already and i don't want to read this shit. superimpose a picture of the dog's head on a picture of a green wojack or something. just be normal.

2 hours later 28982232 Anonymous (change1.jpg 1920x1080 349kB)

2 hours later 28983226 Anonymous (Chuck-Palahniuk-quote-about-women-from-Fight-Club-1c6285.jpg 600x600 48kB)

2 hours later 28983338 Anonymous (download_20210216_160301.png 880x460 27kB)
Unironically hoping this moons just so /biz/ cries for years.

2 hours later 28983587 Anonymous

2 hours later 28983631 Anonymous (chickenschadenfreude.jpg 319x320 55kB)

2 hours later 28983703 Anonymous
downtrend is over, next stop new ATH

2 hours later 28983778 Anonymous (1613065884939.jpg 750x900 305kB)
>>28983703 I need some of that after swapping into ALGO :(

2.812 0.097