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2021-02-17 06:09 28961002 Anonymous /XMR/ Monero General - organic growth edition (photo_2021-02-17_18-09-13.jpg 1082x695 67kB)
Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized p2p privacy cryptocurrency!
Monero is secure, low-fee, and borderless, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT (hidden tx amounts) ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a Monero user willingly providing a view key for a specific transaction.
Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptos. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of txs increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier of entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward will gradually approach 0.6 XMR in May 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.
If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE - https://web.getmonero.org
>Non KYC:
Local Monero
Crypto ATMs
see: kycnot.me
Gui/Cli (recommended)
IOS: Cakewallet
Android: Monerujo
0 min later 28961071 Anonymous
250 ooooooo
0 min later 28961076 Anonymous
You can use the check feature of the gui/cli wallet to verify:
Transaction ID: d2229f8c33d755eba42142fbebcc0eefdff 51b855f26edd45a26b0a688ec349b
Recipient: 49ad4FKPj1JPymbkDnqaniVtqUTg2qPrT3i XhPVXBTdRVYthfkZcGwr3QM9mzSychrTosU AwhbHnFE8WyEHmkfWuRDn9rfp
Signature: OutProofV2AL67QuE8VAocGN7aa19VzWBzB Cpt5MLtqPQ6TurGzQKKWUTb2sYB4MBV6w6J qHHqWwFkWTCeyJKT3E3yT3JDNjE9DyqDPzh Xfobf34vekFnD3VDRTMdauVyy6YkVEeUiGe na
Sender: 82tEHmPpr84dDA4L2p1vndMjrxro9ntxGEy s9PARg5WDbELvcH8NpDTCpCEMqNa4PgKCvZ iuLhpc7KDQu1d7Tp6tF4Nim4K
3 min later 28961287 Anonymous
0xMonero my dear sirs
5 min later 28961404 Anonymous (714826B5-32C2-4C87-B08A-673BCB48BD07.jpg 1242x315 79kB)
7 min later 28961559 Anonymous (1609872336600.jpg 1684x1067 357kB)
This anon forgot the XMR REDPILL but there's no problem, here are the videos from Dr. Daniel Kim:
Monero Means Money: Cryptocurrency 101:
Monero: Sound Money, Safe Mode:
Behavioral Finance, Cryptocurrency Markets:
18 min later 28962323 Anonymous
Show proofs you are trying to mine. This is not a charity thread.
18 min later 28962363 Anonymous
Man this shit is pretty easy to mine even on mid range 8 cores.
19 min later 28962385 Anonymous
Not that anon, but you may have to resync your wallet. Set the refresh block height to 0 through the monero wallet CLI
19 min later 28962392 Anonymous
my fav crypto redpill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-Y _F3PS4JE
The video is basic, yet still very important. Monero is never explicitly mentioned, but always meant. It's not about the price, but what crypto means for humanity. If ypu're in a rush, this is the most important part: https://youtu.be/W-Y_F3PS4JE?t=1217
20 min later 28962448 Anonymous
While I like Dr Kim's "Monero: sound money, safe mode". I dislike his other videos as they seem a bit patronizing in assuming the audience has absolutely 0 knowledge about the topics at hand.
Sure they are great for the normalfag new to finance or technology. But we're the Monero community. You don't have to explain the absolute basics of technology.
That's like explaining what a command line interface is to linux users.
20 min later 28962457 Anonymous
what pool you using?
22 min later 28962587 Anonymous
Use moneroocean. It's officially recommended by getmonero.org as the most private option. The fees are also 0.0% so the pool takes no cut from you.
https://www.getmonero.org/resources /user-guides/mine-to-pool.html
Scroll down to "Going further" at the bottom of the page where they recommend you mining in the MoneroOcean pool.
23 min later 28962677 Anonymous
thanks anon. I'm already mining eth at 120MH/s but I might as well use my 24core cpu to mine monero. My eth is gonna turn into monero weekly anywho, but I might as well support the monero network by running a node & mining.
25 min later 28962829 Anonymous
I just got setup on
I used their script to get it set up, I am sure there is room to improve but my 3700x is doing 9KH/s
26 min later 28962844 Anonymous
That's exactly what I am doing. Using my RTX3060ti to mine ETH and the spare cycles of my CPU to mine Monero. Then sell the ETH for Monero.
26 min later 28962890 Anonymous
Is mining reasonable with a Laptop?
27 min later 28962932 Anonymous (45740A14-51C9-4451-880F-CDCA95362FC9.jpg 891x597 144kB)
27 min later 28962963 Anonymous (55534715-9124-4626-AD07-A649A9253AF2.jpg 474x270 15kB)
Do not contribute to this failing ponzi. 0xMonero is Riccardo Spagni’s true vision.
>erc20 compatible
>actually deflationary
>built in games
28 min later 28963035 Anonymous (tedcruzmonster.jpg 750x936 84kB)
nice. I've got a deamon that watches XMRrig for contributions and automatically pulls & removes the donation using sed & then compiles :^)
fuck paying dev fees. 1% of monero mined might be 1k per coin if monero goes where I expect it to go
29 min later 28963068 Anonymous
I think is going to melt down
31 min later 28963193 Anonymous
31 min later 28963233 Anonymous
I guess mining isn't for me then. I don't have a desktop and don't really need one, so I probably better just buy XMR directly.
31 min later 28963252 Anonymous
Does that mean nigger monero can get into my monero wallet with my native white monero?
35 min later 28963532 Anonymous
Rope nao. Repent and buy in.
35 min later 28963568 Anonymous
Never heard of baked in contributions in xmrig before. You can usually just change the config file and replace it with your own wallet.
Am I missing something here or?
39 min later 28963814 Anonymous
You can't time this irrational market. The best you can do is know which projects have long-term potential and then just slowly accumulate in those projects over time.
I also recommend not going all-in into anything so that you can leverage moons in different projects the balance out your gains over different projects. For your own sake you should slowly put more into Monero for your retirement. Other projects are for speculation and grabbing quick moon funds.
40 min later 28963891 Anonymous
Yeah honestly "borderless" should be replaced with "fungible" all crypto is borderless.
41 min later 28964020 Anonymous (1612626524779.jpg 680x560 165kB)
based monero chad
43 min later 28964123 Anonymous
I agree. Incredible presentation! He's so close to become a Monero shill...
43 min later 28964167 Anonymous
I was raised Monerist by my father, but my mother leaned a little to heterodox UASF Satoshiism. They would discuss quite a lot about the time before the Fall and how the only proper economic system was a deflationary one. They held to the old ideas about the sins of fiat currency and would never stop talking about how life was better under decentralization. Personally, I believe that agorism is a sounder system because it makes more sense to have a monetary pluralism, but I recognize that altcoin revivalism has made life more complicated. In my early teens I went through a tokenism phase, but I got burned too many times by the older speculators. I did read The Wisdom of Satoshi as a kid, but I find it hard to believe that one man brought down the system of the Ancients, I mean it sounds to me like they were on course to destroy everything anyway. And my father told me that for the first hundred years there were purer visions that got crowded out by the hardliner Satoshiism, so the truth is probably lost to history, assuming that there is any truth to life at all.
45 min later 28964297 Anonymous
Cause the legit project has a ripped off logo from the scam right? KYS
47 min later 28964477 Anonymous (sad_link.jpg 1366x768 320kB)
>tfw missed it at $120
52 min later 28964902 Anonymous
You're missing it at $250 right now as well.
55 min later 28965083 Anonymous (portfolio.png 491x326 10kB)
Make it 100%
57 min later 28965225 Anonymous
Anyone else riding the wave with lev. longs and shorts?
I have a huge bag of monero and I believe in it but this is actually like clockwork right now, easies peak/dip pattern of my life
57 min later 28965249 Anonymous
>This anon forgot the XMR REDPILL but there's no problem, here are the videos from Dr. Daniel Kim:
Youtube censor me on his latest livestream, i rewatch his stream and chat msg got deleted
57 min later 28965284 Anonymous
I have a little stack of an ERC20 gambling game token that I simply cannot sell because gas fees, the instant I can either gamble it away or sell it without getting molested, I’m gonna.
58 min later 28965353 Anonymous
>Youtube censor me on his latest livestream, i rewatch his stream and chat msg got deleted
what did you write into the livestream?
1 hours later 28965566 Anonymous
>price goes up
>price immediately dumps
>buy more
>price dumps further
>get sad and angry but know it'll be OK
>price goes up again
>sad I didn't buy more
Dammit can this coin consolidate for a week so I have a clue as to what to do??? I didn't get enough
1 hours later 28965593 Anonymous
just always buy
1 hours later 28965776 Anonymous
dollar cost average over the next 5-10 years and you'll be okay.
1 hours later 28965958 Anonymous (uhu2.jpg 400x400 26kB)
The minimum is hard coded in. Let this be a reminder for other anons; read the actual source code of the software that you are running in the crypto space. The exploitation vector is simply too high to not protect yourself.
https://github.com/xmrig/xmrig/blob /4e671a945d52c5a803fa0e19436c7c58e8 ac59c7/src/donate.h#L43-L48
Glad I could help at least
1 hours later 28966008 Anonymous (AlteringSeriousJokeCurrencyQR.jpg 720x562 167kB)
1 hours later 28966173 Anonymous
>Youtube censor me on his latest livestream, i rewatch his stream and chat msg got deleted
That aml regulations blocked xmr in my country
1 hours later 28966395 Anonymous
Damn. Thank you man immediately changing and recompiling xmrig right now. This is why I love the monero community.
1 hours later 28966534 Anonymous
>my country
what shithole country do you live in?
1 hours later 28966570 Anonymous
>>price goes up
i did this last week pump lmao sad.jpg now today why i dident i buy more
1 hours later 28966684 Anonymous (hodl.png 945x745 486kB)
np anon, remember to never pay devs
t. software dev
1 hours later 28966735 Anonymous
1 hours later 28966800 Anonymous
>he doesn't know
120 is a steal, so is 250
1 hours later 28966881 Anonymous (166325651212.jpg 750x747 240kB)
dip when sirs
1 hours later 28966978 Anonymous (55454543534.jpg 657x631 228kB)
It will dip
From $549 to $513
1 hours later 28967023 Anonymous (smuganimegirl.jpg 540x550 56kB)
1 hours later 28967055 Anonymous
huh, thought you guys were progressive, with all your loose regulations around drugs.
1 hours later 28967184 Anonymous (1613323348641.jpg 697x961 85kB)
1 hours later 28967230 Anonymous (1602139228755.jpg 769x1285 100kB)
txId: 3566f46f85e01071da50ca5784c591158a2 7b93763a040bda0abb4193073da4a
1 hours later 28967235 Anonymous (newGUTS.jpg 2048x1536 284kB)
post the machines that you're mining on bros
1 hours later 28967512 Anonymous
Hey bros, when's a good time to buy some Monero? I noticed it just jumped quite a bit, so I'm wondering if it's better to hold off.
1 hours later 28967615 Anonymous
i coinfes i have some btc aswel im mining true nicehash, and theta tokens aswel but not to gamble, im kinda it geek and love stuff like siacoin etc tested it its crap, theta seems to be working imo
1 hours later 28967663 Anonymous
My friend sold to me at 200 cause he was finally done holding his bags from the last crash and I thought i was buying from him as a favor. It immediately went to 250
Honestly, don't even try to time it. Just think about how much money you'd be willing to lose, and buy monero. Timing is a loser's game
1 hours later 28967788 Anonymous
You have been awarded Five(5) Rupees for this post.
1 hours later 28967979 Anonymous
>Hey bros, when's a good time to buy some Monero? I noticed it just jumped quite a bit, so I'm wondering if it's better to hold off.
monero jumping is not jumping to fair value. please understand this. look at historical CMC. monero FAIR VALUE, TODAY is a top-10 coin. period. it is field-tested, been around the block, launched before pajeets etc.
we are CORRECTING upwards. the MOON begins at 4-figures.
Do not sell your freedom for peanuts.
"Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces." Matthew 7:6
1 hours later 28968074 Anonymous (rigs.jpg 4032x3024 2220kB)
1 hours later 28968120 Anonymous
holy shit dude that's insane, nice
1 hours later 28968123 Anonymous (1613509083153s.jpg 236x236 7kB)
with that being said, don't buy the top or buy it and don't look at the ticker for the next 24 hours
1 hours later 28968230 Anonymous
How does a normal fag like me get started with this shit.
1 hours later 28968812 Anonymous
Depends what u want to mine AMD vegas where very good at mining old monero algo, now its cpu only and you want amd ryzens
1 hours later 28968908 Anonymous
Got it. Thank you anon. The initial 0.02 is not showing up still but maybe there was just an error made by the sender. Either way it seems to be working now. Thanks again.
1 hours later 28968978 Anonymous
thnx homie. Is it possible to live exclusively from mining income? like having a giant ass mining farm?
1 hours later 28969022 Anonymous
> ITT anon receives 2 million dollars in 2030 price
1 hours later 28969025 Anonymous (1603733992484.png 463x662 46kB)
>Blocked XMR in my country
What's confunsing anon? That seems to check out
1 hours later 28969077 Anonymous
if you only knew how bad things really are
1 hours later 28969146 Anonymous
That's why I am so hung up on the missing 0.02. I am confident that that will be thousands of dollars in due time.
1 hours later 28969508 Anonymous
Such a comfy thread.
My make it stack of [an unknown amount] looms beautiful right now.
1 hours later 28969658 Anonymous
Here is some hopium
1 hours later 28969799 Anonymous (74732431435898875.jpg 1200x800 161kB)
Kek, everyone will hear the story of anons getting millions of dollars over 4chan in 2050
2 hours later 28970546 Anonymous
Ok ex exchange has their wallet
Down for maintenance... was trying to send to my own wallet ASAP. Should I be concerned. Really don’t want to have to convert back to btc to send somewhere else and then convert again to xmr
2 hours later 28971404 Anonymous
Enlighten me neighbor. You surely have seen the \ger\ threads, it's quite a shitshow here too.
2 hours later 28971414 Anonymous
2 hours later 28972285 Anonymous (99A2AF74-AFD7-470C-A6E8-0FC393D2638A.png 670x600 346kB)
2 hours later 28972479 Anonymous (MoneroChanGif.gif 128x128 47kB)
>tfw no big bagged XMR gf
2 hours later 28972870 Anonymous
My rigs here generates avarage 1k a month at 300 electricity bill, It requires some investment, you mine the coins cheaper but need to sell them to get income while holding is better imo, coins i mined half year ago that 1k month x4
2 hours later 28972927 Anonymous (1613105063527.gif 388x218 2295kB)
2 hours later 28973796 Anonymous (gigigi.png 700x540 490kB)
Is Binance a trustworthy exchange? I'm on Coinbase Pro but I'm tired of getting cucked by their ridiculous fees and it doesn't have XMR. A lot of FUD circulated here some time ago. Is it safe to just buy some XMR and move them to cold storage?
2 hours later 28974041 Anonymous
it's absolutely not a trustworthy exchange, but, since we are buying xmr here, I'd say use it like a hooker, quick in and out
2 hours later 28974147 Anonymous
Hey monerochads, xmr is my largest hold and the only one I really care about. I have some LTC and was curious what you guys thought about it. Is it worth holding some of that in my portfolio?
2 hours later 28974175 Anonymous
2 hours later 28974188 Anonymous
seriously why isn't monero worth more than bitcoin? was bitcoin a honeytrap all along?
2 hours later 28974204 Anonymous
Binance is alright if you’re not storing anything on it. Don’t trust CZ and his goons with your funds, they will NOT be safu
2 hours later 28974219 Anonymous (clown.jpg 396x371 26kB)
Idk even know where to start our older generation complete fucked us over eg cant buy house have to work longer for pension, more taxes, immigration, this lockdown
2 hours later 28974264 Anonymous (1610505806644.png 1082x695 509kB)
Yeah Binance is the best.
2 hours later 28974298 Anonymous
If you have enough LTC to buy a BTC with it, do that instead. If you don't you might as well hold it I guess? I have a few random coins in my portfolio that I just hodl bc why not
2 hours later 28974383 Anonymous
Bro’s I’m getting priced out. Fuuuuuuuuckkkk.
Atomic swaps when
2 hours later 28974401 Anonymous
Not your keys not your coins, ordered myself a ledger last week as soon as its here my coins move out of binance
2 hours later 28974405 Anonymous
binance is fine, just dont hodl on there
2 hours later 28974418 Anonymous
Yeah no point in holding litecoin over Bitcoin.
Or swap your litecoin into Monero.
2 hours later 28974470 Anonymous
>not aping 50% of your folio into XMR back when it was $50
2 hours later 28974481 Anonymous
It's easy man,
If you buy little and it rises you did not buy enough
If you buy a lot and it drops you bought to much
All you have to do is wait to see if you made the right decision
2 hours later 28974574 Anonymous
The most important thing is that you’re comfortable with your holdings, LTC WILL perform well this cycle (already is) so it’s not like your folio is going to lose value.
I’ve often thought of it like a non-private version of XMR, or just a faster BTC. It does what it says on the tin.
2 hours later 28974715 Anonymous
yeah, I'm not hoping to get any useful amount of pension either. They've started to tax the payout of the pension already and it will only get worse from here.
Seemy like you guys have pretty much the same shit as we do
2 hours later 28974829 Anonymous
nope (short answer)
you could still do it, but you would need an extra fan and keep monitoring its temperature to avoid damaging it,
and you would still mine a miserable amount in comparison to a subpar desktop
I tried it and will never recommend it
2 hours later 28974832 Anonymous
Monero is mainly used to pay for cp.
3 hours later 28974941 Anonymous
3 hours later 28974979 Anonymous
Speaking from experience?
3 hours later 28974999 Anonymous (lalalala.png 520x735 696kB)
Thanks for your opinion frens
I also noticed Bitfinex disappeared from the sticky of this thread. Why is that? And do you also have some thoughts on Kraken? Is it preferable (I'm a europoor for context) over Binance to just buy XMR and get out?
Sorry, I'm new to buying crypto. I've only mined XMR with XMRig so far. I just want to pick people's brains out because I'm going to be putting a large chunk of what I own in XMR.
3 hours later 28975067 Anonymous
Not confused, when the started to delist i bought more )
3 hours later 28975212 Anonymous
Cash is mostly used to pay for cp and drugs. Nothing is more anonymous than cash. They don't ban fiat, now do they? I'll take my benefits of cash with my benefits of crypto, thank you
3 hours later 28975269 Anonymous
>And do you also have some thoughts on Kraken?
kraken is fine, they regulary donate to the monero general ccs and the founder/ceo ist quite fond of monero
3 hours later 28975284 Anonymous (1592609591212.jpg 752x767 85kB)
>TFW only accumulated 15 XMR so far :(
Couple questions for you /biz/raelis if you'd be so kind as to spoonfeed me.
I installed XMR-Stak. It would appear that GPU has been removed or something because my load is at basically zero. Is there an added benefit to use a program that uses the GPU? I feel like this is probably a stupid question. I have a Sapphire Vega64 I feel like it's kinda going to waste.
1300 H/s is good right? or is that the total of the pool I'm in?
I have 4 other computers with decent CPUs and GPUs ranging from decent to really good. If I wanted to mine them do I just download Stak on each computer and include the same wallet address, or is there an "official" way of combining their power?
How long should it take on average to download the blockchain, and would it be useful to bootstrap my other PCs to my blockchain if I ever use them?
Pls answer some of my questions pls TY
3 hours later 28975294 Anonymous
is that a horizontal asymptote or a vertical asymptote to zero?
3 hours later 28975372 Anonymous (O1g850s.jpg 450x600 32kB)
i bought XMR on kraken and got out. didn't use fiat so no proper verification. fees are fine, use kraken pro.
3 hours later 28975394 Anonymous
>is that a horizontal asymptote or a vertical asymptote to zero?
anon its [unknown amount]
3 hours later 28975501 Anonymous (C7BEB91A-F908-48D1-8D6F-F666F4901966.png 2048x2048 494kB)
That hat will never be clean again
3 hours later 28975754 Anonymous (1613593321176.png 895x856 592kB)
260 SOON
3 hours later 28975795 Anonymous
Thanks chads. Seems like Kraken is getting my business then. I'm very bullish but of course I'll be DCA'ing. Might as well do that on a platform ran by competent people.
3 hours later 28975840 Anonymous (chain.jpg 1200x675 85kB)
soon? you mean now?
3 hours later 28976090 Anonymous
based token please eliminate ripple
3 hours later 28976106 Anonymous
I am SEETHING that i sold my stack a week ago to gamble on shitcoins
never felt more bogged
3 hours later 28976111 Anonymous
We dont care lol
Monero is used for ( insert illegal thing here ) comunity so, The wil ban it so is drugs
3 hours later 28976169 Anonymous (AA659921-2B02-4031-B2BD-8232470A0457.png 284x284 110kB)
3 hours later 28976211 Anonymous
Miners I need your help. So I recompiled XMRig after removing the insidious 1% hidden donation that >>28965958 told me of.
However now it seems like it only mines at 50% of my CPU. In the past it would have my CPU at a constant 100% stress but it stays at 50% right now. Some inquiry around on the internet shows it has to do with my L3 cache only being 8MB. However in the past it utilized all threads. Is this an improvement or did I mess up something?
I'll let it running overnight to see if it has any long-term effect on the hash rate but I'm still curious what my fellow miners know.
3 hours later 28976213 Anonymous
You fucking retard, XMR is the most shorted crypto. You're lucky we haven't begun mooning yet. Jump back in ASAP and hodl this time.
3 hours later 28976215 Anonymous
He fell for the “this piece of shit never pumps” FUD
3 hours later 28976308 Anonymous
Thank you for selling me your bags
3 hours later 28976338 Anonymous
it's built in to mess with your hashrate if you remove the donation. Just keep the donation % in it should be fine, it's also not "insidious" it's part of network maintenance for large-scale crypto networks.
Although personally I'm mining XHV right now
3 hours later 28976544 Anonymous
>it's built in to mess with your hashrate if you remove the donation.
You're trolling right
3 hours later 28976625 Anonymous (20210218_070205.jpg 1080x1693 720kB)
3 hours later 28976693 Anonymous
BTC seems so high in comparison to LTC, if "alt season" takes off then it would be a shame if I traded now when LTC is well below its ATH.
seems like a decent hold compared to others since it is an OG alt coin. I have about 2x as much XMR as LTC, which seems like a lot of LTC... thinking about swapping for xmr
3 hours later 28976798 Anonymous
I recompiled as well with the 1% removed and it is putting 100% load on the 3700x. 9KH/s now
3 hours later 28976964 Anonymous (1613044134850.jpg 557x595 157kB)
Tfw 26 XMRlet
3 hours later 28976968 Anonymous
Gay pajeet
3 hours later 28976970 Anonymous
are you on windows? i was getting 8.8KH/s on the same CPU. Never tried it on windows though
3 hours later 28977181 Anonymous
Yes, Windows 10. I do have 32GB of RAM at 3800Mhz CL16 with a stable 1900Mhz fclk.
3 hours later 28977237 Anonymous
should be 3% higher on linux due to 1GB pages. Maybe you were throttling due to ineffective cooling.
3 hours later 28977258 Anonymous
what’s causing this pump anyway?
3 hours later 28977334 Anonymous (7047EB71-21E8-4D79-B444-1C0F2068ACD0.jpg 259x194 10kB)
3 hours later 28977337 Anonymous
i recently started mining on my old laptop through GUI wallet, it says 1 in 5000 a day chance of finding block, should i even keep it on??
3 hours later 28977354 LebAnon
>mfw XMR general is top thread of /biz
we're gonna make it brothers
3 hours later 28977448 Anonymous
Organic growth.
Nah it's pumping with bitcoin like anything else. I will say that monero market cap is like 25% of where it should be. This is a value hold.
3 hours later 28977477 Anonymous
If you can see yourself still being alive in the next 5000 days
3 hours later 28977564 Anonymous
God fucking damnit my funds don't land until tonight and I wanted to buy two days ago REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
3 hours later 28977579 Anonymous (txns.png 399x306 31kB)
6% the txn volume of bitcoin and yet market prices it at ~0.5% bitcoin. extremely undervalued
3 hours later 28977605 Anonymous
my cooling was absolute shit, getting up to over 90C, i'm switching up some parts on my machine to fix that
are you undervolting at all? i heard these cpus run hot and need to usually undervolt
3 hours later 28977623 Anonymous
I plan to DCA every week (like sub 100), to add to the [small amount] of XMR I already have.
I'm on Binance, so I need to buy BTC (or BNB/ETH) that I then convert into XMR.
Should I just go all in XMR or keep some of the BTC as well?
3 hours later 28977642 Anonymous
It's an irrational market so who knows. Only thing you need to know is that XMR will win out in the long run.
Run a local node and Mine locally on a smaller pool to help out
3 hours later 28977645 Anonymous
Holy shit, what's the source of that data?
3 hours later 28977680 Anonymous
3 hours later 28977696 Anonymous
if you want consistent but small payouts then join a mining pool. also please find a smaller mining pool so hashing power doesn't stay concentrated in the top pools
3 hours later 28977698 Anonymous
correcting upwards, the ratio is still in the below the ~0.006 previous support. So imagine when we actually start pumping.
3 hours later 28977725 Anonymous
Fundus are safu
3 hours later 28977808 Anonymous
Should have bought some from your local drug dealer instead
3 hours later 28977839 Anonymous
whats the min suicide stack guys ?
3 hours later 28977895 Anonymous
i ask the same question myself. no one really knows. personally i'm heavier on the monero side. i think btc is a solid and safe hold though, especially in the near term
3 hours later 28977898 Anonymous
Ygmi just don’t sell
3 hours later 28977904 Anonymous
If you have both the bitcoin blockchain and monero blockchain you can compare the amount of transactions and make charts like that yourself.
I confirm that it's real and Monero is #4 in amount of transactions. (Behind BTC,ETH and BNB).
It's #1 in actual purchases being made online (admittedly due to dark web, but still)
3 hours later 28977971 Anonymous
I don't have any voltage offset set, never goes above 78c. That is with a Noctua NH-U12A and 20c abient.
3 hours later 28977981 Anonymous (1561442360412.jpg 828x1281 518kB)
I made 10 different Monero FUD threads 2 weeks ago and haven't sold a single one from my stack of [unknown amount]
3 hours later 28977989 Anonymous
Never go all-in
3 hours later 28978002 Anonymous
>The video is basic, yet still very important.
Also true believe in freedom for the ppl fuck banks see bitcoin genesis block, but you realy need a untraceable chain or get all this tracing aml kys bs
3 hours later 28978028 Anonymous
why do people call it suicide stack? is this in reference to people memeing about roping themself when their coin gains a lot of value?
3 hours later 28978035 Anonymous
Potential for making money with BTC gets harder and harder each day
$50,000 gets normies excited, but the way I see it, the only way to double your money is if it goes it $100,000
Meanwhile Monero is sitting at $260 right now, and to double your money it only needs to go to $520.
We've already seen it tack on 50 dollars in value yesterday dip, so the future is bright bros
3 hours later 28978196 Anonymous
I basically split Monero equally with Bitcoin and Ethereum. Anyone who tries to convince you to go all in is selling you snake oil.
3 hours later 28978275 Anonymous
oh, just saw an image in another thread... think i get it
3 hours later 28978320 Anonymous
I’m all in on Monero. It’s undervalued as fuck and it’s a great project.
Down the line I will swap for bitcoin and ethereum but we have major gains to be made still.
3 hours later 28978322 Anonymous
I need to dust off my coding skills. That's very cool, thank you.
>dark web
How do we meme monero into more online retail space? Btc doesn't make sense as a conduit for small online purchases.
3 hours later 28978329 Anonymous
the amount the you need to hold so you dont commit suicide when you check the price in a few years
3 hours later 28978474 Anonymous
We don't have to meme it's already starting to happen organically.
3 hours later 28978620 Anonymous (mtg_giselabladeofgoldnight.jpg 1000x731 410kB)
I mean who the fuck will know who you are and where you were and who you are paying when you pay at the supermarket from your phone using monero or just rpeviously converting it to normiecoin anonimously????
3 hours later 28978833 Anonymous
cash already exists anon
3 hours later 28978895 Anonymous
For high iq anons in last thread about monero offshore
>a) Would you agree that BTC is increasingly becoming a store of value?
I'd agree with this, however I don't think big players are ever going to use btc as a bank account. So maybe store of value isn't the right term, but maybe a hedge commodity is more fitting. Like a more volatile gold perhaps. I'm sure any wealthy entity buying bitcoin is only doing so to either hedge or take on risk in their portfolios by some small %. These wealthy entities wouldn't trade their offshore bank accounts for this kind of "store of value" other than allocating a small % as a private hedge or crypto risk exposure.
>c) If (if) BTC with time becomes annoying to hold because of coin taint/history, what do you think would be the next best store of value among existing solutions?
I think this is a great point, monero can definitely fill that niche. BTC may be used as collateral into the future, maybe to secure loans or for fractional banking, much like gold and other commodities are used today. I can see xmr filling a niche for those wanting collateral off the books. But for the most part transparency and public assets will be favoured in these situations. I think they'll both have their place. My point still stands that the wealthy won't be trading their offshore account for monero. If there were cryptonote stablecoins/assets with the same ring ct and bulletproof tech as monero, then I think that would have potential to capture a major portion offshore wealth.
>It will gain value from being a good means of private exchange.
I agree with this.
>crypto won't be this volatile forever
Probably true. But I don't think offshore wealth will be trading their obfuscated bank accounts for monero. The wealthy are very happy with guaranteed <2%/year. If there were such a thing as monero style synthetic assets or monero treasuries, that would be what captures offshore wealth.
3 hours later 28978914 Anonymous (Screen Shot 2021-02-17 at 3.59.03 PM.png 1334x645 184kB)
Mining an unknown amount of XMR with my AMD Ryzen 3900 CPU. It's not much but it's honest work.
3 hours later 28978927 Anonymous
Yeah, and it’s value is fucking shit if you hold it.
3 hours later 28978939 Anonymous
No. But it's a good development in the sphere of truly anonymous funds
3 hours later 28979113 Anonymous
We're going to make it anon.
Godspeed everyone. Hodl and don't you dare sell before 2024.
3 hours later 28979201 Anonymous
government can print infinite of it fag
3 hours later 28979372 LebAnon
running a local node here
comfy af
we're all gonna make it
4 hours later 28979493 Anonymous (Landian Acc.png 295x262 186kB)
Does running a node give you any direct benefits, or does it simply increase the performance of the overall network?
4 hours later 28979674 Anonymous
>sell before 2024.
I'll still be accumulating in 2024. I'm mining and dollar cost averaging for the next 5-10 years.
4 hours later 28979761 Anonymous
The 2nd. Mining gives you some reward but I do both.
4 hours later 28979790 Anonymous
lets you see your balance without relying on external nodes which could log your ip
4 hours later 28979886 Anonymous
fucking faggot lmao.
4 hours later 28979898 LebAnon
based XMR bros
support the network my brother
4 hours later 28979972 LebAnon
kinda like tether kek
4 hours later 28980045 LebAnon
your nose is showing bro
4 hours later 28980222 Anonymous (1613229636733s.jpg 209x249 6kB)
Tell me anons why I've choosed fucked up centralized Hedera instead of Basesd coin ever, knowing that Monero is fucking the best?
4 hours later 28980263 Anonymous
Leave the thread. Monero isn't for you.
4 hours later 28980283 Anonymous
you're right that it won't capture all offshore wealth but it could easily capture a small amount, maybe 1-2%, which would still be huge. Crypto could be a hedge against some of the risks associated with storing wealth in an offshore account, like a regime change making your account inaccessible. It would also offer higher potential returns. Also, don't forget that the wealthy elite in 10+ years will be much more tech savvy and open to crypto than they are now.
4 hours later 28980368 LebAnon
I'm sorry for your loss anon
there's still time
cut your losses
DCA into XMR
4 hours later 28980463 Anonymous (1482330679581622692.jpg 1440x900 328kB)
anons on monero threads are always kind and helpfull, so i will ask, what is the best (for you) portfolio tracker of your crypto
4 hours later 28980540 Anonymous (images[1].jpg 225x225 18kB)
4 hours later 28980587 LebAnon
indeed they are
I see blockfolio as the most used one
4 hours later 28980599 Anonymous
GPU mining is not worth the time or power, mine ETH with GPUs if you want to.
1.300H/s is pretty low, like 5$ per month without costs. Recent AMD cpus are the best to mine Monero.
You should join a pool to start.
No need to download the chain on each machine, the pool will give you your job.
https://monero.org/services/mining- pools/
Downloading the blockchain and running your own node is good for the network, and best for privacy. Takes about 100GB and 1-4 days depending on your disk and network.
You should be able to copy&paste the chain file (MDB) between PCs.
4 hours later 28980648 Anonymous
4 hours later 28980874 Anonymous (1ccfdbe4695c5038ae7d2a2452d69d9201e3507ddb68b58b76104676ec0b1583.png 656x555 196kB)
>I only get 2300 H/s
That's it I am ordering a 3600
4 hours later 28981080 Anonymous
right on bro. i wanna do that soon.
4 hours later 28981197 Anonymous
I'm using Delta.
4 hours later 28981502 Anonymous
a spreadsheet lol
4 hours later 28981556 Anonymous
>>price goes up
Never change /biz/
4 hours later 28981583 Anonymous
Most tax heavens aren't like Liberia, though I doubt Jersey or Liechtenstein will have a violent coup in the near future. To be honest with you one of the reasons XMR is so appealing to me is because it's value is more than supposedly hedging against doomsday.
4 hours later 28981681 Anonymous
but this inst track a price of crypto
4 hours later 28981736 Anonymous
How much XMR are you making with that 9 KH/s hourly? I'm thinking of getting a Ryzen rig.
4 hours later 28981776 Anonymous (1592334958347.png 700x933 870kB)
To clarify: "Pretty low" for solo ventures I perfectly understand, but are you saying even slow for pools?
I'm doing this mainly because I see a possibility for this to retroactively be worth a couple thousand if this really takes off, which I think is a foregone conclusion.
I'm squirreling away 90% of my disposable income in here, I'm a believer.
vid related
4 hours later 28981903 Anonymous
You can do some scripting on spreadsheets to get prices on load
4 hours later 28982069 Anonymous
Not him but I think your presently making a loss of around 50% with that kind of hash rate. Given the current undervaluedness of XMR I think it will be retroactively totally worth it, but you're going to be better off just buying.
4 hours later 28982082 Anonymous
What he means is that 1300h/s is probably going to swallow up more $ in power than it generates in XMR so you're better off just buying.
If it's your only option or if you want to help the network then sure it's good and XMR=XMR it will still appreciate in the future.
4 hours later 28982312 Anonymous
Yeah, if only I had infinite fiat at hand.
4 hours later 28982497 Anonymous
honestly, I have a ton of money just lying around but I can't just throw it at crypto. I know it's going to go up long term, but I'm much more comfortable mining to gain some of it. I end up putting most of my money into equity based ETFs in specialized tax advantage accounts with my real money, and only buy crypto from friends when they want out (get them to buy monero then buy that from them)
4 hours later 28982532 Anonymous
I think it's also worthwile to look up if you have different eletricity prices at night or in weekends. I'm in Belgium and if I mine with a similar 1.5 KH/s at night I break even.
4 hours later 28982575 Anonymous
Shhhh lmao
4 hours later 28982729 Anonymous
Well, then don't mine and use the money you save on your electricity bill to buy more XMR?
4 hours later 28982856 Anonymous
Honestly, mining is just to support the network. The problem with mining is it's a slow game. Only do it if you have the CPU lying around and cheap electricity.
It's more profitable just to buy the coin because you can hold on to the coin as it appreciates in value.
4 hours later 28982984 Anonymous
Having a diversified portfolio is always adviced.
4 hours later 28983014 Anonymous
Usually that's a sign that the coin itself is undervalued. But you're right, buying might be smarter for most people trying to get in.
4 hours later 28983082 Anonymous
XMR hodler since 2015 here.
I'm moving some of my BTC to XMR tbqh.
Just look at the XMR/BTC graph. It's actually still very cheap.
4 hours later 28983093 Anonymous
I'm not really wondering whether it's a good ROI. I'm just wondering how XMR/hour mined scales with KH/s, honestly.
4 hours later 28983099 Anonymous (file.png 415x85 4kB)
kek, we #18 now. Lets fucking gooooo
4 hours later 28983117 Anonymous
We need a Photoshop anon to create a
4 hours later 28983173 Anonymous
107 Moneroj enough to make it?
4 hours later 28983258 Anonymous
we still got a huge pile of dog shit to cross to get to the top
4 hours later 28983292 Anonymous (PDRM.jpg 2960x2124 1290kB)
shit 20 is enough to make it if you play your cards right
4 hours later 28983479 Anonymous
It takes 6 months to mine 1 XMR with a single AMD Ryzen 3900. So not really worth it. I'm only doing it because it's my gaming rig.
4 hours later 28983535 Anonymous (kf6eahozw2f61.jpg 800x800 33kB)
>Tfw 26 XMRlet
Assuming Monero makes its $40K projection by decade's end, 26 XMR would be worth $1 million and change.
4 hours later 28983563 Anonymous
yeah same here, just mining with my CPU because why not, ryzen 5900 12k h/s
4 hours later 28983783 Anonymous
To be fair that 1 XMR might be a thousand $ next month. Point is you should base it on future pricing potential, not current valuation.
4 hours later 28983830 Anonymous (file.png 290x174 14kB)
try will
4 hours later 28983894 Anonymous
>people stating their exact amounts
Don't. People have been jailed for that in 2017. Your IP is public on 4chan. It WILL be linked to you.
4 hours later 28984080 Anonymous
as if
5 hours later 28984276 Anonymous (1613585898202.jpg 400x518 62kB)
Look at my screencap.
I'm getting 0.0056 XMR a day.
Divide that my 24 for the hourly rate.
1 / 0.0056 = 178 days to mine 1 XMR.
Shit the more I do the math the more I realized how undervalued XMR is. I've been mining at a lost.
5 hours later 28984394 Anonymous (1612463681920.jpg 659x626 488kB)
Price in a year bros?
Need explanations why as well if you wouldn't mind.
5 hours later 28984492 Anonymous
there might be a big crash, no one knows, just buy monthly so it will average out
5 hours later 28984549 Anonymous
I don't like sharing links to google services
5 hours later 28984575 Anonymous
20X from $420 this cycle. That's $8,400.
Bitcoin 20X it's last all time high in the 2017 bull market.
5 hours later 28984583 Anonymous (1612733670983.jpg 991x695 128kB)
5 hours later 28984608 Anonymous
No one knows, it's an irrational market. Only thing we know for sure is that Monero has the best positioning for long-term growth.
5 hours later 28984680 Anonymous
Why are you even thinking of selling before 2024?
5 hours later 28984682 Anonymous
I just bought some monero frens. Not too much but I thought I'd share
5 hours later 28984849 Anonymous
>keeping them on the plate...
wtf retard
5 hours later 28984870 Anonymous
Every exchange is "safe" that is allowed to issue debit cards. Visa is very strict about that and they take responsibility for your funds if you hold it on your card.
5 hours later 28984904 Anonymous
5 hours later 28984949 Anonymous
Seems like a pretty good yield to me
I've been trying to find a cloud service on which I could mine profitably (people have tried and failed in the past). I'm pretty sure it can't be done but if I find one I'll definitely let you guys know.
Welcome, buddy! You're a monerochad now
5 hours later 28984954 Anonymous (800px-Giorgia_Meloni_2018.jpg 800x1140 172kB)
Fair. I assume you mean it going from ~$1000 to ~$16000.
The same pattern would have BTC going from roughly ~$10000 to 200k this time around. Which we are 1/4 the way through and might hit this summer if this looks like past bullruns.
Here's my thing: alts in general but really XMR specifically, how closely do they follow Bitcoin's patterns?
Also, why do people expect this bullrun to be 15-20x? I know, historical patterns show this to happen every 3-4 years. But why do they happen?
Who said anything about selling? I just want to understand this market better.
5 hours later 28985070 Anonymous
>I've been trying to find a cloud service on which I could mine profitably
Can't be done.
5 hours later 28985071 Anonymous (1610133884428.gif 320x320 251kB)
Look at the log chart. We're going to 40k as soon as this breaks 400.
5 hours later 28985101 Anonymous
xmr remains crazy undervalued due to ludicrous volume of fud and lack of a coinbase onramp
even just reverting to historical trends vs. btc it should 3-4x (ignoring any upside from the fact that it is the only crypto to actually replace btc in a market)
it also should easily flip a legacy project like ltc
>technical superiority
>plebbit community faster growing, more active
>clear use case
extrapolating from that it should easily 3x marketcap to $750 per
5 hours later 28985216 Anonymous
I have missed BTC besides having hold quite a few in 2012. Living from welfare and put most of my savings in XMR. I will hold these 11 Moneros for a few years and hopefully make my first gains..
5 hours later 28985265 Anonymous (resim_2021-02-18_012533.png 982x317 34kB)
Bros this chart scares me why does these spikes happen?
5 hours later 28985277 Anonymous
Virtually ZERO fees because of bulletproofs. Rapid transfers and Anonymous. It's a shame the market is pegged to bitcoin otherwise this would be much higher in price. The price doesn't reflect it's value at all but I'm hoping the price will go up one day to reflect this.
5 hours later 28985300 Anonymous
Looking at the log chart, I can easily see 1k. 10k is a bit of a stretch but again purely from the log chart I can see it. Idk about 40k though.
5 hours later 28985350 Anonymous
Don't make the mistake I made and not continuously DCA. Even if its half 1 XMR per month, I'm hoping it will pay 100 fold in a few years.
5 hours later 28985447 Anonymous
The last time the xmr/usd log chart broke it's previous ATH it 100x'd. This doesn't indicate future returns but it's my price target and I'm comfortable with it.
5 hours later 28985449 Anonymous
Anyone know whether there's something like BlockFI that's trustworthy and supports XMR?
5 hours later 28985460 Anonymous (1613000288835.jpg 808x1024 222kB)
You're still an early adopter. Crack a cold one, relax and watch the fomo when the inevitable inevitably happens. The price fluctuations don't mean jack shit now, but they bring very good exposure to the project
5 hours later 28985513 Anonymous
>alts in general but really XMR specifically, how closely do they follow Bitcoin's patterns?
>alts in general
They don't.
>XMR specifically
Eerily similar to the point that you will think it's photoshopped/fake. I personally don't believe XMR is going to take the exact pattern Bitcoin had. But I can't refute the fact that so far it has had a overlapping factor of over 90%. Is that going to continue in the future? Probably not but if it does I'm sure some economist is going to write a paper about it and win a nobel price.
>The same pattern would have BTC going from roughly ~$10000 to 200k this time around
First bullrun was 200x last ATH the 2nd was 20x last ath and this one is already past 2x last ATH.
Monero had its first bullrun last time and it was 200x last ATH. If it follows BTCs trajectory it means 20x last ATH which would be $8000.
But this is all unfound pattern recognition. There's no magic in the numbers. At the end of the day it's people buying XMR that makes the price go up, nothing else.
5 hours later 28985517 Anonymous
>xmr/btc doesn't slip
>btc/usd someone does a BIG BUYED
>xmr/usd, thru a=b=c; a=c property, sharply goes up with btc
5 hours later 28985518 Anonymous (20210217_152634.jpg 3264x1836 2391kB)
Rig 1, 3900x cranked up to 4.2, getting about 14KHs
5 hours later 28985592 Anonymous (monero gold-silver converted coin.jpg 723x377 44kB)
Sounds cool. I found this picture of the Monero coin in gold and silver. That is pretty dope, it is actually backed by real useful commodities. How do you claim the gold/silver monero coin when you want to cash out? Can they deliver it to you after you sell it or something?
5 hours later 28985603 Anonymous (xmr-is-insane.png 983x535 76kB)
>Price in a year bros?
>Need explanations why as well if you wouldn't mind.
Don't worry so much about next year's price, just kick back and relax safe in the knowledge that the inevitability of black markets, tax evasion and money laundering will drive XMR to Mars in due time.
They don't call Monero the comfiest hold in crypto for nothing.
5 hours later 28985606 Anonymous (20210217_152622.jpg 3264x1836 2125kB)
5 hours later 28985612 Anonymous
>he doesn't use the arch linux AUR alternative with donations set to 0
5 hours later 28985687 Anonymous
1700 only doing about 2-3KHs
both rigs are decent but planning on clustering some older system
5 hours later 28985717 Anonymous
Yeah that's extremely smart. You shouldn't look at total pricing but at growth potential when DCAing. People get emotional and think "I already missed out on (arbitrary valuation) so I might as well not buy in at all". Or they think "I can't buy a whole one so I won't buy". This irrational behavior makes people lose a lot of potential gains.
5 hours later 28985742 Anonymous
Boys, we are all going to get so motherfucking rich. It brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.
5 hours later 28985908 Anonymous
>gold and silver
My grandparents sometimes tell me stories about those, they still have a coin of each just for sentimental value.
5 hours later 28986117 Anonymous
Any guides on putting together a mining rig for XMR? This looks like the coolest hobby/side business to set up. I want to get more into the crypto space but without drawing the ire of the ATO
5 hours later 28986150 Anonymous
gold and silver are in electronics lol - how have you never heard of them?
Also can you pls tell me how to convert the monero coin into the gold/silver version?? that is amazing
5 hours later 28986160 Anonymous
This. I'm so ridiculously bullish it hurts
5 hours later 28986170 Anonymous
Going to screenshot this and keep it in my diary.
Thanks anon. God speed for the future.
5 hours later 28986314 Anonymous (just.jpg 668x712 69kB)
>fell for KYC meme because low fees and thought it would be instantaneous to transfer to XMR
>being forced to hold LTC until its all available for transfer
>XMR keeps rising and rising.
>I bought when LTC was higher than XMR, hoping for at least a 5 XMR
>now ill probably be 3 XMR
5 hours later 28986358 Anonymous
Aim for ryzen, focus on cache size, get the best memory clock speed you can, 3200MHz is ideal
>minmax autismo
Run linux, compile kernel with '-mtune=znver2', build XMRig with the same flag, optimize kernel config for memory performance, OC as hard as you can
5 hours later 28986528 Anonymous
No one knows. But let me put it this way. If XMR ever went below $200 again I'd liquidate a good portion of my personal possessions to buy the dip.
5 hours later 28986535 Anonymous
>get an AMD Ryzen
>install arch linux
>install xmring from AUR with donations set to 0
>setup ur xmrig to connect to pools in https://minexmr.com/miningguide
5 hours later 28986614 Anonymous
Waiting for atomic swap or just trading?
5 hours later 28986661 Anonymous
>gold and silver are in electronics
less than the yearly inflation is used in manufacturing from gold. No wonder it's been going down, there's no point for it to be valued above 1% of it's current market cap after crypto replaces it as the main hedge asset.
It's performance over the last 6 months has been an abomination, you'd have lost money if you bought it.
USD actually beat it... imagine.... THE U.S DOLLAR BEAT IT. BAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHA
5 hours later 28986710 Anonymous
if I had a chance to change something I would like to shoot this nibbas who shilled here this trash
have already lost 2000$ for their scam bot
who this fucker that made this fucking retarded algorithms
seems like it is better to wait for full-ecosystem open for Bot Ocean and their solutions
my purse is crying
5 hours later 28986739 Anonymous
Long-term holding tbqh. My portfolio used to be balanced between BTC, XMR and LTC but now it's out of whack.
and I think BTC is overvalued, while XMR is undervalued, considering its usefulness as a privacy coin
Black markets will never go away
5 hours later 28986878 Anonymous
You could always register an anon btc address and just buy with btc..
idk anything about monero.. looking into it though.
5 hours later 28986918 Anonymous
I mean what's the best way to move from BTC to Monero.
Sell the BTC and buy XMR?
Trade the pair?
Or wait for atomic swap?
5 hours later 28986919 Anonymous (1612999954537.jpg 896x1490 1072kB)
Are the SideShift fees low enough to do LTC>XMR regularly with very low sums without losing tons of money? ($10-$20)
5 hours later 28986926 Anonymous
bro im confused, why are you buying monero if you dont like gold/silver? you can convert monero into a gold and silver coin.
5 hours later 28987087 Anonymous
An AMD Ryzen is $200, I wonder if that's profitable compared to just using that money to buy XMR
5 hours later 28987144 Anonymous
Trade the pair on Binance XMR/BTC
I wasn't aware that atomic swaps are coming to XMR-BTC to be honest
Is it even feasible?
5 hours later 28987154 Anonymous
>why are you buying monero if you dont like gold/silver?
Because gold and silver have no intrinsic value and are cumbersome physical items, whereas Monero is a virtual currency that is widely used on dark markets (=high demand).
5 hours later 28987265 Anonymous
Honestly, if you aren't buying via binance or kraken (trading fiat or btc) then just bite the bullet. The fees won't really matter when you see your investment goes up.
5 hours later 28987365 Anonymous (1611149866343.jpg 225x225 17kB)
5 hours later 28987405 Anonymous
But the monero coin can be turned into the gold/silver monero coin....? im confused.
gold and silver is used in everyday things and its scarce, that obviously has 'intrinsic' value. its bulky, sure, but fortunately you can convert the monero coin into gold/silver like this so you get the best of both worlds;
5 hours later 28987472 Anonymous
>Is it even feasible?
Apparently it's coming soon.
Just imagine how whales escaping taxes into Monero will affect the price of XMR.
5 hours later 28987529 Anonymous
>But the monero coin can be turned into the gold/silver monero coin....?
Yeah and monero can be turned into a car, what's your point?
5 hours later 28987547 Anonymous
>no intrinsic value
this is the most smoothbrained take i've seen in a monero thread this week
5 hours later 28987578 Anonymous (8498572943.jpg 556x1315 328kB)
>I wasn't aware that atomic swaps are coming to XMR-BTC to be honest
>Is it even feasible?
https://localmonero.co/knowledge/mo nero-atomic-swaps
5 hours later 28987598 Anonymous
Speaking of whales
If peeps make it big, what country are you moving to? I sure as fuck don't want to deal with US bullshit
5 hours later 28987631 Anonymous
fuck atleast build them a stand with a fan or something
5 hours later 28987675 Anonymous
Precious Metals are okay and I always encourage a diversified portfolio to everyone. However Precious Metals have an unknown future because they can be attacked from four angles.
Firstly cheap oil, more automation and better drilling techniques could raise the inflation of gold and silver from the 2% a year it is right now to about 5% a year very soon.
Secondly the main purpose of investing in Precious Metals as safeguards against inflation might fall out of favor due to cryptocurrency taking its spot. Causing the valuation to drop.
Third in the medium term astroid mining might wipe out the valuation of a lot of PMs. If you're in your 30s or younger this means holding PMs for retirement might not be worth it due to this medium term risk.
Last but not least the long-term risk of transmutation from cheap energy sources like fusion power will make it trivial to turn lead and mercury into gold and will plummet the price. This means you can't use PMs to let your children inherit wealth as it won't be relevant to your kids anymore.
I personally do hold PMs. But only as a short term investment and cash alternative.
A healthy portfolio includes Stocks, crypto, bonds, PMs, Cash and if you have a certain amount Real estate and Art/collectibles to fully isolate yourself from financial risks.
5 hours later 28987746 Anonymous
What's transfer?
5 hours later 28987762 Anonymous
???? no it can't, look at the picture->> >>28985592
it's excellent that this coin is backed by real money, so it can be used as a store of value.
5 hours later 28987778 Anonymous (as expected of country grown vegetables.jpg 1079x790 256kB)
5 hours later 28987860 Anonymous
>be using changenow on CakeWallet
>decide to sell my BTC for XMR
>set lowest txn fee to maximize XMR yield
>network was congested
>txn got stuck for 2 days
>XMR pumps hard as fuck
>by the time my trade goes through I am fucked out of 15%
It hurts
5 hours later 28987869 Anonymous
mining asteroids?? transmuting lead into gold? wow.... is the gold price like $1,000,000 already? I didn't know that.
5 hours later 28987893 Anonymous
What's "small"? Anything out of the top few?
5 hours later 28988064 Anonymous
unless you already have rigs, buying is just cheaper
5 hours later 28988252 Anonymous
I'm trying to find a way to invest my XMR and get some kind of returns from it.
Is it possible to lend it and see some returns?
Investing in a mining pool somehow?
5 hours later 28988259 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210218_000544.jpg 1080x1046 166kB)
What the fuck
Based blockfolio bug telling me the "high" target price in real time
5 hours later 28988279 Anonymous
I spent literally almost 80 dollars in fees switching 250 dollars to monero some weeks ago, due to being retarded and drunk when doing this ( normally i would have paid at least 25-35, which is still horrible ). Due to this new price rise i almost made up the loss in Monero token worth i hold ( only use for me is buying drugs on the DNMs ). However switching it back to BTC or something else and then back to exchange would could me at least maybe 20-30 dollars more. Monero is a great coin but buying and selling it is pure cancer. I will just HOLD it for a while, and occassionaly maybe buy some meth with it. Every possible solution i read of ( Cake wallet/ Morphtoken ) costs me and arm an a fucking leg to get or sell this token. If they figure this shit out it might be a top-tier cryptocurrency, so far it's a pain in the ass
5 hours later 28988308 Anonymous
5 hours later 28988314 Anonymous
>try to save 15c
>cost 15%
based changenow and stingypilled
6 hours later 28988418 Anonymous (index.png 231x218 5kB)
imagine being this retarded
6 hours later 28988423 Anonymous
Don't. It's a haven of scams out there. Especially for XMR which can be easily stolen as it's fully private and untraceable. Why take the risk.
I honestly think you're better off just selling some XMR and putting it in speculative coins that might moon. You'll have a higher chance of actually seeing a return that way.
6 hours later 28988445 Anonymous
>Last but not least the long-term risk of transmutation from cheap energy sources like fusion power will make it trivial to turn lead and mercury into gold and will plummet the price. This means you can't use PMs to let your children inherit wealth as it won't be relevant to your kids anymore.
Transmutation is a meme idea but the general sentiment is right. Like shale oil, there are stores of PMs that are not currently profitable to exploit, like gold in ocean water, but will be if PM value shoots up. As a result, PMs (like oil) have natural negative feedback mechanisms in their price.
6 hours later 28988562 Anonymous
coinloan.io is quite reputable, regulated under eu licenses
6 hours later 28988799 Anonymous
It’s like getting the belt from the universe itself.
3.727 0.308