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2021-02-17 05:49 28959508 Anonymous bnb (bnb.jpg 678x356 30kB)
I shilled this shitcoin literally for 2 years. Every single bnb thread was completely ignored on biz. 80% of them flushed away with 0 replies, the board was filled of useless disgusting self-hopium chainlink threads and pajeet scams. Some tard delusional piece of shit fudded it hard littering most of the threads. >chink scaaaaam! >they will be sued! >the sec is against them! There was even a fucking loser that pretended to be a binance employee, opening a completely non-sense fud thread. I shilled this at $22, $30, $35, when it was back at $22, then $16. Today it's fucking $155. This cringe echo chamber speaking 24/7 about the fucking chainlink and about that disgusting fart sergey nazarons.

1 min later 28959593 Anonymous
Now you are our king, congrats on being top donkey kek

2 min later 28959678 Anonymous
Don't pay attention to the seething burgers

2 min later 28959680 Anonymous (9phpc8jjw0t41.png 1198x677 972kB)
and its going to 1000$ EOY!!! We gonna make it BNB bros

3 min later 28959778 Anonymous
>>28959508 It's being inflated by Tether, good luck cashing out.

4 min later 28959828 Anonymous
>>28959508 I read your posts, and posts led me to buy BNB. Thank you sir, I owe you everything.

5 min later 28959906 Anonymous
>>28959508 sec is actually against them tho, it's a centralized system and they are manipulating the price

5 min later 28959980 Anonymous
>>28959508 So it is masternode like EOS?

7 min later 28960059 Anonymous (maxresdefault.jpg 1280x720 58kB)
>>28959508 THAT'S A SCAM

7 min later 28960063 Anonymous
>>28959906 and the sec has no jurisdiction over them, go back to stocks newfag

7 min later 28960065 Anonymous
It will dump at the next round of bsc pajeet farm scams, Grapefruit, Radish, Cabbage, Boll Weevil, Barn Mouse, Stinky Cheese etc

7 min later 28960080 Anonymous
>>28959508 Ok OP. Every single project pumps during a bull run. It’s nothing special. So suck a dick chink

13 min later 28960519 Anonymous (peee.png 1198x677 850kB)
>tfw i bought 2k of BNB at $66 while i was figuring out which shitcoins to buy that biz was shilling just to cover fees >tfw i just lost interest cause everything seemed like a scam >tfw i have BNB by accident

15 min later 28960731 Anonymous
This. I had small amounts of shitcoin left in binance, last week I put everything on BNB, still manage to lose 2% while attempting to swing, turning them back to ride the last wave.

15 min later 28960734 Anonymous
>>28960063 >sec has no jurisdiction over them lol do they accept USD? do they serve americans? have they evaded american regulations? do they use a .com domain? they answer to any of these is yes so they're within SEC's jurisdiction reminder arthur hayes thought he could escape SEC's grasp and now he can never step on america soil again and he'll be extradited if he goes anywhere remotely civilized

16 min later 28960799 Anonymous
>>28959508 I feel like the whole world apart from the burgers are in on this. Love it

17 min later 28960851 Anonymous
we're still early on BURGER

19 min later 28961006 Anonymous
>>28960734 >reminder arthur hayes thought he could escape SEC's grasp and now he can never step on america soil again and he'll be extradited if he goes anywhere remotely civilized or he'll just pay a team of lawyers

20 min later 28961053 Anonymous
Can someone just simply explain how to get set up on BSC? Can I use the Binance Chain Wallet extension for Pancake the same way I would use MM to connect to Uniswap? If this is a yes then do I just need to send BNB to my wallet and start buying shit on pancake? Are there any other steps to complete?

21 min later 28961102 Anonymous
>>28960063 >he thinks the chinks can do anything online that extends outside of china without US approval

21 min later 28961145 Anonymous
>>28959593 seethe >>28959828 happy for that >>28959906 kek >>28960080 how does a x10 sound?

23 min later 28961262 Anonymous
>>28959508 Lmao i feel you, i made two BNB threads and the maximum attention i got was some big brain idiot calling it a "chink scam". Now they are coping and seething.

24 min later 28961383 Anonymous
How much do you anons think this will get to?

25 min later 28961406 Anonymous
>>28961262 This was by far one of the best shitcoins ever created, and backed by one of the best exchanges. I'm sad because those seething retarded burgers fudded it so hard and many anons missed the chance.

26 min later 28961469 Anonymous
https://twitter.com/beefyfinance/st atus/1362079079965614082 80% APY ON STAKING BNB IN BEEFY VAULT. GET THE FUCK IN

26 min later 28961505 Anonymous
>>28961383 at it it growing 400-500 in march, prob same price as eth at some point in a year or two

29 min later 28961714 Anonymous
>>28959508 BNB, I kneel...

31 min later 28961844 Anonymous
>>28961102 glow harder

33 min later 28962016 Anonymous
>>28961505 When's a good dip? Should I FOMO 10 BNB's right now? I just setup my Binance.

33 min later 28962048 Anonymous
>>28960063 Search on the internet this coin XRP. You're probably new here. Just because it's internet money doesn't mean you can do whatever the fuck you want

36 min later 28962217 Anonymous
>>28959508 2 years ago bnb didn't have a fully functioning smart chain ecosystem built out. 2 years ago it wasn't a good buy. this year it is. most of us here don't buy shit to hold and forget for 2 years anon....we're flipping shit on a regular basis.

37 min later 28962284 Anonymous
>>28961469 Have you ever heard the saying, " If it's too good to be true it probably is a scam"? How can you be so retarded and not see the obvious manipulation

38 min later 28962350 Anonymous
>>28961383 I'm planning on at least $1k this cycle. this is unironically the best time to be accumulating by flipping BSC shitcoins. kinda like when ETH was $150 and we discovered uniswap.

38 min later 28962359 Anonymous
>>28959508 Anon, what do you think about Sparta? Its on binance network and fat chink investment adviser on twitter saying it is a sleeper x-ten's. This board does not talk about it, also positive factor

39 min later 28962421 Anonymous
>>28962016 dont FOMO in, just convert your other token leftovers to bnb and then put your bnb in the vault

40 min later 28962466 Anonymous
>>28962359 yep. basically SNX on BSC.

42 min later 28962622 Anonymous
>>28962466 what do you expect out of this coin? Smart(ish) money saying to buy it, but for now it is doing literally nothing, crabs around

43 min later 28962695 Anonymous
>>28959508 I wish I would have bought bnb, would have been a nice, what, 7x? Instead I bought doge last year for 17x-30x. I will subscribe to your threads now anon.

46 min later 28962853 Anonymous
>>28962622 personally, I don't have any. I wanted to buy it but I don't use the Binance exchange and that seems to be the only market that has liquidity. My whole strategy with BSC though has been to find projects that are like successful ETH defi bluechips..... that's what first led me to Sparta.

48 min later 28963013 Anonymous
>>28962048 you mean the shitcoin developed by Ripple Labs, a US company. Bootlicking statists need to go back to plebbit

49 min later 28963086 Anonymous
>>28962217 >shilled 2 years ago >shilled for 2 years different, you know >i'm biz, i'm fomoing at ATH, it's high so it's a good shitcoin yes

50 min later 28963164 Anonymous
ok, do you want a medal or what?

51 min later 28963206 Anonymous
>>28962359 Already got a comfy bag of sparta It already had its run a while ago but its still not anywhere near its potential CZ loves the project and listed it for free on binance (he got a big bag) so just keep accumulating before biz starts spamming threads about it and its already too late

51 min later 28963257 Anonymous
>>28962466 Does it have functioning synthetics?

51 min later 28963268 Anonymous
>>28960734 you honestly think CCP will let them get away with that? CZ wouldn't be allowed to operate without CCP permission

53 min later 28963374 Anonymous
>>28963257 no they are still working on it, no eta yet so they dont panic and rush out a pile of dogshit in a hurry

53 min later 28963396 Anonymous
>>28963086 anon, I've been in BNB for a while, but not 2 years. I mean... I remember when this was like $3. there have been better moon missions to ride though inbetween, so that's what I've been doing. you know ETH was double digits last year too...

55 min later 28963516 Anonymous
>>28959508 I know the feeling brother, true prophets are never recognized in their homeland. I also hold bnb, feel sorry for the 18 year old anons whose future time horizon is 10 minutes.

55 min later 28963538 Anonymous
>>28963206 >CZ loves the project and listed it for free on binance (he got a big bag) any confirmation about that, anon? I researched sparta tag on twitter by popular specifically to see if CZ talked about it. But i did not found anything interesting. Do we know that for sure, or is it speculations?

55 min later 28963542 Anonymous
What’s the Suicide Comfy Make it

56 min later 28963654 Anonymous
>>28959508 Big things next month for binance. Institutions tried to lean on Nigerian govt, didnt matter.

59 min later 28963829 Sage (1613527071337.jpg 1000x666 82kB)
I shilled at 8$ noob

59 min later 28963881 Anonymous
>>28961053 >Can I use the Binance Chain Wallet extension for Pancake the same way I would use MM to connect to Uniswap? Yes. >If this is a yes then do I just need to send BNB to my wallet and start buying shit on pancake? Are there any other steps to complete? Also yes. Make sure you are on the Binance Smart Chain though, not the Binance Chain.

1 hours later 28964304 Anonymous
>>28963881 thanks for the answer friend any bags youd like me to fill for you?

1 hours later 28965047 Anonymous (1609970738989.jpg 857x998 165kB)
>>28964304 Kek if you really want to, look into EGG ( goosedefi.com ) for low-ish risk yield farming, they removed the migrator code inherited from pancakeswap from the code which means they can't rug like other projects have done. Otherwise do your own research and don't ape into obvious rugpulls (think $LUIGI tier memecoins) or FOMO buy ponzicoins like Wynaut that already did a 200x, Best of luck. If you leave your address I'll give you 0.01 BNB for gas too.

1 hours later 28966011 Anonymous
>>28963538 bump

1 hours later 28966127 Anonymous
>>28965047 Dont worry about the fee it's fine, I have seen Egg spammed all over, I was assuming it was just another rugpull but sounds like it's a bit more legit then. The wynaut shit is great if you get in early, I am hoping there will be others similar. It seems like the BSC stuff will be the hot thing for the next month or so.

1 hours later 28966290 Anonymous
Hate to say it but I think the big flippening this cycle will bet bnb taking over ETH. Try to look at it without feelings, but the Chinese are miles ahead on this shit

1 hours later 28966357 Anonymous
>>28966127 >I have seen Egg spammed all over, I was assuming it was just another rugpull but sounds like it's a bit more legit then. That's what I'm hoping too, there might be some dips soon because people will take profits but the farming is solid. >The wynaut shit is great if you get in early, I am hoping there will be others similar. Early being the keyword here. I'm in a few of those shitcoins too but wouldn't buy Wynaut anymore. >It seems like the BSC stuff will be the hot thing for the next month or so. Think more like 3-4 months much like Uniswap last year.

1 hours later 28966678 Anonymous
>>28959508 Yah. I completely spaced on the possibility that a horde of WSBs people would try to overthrow a hedge fund, get jewed, look at crypto, listen to Elon, then get chinked by Huobi, Binance and OKEX wash trading what Elon was talking about to the effect of liquidating inflated DOGE to pump BNB. Totally foreseeable. Much more foreseeable than a "bullrun" that is so vacuous that it can't support making a few thousand 4channers millionaires without breaking the whole thing. Note that if we'd all listened to your shill ass about BNB, it'd have a boot on its throat right now that'd stop you from cashing out for a house and all that shit.

1 hours later 28967455 Anonymous
is $1000 possible?

1 hours later 28968274 Anonymous
>>28966357 >3-4 months how is that even possible wouldnt 100s of us become millionaires by then?

2 hours later 28968616 Anonymous
>>28967455 Put a 0 behind that

2 hours later 28968751 Anonymous (1607892369489.jpg 900x900 96kB)
>>28968274 maybe 2-3 of the thousands of people on here become millionaires, a few dozen will make thousands, the remaining thousands will lose their money, this is how the system works. As with farming and staking, as more people ape into pools, farms etc the APR will stabilise to double digits which is still awesome if you are staking medium-large to large sums of money. With 10k staked at even a 20% return I could pay rent.

2 hours later 28968799 Anonymous
>>28967455 by next week? yes

1.302 0.128