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2021-02-17 01:56 28944038 Anonymous (1611449814016.jpg 234x250 7kB)
told my friends about my crypto because i got drunk and it's basically the only thing ive been focused on these past couple of months and im paying the price... fuck me

1 min later 28944097 Anonymous
>got drunk >spilled the beans to hooker >her pimp took my nano ledger s and made me give him the seed phrase

4 min later 28944268 Anonymous (oq4ccctjq7e51.png 1920x1920 340kB)
told them to buy link for 25eur two days ago. turns out they were waiting to manually market buy at 25eur cause they didnt even know you could put in an order and just wait. fuck me holy shit constant messages asking me whats gonna happen in the next 2 hours.

8 min later 28944435 Anonymous
you told them you are a stinky linky millionaire? SHIIIIIIT

12 min later 28944651 Anonymous
>>28944435 i mean pretty much. the funny thing is theyre playing with 100-1000 eur max meawhile ive got 250k in link and 400euro credit card debt and an empty bank account

18 min later 28944994 Anonymous
>>28944268 Eh if you think thats bad, wait until it crashes and they blame you for wasting their money. Trust me, your friends will never treat you the same again, either way. The second you got your friends/family into crypto, you entered a new era in your life.

21 min later 28945109 Anonymous
>>28944038 they hate you now?

23 min later 28945192 Anonymous
>>28944038 >having friends normies out ree

24 min later 28945272 Anonymous
>>28944097 Hope you gave him the fake one

25 min later 28945306 Anonymous
>>28945109 >>28944994 Im gonna tell them to sell when i sell. If they dont they cant blame me

26 min later 28945360 Anonymous
>>28945192 back to r9k

28 min later 28945452 Anonymous (21A88333-80EB-4A18-8286-0BC8072EEE2D.jpg 1024x1024 165kB)
>>28944994 They have 1k in it max. I just wanted to get rich together with them

36 min later 28945875 Anonymous
>>28945306 They will sell in the next -20% drop with their weak hands and hold you responsible for it. When they find out you didn't sell and it went up they will hate you for it. Too bad you didn't learn why you should never disclose your wealth to friends and family. It's too late now. This curse will follow you all your life.

38 min later 28946035 Anonymous (d90.jpg 482x427 76kB)
>managing my brother's crypto account >made him 27k€ from 5k€, but he gets upset whenever I miss a move >told my mom to buy bitcoin >she made 25k€ from 30k€, but she's upset with me and thinks I'm a bad person because I don't want to manage her account like I do with my brother >some people/family members I barely know IRL want me to invest their money (usually around 1k€) >I always refuse and look like someone who doesn't want others to be rich There's even this one guy who I haven't talked in years who wants to come over at my house for a week so I can teach him everything I know about cryptocurrencies... What the fuck should I do? I'm a weeb so I'm thinking about moving out to Japan

40 min later 28946140 Anonymous (1566506636344.png 454x520 69kB)
>>28944994 >Eh

42 min later 28946220 Anonymous
>>28946035 Take a cut from their profits ya doofus

42 min later 28946224 Anonymous (1468129971187.jpg 705x741 143kB)
>>28946035 make enough money for yourself and gtfo your ungrateful family

43 min later 28946286 Anonymous
>>28946035 go weeb it up m8

43 min later 28946297 Anonymous
>>28946035 have some self respect, don't help that random dude. try to put things in perspective to your family. if they still act like dickheads just try to get your money up and distance yourself.

43 min later 28946315 Anonymous
>>28946035 just bullshit them and say the market is going to dive for the next few years so you are getting out and taking a break from it. why am i the only smart person

50 min later 28946645 Anonymous (1598377315173.png 446x435 71kB)
>>28946220 >>28946224 >>28946286 >>28946297 >>28946315 Yeah fuck it I will stop being a pussy and helping people for free. If they are unhappy I'll just ignore them and distance myself. NO MORE BEING A KEK NOW

53 min later 28946809 Anonymous
>>28946035 anon starts a crypto hedge fund

54 min later 28946879 Anonymous
>>28944038 months? wait until you've reached years...

54 min later 28946892 Anonymous
>>28946035 Stop caring. That's all you have to do. They don't deserve anything from you and more so if they are ungrateful assholes. These people don't respect you and only see you as an ATM machine that can print money. Stop giving out your time and energy to people who don't see you as a human being.

55 min later 28946924 Anonymous (C7D01695-59EA-4D90-B33F-5FAC17ED4043.jpg 499x481 28kB)
>>28946140 Shut the fuck up anon

58 min later 28947090 Anonymous
>>28945452 Its not enough that I succeed, others should fail.

1 hours later 28947223 Anonymous
>>28946879 >wait until you've reached years... curious as to where ill be I just got into crypto

1 hours later 28947303 Anonymous
One of them just asked me what a bull cycle is. Oh nononono

1 hours later 28947321 Anonymous
>>28947223 >just got in don't worry anon in a couple of months you'll have just enough for some nice kneepads

1 hours later 28947356 Anonymous
>>28947048 Wait do you actually think they'd rob you? Jesus what scumbags anon. You need to associate with better people (or none). Also do you plan to cash out or are you waiting for staking?

1 hours later 28947380 Anonymous
>>28947223 breaking even if you are lucky. every bull run like this has always crashed down to the previous price or thereabouts.

1 hours later 28947386 Anonymous
>>28947321 im not expecting much for a good while to be honest. im in it for the long run. just been reading and lurking.

1 hours later 28947410 Anonymous
>>28947048 You should have used the normie answer of forgetting about it and saying it didn't work out and you sold early to buy a nice car if people asked. How are you planning to make your multi sig safe? If it's in your house it can still be found there... If it's in a bank the banks can work together to steal your funds if they have access to the threshold number of keys... They are known to look into deposit boxes to try to steal gold and other things.

1 hours later 28947412 Anonymous
>>28946879 Been in since early 2017. I only care much when a real bullrun starts

1 hours later 28947450 Anonymous
>>28946924 hes right though

1 hours later 28947469 Anonymous
this is why you don't talk about crypto with people outside of biz silly. i did and all i hear about is >btc bubble youre going to lose your money >muh funny money cup of coffee >doge to the moon

1 hours later 28947495 Anonymous
>>28947303 Just stop. I regret even telling my brother just one of my holds when he asked because he did some TA and told me to get into ETH instead which was bad advice because we've been mooning since. I simply dont want anyone to know specifics of my business. It is need to know and nobody needs to know!

1 hours later 28947583 Anonymous
>>28947410 Wait are you serious? Are deposit boxes in big banks really unsafe?

1 hours later 28947604 Anonymous
>>28944038 fuck crab in a bucket faggot normies (my high school friends) once im rich they aint seeing me for 5 years minimum

1 hours later 28947616 Anonymous
>>28945452 Are you the anon sometimes making threads about pokemon cards?

1 hours later 28947625 Anonymous
>tell girlfriend about my crypto >she demands we create a joint account ledger so that she can manage my finances since she is a finance major

1 hours later 28947630 Anonymous
>>28944097 kek

1 hours later 28947635 Anonymous
>>28947583 Why do you think cryptos were created in the first place? If it's not your keys it's not yours.

1 hours later 28947645 Anonymous
>>28944097 >made me give him the seed phrase NGMI

1 hours later 28947722 Anonymous
>>28947625 Abort mission. Evacuate.

1 hours later 28947728 Anonymous
>>28946035 Just be completely honest and say that you've just been getting lucky and you don't want to lose them money when the luck runs out.

1 hours later 28947732 Anonymous
>>28947625 >manage my finances She'll manage them alright. Ditch her.

1 hours later 28947767 Anonymous
>>28947625 hahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha

1 hours later 28947773 Anonymous
I got my friend into crypto and he is up overall on his investment. Unfortunately, I have to spoon feed him everything.

1 hours later 28947832 Anonymous
>>28947728 this OP, you have been getting lucky, you could apply the same technical know how and get rekt, you dont know shit, tell them its gambling and youd rather not be the one who gets blamed when things go down in a pink wojak sea of flames.

1 hours later 28947910 Anonymous
>>28947773 FFS WHY ARE YOU STUPID KIDS DOING THIS??! people have to do their own research or you will do everything for them and get nothing back except maybe demands for money when they lose profit

1 hours later 28947972 Anonymous
>>28947910 this im just glad the guy i told about GRT@.4 sold at .8 and never talked to me about it again

1 hours later 28948102 Anonymous
>>28947773 You are cheating him out of growth and important life lessons. If you want to make profits you have to take risks. If someone gets profits without taking risks he will think that's how it works and will encourage the process of taxing entrepreneurs who take risks because he thinks they didn't do anything to obtain this money. He will also be jealous of success and things it's because they got lucky. He will forever be a parasite for you because he can't keep his money alone.

1 hours later 28948128 Anonymous
>>28946035 Tell him he can learn everything about it by googling. Had a friend ask me to teach him and i gave him yhe basics. Not my job to tell you which one is a winner, mine might be losers, i dont know the future.

1 hours later 28948171 Anonymous
>>28947625 ayyy lmao

1 hours later 28948286 Anonymous
>>28947583 Depends on the bank, this is a really paranoid user. Smart idea would be to use 2 seprate boxes to store ledger and key.

1 hours later 28948371 Anonymous
>>28947625 If she is so smart, why is she so fucking poor? Being a financial manager is a fucking ruse, they are taught to make things more difficult than they are. >durr you need me to click buy and sell on an etf.

1 hours later 28948585 Anonymous
>talk to my mom about buying bitcoin because of money machine goes Brrrrrrrrt >"yeah I actually need to get a VPN to get back into my Binance account from a couple of years ago" >tell her she shouldn't keep on exchanges anyway >"oh yeah I have a hardware wallet and am trying to link it" Wtf, I had no idea my mom was so based.

1 hours later 28948656 Anonymous
>>28948585 nice

1 hours later 28948869 Anonymous
My friend is a crypto day trader and he has been teaching me and another friend of ours how to do it, we are raking in money from swing trading. It's based,

1 hours later 28948875 Anonymous
>>28948286 they are meant to have insurance, so if something happened you can claim it back, thats kind of the point.

1 hours later 28948903 Anonymous
>>28948585 > hey son I have a 100 of these Bitcoin shares I bought a few years ago. Are they worth more than the few hundred bucks I paid for them? I wanted to spend some money on a cruise and a new grill

1 hours later 28948911 Anonymous
>>28948286 I am not paranoid. You are just naive. https://guardianvaults.com.au/bank- gold-deposit-box/ >For example, while many people assume their assets are protected, there have been historical instances where governments have seized citizen property stored in banks. >In 2008, ABC reported that some US states aggressively took control of ‘unclaimed property’ in banks’ safety deposit boxes. Valuables were sold off at a fraction of the price, while important documents were destroyed. >However, in some cases, banks made no contact with the deposit box owners before drilling, removing and selling the contents to the government. >California was identified as being particularly aggressive in seizing assets. The state altered legislation to reduce the number of years it took before a safety deposit box could be considered unclaimed. >Previously, there needed to be no contact between the customer and the bank for 15 years. This was dropped to seven years, then five, then three. >This is not just a problem in the US. Earlier this month, it was revealed the Australian federal government seized $360 million from household bank accounts that were dormant for just three years. https://www.gold-storage.com/bank-s afe-deposit-box/ >Banks are regulated, and many governments in countries where property rights and the rule of law are not sacrosanct might force the bank to confiscate customer assets. That’s what happened in the 1933 gold confiscation in the US.

1 hours later 28948950 Anonymous
>>28948585 >VPN to get back into my Binance account from a couple of years ago your mother is a drug dealer

1 hours later 28949034 Anonymous
>>28948869 just leverage SATs?

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