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2021-02-17 11:41 28937951 Anonymous /XSG/ XRP Schizo General #722 (newspaper.jpg 370x361 38kB)
Last time on XSG: >>28925867
Americans can still buy XRP on Uphold or Bitrue
[NY can swap crypto on Bitrue with XLM/XRP pair]
or directly on the XRPL https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
or on XUMM wallet (with USD IOU's from Bitstamp)
>Ripple’s Response to SEC Lawsuit:
https://twitter.com/s_alderoty/stat us/1355212298814693380
>Lawyer Explains:
https://youtube.com/c/LegalBriefs/v ideos
>Flare (FLR) Overview:
https://youtu.be/ChMGCtuibsA [Embed]
>Flare vs Ethereum:
https://youtu.be/rNwNRBbsEtw [Embed]
>Flare Finance Intro:
https://youtu.be/_mto6QcUqZU [Embed]
>Flare Finance FAQ:
https://youtu.be/U9Rs_DyuAq8 [Embed]
>Flare Finance Website:
>Flare Finance GitHub:
>XRP Ledger:
>XRP Charts:
>XRP Richlist:
https://ledger.exposed/rich-stats#p ercentage
>Past /XSG/ Threads:
>Insiders Threads:
>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon Threads:
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1659 5583
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1726 6853
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1791 4598
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1810 2776
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1841 7446
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1928 3439
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1991 9081
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1998 0410
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2009 8041
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2042 9829
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2072 0991
>The Myth of Market Cap:
http://galgitron.net/Post/The-Myth- of-Market-Cap---Version-2
https://twitter.com/@looP_rM311_721 1
https://twitter.com/PRX113 [Mr. Pool archives]
>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM, Exodus or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/Trezor
2 min later 28938074 Anonymous
Bless the baker.
2 min later 28938077 Anonymous (cheerss.png 999x908 511kB)
>Flare currently trading at 32 cents
3 min later 28938083 Anonymous (Shadowhouse XRP is the standard.png 666x775 992kB)
3 min later 28938093 Anonymous
4 min later 28938148 Anonymous
That is best /XSG/ baking pic I've seen. Good job
5 min later 28938168 Anonymous (1608234824563.png 1201x652 1329kB)
Wholesome postive energy hours.
5 min later 28938172 Anonymous (1613184768674.png 1424x1064 1067kB)
Where is it available? Is it only in IOU form? Also....The Standard.
5 min later 28938182 Anonymous
6 min later 28938204 Anonymous
kek, based.
7 min later 28938241 Anonymous
yeah, just the IOU on bitrue
https://www.bitrue.com/trade/flr_xr p
not super reliable in terms of what the price is going to be because of the low trading volume, but at least a good indicator. it will blow Ethereum out of the water once it gets released
7 min later 28938259 Anonymous
7 min later 28938260 Anonymous
Who's buying?
8 min later 28938297 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210217-034929.png 720x1440 185kB)
Getting back to it?
9 min later 28938347 Anonymous
I'm counting on initial price to be in the single cents. I want to get my flare and xrp close to 1:1 as possible, I've tripled my stack since the snapshot.
9 min later 28938353 Anonymous (oooooooooooooooooo.png 1920x1080 620kB)
10 min later 28938385 Anonymous (326502.jpg 640x432 51kB)
11 min later 28938418 Anonymous
12 min later 28938464 Anonymous
Wheres the best place to go for a quick rundown on Flare?
12 min later 28938488 Anonymous
ok but when are the spark tokens being airdropped
they said Q1 2021 right?
13 min later 28938518 Anonymous
Gonna need the mad chad OOO poster to drop in soon.
14 min later 28938538 Anonymous (94476.png 808x450 544kB)
Im so horny bros, My libido is out of control lately, I want his burning to end..
14 min later 28938543 Anonymous
>single cents
i'll definitely be buying at that price range if that happens but I'm skeptical it will be that low. it's certainly possible there'll be a selloff right at the beginning when people dump their bags after they receive their first spark
14 min later 28938555 Anonymous
This threads are so comfy around this time of night (Australia).
Some good guides on youtube but we don't know much concrete.
14 min later 28938562 Anonymous (Tophat.png 600x1078 497kB)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zZ LUCMq1Iw
14 min later 28938564 Anonymous
How can I make all my candles green so I never feel sad?
15 min later 28938598 Anonymous (ONE PIECE PEPE.png 787x525 710kB)
15 min later 28938607 Anonymous (1612946193897.jpg 845x719 94kB)
Thanks Frens
16 min later 28938645 Anonymous
He's been gone from the last 1-2 threads. We've lost his favor.
19 min later 28938770 Anonymous
Do we sell at the top then buy back when they gonna say "nothing to do right now, wait for 4 months"???
20 min later 28938781 Anonymous (flip the switch.png 596x615 215kB)
that chad will be the one to flip the switch..
20 min later 28938809 Anonymous (CD491482-CA66-44E5-846D-A861566077D7.jpg 450x405 40kB)
XRP is, dare I say, The Standard
22 min later 28938867 Anonymous (randy blue.png 596x615 301kB)
hold on a little longer
22 min later 28938890 Anonymous (WHEN.png 596x615 235kB)
23 min later 28938912 Anonymous (1613189666370.jpg 739x966 474kB)
It could just as easily DOOMP as POOMP. Either way ill be richer long term. Either I get a chance to accumulate more or the SEC gets BTFO and we all make it. It hit .64 recently enough that you won't be "buying the top" technically so id take whatever chance I can to buy at under 2k per XRP. Good luck buddy.
23 min later 28938914 Anonymous
Dont sell dont flip.
Sure hope so.
25 min later 28938981 Anonymous (8025BC4E-FB0C-45AA-A47C-08768964CFA3.jpg 640x459 26kB)
send OOOO chad your energy lads
the elites aren’t ready yet but we are
27 min later 28939068 Anonymous
27 min later 28939082 Anonymous
28 min later 28939150 Anonymous
Why is it so expensive. I cant buy shit as I am poor fag. Please go down
29 min later 28939185 Anonymous
You had 4 years
31 min later 28939247 Anonymous (5AD9F4BC-F1CA-444D-A93A-0F8D9BC4462F.gif 400x400 1900kB)
August is our month of switch flip digits would confirm.
32 min later 28939281 Anonymous
Its April...
32 min later 28939286 Anonymous (received_687296248117912.jpg 546x732 19kB)
32 min later 28939287 Anonymous
Do I use the XRP Toolkit or something else?
41 min later 28939696 Anonymous
I just started this week. It was shilled for long on /pol/ but I never paid it any mind
41 min later 28939697 Anonymous
xrp even in the distant future won't do anything but crab it's way to 100$
digits confirm
43 min later 28939757 Anonymous
XRP $2000 EOM
43 min later 28939768 Anonymous (1612412530508.gif 218x218 1572kB)
You can't buy it because your ID says your a Cock
44 min later 28939796 Anonymous
that doesnt change the fact that you had 4 years
44 min later 28939797 Anonymous
how come there's so many of you xrp boys, mm?
and you're not indian shills either, you are contained to your general
47 min later 28939923 Anonymous (7inl90dstg041.jpg 640x853 176kB)
47 min later 28939926 Anonymous
Because it’s the standard
47 min later 28939941 Anonymous
Don't worry about it bro. It's just another shitcoin, 50cent stablecoin. ignore it, it has no growth potential.
49 min later 28940001 Anonymous
ok just bought some
50 min later 28940043 Anonymous (1601104072787.png 1080x2112 3046kB)
Make it mindset, live by the sword, die by the sword.
50 min later 28940049 Anonymous
Fuck off the gains are mine
51 min later 28940080 Anonymous
Welcome the gains are yours
51 min later 28940091 Anonymous
ONE more mean word and I will buy another stack...
51 min later 28940112 Anonymous
Lads why don't we trick everyone into thinking ripple lost it's case against the SEC, then buy XRP when the price tanks?
52 min later 28940132 Anonymous
Good morning all friends. Shillies are asleep still. I hope everyone has a great day
52 min later 28940139 Anonymous (1613491520167.jpg 500x322 15kB)
52 min later 28940157 Anonymous
poopoohead, enjoy your future riches
52 min later 28940161 Anonymous
I think that was already done in December.
53 min later 28940190 Anonymous
Id appreciate this idea except i want others to be blessed in the future. These people will get shook out before long anyways
54 min later 28940223 Anonymous (pinkjak.gif 480x480 1990kB)
> poopoohead
54 min later 28940243 Anonymous (chad asian mongrel.jpg 303x566 24kB)
got 200 XRP, what can i expect out of this ?
54 min later 28940249 Anonymous
Go to the pair and into the settings.
54 min later 28940260 Lochness Monster
Won't work, everyone knows Ripple is going to settle the lawsuit, will se right through you
55 min later 28940307 Anonymous
I mean properly with fake SEC staff, documents etc etc, this would make the price tank completely to under 0.1
56 min later 28940317 Anonymous
How does $501.00 sound?
56 min later 28940349 Anonymous
what does it mean for the following?
56 min later 28940355 Anonymous
A journalists desperate for an exclusive won't, if we use fake SEC staff, documents etc they'll fall for it
57 min later 28940371 Anonymous (d7e.jpg 1200x1200 78kB)
57 min later 28940390 Anonymous
nice bait bud you made me cringe
58 min later 28940409 Anonymous
>How do you do fellow schizos? How about we commit financial fraud?
Fuck off glowie
58 min later 28940412 Anonymous
sound good, i think.
58 min later 28940414 Anonymous
>the old Rothschild trick
58 min later 28940441 Anonymous
Why would you want to screw stupid people out of money though? Deception and subversion are very jewish qualities friend. Im sure you mean well
1 hours later 28940512 Anonymous
Crypto markets are unregulated, brainlet.
1 hours later 28940561 Anonymous
They'll lose their money anyway, it's better for /biz/ to take it from then than kikes, no?
1 hours later 28940581 Anonymous
post nose
1 hours later 28940590 Anonymous
thinking that the market can be regulated is for brainlets. chaos can not be controlled. there is no infrastructure that will save us all. stop having faith in systems you fucking child
1 hours later 28940599 Anonymous (1610331837480.jpg 720x387 24kB)
Fuck off with your market manipulation WSBNIGGER
1 hours later 28940600 Anonymous
If you can't beat them, join them.
1 hours later 28940670 Anonymous
>all these retarded newfags thinking retail has any effect on xrp price
xsg cant dissapear soon enough, enjoy it while it last, the namefags are coming back soon
1 hours later 28940720 Anonymous
I understand what your saying. I just dont like this attitude. This world is fucked because of people screwing over other, less intelligent people. I understand thats how the world works, but man it would be nice if we just didnt take that approach
1 hours later 28940795 Anonymous
By regulated I mean you can't get jailed for any fraud you do...
1 hours later 28940824 Anonymous
>If you can't beat them, join them.
Famous last words
1 hours later 28940840 Anonymous
It's the way of the world sadly mate, you want to stay poor?
1 hours later 28940885 Anonymous
>Wanting to Jew the Jews makes me a Jew?
1 hours later 28940927 Anonymous
Id rather stay poor than do then become the very thing that i despise. My life is great, ive got outstanding balance. Ive got an amazing wife and a bunch of kids. I dont need money. I literally want money to try and help other people. What hole do you think 100 mil is going to fill?
1 hours later 28940940 Anonymous
1 hours later 28940977 Anonymous
Nice logic lmao
1 hours later 28940993 Anonymous
You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
1 hours later 28941000 Anonymous
>What hole do you think 100 mil is going to fill?
A golddigger hole, mostly
1 hours later 28941032 Anonymous
Guys, is it possible to make 20k with 1k?
1 hours later 28941046 Anonymous
ygmi friend, The Lord has showed you the way to XRP for you to fulfill your destiny. I am also planning on helping my community in any way I can.
1 hours later 28941058 Anonymous
Good quote. I dont pretend to be some awesome righteous dude. Ive just spent most of my life being a piece of shit, it gets so tiring.
I knew it was coming (get it)
1 hours later 28941064 Anonymous
You're probably the only person that feels that way here desu mate
1 hours later 28941090 Anonymous
If you can't join them, beat them.
1 hours later 28941145 Anonymous
Thats fine. I dont base my life decisions or belief on how other people "feel". Extreme faggotry.
1 hours later 28941150 Anonymous
Based, big noses won't let us join
1 hours later 28941172 Anonymous
Yeah through market manipulation(which isn't illegal on crypto) >>28940112
1 hours later 28941216 Anonymous
Nah, this fool is either a glowie or is going to end up in jail. Imagine having an idea to defraud currency investors and posting on a Mongolian barbecue message board
1 hours later 28941267 Anonymous
I mean, making money without fucking everybody in the ass can be done. If you are a bureaucrats/law however...
1 hours later 28941277 Anonymous
But he keeps saying its not illegal so therefore he must be correct
1 hours later 28941296 Anonymous
This anon gets it. Avoid getting into traps and you will have already make it. Loving wife and kids that have a strong will are something that can not be bought.
1 hours later 28941304 Anonymous
Crypto market is unregulated.
1 hours later 28941344 Anonymous
Yeah, this used to be sentiment for /xsg/ back in /xsg/ #100 - #400. Schizo talk and Christ Preaching, but now we are overrun by orcs.
1 hours later 28941395 Anonymous
Seems to be cycles of good to shitty bread continually.
1 hours later 28941430 Anonymous
I don't support it since it'd only get retail investors to sell since the institutions would be in the know but isn't exactly illegal. Elon musk has been openly manipulating the market for the last month and a bit and no ones come knocking.
1 hours later 28941496 Anonymous
Greed and normies do not mix well. There are always this kind of feelings throughout times. Good times will come for sure.
1 hours later 28941519 Anonymous
1 hours later 28941542 Anonymous (sonic.0.0.jpg 1400x1400 202kB)
I have a dream xsg
>be me
>wake up one day
>xrp is the standart
>I have finally made it
>stash 2k usd
>donate all of my money to legit charities
>pay the hot tranny down the street to fill my ass
>commit an hero
I hope it becomes reality
1 hours later 28941552 Anonymous
Not if they think we're the inside info >>28940355
1 hours later 28941607 Anonymous
For France i get taxed close to 25-30% for trading cryptos and trading stock in general.
1 hours later 28941629 Anonymous
By unregulated I mean you can openly manipulate the market (like Musk has been doing) and not end up in jail...
1 hours later 28941643 Anonymous
1 hours later 28941646 Anonymous
That is very unbased friend
1 hours later 28941702 Anonymous
It is folly... There is a shakeout coming, do not look to deceive others to gain for yourself.
1 hours later 28941706 Anonymous
Move across to the NL if you want to cash out, close to 0% there I think
1 hours later 28941721 Anonymous
Thanks for the words of encouragement brother
1 hours later 28941841 Anonymous
everyone needs a dream I suppose, maybe don't off yourself though bub.
1 hours later 28941896 Anonymous
we gonna crab in 0.50s until 22/2 and then after pretrial...crabbing more until 16 august which is the next meme date. Ripple has outright refused to settle so few more months and then moon.
1 hours later 28941899 Anonymous
It's pretty retarded that the government put enough time into regulating to apply capital gains but they don't care about making regulation to protect it's citizens from pnds and scams (even though It'd be impossible they could at least make it look like they tried). Just goes to show where their priorities are.
1 hours later 28941923 Anonymous
Yeah, i think i will do that someday, for now i try to have weapons and learn how to shoot well... Trying to get rich in France is one hell of a nightmare
1 hours later 28941942 Anonymous
2030 is gonna be THE year to look forward to
1 hours later 28941999 Anonymous (bagholder cope.jpg 488x589 44kB)
baba and his discord trannies are planning another insider thread on biz. don't be fooled again
you have been warned
1 hours later 28942017 Anonymous
The system of slavery is fully ingrained in Europe. Very quickly taking hold in America. Im just going innawoods here in a few years (as long as the taskmasters allow it that is)
1 hours later 28942098 Anonymous
Do people still take baba seriously at all? I saw someone white knighting for him in a thread yesterday but i honestly have no idea
1 hours later 28942103 Anonymous
I don’t think 2k is gonna be enough for her to fuck your ugly ass. Maybe 7k at a push.
1 hours later 28942145 Anonymous
Wtf is this real? Is xrp not the standard?
1 hours later 28942179 Anonymous
Go read the last 2-3 threads before this one, the cugs discord have been shitting up the threads.
1 hours later 28942186 Anonymous (innawoods.jpg 1242x586 82kB)
No hope left
1 hours later 28942206 Anonymous
Well this settles it then huh
1 hours later 28942248 Anonymous (1585530673877.jpg 1489x3173 1434kB)
kek that's a good one
1 hours later 28942257 Anonymous
I dont know why this made me laugh. Its very sad
1 hours later 28942273 Anonymous (16234323412856.jpg 720x863 43kB)
I can feel it sisters...
We're going back to 60 cents within 48 hours
1 hours later 28942274 Anonymous
If Varg can go innawoods in France, anyone can.
1 hours later 28942294 Anonymous
You should just fuck off, France is ruined anyway. I plan to go to Asia or South America.
1 hours later 28942311 Anonymous
what does he not get about CROSS BORDER payments. Lol. Why use XRP to settle USD to USD transactions.
1 hours later 28942365 Anonymous
Alright friends and fraudster anon (i forgive you) im going to go play some vidya with the kids. Everyone have a good day
1 hours later 28942430 Anonymous
it's over for you schizoids, isn't it?
1 hours later 28942466 Anonymous
Fuck baba the larper. The fednow video didn't say anything about using or not using XRP. It was twitter faggots replying with XRP FINNA MOON LAMBO DEALER ON STANDBY #XRP etc
1 hours later 28942502 Anonymous
FUCK the babaniggers why would you even someone calling himself CUGS or BABA fucking hell kys.
1 hours later 28942521 Anonymous (1601589217229.jpg 680x870 146kB)
1 hours later 28942522 Anonymous
Seething normals will take any perceived setback for Ripple as a win for crypto-darkweb pedo values.
1 hours later 28942560 Anonymous
actually, just sold 90% of my stack, keeping the 10% in case we moon to $1 circa 2030.
1 hours later 28942626 Anonymous (8yk26343udy41.jpg 640x480 96kB)
>FedNow won't use a bridge currency for USD-USD transactions
good try. better luck next time
1 hours later 28942652 Anonymous
I still want to live in a country with white people...
1 hours later 28942718 Anonymous (1600490084177.png 478x368 248kB)
>when you look at your cities census data
1 hours later 28942787 Anonymous
even xrpl does not use xrp if you do USD->USD.
that would be completely dumb
1 hours later 28942825 Anonymous
Nice pick, based green berets.
Problem is, they will never leave you alone, taxes, immigration, self made education, printing guns, making your own ammo, be rich. Everything that make you free or at least a up tier slave cannot be achieve not with State or else, from my point of view at least. Fuck France anyway
1 hours later 28942932 Anonymous
Kek, living in a city must be a nightmare, i live in the countryside, full of white and normal people. Cities make people degenerates anyway, full of drug addict and cut-throats.
1 hours later 28942951 Anonymous
Is there any chance for the price to drop down again so I can buy more cheap? Or should I just keep buying at current price?
1 hours later 28943081 Anonymous
>there is no more hopium left in the tank, sir
1 hours later 28943083 Anonymous
Our government is demonic at best and the normies will either get us Darmanin or Glucksman so we are fucked. They'll ruin the countryside too.
1 hours later 28943090 Anonymous
If the judgment is good for Ripple the 22 of february i think XRP will go up, slowly must it will go up. Yet i'm no oracle. watch and learn and "buy low, sell high"
1 hours later 28943096 Anonymous (D732A4AF-C161-4403-8031-F317B9784057.jpg 375x351 22kB)
1 hours later 28943147 Anonymous
The truth is nobody knows. It's a bet. All of the "insiders" know nothing. Wait and see.
1 hours later 28943161 Anonymous (buy.png 495x523 22kB)
1 hours later 28943187 Anonymous
The red from our flag will take over white and blue, that for sure...
1 hours later 28943231 Anonymous
In Australia we have all that and China looming over us + no comfy forests. Still not sure where to live post moon.
1 hours later 28943237 Anonymous
2 hours later 28943299 Anonymous
im going to mars with elon
2 hours later 28943385 Anonymous
I get you though, this country was great when I was a kid. But it's not France anymore, they don't even use the word "France", they just use "republic". Truly a waste. Good luck though fellow Frenchman
2 hours later 28943437 Anonymous (1592599213120.png 625x910 75kB)
Driving from the middle of my city for about an hour to the white flight suburbs my grandmother moved to is like entering a different world.
>not one single graffiti
>grass green
>no litter
>children can play on the streets at night with no worry
2 hours later 28943469 Anonymous
Same, good luck, i wish you good fortune and a happy family.
2 hours later 28943550 Anonymous (1596569327862.png 720x960 435kB)
2 hours later 28943674 Anonymous
>The FedNow system will not use XRP to settle payments between different US banks.
Of course not. That's Algorand's job.
2 hours later 28943730 Anonymous
>children can play on the streets at night with no worry
lol I remember that, impossible now.
2 hours later 28943814 Anonymous
There's always a chance of it dropping down.
I've seen it happening two times now with xrp.
The first drop in price was after the flare airdrop and then when we started to move a bit up again the SEC lawsuit suddenly stepped in. After that it was the 'magical' #xrppump..
So I wouldn't be surprised to see we're going down again.
But I wouldn't take my chances on it.
2 hours later 28943892 Anonymous
True for the west.
East Asia doesnt put up with that shit
2 hours later 28943955 Anonymous
Agree that there's always a chance. If there's an actual trial, there inevitably will be bad days for Ripple regardless of the final outcome, and those bad days will see price drops. Truth is, most expect a fast settlement, so XRP could easily drop if it becomes clear it will drag on.
2 hours later 28944272 Anonymous
>impossible now.
there's still small towns
2 hours later 28944330 Anonymous
Bless the baker, nice thumbnail
2 hours later 28944352 Anonymous
Here in italy we have nigger free small towns and kids play until 2 am.
0 history of killings / robberies and so on
2 hours later 28944534 Anonymous
What shenanigans do kids do in Italy at 2 am?
me and the lads rang peoples doorbells and ran away back in 2007 at midnight. I miss being 10
2 hours later 28944552 Anonymous (1604662425557.jpg 636x600 67kB)
2 hours later 28944794 Anonymous (5F32FB87-0648-4AD4-84E9-DA8518E875B0.jpg 1200x1271 347kB)
fudders clocking in soon
2 hours later 28944809 Anonymous
they play football, chill, chat, talk about vidya and so on, no pranks because they get their knee capped by parents
i want xrp to moon so i can get a nice villa in south italy and sleep all day
2 hours later 28944823 Anonymous (stuckinstyx.png 596x615 212kB)
. i am feeling it but i feel like.. they have kicked the can down the road.
i think this is coming but i can't seem to find any good news about anything happening...
i feel like we're all just stuck waiting..
we all know its going to happen.. just... not.. now... but with as much implementation of xrp we have seen. we know it is inevitable.
2 hours later 28944879 Anonymous (93E96804-43C5-44D6-9672-C92A78C14790.gif 500x477 477kB)
they want you out
2 hours later 28944925 Anonymous
A lot of people are likely to be very disappointed like this on the 22nd. Everyone expects something big to happen when it's just the first hearing. Nothing big ever happens.
2 hours later 28945065 Anonymous (laughter.gif 190x190 2072kB)
2 hours later 28945167 Anonymous (They want you out.png 596x615 281kB)
(see pic, Oh i know)
I think people expect a switch flip when I think it will be more like a turbine starting up. Slow and won't be up to full speed for a bit.
Once the case is in the open and over I think we can get back to normal, until then were chained to a tree.
2 hours later 28945195 Anonymous (2E93F7C4-4BC6-4C08-832F-C5558FDF7FC3.jpg 569x427 33kB)
2 hours later 28945317 Anonymous
I think Flare getting up and running will be the first big bump in price. You'll have people locking XRP up in FXRP, taking it out of the market. Then people will want to get in on the action, and they'll be buying an increasingly "scarce" supply.
2 hours later 28945408 Anonymous
Any info on when flare tokens go live?
2 hours later 28945481 Anonymous
In two weeks.
2 hours later 28945497 Anonymous
Nobody has a specific date, no
2 hours later 28945529 Anonymous
Nope, it's still just "in the spring"
2 hours later 28945552 Anonymous
Before Q3
2 hours later 28945858 Anonymous
2 hours later 28945949 Anonymous (1473235583492.jpg 540x568 87kB)
2 hours later 28946021 Anonymous
2 hours later 28946091 Anonymous
Died from autoOOOrotic asphyxiation
2 hours later 28946263 Anonymous
so thats the original..
2 hours later 28946294 Anonymous
nice shitcoin
2 hours later 28946326 Anonymous (424E4A3F-1B3F-4ABB-B99E-DED5882AA044.gif 400x560 1530kB)
why do the good die young?
2 hours later 28946337 Anonymous
Maybe spend more time here learning then defending kikes and nogs on pol.
3 hours later 28946463 Anonymous
>Agree that there's always a chance. If there's an actual trial, there inevitably will be bad days for Ripple regardless of the final outcome, and those bad days will see price drops. Truth is, most expect a fast settlement, so XRP could easily drop if it becomes clear it will drag on.
But ripple outright refused to settle as declared on filings on monday.
3 hours later 28946678 Anonymous
with the previous administration of the SEC
3 hours later 28946836 Anonymous
They haven't tried to settle with the new admin since last 2 months, why would they settle by 22/2.
3 hours later 28946845 Anonymous
Honest question.
Does this change anything in the context of hodling til 2025?
3 hours later 28947029 Anonymous
You people are fucking delusional
3 hours later 28947427 Anonymous
literally ogre
3 hours later 28947529 Anonymous
No guarantees I’m just adding to your statement
Only if it goes to zero
Otherwise no
3 hours later 28947615 Anonymous (1608498160999.jpg 960x537 100kB)
3 hours later 28947649 Anonymous (oooooooo.jpg 680x780 42kB)
3 hours later 28947729 Anonymous
never stop posting this
3 hours later 28947908 Anonymous
>you go to sleep at 0,5
>wake up next day, still blackpilled
>open up biz for the usual fill of pink wojak >schizoposting has 15 threads and 500 reply each
>adrenaline kicks in. "it fucking dropped to 0, i knew it..."
>turn off the computer, run to your bed
>anxiety kicks in, you run back to your pc and check wallet
>time freezes
>you expected to see 0... but you see many other 00000
>you start crying, you finally made it
XRP AT 2000
3 hours later 28948087 Anonymous (Tekken3_Ogre_P1_Outfit.png 400x550 274kB)
3 hours later 28948255 Anonymous
>It's 10pm and before bed you decide to go through XSG with auto on
>As you reach the bottom you see one of those typical "GUYS CHECK THE PRICE!! WE FUCKING MADE IT!!!!" posts
>You entertain it by checking the price
>The price feed isn't updating for some reason
>You refresh the page to see XRP at $2000
>Your heart sinks in your chest and you are overcome with euphoria
I am waiting for this day lads. It better happen
3 hours later 28948354 Anonymous
That would be quite a sight considering how much I have
3 hours later 28948363 Anonymous
Some dude's trying to convince me to buy Ripple in Runescape. Does seem pretty schizo so on brand at least.
3 hours later 28948388 Anonymous (1596239364022.png 657x527 34kB)
digits say 1000 golddiggers holes need filling
3 hours later 28948450 Anonymous (bros.jpg 590x234 30kB)
3 hours later 28948486 Anonymous
How many party hats did they have?
3 hours later 28948672 Anonymous
One day, brother, one day.
Personally I hope it takes a while so I have time to build up my stack before getting pricelocked since im a poorfag with little under 1k xrp still.
I pray it does not go up before I reach 10k at least.
3 hours later 28948989 Anonymous
>Wake up
>Price is up
>But Jed dumped his massive dump again
3 hours later 28949094 Anonymous
murricanoes waking up right now, what to expect?
3 hours later 28949146 Anonymous
I had my suicide stack of 10k for some time now. Please Kek let it happen soon.
3 hours later 28949177 Anonymous
what do most ppl do especially amerifats when they wake up in the morning?
Take a huge shit
3 hours later 28949265 Anonymous
digits confirmed, amerimutts gonna dump
god i hate you americans so much
3 hours later 28949364 Anonymous
I regret holding tens of thousands of this horseshit.
Should have just went BTC/ETH/LINK/GRT. The most insulting part is having to read this thread with 22 year old retards who honestly believe Trump is still president or that there are underground cannibal/pedophile/whatever tunnels. Also, I hope someone shoots that faggot Babacugs italian fatass dead in Minecraft.
3 hours later 28949411 Anonymous (PundiX-payment-device.jpg 825x510 54kB)
Frens what are your opinions about this?
So some coin called Pundix (Singapore name)
are going to burn 1000:1.
it's currently sitting at 0.001
A: To reduce the total supply (including circulating supply) 1,000 times from 258 billion to 258 million NPXS. Total amount of new NPXS held by users (units) will also be reduced accordingly after token reduction. There is no change in the value of the token one hold after token reduction.
3 hours later 28949431 Anonymous
I am financially removed from existence thanks to you schizos, could be earning big, literally anywhere else right now but no...
3 hours later 28949604 Anonymous
oh forgot to add one zero
3 hours later 28949624 Anonymous
babywhale, weird
3 hours later 28949731 Anonymous
You'll never earn big until you take self responsibility instead of blaming people with stronger wills and beliefs, also stop fudding your own bags or I will be forced to assault you
3 hours later 28950050 Anonymous (Screenshot 2021-02-17 063903.jpg 704x351 42kB)
Where we goin', Pa?
4 hours later 28950109 Kal
The hole left by a soulless elite who have been eroding the soul of this very world since the beginning of the tapestry of history. Now is the time to band together with this newfound wealth to establish all which you have said, and to reestablish the institutions and means of being that allows everyone to live in that manner you describe. This is our inflection point, and the imprint on history left by our movement will be remembered as the turning point, leading us into the space age, and age of knowledge, love, and light.
4 hours later 28950149 Anonymous (1606197352705.jpg 1280x1064 91kB)
>you schizos
real schizos have multiple baskets with multiple chickens, laying multiple eggs for said baskets. Fake imposters that load up on meds have their soul removed from existence.
4 hours later 28950300 Anonymous
This except space isn't real
4 hours later 28950382 Anonymous
Dump eet to .30
I wanna get an additional 1k zerpies
4 hours later 28950664 Kal
Only in the sense that our paradigm will shift to space being viewed as the mind of a cosmic organism, not just some emptyness
4 hours later 28950818 Anonymous
Off-loaded my bags in the big pump and dump a couple weeks back, is it a good time to buy in
4 hours later 28950934 Anonymous
You have to get in soon, mooning in 5 days
4 hours later 28951441 Anonymous
The 22nd is a meme date. There's a pretrial hearing, but nothing's likely to happen. The most likely movement will come when Biden's SEC chair is approved.
4 hours later 28951689 Anonymous
4 hours later 28951999 Anonymous
That's not a meme date, there's going to be relevant info and movement on the 22nd.
4 hours later 28952152 Anonymous (B7781212-8651-49E9-BA44-78EBC8A98341.jpg 750x955 208kB)
4 hours later 28952182 Anonymous (EE64A5C4-9B84-4CB2-85C7-9DCAEE3E67E9.jpg 969x1024 73kB)
asking the real questions
4 hours later 28952268 Anonymous
Hope you're right. I'd love a surge, but I just don't expect it this soon.
4 hours later 28953134 Anonymous
Does anyone have experience setting up an LLC and transferring crypto assets from your personal custody to the LLC? If so, how does it work? Is the transfer a taxable transaction?
I'm in a position where I might need to start protecting my assets so any info would be appreciated.
4 hours later 28953145 Anonymous (1613219404708.jpg 880x908 163kB)
4 hours later 28953261 Anonymous
https://www.aicpa.org/advocacy/stat e/statecontactinfo.html
4 hours later 28953596 Anonymous
Yes, go to your states website and register your biz. Find a local bank you want to start a business account with. register that will the information the state gives you and our set. Takes about a week to finalize but it's pretty easy.
4 hours later 28953829 Anonymous (1521906363512.png 214x300 62kB)
beyond based fuck
4 hours later 28954099 Anonymous
>real schizos have multiple baskets with multiple chickens
4 hours later 28954145 Anonymous
Any schizos have any breadcrumbs on Quinn? >>28922087
4 hours later 28954211 Anonymous
Couple things you need to study, how to fund an LLC and what you can do with that money and how it is taxed. IF you buy a new car for your biz, or computer equipment or "entertainment" it's all claimable as a tax right off. Read up on how your state taxes LLC's.
5 hours later 28954690 Anonymous (0463063b53424f89bf81b0736f952c99.png 543x189 21kB)
Every little pump don’t need to be posted y’all gotta chill. It’s like Twitter FOMO baka
5 hours later 28955078 Anonymous
I'm grug-brained. I don't see any links on this. Is there source for this?
https://www.crypto-news-flash.com/r ipple-labs-and-sec-rule-out-settlem ent-at-this-time/
5 hours later 28955332 Anonymous
Cheers, man, I'll take a look. I'm assuming the higher XRP goes in price, the more tax I'll pay when I transfer it over to my LLC?
5 hours later 28955365 Anonymous
old news, this has been known for weeks
5 hours later 28955447 Anonymous
So many based ebony queens hold XRP, this really is the Standard
5 hours later 28955491 Anonymous
technically if you just purchase the wallet for the LLC from yourself that wouldn't be a taxable transaction. However, if you were ever to move the XRP into USD/US CBDC, then it would become taxable.
5 hours later 28955657 Anonymous
I wonder how many of those 'queens' who wink at me on dating sites hold xrp and how many could match my shizo levels.
Wish I could just write 'no apes or RH+' in my profile
5 hours later 28955704 Anonymous
Could you pay less than face value for the wallet? Or is it all just paperwork since you already own it?
5 hours later 28955805 Anonymous
That's good to know. I assume you have some sort of legal background or just experience in setting up your own LLC? Either way the help is much appreciated. I might get some legal advice with it if XRP starts moving near ATH. I don't want to mess things up.
5 hours later 28955856 Anonymous
paperwork. can be very ambiguous if you want. hardware wallet = data storage device. that sort of thing, don't have to pay for the assets it holds, just enough for a data storage device.
5 hours later 28955943 Anonymous
law student, work for some finance/banking/accounting jews. not my end goal as a lawyer, but needed the experience.
5 hours later 28956133 Anonymous
Why make an LLC? What tax avoidance does it allow you?
5 hours later 28956196 Anonymous
Pass through.
5 hours later 28956354 Anonymous
it isn't so much tax avoidance. you want an LLC specifically in New Mexico or Delaware (Delaware only if you plan on having over 20 employees), this is because these have private registries for LLC ownership. in every other state you can look up who owns what LLC, find out their equity from it. the LLC protects and hides you from this, people can't sue you for your equity when it is hidden. you want to buy nice things, buy them with an LLC, that way if you accidentally bump into some land whale bitch at the costco she can't have her jew lawyer take everything you have cause you "injured" her. is this making sense?
5 hours later 28956664 Anonymous
and on the tax avoidance thing, technically end goal with XRP would be huge passive income and never selling the XRP. so you would pay taxes on the passive income, but most of your networth would be tied up in XRP. you have 10k XRP, xrp = 2k us cbdc, so from providing liquidity you get 5% apy. that 5% is given to you in us cbdc, post taxes you end up with like 660k us cbdc per year to spend. that is how you avoid major fuck you taxes with XRP.
5 hours later 28956686 Anonymous
I didn't get any airdrops since i'm a new schizo.. what do?
5 hours later 28956703 Sage (1613309719977.jpg 1200x675 77kB)
Have people claimed their Flare Spark shits yet? I havent had a chance to look into it, all my XRP is in binance. I heard we have until June to claim?
5 hours later 28956814 Anonymous
wont matter long run, don't worry. you just missed out on free money
5 hours later 28956987 Anonymous
I need to protect my assets in case someone decides to sue me.
5 hours later 28957145 Anonymous
loled fren
5 hours later 28957382 Anonymous
XRP is the new standard.
5 hours later 28957399 Anonymous
Hester Pierce has been on a tear recently
https://www.reuters.com/article/uk- usa-sec-crypto-currency-idUSKBN2AD0 ML
the question is, will we have to wait for Gensler to get confirmed for the case against Ripple to get dropped or will it be before?
prediction: the case against Brad and Chris will continue and they will have to pay back the money they earned from selling XRP plus/or pay a fine. The case against Ripple will be dropped and/or they will pay a fine. XRP will be declared a currency and investigations into ETH and various other cryptos and exchanges will be launched, crashing the price.
5 hours later 28957510 Anonymous
Hey XSG, turns out i forgot one single key phrase for my MEW wallet where my spark was suppose to go. ( had my XRP in XUMM for the snapshot ). I went back and used the tool to instead send it to my Metamask. Will i get all, some or none of my Spark? Thank you and god bless.
5 hours later 28957566 Anonymous
prediction: the case against Brad and Chris will continue and they will have to pay back the money they earned from selling XRP plus/or pay a fine. The case against Ripple will be dropped and/or they will pay a fine. XRP will be declared a currency and investigations into ETH and various other cryptos and exchanges will be launched, crashing the price.
but that will lead to XRP becoming the standard?
5 hours later 28957675 Anonymous
that's a good question, i'd be curious to know the answer. what happens if you switch the destination wallet for the Flare? if the XRP is still in the same wallet (XUMM or whatever), i don't see why you couldn't switch the Ether destination wallet. Then again, maybe they put in protections against that. I don't think that information was ever mentioned in the run-up to the airdrop on December 12.
5 hours later 28957686 Anonymous
I have no idea I'm also wondering about this
5 hours later 28957880 Anonymous
Thanks for the input. Hopefully i am able to get atleast some
5 hours later 28958007 Anonymous (1613500532875.png 759x765 149kB)
i think what will lead to XRP becoming the standard is still a ways off- namely, the adoption of Ripple as the official bridge currency between central bank-issued digital currencies such as the digital dollar, digital yen, digital euro. Those currencies still have to be rolled out yet, which won't happen until at least November of this year.
The fact that Ripple was awarded the patent for on-demand liquidity all but guarantees its prominent role in the new digital economy though, and the fact that a fucking Ripple VP is on the Board of Directors (!!) for the organization making FedNow (!!!) which is ISO20022 compliant (and Ripple helps run that as well) is just ridiculously bullish.
In the meantime, XRP will start to get used for cross-border payments and real time gross settlements by remittance companies and banks. What's holding back that institutional adoption right now is this SEC lawsuit.
tldr XRP is the standard but won't hit $2k until governments start using it, in the meantime i think we can reasonably expect $X or $XX prices as it starts to get used more and more
5 hours later 28958075 Anonymous
i imagine there will be technical support of some kind set up. in the meantime you might try asking @FlareCommunity on twitter or r/FlareNetwork but make sure to take a shower after you finish on Reddit to get the gay off
5 hours later 28958174 Anonymous
We're seeing anti crypto rhetoric ramping up in niger, india, now russia and everything is going nicely my friend.
Brad/chris are ok. Tether is going to court at the same time as ripple rolls out flare vacuum, already greenlit on other items like usdc, xlm use case, xrp usecase. There are still dominoes to put into place. The case will probably go on past february as they slowly vacuum, get greenlit, add more flare products. And the stage is set for late spring via flare. My prediction is that above^. I'd like xrp to be in the 4digits right this fucking second xlm 3 digits and flare paying for my balls to be washed by a few cuties but I am working and doing the poor man's shuffle. It's a long drawn out affair that will take a few months. This isn't buying or selling a house contract negotiations this is an extensive highly lucrative asset that will be haggled, re-negotiated, taxed/jewed/fee'd.
5 hours later 28958404 Anonymous
If you're not in for a long ride you're going to be extremely disappointed.
6 hours later 28958861 Anonymous
has anyone pointed out that regulatory clarity on XRP not being a security might be achieved before the lawsuit is finished? Isn't there an amended complain deadline on February 19, this Friday?
6 hours later 28958873 Anonymous
22 feb - settlement
6 hours later 28958975 Anonymous
Yes, especially if you also consider ETH’s gas prices and infrastructure.
Even without considering ODL and Flare.
6 hours later 28959007 Anonymous
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A clear cryptocurrency regulatory regime is urgently needed as major companies like Tesla Inc, BNY Mellon Corp and Mastercard Inc embrace the alternative asset class, a top Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) official said.
Hester Peirce, a Republican commissioner at the agency, also told Reuters in an interview that it was too soon to draw policy conclusions from a “Reddit Rally” in GameStop Corp and other stocks, but it was “wonderful” that a new generation of investors was able to participate in the market.
Dubbed by crypto enthusiasts as the “Crypto Mom” due to her supportive stance on the asset class, Peirce has long advocated for regulators to create clear rules that would allow crypto assets to thrive without fear of breaking the law.
“It’s not only that there have been calls for clarity for some time and that a new administration brings the chance to take a fresh look, but it also is a moment where it seems others in the marketplace are also taking a fresh look,” she said.
unless Alison Herren-Lee and Strzok's cuckquean wife really really REALLY want to set the US back and guarantee China's economic supremacy in the coming era, I don't see how this doesn't get resolved in the next month or two.
6 hours later 28959067 Anonymous
$0.65 on the horizon
Scrwwncap this
https://www.fxstreet.com/cryptocurr encies/news/ripple-price-forecast-x rp-is-about-to-breakout-to-065-2021 02171600
6 hours later 28959124 Anonymous
https://www.coindesk.com/ripple-win s-us-patent-for-new-oracle-based-sm art-contract-design
Earlier this week, Ripple Labs received a patent (No. 10,789,068) for a smart contract that can use oracles to connect a distributed platform to a variety of different real-world data.
Originally filed in June 2018, one example of a use case provided includes using the smart contracts to automatically settle options contracts when pre-agreed conditions are met, such as a company's debt-to-equity ratio hitting a certain threshold.
Another example, for the oil industry, is feeding data on the density of a specific crude oil shipment to help a smart contract determine whether to make a trade.
Smart contracts are mostly associated with Ethereum, but other large blockchains are looking to add similar capabilities.
October 2 2020
>buy Flare
6 hours later 28959418 Anonymous
That's a retarded prediction. Ripple's response to the suit is to ask for XRP to be declared a currency, the SEC isn't seeking that. If there was a settlement, which there won't be unless we get a new SEC head confirmed, it definitely wouldn't be beneficial to XRP. B&C won't have to pay if there isn't a settlement and they won't have to pay if they win. Looking at what the SEC is claiming, Ripples response, and the news released last week there is a near zero chance that the SEC wins the case. Your analysis is retarded.
You, too, are retarded.
Biden is ardently pro-China, so that's a real possibility. If for some reason you were unaware of that fact, last night's CNN town hall all but spelled it out in giant neon letters. This isn't to say that XRP is fucked, XRP has a lot of positive momentum and there are plenty of ways ahead for XRP and Ripple, but all of that has to be understood through the lens that Biden and his administration are ardently pro Xi and pro CCP.
6 hours later 28959453 Anonymous
There is. They've gone back and forth on it. They'll probably continue to go back and forth on like it's a performance which it is. The sec is more useless than the dmv in detroit. It might take time, it might not. I dont know. I wish it would happen now but itwon't. It's going to continue to crab until ds gets his way. Up down crab. Like rats on a cocaine drip we are.
6 hours later 28959621 Anonymous
>not fully and 100% believing in every single memedate that gets mentioned in this thread
Brad_Garlinghouse_in_front_of_clock _that_says_twenty_to_two.jpg
6 hours later 28959697 Anonymous
Iso 20222 on Feb 22 by that memedate
6 hours later 28959767 Anonymous
>Iso 20222
You mean ISO 20022?
6 hours later 28959779 Anonymous
everybody's retarded but the guy claiming that a specious lawsuit is going to hold back the establishment of the digital economy. you remind me of the guy who was so confident that XRPL would get forked and that retail holders wouldn't benefit from price increases, same writing style.
6 hours later 28959868 Anonymous
Misspelled, apologies.
6 hours later 28959873 Anonymous
two hundred to twenty two wouldn't fit on the clock, duh
6 hours later 28959969 Anonymous
new thread
new thread
new thread
6 hours later 28959984 Anonymous
6 hours later 28960024 Anonymous
>hurr durr everyone that says something I don't like is the same person
This is you. This is how retarded you are. Forkshit is fud and old fud at that.
6 hours later 28961166 Anonymous
couple questions, how is flare going to contribute for xrp holders, i didn't get any airdrops.
- how is xlm going to work along with xrp.
6 hours later 28961233 Anonymous
Read the fucking op.
6 hours later 28961460 Anonymous
I think it will go to court, that's the only way to set a legal basis for other cryptos if that's what they're after, the court hearing is going to happen in Q4 I believe
6 hours later 28961476 Anonymous
sad this thread is closing soon ;_;
that was a really good picture OP. for once you weren't a faggot
2.002 0.270