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2021-02-17 08:00 28928703 Anonymous (btc.png 2000x2000 109kB)
BTC (Bitcoin) is current at its all-time highest value.
0 min later 28928733 Anonymous
Barrier broken.
Strap in
1 min later 28928772 Anonymous
it's closer to 51k now than 50k, and has been over 50k for an hour. We're in the era of 50k+ BTC boys.
2 min later 28928787 Anonymous
2 min later 28928792 Anonymous
$100k waiting room
2 min later 28928815 Anonymous
3 min later 28928859 Anonymous (1613449205979.png 442x332 262kB)
Don't worry, we are going to 20k.
4 min later 28928893 Anonymous (1606872062354.jpg 680x512 48kB)
You had the chance to create generational wealth by accumulating bitcoin below 50k...
4 min later 28928907 Anonymous
maybe later bobo, just go home
7 min later 28929017 Anonymous
>BTC (Bitcoin) is current at its all-time highest value.
What makes you believe it's current?
7 min later 28929042 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210217-010522_Coinbase.jpg 1080x1449 110kB)
Oh goodness whats that bull flag doin there
8 min later 28929056 Anonymous (1594702970967.gif 320x294 1786kB)
8 min later 28929080 Anonymous (1547279973685.jpg 1389x1365 442kB)
Is 0.1 enough to make it???
9 min later 28929110 Anonymous
doin a little summin summin
how does 1M sound?
9 min later 28929126 Anonymous
don't worry we will break ATH by $200 and then dump 3k like the last 500 times this week.
10 min later 28929135 Anonymous
Anyone worried with the massive influx of BTC to normies and the endless rallies the first bear portion of this market will be a complete bloodbath?
They have never seen the -20% days.
10 min later 28929161 Anonymous (pS5NP3aGIBuYLQdLYlDDPs1pLl_QlwekN6loGzIro7aI5qE0w-iI6LlecQjrXn3NdnJIi9ArBJCiQewa04aIZg.jpg 1280x720 47kB)
>it was $4K last year
>you still didn't buy
12 min later 28929227 Anonymous
12 min later 28929228 Anonymous
Do people really think its going to 100k?
What are peoples reasoning for thinking it dips back down?
I went in on btc last night and now im up almost $10, i am super tempted to just throw a full 1k in at this rate
12 min later 28929234 Anonymous
It will be superb if you are holding ALTs, to buy in sats in the dips, and swap back and forth to grow...
13 min later 28929276 Anonymous
14 min later 28929298 Anonymous
>bought 1 BTC (One Bitcoin) for $3900
>Never sold
Feels good
15 min later 28929369 Anonymous
If we can keep half of this deflation/inflation rate for the next 20 years, you will be unironically a billionare
16 min later 28929416 Anonymous (1591133861106.jpg 1276x851 620kB)
Never felt better
17 min later 28929447 Anonymous
If I wake up tomorrow I at it is 100k I wouldn't even be surprised. If it is not, I will just buy more.
17 min later 28929465 Anonymous
you said the quiet part out loud
>i believe in the t-t-tech!
19 min later 28929523 Anonymous
I hope you all dont make the same mistake as 2017. Realise your gains in an asset that is audited, USDC. BTC will plummet back to 25,000.
19 min later 28929545 Anonymous
I hope so. I'll convert everything I have, pack a tent and a backpack, and live on the streets of LA for a year while it appreciates in value
21 min later 28929636 Anonymous (1612898841497.png 715x439 127kB)
23 min later 28929714 Anonymous
Buy buy buy buy buy!!!!!!!!!
24 min later 28929744 Anonymous
What's the best crypto wallet/ exchange to use? Is coinbase too pricey?
24 min later 28929751 Anonymous (1592891125568.png 1080x1059 578kB)
24 min later 28929753 Anonymous
>up $10 on a 50k asset
are you fucking retarded anon
25 min later 28929796 Anonymous
Sell signal
27 min later 28929893 Anonymous (poor.png 360x19 2kB)
27 min later 28929903 Anonymous (1605226975782.png 590x340 226kB)
28 min later 28929909 Anonymous
Hold for 10 years and yea
29 min later 28929968 Anonymous
You want the bloodbath. You want the halving cycle to repeat as it's doing, that'll give you until 2024 to buy low again and hodl until it goes out of wageslaves' reach by the next cycle, when it's going to reach the 500k bump.
I know I'm playing armchair futurologist, but I think the imminent bear market and year-long crabbing season after we reach 100k this year will coincide with a general market crash, so most normies will think BTC is dead... until fucking Satoshi Nakamoto comes back from the heavens with his Holy Halving and gets us to the literal moon by 2025. THEN it's going to become dangerous, as most financial institutions, central banks and governments are forced to consider the BTC market as a real threat... that leads to them accepting BTC dominance or, most likely, to hard regulation by Central Bankers, the shutting down of brainlet exchanges like Coinbase and the endless pouring of normie tears while /biz/ makes his escape via hard wallets and decentralized anonymized exchanges and apps.
Fun is just starting. We're gonna make it bros
31 min later 28930037 Anonymous
>im up almost $10,
Wow. Cash out.
33 min later 28930115 Anonymous
We're breaking ath after ath so why is the volume so shit?
33 min later 28930124 Anonymous (execute_bobo_(L1S).gif 750x539 3900kB)
Get rekt
34 min later 28930160 Anonymous
Everyone says that but as soon as bear season starts, they get distracted by something or another.
36 min later 28930237 Anonymous
Yes, hodl for 3 to 4 halfenings and you are unironically part of the 1% elite.
37 min later 28930280 Anonymous
but would anyone care?
at this point up or down it's all good
37 min later 28930292 Anonymous (74209.jpg 667x800 66kB)
>and now im up almost $10
Me too, anon. I had been mostly buying alt coins, but decided to cash out on a couple and finally buy btc last week. Now I'm up about $10. Exciting, huh.......
39 min later 28930369 Anonymous
God I fucking hate the tourists.
39 min later 28930391 Anonymous
39 min later 28930395 Anonymous
I thought there is going to be only one last halvening.
41 min later 28930464 Anonymous
buy buy buy buy buy
41 min later 28930485 Anonymous
I was in the market when Bitcoin was at 4, doing drugs on the Silk Road, had quite a bag of them, sold at 200 and never looked back. It lost all it utility in the meantime
42 min later 28930490 Anonymous (1516218909591.gif 498x498 698kB)
42 min later 28930520 Anonymous
43 min later 28930559 Anonymous
Buy signal
44 min later 28930578 Anonymous
look into Monero, it's basically what people thought/hoped bitcoin would be
44 min later 28930595 Anonymous
Do you ever regret selling?
46 min later 28930698 Anonymous
of course he does you retarded faggot
47 min later 28930721 Anonymous
institutions are already aping in full speed. you're not going to get until 2025.
57 min later 28931151 Anonymous
Please futurologist, tell me we finally leave the Jews behind on this one. Tell me that their love of central banking and lust for control will leave them clinging to the dying monetary system as it falls and fails, just as Gollum clung to the ring of power while falling into the fiery pits of Mt Doom.
1 hours later 28931719 Anonymous
Nope. It's gonna keep on halvening until the year 2144 fren.
1 hours later 28931899 Anonymous
And there’s not a green Wojak to be seen in the catalog.
This board is mostly retarded altcoin redditors now.
1 hours later 28932062 Anonymous
i honestly hope us taxpaying law abiding citizens don't have to subsidise the social security of the faggots who decided monopoly money was worth something or wanting to play game of chicken with a fake currency market.
fuck you assholes for being the first ones in line to get your food stamps when this all crashes down and the Benajmins under my mattress are worth more than your shitty crypto.
1 hours later 28932068 Anonymous
And it’s still not too late to get in. Elon opened the corpo-floodgate. 100k this year.
1 hours later 28932105 Anonymous
Yeah this is fucked shit just hit 3 ATHs back to back and all people are doing is frantically asking when alts are going back up.
Fucking ridiculous
1 hours later 28932112 Anonymous
Sticky this!
1 hours later 28932129 Anonymous
1 hours later 28932255 Anonymous
I reckon the next barrier is $60k, it'll drop 5%-10% then head back up. $80k by end of Feb.
Maybe 100k by the 2nd week of March before everyone gets cold feet and correction happens.
1 hours later 28932383 Anonymous
free yourself from the fiat plantation
1 hours later 28932386 Anonymous
... and yet I feel miserable at 3:30 AM
1 hours later 28932444 Anonymous
1 hours later 28932481 Anonymous
oh man my alts are gonna fucken explode oh my god oh my god
1 hours later 28932493 Anonymous (1613547981459.png 3358x778 624kB)
wtf mods deleted based thread
1 hours later 28932540 Anonymous (solar flare.jpg 680x512 144kB)
>hes still hodling?
>commence the operation
1 hours later 28932652 Anonymous
That meme only apply to people who impulsively buy shitcoins. BTC hodlers always win in the long term
1 hours later 28932711 Anonymous
The price will most likely crash again as it has many times before. The crash will be our opportunity.
1 hours later 28932742 Anonymous
it won't be that fast, it's going to take 2 months to hit 100k and 2.5 months to hit ~120k and then we see a major correction
1 hours later 28932744 Anonymous
Also, the best thing about crypto is how much I've learned. I got an MBA but I've learned way more just by being on this market and following smart people on Twitter
1 hours later 28932786 Anonymous (1613211618184.gif 440x307 279kB)
It will, it most definitely will.
But it will still bottom out at a higher price than it is now.
1 hours later 28932811 Anonymous
did you measure M2 from yesterday? Maybe purchasing power is down even if price is up.
Like privacy problems, OXEN probably solves this too
1 hours later 28932908 Anonymous
1 hours later 28932945 Anonymous
I earn money in a currency that in 7 years has depreciated by 50% with respect to the dollar.
Bitcoin is mana raining down from heaven
1 hours later 28933016 Anonymous
Big bull incoming. I'm betting on GRT to have the biggest increase this cycle.
1 hours later 28933175 Anonymous
1 hours later 28933392 Anonymous
1 hours later 28933426 Anonymous (BaySilv.png 2559x2999 2420kB)
STOP WASTING YOUR TIME ON BITCOIN. The market cap is nearly 1 trillion and it will never be money. Do you want real gains? The average silver penny stock went up 150 times in price when silver doubled (1962 to 1968). Yes, 150 times. A $1000 investment went to $150,000. This is not a joke, not an exaggeration. It's all proven in Doug Casey's "Crisis Investing."
The COMEX is about to break imminently. If that happens, silver won't simply double, it will go to $1000 or even $5000 an ounce! That means that silver penny stocks could go up 1000s of times in price. It could be bigger than Bitcoin.
Bayhorse Silver is one of the only penny stocks which can demonstrably go 100x at $50 silver on the basis of present market cap vs future free cash flow at that price. It can go 2000x at $800 silver! Market cap is still only $20 million! DO NOT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE-TIME, GET IN NOW.
1 hours later 28933570 Anonymous
1 hours later 28933620 Anonymous
>continues to dump for all eternity
1 hours later 28933667 Anonymous
1 hours later 28933786 Anonymous
No son. It's going to 1,000,000
1 hours later 28933875 Anonymous
The problem with silver and gold is that retards buy it all on paper as a stock. With crypto you actually buy the coin.
1 hours later 28933893 Anonymous
Damn, I can't believe BTC actually broke 50k. I remember when 50k used to be a meme. We could actually see 100k EOY.
2 hours later 28933942 Anonymous
Silver used to be the people's wealth. Jews don't want the people to be wealthy. Thus, they will forever supress silver's price.
2 hours later 28933991 Anonymous
>You want the bloodbath. You want the halving cycle to repeat as it's doing, that'll give you until 2024 to buy low again and hodl until it goes out of wageslaves' reach by the next cycle, when it's going to reach the 500k bump.
this guy totally gets it, buy red, sell green. volatility is good.
2 hours later 28934002 Anonymous
>worst time to buy more?
2 hours later 28934041 Anonymous
>We're breaking ath after ath so why is the volume so shit?
because no one is selling.
2 hours later 28934056 Anonymous
I dont know why people think high volume is the only reason for price to go up. Ever considered that high demand and low supply may induce raise of price?
2 hours later 28934084 Anonymous
>I dont know why people think high volume is the only reason for price to go up
Retards trying to apply boomer stock market logic to crypto.
2 hours later 28934104 Anonymous (1609732393964.jpg 525x809 134kB)
2 hours later 28934196 Anonymous (1602272014441.gif 250x277 1973kB)
W-what about 0.01?
2 hours later 28934200 Anonymous
So whats the point of inflation?
2 hours later 28934267 Anonymous
2 hours later 28934295 Anonymous
to allow banks to sneak out of their bad debts and bets by giving them free money. It also devalues the salaries of public sector and union employees which is a good thing since the laws are such you can't even fire them
2 hours later 28934303 Anonymous
How does $100k sounds like?
2 hours later 28934325 Anonymous
Should I buy in now or wait for an eventual drop?
2 hours later 28934412 Anonymous
Everyone is waiting for the FOMO. It’s not going to be like 2016. The big boys have come to play. They don’t FOMO. They dominate. The positions they take will be colonial. They have long time horizons and they are not buying bitcoin with paychecks. This bullrun will cause suicides. When dumbass traders realize what they had in their hands that they sold for a measly 2-3x. Working class wholecoins will start to be few and far between. Because buying a whole coin will require you to sell your house. This next 4 years is not just “the next cycle” it’s the next phase. Where governments will have to respond. Where criminals are going to step up their game. Where publicly declaring that you have a whole bitcoin could be dangerous to you and you’re family. This bull run is not going to be a retail FOMO extravaganza. This bull run is the beginning of the fall of fiat. This bull run will cement Satoshi’s white paper as one of the most important documents in human history
2 hours later 28934455 Anonymous
based pasta
2 hours later 28934479 Anonymous
>So whats the point of inflation?
What do you even mean by this question. Inflation is a tax, In healthy markets goverments can regulate the rate of inflation.
<In economics, inflation is a general rise in the price level in an economy over a period of time. When the general price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services; consequently, inflation reflects a reduction in the purchasing power per unit of money – a loss of real value in the medium of exchange and unit of account within the economy.
Say your salary is 5k USD per month and with inflation >0 every month you keep your cash in bank account you're losing purchasing power. Since the central banks, ruled by the gov, can issue new money and control inflation rates, they are on purpose taking your hard earned dollars.
2 hours later 28934711 Anonymous
Your mom was to pricey
2 hours later 28934734 Anonymous
It looks like a raising wedge
2 hours later 28934753 Anonymous
2 hours later 28934776 Anonymous
2 hours later 28934822 Anonymous (download (2).png 1066x411 39kB)
Keep in mind that whenever it does crash, this will most likely be the support line. Buy when it hits it.
2 hours later 28934901 Anonymous (bobo-reads-newspaper-thumbnail.jpg 200x191 8kB)
hey man we're trying to play nice over here
2 hours later 28934912 Anonymous
Why would anyone sell in an obvious bull market? Selling a small percentage to mitigate cost/risk is one thing.
2 hours later 28935024 Anonymous
I have ptsd since early 2018 man, I wouldn’t survive another crash like that.
2 hours later 28935185 Anonymous
beat this
>got 10 free bitcoins back in 2010 for registration on some BTC forum when price was like $0,1
>still holding
>also, got some free money from BTC forks in 2016-17
>not a single penny spent on crypto ever
how based am I?
2 hours later 28935204 Anonymous
Why the fuck did you sell it now ?
2 hours later 28935243 Anonymous
Fuck, did I buyed the alts too early? Are they going to bleed more?
2 hours later 28935249 Anonymous (BTC_.jpg 302x459 69kB)
2 hours later 28935265 Anonymous
only based if you give me a little sugar daddy
2 hours later 28935435 Anonymous
Diamond hands anon
2 hours later 28935693 Anonymous
not really, brainlet here
I just found out about bitcoin going big in late 2017 and spend literally 20 hours to find my old dusty PC in the basement, make the HDD work and then to find the bitcoin core wallet there, log in (luckily had the hash password saved in notepad file kek) and transfer it to hardware ledger couple of days later. Then BTC collapsed in 2018 to like $3k so i was like whatever, and forgot about it until feb 2021. The plan is to cash out at $100k per BTC, it's more than enough to make it in Poland where I live.
2 hours later 28935707 Anonymous
Unironically gave me an erection if true
2 hours later 28935786 Anonymous
why not cash out half now, if it hits 100k then you've more than made up
2 hours later 28935941 Anonymous
>drug addicts are weak handed faggots
i think we suspected that much
2 hours later 28935950 Anonymous
Just sold almost 10 BTC (bought them middle 2017), which makes me a millionaire where I live.
Using about half of the money to buy a decent house, sturdy car, and a couple of houses to rent, the income should sustain me until I die.
With the other half, I am just buying gold and waiting to see what happens this year, if BTC moons even further I will be OK with it, if it returns to $20K I might return to my original position.
Remember, kids, gambling is fun, but if you find an opening to get what you really want, go for it, don't become one of those losers that miss a good thing.
2 hours later 28936045 Anonymous
Two GODs of based if true
2 hours later 28936056 Anonymous
Going parabolic price discovery mode. This is going to dump hard as shit somewhere between 2 hours from now and 2 weeks from now.
2 hours later 28936073 Anonymous
2 hours later 28936124 Anonymous
>I went in on btc last night and now im up almost $10
2 hours later 28936125 Anonymous
This is exactly what my financial advisor told me to, still considering but I am hungry for this $100k per BTC, no one will tell me it's not doable since it's $50k now and it was $3k 3 years ago
2 hours later 28936129 Anonymous
no shit
2 hours later 28936171 Anonymous
at least the vendors are rich and won't exit scam
>t. druggue
2 hours later 28936192 Anonymous
If by “people” you mean hitmen and drug dealers then yes.
2 hours later 28936302 Anonymous
Not that based, anon, I studied BTC and followed BTC since 2013 before finding the courage to put literally all my fucking savings on it.
Then there was the pain of not selling at $18K and going full cope after that.
Holding without anything to show for it is pain, if I sold half of my stack at $18K I would have had more happiness in my life.
3 hours later 28936441 Anonymous
Sell some for alts.
DIA is an amazing chart and hasn't ran.
3 hours later 28936622 Anonymous
New paradigm: everything except bitcoin is a worthless shitcoin.
3 hours later 28936642 Anonymous
can ya give me some spare cash old anon old friend
3 hours later 28936770 Anonymous
>cement Satoshi’s white paper as one of the most important documents in human history
literally got chills. what an absolute blessing to be alive rn
3 hours later 28936817 Anonymous
Capped. Based Gladstone Gander.
3 hours later 28936849 Anonymous
I know what you mean, especially if you were strapped for cash due to going all in this entire time. But you clearly won the jackpot now and also understand the value of what you've earned, that's based in my book
3 hours later 28936850 Anonymous
No KYC either? You are literally the beginning of our generations Rothschild family... teach your children well
3 hours later 28936949 Anonymous (1599575710604.jpg 1080x1053 551kB)
Most people who bought in 2017 are selling their bags now, including me.
3 hours later 28936986 Anonymous
I bought 300 euros worth of BTC at the end of January, will I make it?
3 hours later 28937101 Anonymous
Financial advisors are fucking bears. I've never gotten any good advice from them about how to make money. Only how to maintain it. Hopefully yours takes you seriously, I had to ditch two because they kept telling me to stop self managing my stocks. Guess they're used to retards but honestly I don't really see the point of them once you "get it." They should just have a class, a longer relationship isn't needed.
3 hours later 28937379 Anonymous
3 hours later 28937739 Anonymous
No. You will have 40k by 2025 but you'll have to get them out by them.
3 hours later 28937802 Anonymous
These stopped being funny a long time, like, 20k long ago
3 hours later 28937868 Anonymous
So buy more once this period is over, then hold?
3 hours later 28937887 Anonymous
3 hours later 28938041 Anonymous (1612032167644.png 222x311 105kB)
NGMI. Sell out now. Get to wage slaving.
3 hours later 28938159 Anonymous
Kids will learn about you in school in 200 years.
3 hours later 28938212 Anonymous
4 hours later 28938804 Anonymous (1533895924556.jpg 224x165 13kB)
Just stop giving a shit. I literally lost half a million in a few hours before, and I thought it was fucking hilarious seeing all the pink wojaks and linking park lyrics in the catalog. Its just money anyways, who cares.
4 hours later 28939166 Anonymous
It pains me, but I don't think so. They will adapt and use their already overwhelming power to implement blockchain technology as a mass-surveillance global economy: their goal is to guarantee you will never be able to exist the bank (no longer a physical bank, but a blockchain that tracks all your location and social info and taxes you for every move you make). They see BTC as a good thing for the time, a testing ground for the digitalization of their fiat-based global currency. When it becomes a threat, they'll just regulate to hell while pushing their mark of the beast system as mandatory, while painting everything BTC-like as literally terrorism and rogue nation-funding.
That's what my experience in the market and Government tells me. That's what they openly say they will do. I might be wrong, but I think the BTC utopians are blind to the real power of their enemy. They're not Gollum: they're Sauron. Their reign over Earth only ends with a literally biblical boom. I'm talking Second Coming, Ragnarok level happening... and we're not going to be alive to see it. Be happy knowing you're fighting the good fight now.
4 hours later 28939506 Anonymous
sell signal
"new paradigm" the post
4 hours later 28939599 Anonymous
buy signal
"sell signal" the post
4 hours later 28939713 Anonymous
Unironically the fact there are still Bobos here arguing with Mumus in /biz/ threads defeats their own point.
4 hours later 28941120 Anonymous (733458741503983638.png 128x128 26kB)
5 hours later 28941541 Anonymous
you can't time the market anon. if you think that overall it will go down then don't buy at all, but if you think overall it will go up, the best time to buy is now.
5 hours later 28941633 Anonymous
Yes. It will be on it's new ath every few days for a few months now.
5 hours later 28941747 Anonymous
5 hours later 28941751 Anonymous
Same here anon, I sold at 50k thinking it would dump, went to sleep and when i wake up to buy again is at 52k. i am a retard
5 hours later 28941755 Anonymous
Do you not actually do any research about Bitcoin at all or something? Stop fucking around wasting time learning about new shitcoins and actually spend a few weeks studying Bitcoin. If you go deep enough into Bitcoin you will never sell your Bitcoin for a very very long time .
5 hours later 28941876 Anonymous
bobo are you ok?
5 hours later 28942214 Anonymous
If they actually knew shit about how to make money they wouldn't be, you know, working as an advisor.
5 hours later 28942259 Anonymous
Fuck. I sold my 0.2 BTC for some shit alt coins a few years ago.
Chasing alt coins is gay.
5 hours later 28942280 Anonymous
The crash won't happen at this pace, it'd only happen if the price jumped to like 70k or something, right now.
5 hours later 28942346 Anonymous
This is what happens at big name trading firms
The guys who actually know what they’re doing leave and trade at home because it makes them 10-100X money they make at work doing it for someone else
The end result is the investment firms have a bunch of midwits working there
5 hours later 28942500 Anonymous
Nothing wrong selling a few to pay for whatever crap you want/need. Now if you sold everything, you're a dumbass. Even worse now that the USA pedo wants to crash the dollar with no survivors.
5 hours later 28942897 Anonymous
The problem with Bobos is that they think theyre smarter than everyone, while theyre really just cowardly losers. Yeah, there will be a crash, from 60k to 49k perhaps, but that is nothing but noise to a bull.
5 hours later 28942996 Anonymous (boomerh.png 359x416 226kB)
you got taxed twice?
5 hours later 28943057 Anonymous
I dont think most people are aware of how big criminal wallets are. Theyve been exclusively dealing in BTC since the first sniff.
The mega early adopters are all big drug dealers. You can get double your BTC value in trade with them because they'll wire you hot money from a cloned card in exchange for BTC.
5 hours later 28943071 Anonymous
it will never go below 35k
5 hours later 28943123 Anonymous
put it in a saving account that yield 4% btc every months
5 hours later 28943215 Anonymous
When are you going to accept that this time is really a >NEW PARADIGM?
5 hours later 28943235 Anonymous
It's a function of mining, not of time.
5 hours later 28943244 Anonymous
It's only natural. Most people on this board are priced out of bitcoin now. Like yeah could buy 0.1 but then will need it to go to 100k to double their money.
Most oldies who bought bitcoin cheap and are making absolute bank have probably either left the board, cashed out, or lurking.
5 hours later 28943277 Anonymous
Lmao no
5 hours later 28943341 Anonymous
Check the charts ;)
5 hours later 28943387 Anonymous
what is average block time?
5 hours later 28943395 Anonymous
LTC should be the price of 1/4th of BTC, simple as.
5 hours later 28943410 Anonymous (1231321546554.png 919x380 86kB)
5 hours later 28943473 Anonymous
God speed anon
5 hours later 28943501 Anonymous
What account?
5 hours later 28943838 Anonymous
https://www.blockchaincenter.net/bi tcoin-rainbow-chart/
I believe it can crash back down to 15k easily.
5 hours later 28943937 Anonymous
Bull flag on the chart
>better sell
Is /biz/ unironically mostly low iq and pajeets?
6 hours later 28944461 Anonymous
Hell ya brother cheers *crack* *sip*
7.003 0.290