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2021-02-17 07:25 28927104 Anonymous Not sure if $50k is getting slowly accepted or heavily rejected (1600229892732.jpg 741x568 94kB)
0 min later 28927126 Anonymous
not sure if street or toilet
0 min later 28927132 Anonymous
https://app.tokenswap.finance/pool/ 54
1 min later 28927161 Anonymous (9054892359823849.jpg 400x400 12kB)
5 min later 28927376 Anonymous
Slowly rejected, it seems.
5 min later 28927385 Anonymous
Neither, you're thinking in 2d but btc is about to enter the complex plane.
Read up on hermeneutics
6 min later 28927399 Anonymous
Heavily accepted
7 min later 28927474 Anonymous
Its forming a wedge with fading volume so we are due for a breakout either up or down soon.
8 min later 28927503 Anonymous
Scam pump and dump token
9 min later 28927547 Anonymous
It's going up
10 min later 28927569 Anonymous
based and chodepilled
10 min later 28927584 Anonymous
the TA indicates a trend reversal down as more likely.
11 min later 28927635 Anonymous (1604568476790.png 768x768 382kB)
>10 day breakout
>all alts held hostage
>violent moves everyday
>no one can determine the move
>permabulls talking retarded 6 digit numbers
>permabears talking retarded 4 digit numbers
Was this in Satoshi's mind all along?
11 min later 28927645 Anonymous (1613425071792.jpg 870x1083 235kB)
It's going up. I don't need TA
12 min later 28927685 Anonymous
ok ill bite
13 min later 28927739 Anonymous (ACCOOOOOMULATING.png 250x250 89kB)
15 min later 28927816 Anonymous (161294132101.png 900x843 17kB)
>TA indicates trend reversal
>bearish revergence
>cannot hold muh fibonnaci
>BTC are on it's way to correction
>breaks 50k
15 min later 28927820 Anonymous
He wants you to suffer. It will help you grow
16 min later 28927861 Anonymous (ss+(2021-02-17+at+05.40.31).jpg 467x585 125kB)
16 min later 28927901 Anonymous
Rising wedge anon, its expected to go up. the problem is the next rejection.
17 min later 28927917 Anonymous
2017 BTC is back
17 min later 28927941 Anonymous
It has to hurt having that much money but still being that butt fucking ugly
18 min later 28928005 Anonymous (1613519822129.png 2433x855 1407kB)
How much money have you made this cycle
19 min later 28928009 Anonymous
only brown hands hold this joke of a scamcoin
19 min later 28928011 Anonymous
Not sure if you're mentally retarded or just a dumb fucking idiot.
21 min later 28928115 Anonymous
>has never read a whitepaper
>fuds his own coins
absolutely based
21 min later 28928138 Anonymous
Watching this get shilled is so sad. It's not gonna work. You got scammed bro and now you're doing the humiliation ritual for all to see.
23 min later 28928211 Anonymous
>tfw literal the chad illusionist but with better hair
24 min later 28928222 Anonymous (Upward Channel.png 1426x873 165kB)
No clear indication this entire time for either a big breakout or drop. It's just a steady upward channel ever since we got the TSLA pump. Holding that steady for that long with that many retests after such an artificial news pump indicates an insane amount of strength. We still have more institutional money flowing in, and a big stimulus around the corner in the US. The overall picture is incredibly bullish.
26 min later 28928323 Anonymous
Everybody obsessing about TA is scared little bitches lubricating their assholes for another dump while the coin pumps. Not only are they pouring gallons of lube into their rectum in anticipation of the market collapsing, the market doesn't even do then the honor of collapsing and fuckin them.
TA posters are the ultimate turbo fag money losers
28 min later 28928436 Anonymous
I'm not even going to look at your stupid meme technical analysis. We are finally returning to normal and we will be well on our way passed $148.8k this time next week.
29 min later 28928465 Anonymous
shut up retard I said I was bullish
30 min later 28928484 Anonymous (V6FwQ.png 893x763 288kB)
See here
32 min later 28928601 Anonymous
No shit you should be bullish. The normies haven't even started FOMO'ing in yet. We are barely hitting media attention. There's literally no fucking need for TA. Cryptocurrencies only go up.
33 min later 28928646 Anonymous
35 min later 28928721 Anonymous
Absolutely meaningless attempt at resolving financials into topology. Using a manifold to describe a variety pack of economic descriptors is peak PhD dick stroking, useless, dry, and ultimately going to get repurposed by someone who will actually make money instead.
36 min later 28928744 checkmate
Fuck now I want to sell
36 min later 28928745 Anonymous (liftoff.jpg 520x401 22kB)
37 min later 28928776 Anonymous
When my wife lays down her nipples make a double top but every time I see them I get bullish and fuck her.
What's your point? Are you going to fuck Bitcoin in the ass?
37 min later 28928807 Anonymous
It broke through, but could easily fall under 50k in minutes
37 min later 28928813 Anonymous
50k has been accepted. Next stop 100k.
38 min later 28928816 Anonymous
You better hurry before the price goes any higher and you miss your chance to sell the bottom
38 min later 28928825 Anonymous
38 min later 28928860 Anonymous
Manifolds don’t solve stochastic differential equations. On the other end, current economy is little more than central bank printing and Jews profiting
39 min later 28928888 Anonymous
Are you fucking Peter schiff?
>Oh 50k is real, I guess 100k could happen, BUT IT COULD ALSO GO TO ZERO
Sounds like a bunch of retarded faggot nocoiner cope to me.
Low testosterone ass cucks
40 min later 28928936 Funfair
Why you guys want so much money from /biz/?
Go taste some cats and shit in your shitty river
Stop shilling on this thread with your stupid trash
I have already taken part in bot ocean and wait for full trading system release with bots
40 min later 28928943 Anonymous
'mon then close a 4h candle above
40 min later 28928948 Anonymous
I love Peter Schiff, his tweets are absolutely hilarious. Btw, he owns bitcoins you stupid ass faggot.
41 min later 28928974 Anonymous
What you just said is retarded on so many levels.
1. Normies fomo'd into dogecoin and btc already
2. The media is all over 50k btc
3. That's a very bold statement to make
4. No they don't, that's peak euphoria. If you would've said BTC I could ignore it
I'm not saying you shouldn't be bullish but at least don't be a retard.
42 min later 28929027 Anonymous
>Manifolds don’t solve stochastic differential equations
Exactly my point retard, some PhD made a cool looking surface in Matlab for something that isn't usably solved by topology. It's just dick stroking by economics undergrads with mathematics minors
44 min later 28929082 Anonymous (40821604-467C-463E-BFE4-436709FB9A93.gif 267x200 1230kB)
IT WON’T STOP GOING UP?! I’M CUMMING OVER AGAIN AND AGAIN! Now I’m going to feel better through the shitty weather in Texas
44 min later 28929097 Anonymous
Of course he holds bitcoin. He's a fucking grifter playing the gold boomers for a pump. He's definitely hilarious.
46 min later 28929178 Anonymous
>he owns bitcoins
Of course. He just makes more money if people buy pms. He's jewish remember
48 min later 28929259 Anonymous
>1. Normies fomo'd into dogecoin and btc already
That was only the Twitter and Reddit hives, not the actual financial normies. Go talk to your parents and see if they have started talking about it yet.
>2. The media is all over 50k btc
>3. That's a very bold statement to make
Of course it's a bold statement, I ain't a cuck bitch
>4. No they don't, that's peak euphoria. If you would've said BTC I could ignore it
Ok yes, shitty pump and dumps go down. Don't buy those
49 min later 28929303 Anonymous
i found this ill spend 10m to pls u
http://www.bentamari.com/PicturesEc ometry/articals08-TamariAttractor.p df
52 min later 28929454 Anonymous
This. We just passed the first sell off in Jan. This bullrun will last until at least Mar 2022 looking from historical trends
53 min later 28929509 Anonymous
>"Tamari's theory of a country's economic situation says that the situation of the country can be estimated by
mapping the country's position on the nest ( Tamari space [O, M, P,] ) created by the solutions of the above
equations (see pictures 1, 2,). When the position (of the country) is within the green boundary of the nest (see
picture 2), the situation is stable, and forecasting and planning is possible in the short term. However, if the
country's position has moved to the red part (usually after printing too much money due to political chaos,
armed conflicts, dictatorships, election campaigns, etc…), the situation is unstable and may lose control..."
54 min later 28929534 Anonymous
Econ academia is gay. They're all mathematics department rejects.
55 min later 28929557 Anonymous
Whales are trying to push btc higher but its getting rejected every time. We're going back to 4 figures.
57 min later 28929646 Anonymous
omg in that case dumping now
57 min later 28929648 Anonymous
Told you dude, since PhD found a Jewish way to say that is a country is stable, you can plan for the future, but if they're printing money or there's war, you can't.
59 min later 28929726 Anonymous
Bitcoin is up 2% in the last 15 minutes, that isn't rejection.
1 hours later 28929772 Anonymous
that's a rising wedge, drop follows.
1 hours later 28930012 Anonymous
>drop follows
Every single time? Guaranteed?
Stupid TA poster
1 hours later 28930103 Anonymous
bro you obviously dont have your phone alert you to normie signals..BBC, CNBC, CNN, a few others are ALL OVER the 50k BTC run, i hate to admit but i think its finished
1 hours later 28930275 Anonymous
Of course I don't have my phone send me notifications about what CNN is covering, or MSNBC, BBC. I don't give a shit what they're talking about. Fucking fear media for soi milk latte drinkers
1 hours later 28930384 Anonymous (brainlet.jpg 800x450 45kB)
>the TA indicates a trend reversal down as more likely.
1 hours later 28930430 Anonymous
Avoid the tamaguchi paradox at your own peril. Others have already made lateral movements
1 hours later 28930442 Anonymous
Better watch Tucker shitting his pants about immigrants then I guess
1 hours later 28930469 Anonymous
you literally asked that anon where he saw that news, if it was on a crypto news site or cnn. If he said cnn as if jt would validate his claims about normies being priced in already. Obviously youre a sheltered faggot, i have heard normies mention crypto since early january, we are FUCKED. Is this your first ATH?
1 hours later 28930480 Anonymous
I've never used ta, don't short btc and don't day trade but don't get cocky because number go up. in case you're new the market manipulation in the past two years was so obvious /biz/ gave it a simpsons character. whenever >>28930103 this happens bags are being unloaded.
1 hours later 28930496 Anonymous
Lol I'm not invoking TA memenalysis textbook definitions idiot. Market makers shit on TA mainstream TA signals.
1 hours later 28930789 Anonymous
>Oh he's shitting on left news sites, he must love right news sites
Shit the fuck with your political binary faggot, you're exposing how malleable your mind is
1 hours later 28930911 Anonymous
My original analysis was a wedge forming into a breakout which was entirely correct. see >>28927474 retard
1 hours later 28930920 Anonymous
Oh my God we're fucked you say? God I hope you sold all your coins today to lock in those profits.
Who gives a fuck what news sites are saying? I bet whoever I was responded to went and Google searched some news articles like he was my little bitch running an errand for me. lol
1 hours later 28930979 Anonymous
Don't worry, I sell and buy when I think the time is right and I'm doing ok. I'm just shitting on the faggot finger wagglers here screeching about TA like they need someone to hold their hands
1 hours later 28931095 Anonymous
no they don't, their bots rely on ta and painting ta. they only step in when the need squeeze or change trends. This thread is full of bullish idiots. It's one thing to expect it to bull but expecting it never to correct is nonsense.
1 hours later 28931241 Anonymous
youre the one who asked him you fucking nigger go put a toothpick under your big toenail and kick a wall kys
1 hours later 28931243 Anonymous
One third of the posts in this thread are mine. This thread is mine. There are no bullish idiots here, just one, and I will not have you denying my claim to this thread by saying I'm less than I am by being many. Now get out of my thread you stupid TA cuck.
1 hours later 28931275 Anonymous
52k now holy fuck
1 hours later 28931320 Anonymous
>go put a toothpick under your big toenail and kick a wall
That's a good one, I'm keeping that one
Of course I asked him to go to do it, people should go do things for me, whether or not I care about the result of their work doesn't matter
1 hours later 28931341 Anonymous
Yes, slower and slower. It's going to tip over and start plummeting after.
1 hours later 28931361 Anonymous
1 hours later 28931366 Anonymous
So what should I buy instead?
1 hours later 28931410 Anonymous
1 hours later 28931413 Anonymous
Just like it did in 2017? 2013? No bitch, get fucked
1 hours later 28931441 Anonymous
I already stack silver and gold. Im diversifying with BTC now
1 hours later 28931457 Anonymous
1 hours later 28931479 Anonymous
1 hours later 28931540 Anonymous
you're new you'll learn.
1 hours later 28931552 Anonymous
1 hours later 28931605 Anonymous
>you're new you'll learn.
You're stupid and you won't learn.
1 hours later 28931653 Anonymous
There is just only 3 options, it will go up or down or side.
1 hours later 28931701 Anonymous
we'll be saying this about LINK in 2024
1 hours later 28931706 Anonymous
>this time it'll be different, BTC wont go up!!!
1 hours later 28931741 Anonymous
Yup, the retards will figure this out one day
1 hours later 28931923 Anonymous (1613081654159.jpg 738x422 30kB)
the number goes up
that's the only TA you need
3.028 0.141