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2021-02-16 09:39 28891073 Anonymous (2AAF20C5-BCA5-446C-B125-D1600865E024.png 1125x2436 1859kB)
This will end well.
1 min later 28891160 Anonymous (1613031189863.jpg 2034x2048 223kB)
Zoom in
1 min later 28891219 Anonymous
Imagine me imagining you faggots spending billions of dollars to buy literal random numbers
3 min later 28891301 Anonymous
That curve is the fed’s balance sheet, right?
3 min later 28891311 Anonymous
Disruptive technology is volatile during its adoption
3 min later 28891318 Anonymous
different time than now.
coronafaggot changed that
3 min later 28891320 Anonymous (▄█ █▄█ ▄█▀ ▀█▀.jpg 84x125 2kB)
How long til the alt pump?
3 min later 28891322 Anonymous (1C6FF33B-E032-48A1-9051-772B7E903EFF.jpg 512x468 18kB)
5 min later 28891511 Anonymous
All I want is another day with alts going +10% to the last 24h high, so I can get out. Not because a crash is coming, but because the market is clearly anticipating a BTC breakout. When Elon Musk tweeted, the alts rose with BTC breaking its ATH, but it has by now normalized - another BTC rise will most likely see alts drop 10-20% again until it finds a new area to consolidate before the next attack, though we might see substantial rise to heights like 70k very quickly. The market will be in a bit of turmoil.
6 min later 28891534 Anonymous
Where have you been the past year
8 min later 28891671 Anonymous
This. But also mean reversion will occur. Something important to remember is when things are priced in at certain levels that even a pump will eventually return to the mean. People who hold long understand what I'm saying.
8 min later 28891702 Anonymous
>20 Trillion Dollar Money Supply
9 min later 28891769 Anonymous
you posted literally the same pic at 30k. Don't think I don't remember you faggot. I'm an autist and I'll remember that shitty phone screen till the day I die
9 min later 28891800 Anonymous
This. Its in turmoil now.
BTC will get media attention tomorrow onwards, "omg 50k$" which will drive it further in the coming weeks, maybe even to 100k.
Alts should start pumping off the back off todays ATH when new money starts trickling in, but if BTC rockets, Alts will start bottoming out, I just want the catchup high to exit on.
10 min later 28891894 Anonymous
11 min later 28891971 Anonymous
What’s the point of owning altcoins now if they’re all dumping
Just put everything in btc
14 min later 28892160 Anonymous
On the 6 alts im holding + handful of others i'm watching, the dump has ended, and uptrend is in motion.
Money is pouring out of BTC into alts now, it just needs to happen fast enough to drive them all to new ATHs while new money keeps BTC flowing for the duration.
14 min later 28892179 Anonymous (linearfag.jpg 2152x1268 300kB)
if you knew how to use a chart, you'd know it would.
15 min later 28892259 Anonymous
my net worth has randomly increased a lot by owning it
18 min later 28892498 Anonymous
What is that, Tesla stock?
19 min later 28892561 Anonymous
2017 is the same, but even bigger.
19 min later 28892608 Anonymous (0CF96C34-7DB9-4049-9901-246B9C77E228.jpg 738x1158 83kB)
20 min later 28892663 Anonymous
zoom out bro
20 min later 28892666 Anonymous
>idiot thinks things can just keep growing exponentially forever.
are... are you retarded?
22 min later 28892813 Anonymous (that_s-a-knife-photo-u2.jpg 650x650 32kB)
That's not an alt pump
23 min later 28892886 Anonymous
>What is a log chart
23 min later 28892946 Anonymous
its organic growth mane.
33 min later 28893652 Anonymous
https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/ M2
34 min later 28893742 Anonymous (chart.jpg 1365x727 44kB)
yeah im thinking we have time
35 min later 28893860 Anonymous
You are just a bag holder until you sell, and you are not going to sell to avoid missing future profits
36 min later 28893984 Anonymous
37 min later 28894034 Anonymous (1610223254042.jpg 640x480 42kB)
use the log chart retard
38 min later 28894124 Anonymous
38 min later 28894136 Anonymous (D263BDB7-96E4-4895-B954-75586A267977.jpg 392x331 25kB)
Imagine I spend the last 4 years of wagie wagie paychecks to buy low
40 min later 28894270 Anonymous
Imagine me imagining you having to go to work everyday, doing all the hard work for the lazy asshole boss, who takes all the credit, raises and promotions that rightfully belong to you. Sucker.
40 min later 28894296 Anonymous (FB02F1D2-B9E7-463A-801D-19AFD437AD28.jpg 720x698 124kB)
Just wait for the fucking alts to catch this up. Alt season is spring/summer before the big pre EOY dip. Be ready lads. It just depends what BTC's target price is for this poomp. Where the final top is (I have no idea at this point, I expected 35-40k we've gone batshit instead) and then a crab as alts catch up and BTC ships a little bit of value as people swap in to their chosen coins. ETH $10,000 LINK $100 UNI $100 GRT $50 EOY LETS GOOOOOO
41 min later 28894381 Anonymous
41 min later 28894407 Anonymous
42 min later 28894430 Anonymous (1600717130830.jpg 1800x1189 796kB)
>Civilian Air Force Fire Brigade
42 min later 28894438 Anonymous
actually pretty spooky how close all the pumps look
42 min later 28894464 Anonymous
That's why you cash out some and hold some. Only retards hold it all without taking some profit, or dump their whole bags.
43 min later 28894506 Anonymous
It's a new paradigm, and everybody who doesn't buy, now, will be priced out forever. Anybody who does buy will be rewarded with a lifetime of riches, as their bitcoin will continue its 30% monthly price increase.
Nocoiners, and anybody born in a future generation, will not be able to afford a $10,000,000 satoshi in 15 years. They will live in tent cities, and Hondas.
This asset bubble is different than all of the others - it will never slow down, or pop. The gains are permanent.
44 min later 28894616 Anonymous
10,000 eth lol okay boomer
44 min later 28894634 Do better
>What is a log chart
it's not this, stupid.
Log chart wouldn't help you anyway. Look at the facts. Crash imminent.
45 min later 28894667 Anonymous
Rolling for crypto cap doing a 3x in 2021
45 min later 28894719 Anonymous
46 min later 28894779 Anonymous (Bin_Laden_0f745-859.jpg 1484x1028 242kB)
>He doesn't Eth
NGMI man. Eth is literally vital to the 4th indooooostrial
46 min later 28894795 Anonymous
So close friends, maybe we will make it. Or maybe this is all a dream
47 min later 28894841 Anonymous
49 min later 28894966 Anonymous (CFE3B8D4-5F78-456D-926B-22598F45B595.jpg 1125x1859 294kB)
This will end well
57 min later 28895567 Anonymous (187576576576767.png 1125x1859 192kB)
59 min later 28895720 Anonymous
1 hours later 28895861 Anonymous (7f8.jpg 600x691 43kB)
1 hours later 28895927 Anonymous (btc.png 1817x851 243kB)
So many dumbfucks can't see whats happening.
1 hours later 28896104 Anonymous
explain it to me.
1 hours later 28896109 Anonymous
finally.. 100k is not a fucking meme.
1 hours later 28896115 Anonymous
>10,000 eth
They said the same at 100 and 1000
1 hours later 28896164 Anonymous (OH FUCK.png 586x779 359kB)
1 hours later 28896261 Anonymous
So the alt dumps are actually because everyone is trading them in for Bitcoin?
1 hours later 28896269 Anonymous
100k before dump?
1 hours later 28896504 Anonymous
bots are
1 hours later 28896538 Anonymous
obviously it wont, but its a long time coming till growth stops.
1 hours later 28896856 Anonymous
Thats my expectation.
1 hours later 28896937 Anonymous
1 hours later 28896952 Anonymous
btw will hit 300-400k before slowing down to 30-40%/year until $2-3mil/btc
1 hours later 28896973 Anonymous
I duno why I put a questionmark, its what im banking and planning on, I just cant get the balls to tell my friends to do it too.
1 hours later 28897007 Anonymous (1613489167124.png 700x450 72kB)
1 hours later 28897316 Anonymous
yall kys when it aths at 330k
1 hours later 28898669 Anonymous (rxuo34jiqd561.jpg 1610x792 75kB)
This will end well.
1 hours later 28899148 Anonymous
1 hours later 28899343 Anonymous (naga4.jpg 400x711 71kB)
>$1trillon+ market cap for a secure excel sheet
Is this real life?
1 hours later 28899852 Anonymous
If you buy now BTC would have to reach 100k before you've merely doubled your money. The downside risk far outweighs the potential profit at this point, unless you're planning on holding for the next decade (even then). If you're new to investing please don't fomo into the massive green dildo just because big number sounds good.
1 hours later 28900037 Anonymous
>he uses TA on a completely irrational asset class and thinks it means anything.
TA doesn't even apply to actual stock market movements at this point. You're acting like an oracle, don't pretend that you can predict the future with any certainty.
2 hours later 28900624 Anonymous
damn right anon. the other day i went down the car dealership with 40 kilos of paper and the retards there literally gave me a fucking car for it, worlds gone absolutely mad
2 hours later 28900731 Anonymous
I just cant fucking get over it. Why would elon fucking musk get in the way of an otherwise healthy correction?? Fucking Jewish Piece of Shit.
2 hours later 28901203 Anonymous
India and Nigeria would like to say a few things
2 hours later 28901209 Anonymous
The first currency speculation attacks will execute within the decade. Wall street will end up owning the currency base of the developing world and we will all be BTFO when we watch our altcoins pale in comparison.
2 hours later 28901596 Anonymous
It was supposed to have a pullback a week+ ago when it hit 40k again, down to mid 20s~ and then resume a bull trend again. Now this is just a messed up mess.
2 hours later 28901968 Anonymous
Smooth line, smooth brain, kys, ironically.
2 hours later 28902062 Anonymous
And ofc
>1 post by this ID
2 hours later 28902072 Anonymous
>hurr durr chart high so it will go down
brainlet tier logic
2 hours later 28902230 Anonymous (grimes-elon-musk-azealia-banks-1534209777-compressed.jpg 1805x1207 463kB)
Dear Elon,
Your wife is a goblin and you are a turbo nigger. Eat shit and die, faggot.
2 hours later 28902270 Anonymous
no, its a hashed linked list. much simpler than excel
2 hours later 28902271 Anonymous
nice squishing of the graph homo
now do the same with the 4 years before that, and weep
you wish you had any
2 hours later 28902348 Anonymous
TA works fine, you're just a retard. Successful traders can predict the market 80% of the time, daily, for literally years, including crypto.
2 hours later 28902510 Anonymous
nots not even close tho
2 hours later 28902541 Anonymous
Nice :)
2 hours later 28902674 Anonymous
>Supposed to
Says who faggot lmao
2 hours later 28902819 Anonymous
Me and my ta. My word is absolute. Eat dicks, faggot.
2 hours later 28902882 Anonymous
is that cock and balls?
2 hours later 28902977 Anonymous
2 hours later 28903084 Anonymous
2 hours later 28903173 Anonymous
You won't get another '17 run ever again. It's all about DeFi scams now.
2 hours later 28903243 Anonymous
fuck off satan!
2 hours later 28903416 Anonymous
>3 months is forever
zoom zoom
2 hours later 28903650 Anonymous
>If you buy now, when BTC reaches 100k you've DOUBLED your money. If you're new to investing this is your chance make a huge entrance, and show everyone you're not just some weak faggot. Massive green dildos and big number sounds are GOOD!
2 hours later 28903717 Anonymous
Imagine me never working again because I'm smart enough to understand crypto and low IQ wageslaves like you flip burgers for pennies
All you had to do was buy below 10,000 it was that easy, now back to the grill cuck
2 hours later 28903741 Anonymous
>not riding the peaks and dips
that's like going surfing and only waiting for 80ft waves, have some fun in the mean time
2 hours later 28903780 Anonymous (1613354494935.jpg 1365x727 47kB)
Indeed it will.
2 hours later 28904139 Anonymous (btc-2018_2020.png 1812x1142 239kB)
Ok then.
2 hours later 28904248 Anonymous
Is BTC growing "exponentially"?
2 hours later 28904599 Anonymous (duh.jpg 588x823 40kB)
New Paradigm, the post
3 hours later 28905161 Anonymous
>You're implying that isn't exactly what happened last time you faggot.
>Imagine paying over $10 for Eth.
>Imagine paying over $100 for Eth.
>Imagine paying over $1000 for Eth
>Imagine paying over $10,000 for Eth.
You're an idiot
3 hours later 28905293 Anonymous (grog.png 600x548 106kB)
>Electric coins keep going up, never go down!
3 hours later 28905991 Anonymous
3 hours later 28906111 Anonymous
>I don't understand it therefore it doesn't work
fuck I hate utter retards like yourself
3 hours later 28906191 Anonymous (3296226E-44F5-4507-8416-3AFB6E2195AC.jpg 1242x930 848kB)
Thanks Peter Sgrug.
3 hours later 28906369 Anonymous
it's actually faster than exponential, a parabola is exponential, ya know, like y=x^2 and y=X^4.
Exponential forms a U shape, a straight up near vertical line means its greater than exponential.
3 hours later 28906494 Anonymous
So people will end up raiding your mansion out of option?
3 hours later 28906768 Anonymous
This is true, we will basically all worship the Winkelvoss twins and basically respect all crytpo holders.
No coiners will never get mad or take political action that siezes coin wealth because politics and jail dont exist in the digital world.
When the no coiners realize this they will just give up and ask for lower taxes for coin holderss.
Also, rich people who own land, rail roads, shipping lines, and mines will all sell their holdings for pennies on the dollars just to get a few BTC because even they know that all their material stuff is worthless in the new digital world.
3 hours later 28906888 Anonymous
3 hours later 28907035 Anonymous (51e4950.png 877x544 197kB)
I give it a week before it crashes
3 hours later 28907179 Anonymous
facts they always bubble but who knows where it pops
3 hours later 28908093 Anonymous
haha hell yeah fourth reich baby
3 hours later 28908373 Anonymous
Also when bitcoin hits $1m per coin, everyone will cash out on coinbase, and they will easily have the liquidity. All remaining liquidity will be divided up by the entire crypto community. And then everyone claps
3 hours later 28908433 Anonymous
it will end extremely well.
1 million eoy you fucking fudder piece of shit.
we are the new global elite. eat shit nocoiner.
4 hours later 28908921 Anonymous
Zoom out retard
4 hours later 28908977 Anonymous
>tfw bitcoin hits $1MM this year because elon tweets #Bitcoin monthly
He's the real sminem
4 hours later 28909342 Anonymous
>ywn live in the cool hat timeline
4 hours later 28909589 Anonymous (1605795397523.gif 400x185 2738kB)
4 hours later 28910670 Anonymous
4 hours later 28910870 Anonymous
give it to me str8 wite boi do i buy this shit rn or nah
4 hours later 28910932 Anonymous (1603889297466.gif 332x334 2641kB)
4 hours later 28911243 Anonymous (1608301169597.png 840x766 91kB)
I'm attempting to learn to read charts and I'm curious: would a regression basically mean a valuation at 13-14k?
4 hours later 28911943 Anonymous
5 hours later 28912035 Anonymous
Wow that's scary similar.
125k btc it is then...
5 hours later 28912293 Anonymous
more precisly at 59k in april
thank me later
5 hours later 28912450 Anonymous
underrated post
5 hours later 28912898 Anonymous (maxresdefault.jpg 1280x720 49kB)
It always does
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT f5j9LDObk
5 hours later 28912908 Anonymous
5 hours later 28912958 Anonymous
this looks bullish af, all in now!
5 hours later 28913027 Anonymous (total assets federal reserve.jpg 1152x427 76kB)
This will end well.
5 hours later 28913123 Anonymous
Every run must have its chosen one. Get in or stay poor.
5 hours later 28913182 Anonymous
>log scale
so you are just making the chart a
pancake so it seems less insane?
5 hours later 28913203 Anonymous
and always remember, a crash is only temporary
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1X 6qQt9ONg
5 hours later 28913466 Anonymous
>dude just predict the future
is this the power of /biz?
5 hours later 28913551 Anonymous
5 hours later 28913596 Anonymous (SmartSelect_20210216-205111_Hotbit.jpg 1410x1708 323kB)
Buy EVE on hotbit
>100x soon
5 hours later 28913922 Anonymous
this means hat bullrun won't last until July? :<
5 hours later 28914068 Anonymous
No you fucking idiot that's polynomial growth.
y=x is linear growth
y=x^2 is quadratic (special case of polynomial y=x^n) which forms a parabola when graphed and you get your U shape.
If this was exponentional then log charts would be square root charts.
Exponential functions look like y=10^x or y=e^x, so when you look at a log chart it's log base 10, the inverse function of y=10^x.
No wonder you fucks aren't going to make it. You don't even know arithmetic.
5 hours later 28914366 Anonymous
We're all gonna make it bros.
5 hours later 28914837 Anonymous
>He got one of my favourite hats
5 hours later 28915002 Anonymous (2.jpg 615x477 102kB)
>blah blah blah maths equation triangle*square root/x
Nobody cares you buy shitcoins because of memes and digits, stop pretending anyone here does more than wave a fish in the wind and sniff it to determine what to buy, and you know it's fucking true.
5 hours later 28915113 Anonymous
this IS what's going to happen, right? I've been wanting to get back since selling in 2018, but didn't have money until recently. Unfortunately, ever since having the money to re-enter there hasn't really been an enticing entry point.
5 hours later 28915275 Anonymous (4thecamera.png 903x960 890kB)
No, so you can study the fucking price history and understand the scope of each halvening cycle, you goddamn eunuch.
5 hours later 28915530 Anonymous
5 hours later 28915595 Anonymous
Yeah itll end when the previous top is barely visible
5 hours later 28915604 Anonymous
horl hortler
5 hours later 28915663 Anonymous
>Everyone thought $GME was sticking it to the hedgies
Yeah how about shilling my magical digital coins until they invest with retard capital while I dump my bags on them. Feels good to be tethered right now.
6 hours later 28915735 Anonymous
god, you really are retarded aren't you?
which youtuber told you about the log scale?
6 hours later 28915753 Anonymous
It’s DIFFERENT this time!!
3.124 0.116