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2021-02-16 06:53 28877838 Anonymous (81TBcvgYqNL.jpg 1650x2475 311kB)
Do you guys actually care about the 'tech' or are you just in crypto for the money?

1 min later 28877930 Anonymous
>>28877838 Crypto is a means to an end, the only loyalties I have are to my own happiness and the well-being of those around me. I would sell my treasured 1st LTC if it would get me a tidy profit.

3 min later 28878110 Anonymous
>>28877838 There is no tech, it’s all smoke and mirrors. The money will be windfall taxed away. NEETs gonna howl, but it’s what’s coming.

3 min later 28878147 Anonymous
>>28877838 yes

7 min later 28878420 Anonymous
Both actually. I genuinely think crypto is useful and I've seen it being used IRL as a software dev so I know for a sure it's not a meme. I expect it to be used more and more especially in the governance sphere

9 min later 28878566 Anonymous
>>28878110 >what are nfts >what are space nodes. >what are smart contracts >what are oracles >what are tax evasion and money laundering coins and serves and hidden savings accounts

9 min later 28878573 Anonymous
>>28877838 I am actually in it for the tech. But I cannot find any tech, only prototypes, vaporware and badly written documentation. In the end, is still a big gamble. My last bet was on AVAX, but they shit the bed so bad... I kinda lost hope for a little moment.

9 min later 28878618 Anonymous
Both, some projects have genuinely interesting or useful tech, plus I'm hoping the internet leans towards decentrailization in general for everything. I just happen to also like it as an investment vehicle.

10 min later 28878643 Anonymous
>>28877838 I love the tech and in love with crypto not really because of money but coz of the unique features every new project gives.. I just found a gem its looks unique lets see how they work on it https://mochimo.org/ Plz share with me more good projects.

11 min later 28878698 Anonymous
>>28877838 both crypto is the most painless way to pay for something I have ever used, it even beats cash in term of practicality. I don't want cash to disapear tho.

12 min later 28878824 Anonymous
>>28878618 also this >plus I'm hoping the internet leans towards decentrailization in general for everything and the best is when I move around >10k worth of shitcoin without needing to notify anyone or anything unlike with (((banks)))

17 min later 28879146 Anonymous
>>28877838 Both. I hate the Jewish banker cartels, I hate the fact that they make huge interest off of loaning my money out and keeping 99.9% of the profit, and I hate the fact that the government can steal straight out of my pocket via inflation. Crypto is the best solution we have to these problems right now, albeit not perfect. But I also want more money.

21 min later 28879485 Anonymous
>>28877838 I would have to care about the tech side of it to realize its potential. If I did not care for the tech I would be just holding onto memes instead of dreams anon.

21 min later 28879491 Anonymous (bullet proof.png 1003x515 706kB)
>>28877838 I mean if you actually work in tech you would know this shit has been regressing for nearly a decade It's all built on string and cum loosely tying it together, If anyone actually implemented any use case of bitcoin or smart contracts or whatever other retarded shit some 20 year old came up with in his notebook it would be used for maybe 6 months, sold off to some dipshit ceo and than discarded in the wastebin for the new hot thing. Tech is reliant on people who know how to do things. Not many people know how to do things. Especially not the pajeets that now make up over half of the workforce that pushes tech in """America""" I'll start to believe in the tech when I don't see a single tranny at Amazon HQ

22 min later 28879555 Anonymous
>>28877838 I used to care about the tech, way before Bitcoin had any real gains the tech is what interested me to buy. I expected Bitcoiners/Crypto people to be very antigovernment and passionate. When I eventually logged on to the now defunct BTC-e exchange and talked in the troll box I found out they were just a bunch of greedy speculators who didn't believe in the tech at all, that's the norm in the crypto space. Bitcoin is really a failure. It was supposed to be a currency to replace central bank fiat and liberate people. But it's a failure as a currency, it's centralized by communist chinks and eventually the technocrats will crack the encryption so it's doomed long term. Just enjoy the ride while it lasts, we're all fucked in the end.

23 min later 28879631 Anonymous
>>28877838 all in BTC central banking is over

26 min later 28879852 Anonymous
>>28879555 >Bitcoin is really a failure. It was supposed to be a currency to replace central bank fiat and liberate people. But it's a failure as a currency, it's centralized by communist chinks and eventually the technocrats will crack the encryption so it's doomed long term. t. central banker fuck off kike, Bitcoin is running exactly as intended, making yellen, lagarde and cartens seethe everyday

27 min later 28879963 Anonymous
>>28877838 $

29 min later 28880105 Anonymous

31 min later 28880265 Anonymous
I’m in it for the tech and that’s why I own hot

33 min later 28880430 Anonymous
>>28877838 I am in because I believe in the tech and its potential to fuck with governments. It's one of the best tools against oppression, and we will soon need every tool we can get. Getting rich while investing in it is a nice extra, but nothing more. I don't really care much about having money.

34 min later 28880523 Anonymous
>>28879555 >It was supposed to be a currency to replace central bank fiat and liberate people Is there anyone who actually fell for this? Bitcoin got big because of darknet markets and articles about people paying pizzas with digital money or being able to buy a lambo. And now that Robinhood made buying stocks and crypto easier than ordering a pizza, people treat it as a speculative asset.

35 min later 28880557 Anonymous
>>28877838 The “tech” is a spook. Any blockchain “tech” could be implemented on AWS serverless 10x better than a native blockchain implementation. The only advantage the blockchain has is there’s no figurehead (Jeff Bezos)/corporate logo for people to hate on. This is why there’s no blockchain programming general on /g/- real programmers know the blockchain sucks for application development.

35 min later 28880617 Anonymous
>>28879852 If you really believe that you're a fucking retard.

36 min later 28880638 Anonymous
>>28880557 and because /g/ is just /pol/tards who bought an old thinkpad on craiglist

37 min later 28880722 Anonymous
>>28877838 I just want to not worry about anything, and the tech helps that happen. I want to rent, and be provided with a basic stipend for necessities, and I'll be happy not owning anything and being treated like a teenager for the rest of my life. Do you really want to grow up and be satisfied with the hard work you do in order to accomplish goals, or do you want to simulate those feelings and never leave your house playing games all day. Do you really think your mind can tell the difference between a simulation and the real. For me it's easy, do it for me squire, plus I have another episode of anime to watch.

37 min later 28880723 Anonymous (1613391356507.jpg 1260x1660 490kB)
The money, duh.

37 min later 28880768 Anonymous
>>28880523 >people treat it as a speculative asset people treating it only as a speculative asset, will sell it for a profit and then neck themselves when they discover Bitcoin was their life vest meanwhile their USD stack will become worthless

38 min later 28880823 Anonymous
>>28878420 Give some real world examples to us here. Where have you seen this used in the real world that a normie can relate to?

38 min later 28880839 Anonymous
>>28880557 >Any blockchain “tech” could be implemented on AWS serverless Imagine not understanding what trustless decentralization is

40 min later 28880958 Anonymous
>>28877838 A bit of both. I want to be financially free without any money concerns so I can get on with other things but I also think that the trustless aspect of blockchain is needed to destroy the liars trying to destroy us all.

40 min later 28880979 Anonymous
>>28877838 Im in it to gamble just like everyone else, but I really hate how the community has been taken over by >e-celebs >tiktok zoomers >musk >finance bros (you know the type) >overachieving asians >IRS I supposed this happens with any neckbeard hobby that either is legitimately fun or makes people money.

40 min later 28881010 Anonymous
A little bit of both

41 min later 28881048 Anonymous
>>28877838 No, I don't care about the tech. I'm an engineer so I understand it, but technology is just a means to an end.

41 min later 28881090 Anonymous
>>28877838 Mostly the money

42 min later 28881137 Anonymous
>>28877838 with chainlink i care about the tech. it could end up having an effect on every facet of life

43 min later 28881218 Anonymous
>>28880523 That was the whole point of Bitcoin, to be a currency people used to buy things everyday and make government fiat obsolete by giving people real honest money and therefore freedom. Go read the bitcointalk.org forums and Satoshi's early posts. Bitcoin is a failure, anyone that thinks it pisses off bankers is a fool. We still price things in dollars not Bitcoin, when you go to buy food it's with government fiat and that's all the Bankers care about. Bitcoin has become just another captured commodity just like Gold. When the everything bubble pops Bitcoin will deflate right with it.

43 min later 28881233 Anonymous
>>28881137 not really its just a means to get data into ethereum

43 min later 28881246 Anonymous
>>28877838 Will care about tech again when crypto becomes crypto again.

43 min later 28881265 Anonymous
I care about BTFOing the banking Jew and the federal reserve. Getting rich is just a bonus.

44 min later 28881358 Anonymous
>>28881233 Which is the most important aspect right now. Literally the fucking trillion dollar solution...

46 min later 28881457 Anonymous
>>28881265 they already won you retard, you're on a fool's errand

47 min later 28881522 Anonymous
>>28877838 >are you just in crypto for the money? Money is just a means to an ends, and if you're paying attention, the ends should be a fully outfitted homestead deep in the woods so that you can live with dignity instead of in a fucking pod city

48 min later 28881587 Anonymous
>>28881457 >they already won they will stop celebrating when we will stop accepting fiat shitcoins

48 min later 28881614 Anonymous
mostly for money but XMR tech is pretty based

49 min later 28881691 Anonymous
Here's a list of coins I want to succeed: 1.cardano-if its not a vaporware scam so it can become web 3.0 and make the internet as we know it obsolete 2.nano-because fuck fees amirite? 3.avax,cosmos, any ethereum killer basically because ethereum sucks balls. and the only I hold secret network-because most applications for blockchain tech will require privacy and its practically the only game in town. >coins I don't care about 1.chainlink because the coins above(except for nano) have apis without the need for a token. 2.bitcoin:because its a failure 3.ethereum because it sucks balls 4.the rest I guess cause why not, especially the other "oracle coins" such as band protocol, api3, etc...

49 min later 28881722 Anonymous
>>28879491 I'll just put this here. Scroll to the bottom and you can see CERN is using blockchain tech to monitor air quality. There's also a ton of other use cases you can see. https://www.algorand.com/what-we-do /use-cases

50 min later 28881782 Anonymous
>>28881691 oh monero is cool too I guess

50 min later 28881823 Anonymous
>>28878566 most of those are retarded fucking memes, especially nfts, dumbest shit I've ever heard

52 min later 28881927 Anonymous
>>28877838 bit of both. I want to accumulate the projects that look good, and swing / speculate a small portion in the short term

52 min later 28881929 Anonymous
>>28878566 Cope harder, you’ve been played.

52 min later 28881989 Anonymous (1573676153984.jpg 553x413 38kB)
>>28881722 Listen retard, Green energy shit is always 100% a scam Don't fucking (You) me when your IQ is double digits

53 min later 28881993 Anonymous
>>28881691 crystallized late adopter cope lmao

55 min later 28882248 Anonymous
>>28879555 I think its a bit pessimistic to think its a complete failure. There is a lot of greed in the space, and a lot of people are going to get absolutely fucked this cycle as well. But there are small sprouts starting to pop out, defi in its current form is a ponzi, but there is definitely something there. You can bet that someone, somewhere is puttting together the true god protocle

57 min later 28882356 Anonymous
>>28880839 >Imagine not understanding what trustless decentralization is It's precisely because I understand what trustless decentralization is makes me recognize that it's shit compared to traditional decentralization (AWS). With trustless decentralization, every data exchange must be routed through multiple providers. This is slow and inefficient compared to serverless decentralization where you only need to route to one provider per call. You are literally paying $100 for a single decentralized transaction now, when you could get 100 million transactions for the same price on AWS. And before you complain that I can't "trust" Amazon to be a reliable store of data, remember it is in the best financial interest of Amazon to be a reliable brand for serverless architecture and therefore not fuck with their user's data arbitrarily. A financial interest to be a "true" store of data is exactly the same principle the blockchain works, except AWS achieves this 10000x faster and cheaper than the blockchain.

57 min later 28882419 Anonymous
>>28881989 Yeah, dude. Recognizing the fact that blockchain tech can utilize nanoengineered diamonds to create an unclonable identity layer on any object totally makes me retarded.

59 min later 28882565 Anonymous (Screenshot_2021-02-16_13-52-36.png 1136x585 75kB)
>>28882356 >remember it is in the best financial interest of Amazon to be a reliable brand for serverless architecture and therefore not fuck with their user's data arbitrarily. Oh sweet summer child. All they have to do is claim you're somehow affiliated with "right wing extremists" and your money is gone.

59 min later 28882569 Anonymous
>>28882356 trust is the most valuable commodity if you think about it. If there was one man everybody in the world could trust he would become the richest man over night.

1 hours later 28882700 Anonymous
i did compE major in top10 engineering school FUCK TECH im here for profits

1 hours later 28882808 Anonymous
>>28881587 you think they aren't profiting off of or controlling the new paradigm of currency. small fish are 'profiting' off of this because they are allowing us to. we're feeding right into their hands.

1 hours later 28882952 Anonymous
>>28882565 >All they have to do is claim you're somehow affiliated with "right wing extremists" and your money is gone. UNCONFISCATABLE SUCK MY DICK GLOBOHOMOS

1 hours later 28882962 Anonymous (467-4674724_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-1505309053812-ash-blossom-joyous-spring-meme.jpg 820x907 275kB)
>>28882419 >MY SHIT COINS CAN REPLICATE MATTER AND TAKE ME TO THE MOON ON INFINITE ENERGY Yes, it does in fact make you a retard

1 hours later 28883018 Anonymous
>>28878566 What are space nodes

1 hours later 28883199 Anonymous
>>28882962 Clearly you've never read a technical paper in your life if that's what you got from that.

1 hours later 28883284 Anonymous (1335976871055.jpg.jpg 600x600 51kB)
If cardano is successful and I could host a website for a fraction of a penny on the cardano network instead of regular servers why wouldn't I? Or some other chain for that matter?

1 hours later 28883294 Anonymous
>>28880823 Ethereum (for example) can be used when it comes to e-government services. These services can vary wildly in what they provide since each country is different but at the very least the blockchain will give the assurance of transparency and accountability. It's a lot more reliable than humans which is why it should prove very useful in this particular sector. In short, a lot of services offered by the government could benefit from using the blockchain, that's the most succinct way I can put it.

1 hours later 28883464 Anonymous
I want a bank account that I get to take with me at a profit when the US balkanizes and the Dollar goes the way of the Dodo.

1 hours later 28883550 Anonymous (teddy.jpg 1200x675 138kB)
>>28877838 the money >pic rel

1 hours later 28883921 Anonymous (1537043601254.gif 500x382 128kB)
>>28883199 What's the difference between what I said in my exaggeration and a technical paper? Have you seen the work they've done? Have you applied any of their test cases on your own? Can you replicate their results? >Writes text on 4chan >THAT'S FAKE AND GAY >writes text in Markdown >THAT'S INDISPUTABLE FACT

1 hours later 28883935 Anonymous
>>28878566 what are space nodes?

1 hours later 28883943 Anonymous
>>28882565 Booting users who violate the AWS ToS =/= "money is gone". Your perceived benefit of the blockchain is that it doesn't have a ToS compared to AWS? For the 99.99999% of applications that don't violate the AWS ToS, the choice will obviously be the platform that's 1000x faster and cheaper than the blockchain. >>28882569 What are you even talking about? The most trustworthy man wouldn't be worth anything to most people if he's charging millions of dollars for his time.

1 hours later 28884060 Anonymous
>>28877930 based objectivist.

1 hours later 28884081 Anonymous
>>28883943 the most trustworthy man would just be in charge of all the world's money.

1 hours later 28884170 Anonymous
>>28881823 Why are nfts dumb

1 hours later 28884227 Anonymous (brainlet1.png 645x729 79kB)
>>28883943 Yeah lets give Jeff Bezos and his left-wing authoritarian company complete unilateral control over the world's finances. That's so much better than bitcoin. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

1 hours later 28884277 Anonymous
>>28883935 either of the two points at which a planet's orbit intersects the plane of the ecliptic or the celestial equator

1 hours later 28884344 Anonymous
>>28883943 >trusting a centralized party in 2021 ngmi

1 hours later 28884348 Anonymous
>>28877838 The money, crypto is never going to be used to destroy the central banks and take money from the government or whatever, that dream is long dead. It's noy that it can't, it's just not going to happen.

1 hours later 28884409 Anonymous
>>28884348 it's happening slowly, then suddenly, you are just too dumb to notice BTC is about to change your life

1 hours later 28884651 Anonymous
>>28883943 AWS ToS, aka subjectivity incarnated, left wing is fine but right wing no-no, wow so much for impartiality kys

1 hours later 28884968 Anonymous
>>28877838 One of the gayest things I've ever heard. Claiming you're in it for the tech is like working in mcdonald's and claiming you care about the company. Disingenuous bullshit. Either that or your some weird idealist like carl sagan or some shit who venerates artefacts.

1 hours later 28885201 Anonymous
>>28877838 Fuck Klaus Schwab and fuck the WEF. I hope an anvil falls that fucking ghoul.

1 hours later 28885326 Anonymous (1613492114157.jpg 902x1024 195kB)

1 hours later 28885399 Anonymous
>>28882356 >>28883943 If anything replaces traditional finance, it'll happen because faith in traditional centralized finance dies. Amazon will be the last company on Earth that is positioned to fill in that trust-gap. The reduced transaction cost is mostly irrelevant - that's just not going to be the primary concern that drives the changes to come.

1 hours later 28885470 Anonymous (1607172105732.png 648x774 313kB)
Finna chain over 1 billion niggers to Europe nomsayin

1 hours later 28885759 Anonymous
>>28885201 >Fuck Klaus Schwab He vill be the one doing the fucking anon

2 hours later 28887183 Anonymous
>>28878573 LTO

2 hours later 28887205 Anonymous (1605834001238.jpg 1084x890 128kB)
>>28885399 >Amazon will be the last company on Earth that is positioned to fill in that trust-gap. The opposite will happen. People don't like centralized finance because they don't like the concept of the government, but they still love their favorite Brand®. People will abandon the dollar to stick it to the "backwards" Republicans or "real racist" Dems, sure, but their currency will be replaced by AmazonBux or McCoins or Xbox Points or whatever the Brands are accepting as payment nowadays. Brands are already preparing for this.

2 hours later 28888532 Anonymous
>>28887205 I can't tell if you're delusional or just really dumb

2 hours later 28888617 Anonymous
>>28878643 thorchain looks interesing buy rune

2 hours later 28888721 Anonymous
>>28888532 https://youtu.be/pZk6ia1vFAc

2 hours later 28888758 Anonymous
>>28877838 We all know Claus SantaSwcab wrote that paper about Rubic. crtl v peperubic2

2 hours later 28888815 Anonymous
>>28888532 >stake your mccoins and receive 1 french fry per transaction

2 hours later 28889006 Anonymous
>>28888815 Both banks and big chains already have rewards systems retard. That isn't stopping people from investing in crypto.

2 hours later 28889348 Anonymous
how do I delete

2 hours later 28889366 Anonymous
>>28889006 but think about it, stake your mccoins, you will have unlimited free food. cant lose!

2 hours later 28889780 Anonymous
>>28889366 The people who decide what unit of currency we're all going to adopt don't care about free french fries.

2 hours later 28889927 Anonymous
>>28888617 No.

2 hours later 28890014 Anonymous (BankofItaly.jpg 800x250 67kB)
>>28877838 the tech is trash its either centralized shit prone to hacking and scams or its decentralized, unscalable and sluggish just here for the money

2 hours later 28890164 Anonymous
>>28877838 I got into bitcoin because i was genuinely interested in the technology and knew it was going to change everything ,Getting rich is nice too but I’m never cashing out.

2 hours later 28890178 Anonymous
>>28889780 no one is deciding what currency were all going to adopt that autist elon and the GME bonanza marks a change, its all about memes and momentum now

2 hours later 28890253 Anonymous
>>28890178 Who do you think creates that momentum?

2 hours later 28890370 Anonymous
>>28890253 are you an anti semite?!!1111

2 hours later 28890660 Anonymous (yes.png 771x804 187kB)

2 hours later 28890803 Anonymous
>>28879555 No crypto can ever be a currency, thats the honest truth only actual tech matters if you think countries like the US, China or even the European Union would let this shit happen, you're utterly retarded They have pockets deeper than all the neets together x100000

2 hours later 28890879 Anonymous
>>28877838 this technology will be used to enslave humanity. so, no, i'm not in it for the fucking tech.

2 hours later 28890972 Anonymous
>>28884227 >Jeff Bezos >left-wing You /pol/ npcs really are the stupidest fucking people Can't you all go back to your newfag board filled with facebook boomers and r*dditniggers ? I really dont want niggeroids like you near me.

2 hours later 28891253 Anonymous (Screenshot_2021-02-16_15-41-19.png 668x704 378kB)
>>28890972 Sorry commie but he's /yourguy/ along with the rest of the billionaires and oligarchs that run the media, government and economy. You're the establishment now, deal with it.

2 hours later 28891351 Anonymous (4thIR.jpg 1338x2048 395kB)
>>28877838 You have to care about the tech if you hold for 3 years anon and actively buy in the entire time.

2 hours later 28891398 Anonymous (1321546454.jpg 900x676 59kB)
>>28891253 you really are a npc, throwing around words you don't get doesn't do shit >commie I work in asset management >You're the establishment now, deal with it. I'm not a disgusting mutt, I'm actually white, thank you. I'm happy for one thing, seeing you niggeroids from /pol/ and r*ddit means I'll keep cashing free money because you're just genuinely autistic

2 hours later 28891704 Anonymous (npcjewed.jpg 960x720 125kB)
>>28891398 >"I'm not an NPC" >proceeds to have an emotional outburst while posing a string of meaningless insults and NPC buzzwords, and a meme image that has nothing to do with the conversation

3 hours later 28892262 Anonymous
>>28877838 Money. The benefits are not entirely clear to me. Most coins are looking to solve a problem that doesn't exist or doesn't need to exist. Like Chainlink solves the oracle problem but we don't need oracles to begin with, we don't need crypto or blockchains at all. The market is probably overvalued by a factor of 10,000.

3 hours later 28892569 Anonymous
>>28881722 Yeah CERN, IBM and some others are playing with blockchains but it's not needed, they're just toying with the idea. Oh, and they definitely don't need a coin you own. They can make their own private blockchain. That's what IBM did; NEETS and their tokens not needed.

3 hours later 28892673 Anonymous (1610149859985.png 244x316 95kB)
I'd say 33%/66%. I'm in it for money but it's more fun/interesting than investing in boring ass stocks.

3 hours later 28892860 Anonymous
>>28882356 >And before you complain that I can't "trust" Amazon to be a reliable store of data, remember it is in the best financial interest of Amazon to blah blah blah You are aware that just one month ago AWS threatened to deplatform and did deplatform anyone who allowed the President of the United States of America the ability to communicate with people. Like you are aware that happened right? But it's OK because you didn't like the president...

3 hours later 28893030 Anonymous (EkFKNTFXsAIB0nw.png 860x774 171kB)
Imagine you have a mailman, but you don't have to trust the mailman to deliver the mail. That's chainlink.

3 hours later 28893824 Anonymous
>>28877838 I very much care about Monero and other privacy cryptos to a lesser extent, and I think the smart contract based cryptos could be useful online to build ecosystems that don't rely on tracking and ads. Bitcoin isn't that interesting really, but it's still the one I'd bet on for mid-term wealth storage and it's going to be necessary with the way things are heading. There are some interesting applications for places like South America and Africa as well, but that doesn't really concern me.

3 hours later 28894303 Anonymous
>>28890972 Kek leftoids really be like: "So what if all of academia, the MSM and even wall street agree with me now? I'm totally counter cultur- yeah I voted for Biden but that was to keep Drumpf out of office!"

3 hours later 28894353 Anonymous
Lol the fucking greed and selfishness in this thread, I’m not in it for the tech itself, but I Definitly full support crypto in everyday shape or form, I think for the first time in my life, I can start to see a future worth living for, a future where my my son, and daughter aren't total fucking slaves. The societal impacts from this will be fucking massive, a debt free economy is a stress free economy.

3 hours later 28894645 Anonymous
>>28884968 Blockchain technology makes the world more efficient, in the long run blockchain will shape how we work as a whole collective, conflict eventually won’t be a thing, you’re a brain dead retard who only gives a fuck about is himself and his cumsock.

3 hours later 28895090 Anonymous
>>28877838 both obviously traditional finance is fucking slow and garbage, 3-5 business days to send money across borders, retarded fees for simply having an account, intermediaries telling me where I can spend my own money, it fucking sucks look at 4chan, no payment processor will work with 4chan, why? because we're a bunch of edgelords and PPs don't want to take the risk of serving this website but with crypto there's no PPs between you and 4chan, if you want to give 4chan money you can do it look at what happened with pornhub, they nuked most of their porn because visa and mastercard threatened them, if crypto was mainstream they wouldn't even need visa or mastercard crypto is still in that early stage where it's confusing and tedious for normalfags, like web 1.0 but it won't always be like that and where there's innovation there will be money to be made

3 hours later 28895223 Anonymous
>>28883550 I mean how can you be ted pilled and care about muh capital anyway/

3.279 0.186