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2021-02-16 03:26 28862328 Anonymous RLC (iExeclogo-1-620x450.png 620x450 5kB)
Did I get scammed? Saw a lot of threads on this, and now after I've bought in it's dumping and there are no threads up. Can I please get my money back?

1 min later 28862465 Anonymous
>>28862328 >Can I please get my money back? no. Hhahhahahaahhahahaahhahahahahahha. Get Pros, it's a long hold but 10usd guaranteed. Easy 2x

3 min later 28862564 Anonymous
>>28862328 No this will be worth more than anything else on earth in 20-30 years

3 min later 28862572 Anonymous
I dont even care if it dumps in the short term, this is such an easy and safe hold, literally better oracles than LINK and that is only a fraction of what RLC does. https://cryptotalleyrand.medium.com /iexec-the-meta-cloud-f6e76493404d

4 min later 28862688 Anonymous (123551235.jpg 688x688 75kB)
>>28862328 you have to hold OP, no day trading on this one

5 min later 28862722 Anonymous
yes I'm afraid you bought tokenised digital dog shit and you are destined to be poor. deal with it chump.

5 min later 28862738 Anonymous
>>28862328 its a long term hold, don't panic at the first dump

6 min later 28862771 Anonymous (IMG_20210216_140442.jpg 1110x2066 730kB)

7 min later 28862828 Anonymous (iexec.jpg 531x459 78kB)
>>28862328 They literally just announced that the EU project Datacloud will be using iExec anon >https://twitter.com/iEx_ec/status/ 1361674357127397379

7 min later 28862883 Anonymous
>>28862328 I got the suicide stack, but this piece of shit is a massive under-performer

8 min later 28862923 Anonymous
>>28862828 Sadly protocol does not mean the token will be used, anyway I will give it a read and see.

8 min later 28862926 Anonymous (1612971811016s.jpg 250x218 6kB)
>i fell for another long term hold during a bull market-trap Had to sell LTO for the same reason (opportunity cost) I'm so sorry bros.

8 min later 28862958 Anonymous
>>28862828 Another fake partnership to and try and fool more idiots into providing exit scam liquidity. Shameless.

12 min later 28863244 Anonymous
Lol this is no doubt gonna be a beautiful moon when it happens!

13 min later 28863264 Anonymous
RLC is a scam. Look at RLC threads, look at ID's, look at meaningless posts. Pajeets never change, too stupid for discussion.

14 min later 28863377 Anonymous
>>28863264 >>28862958 >>28862883 FUD patrol out in force

15 min later 28863443 Anonymous (1556162487319s.jpg 250x250 6kB)
>>28863264 Dilate

15 min later 28863444 Anonymous
>>28862828 Too bad the EU is collapsing

18 min later 28863646 Anonymous
>>28863444 Checked

19 min later 28863683 Anonymous
>>28862926 Based retard

28 min later 28864289 Anonymous
>>28863264 You must be new here.

40 min later 28865139 Anonymous
>>28863444 Why is it collapsing?

48 min later 28865751 Anonymous (1613315457856.png 1096x684 1417kB)
>>28865139 Failed project. Maybe RLC can save them for a while but doubt.exe

51 min later 28865988 Anonymous
Imagine buying this complete and utter dogshit project lmao

51 min later 28865999 Anonymous
>>28862328 It's done fuck all in 4 years anon. You're just a bagholder now lol

51 min later 28866013 Anonymous
>>28865751 DataCloud is a new project to decouple the EU from relying on GCP and AWS while still complying with GDPR. But you still haven't explained how the EU is collapsing?

57 min later 28866476 Anonymous
>>28865988 >>28865999 Coordinated FUD, checked though

57 min later 28866479 Anonymous (1613316822021.png 890x480 468kB)
>>28866013 >you still haven't explained how the EU is collapsing? IT is over anon. They let in the brown people and it is over.

58 min later 28866543 Anonymous
>>28862328 Yes. You were. Now sell me your RLC bags cheap Pajeet

59 min later 28866567 Anonymous (1611309429955.jpg 1300x975 160kB)
>>28862328 sorry no refunds

59 min later 28866589 Anonymous
>>28862828 chainlink already does this thats why its valued at $13B

1 hours later 28866762 Anonymous
>>28866589 iExec does more and has better tech including oracles, let the Linker cope begin

1 hours later 28866862 Anonymous
>>28862771 are you ok schizo-chan?

1 hours later 28866947 Anonymous
>>28866589 It don't though. I don't think you understand what you're talking about.

1 hours later 28867078 Anonymous (pajeetcoin.png 615x684 183kB)
>>28862828 >first reply a literal pajeet

1 hours later 28867593 Anonymous
>The RLC token is the primary asset used to access services in iExec infrastructure. RLC is short for “Run on Lots of Computers.” Shouldn't they try to make the price of RLC stable? How are people going to pay for iExec services if it costs an arm and a leg? I get that as the usage of iExec computing increases so should the price one has to pay to minimize load but it's still weird.

1 hours later 28867805 Anonymous
>>28867593 > Shouldn't they try to make the price of RLC stable? You can do that with futures and other derivatives when the time comes.

1 hours later 28867888 Anonymous
>>28867593 The services are centralised and they bridge onto the decentralised network via nodes, they use wrapped RLC in the nodes, the people using the services pay in fiat, the supply of RLC drops the more nodes are created anmd used. How do people pay for windows? They don't pay in fucking pentium chips do they ffs.

1 hours later 28868702 Anonymous
You were supposed to buy GRLC.

1 hours later 28869297 Anonymous
I'm getting worried, barons. I might actually sell now.

1 hours later 28869426 Anonymous
>>28869297 its a long term hold bro, its had a bad day don't be scared off by one dip

1 hours later 28869565 Anonymous
>>28862722 >>28862883 >>28862958 >>28863264 >>28865988 >>28869297 >1 post by this ID As usual

1 hours later 28869675 Anonymous
>>28869426 look at the sats chart ffs if everyone just looked at /traded on the rlc/btc chart everything would be fine should we try spreading the word? if the volume of rlc/btc would surpass that of rlc/usdt I think we would have nothing to worry about.

1 hours later 28869882 Anonymous

1 hours later 28870012 Anonymous
>>28865988 It got some funding from the EU for some sort of project they're working on so it can't be a scam. Whether or not it's actually profitable to hold long-term in another story however though.

1 hours later 28870081 Anonymous (1613464370345.jpg 2048x2048 2286kB)
>>28862328 >>28862564 this the threads you fell for were a rare occurence by the OG's of this board, and you were extremely lucky to see them. sell if you think you can have better gains elsewhere. dont kill yourself when you see iexec rlc in the top 10

1 hours later 28870163 Anonymous
>>28869675 Is the fact that RLC isn't following bitcoin as the last previous years right ? Explain me anon allow me to pass the message

1 hours later 28870273 Anonymous
>>28870012 Whether or not it's actually profitable to hold long-term is another story though *

1 hours later 28870291 black star
>>28865999 >>28865988 >>28863444 >>28862722 numbers will guide you

1 hours later 28870368 Anonymous
>>28862771 Fucking kek

1 hours later 28870484 Anonymous
>>28867593 The price of RLC will be stable at 1 million dollars due to large marketcap effect.

1 hours later 28870561 Anonymous (1607304620047.png 1082x695 612kB)
Pump coming after we touch $1.95 support

1 hours later 28870620 Anonymous (1597335908097.png 490x671 665kB)

1 hours later 28870777 Anonymous
>>28870561 Almost everything is crashing I don't know why pajeets are even considering selling. They will never make it. RLC isn't only a long term hold it will pump extremely hard soon

1 hours later 28871017 Anonymous
>>28870081 probably the most based reply in this whole thread

2 hours later 28872489 Anonymous
>>28862328 Sell me your cheap barrels t. The whale

2 hours later 28872855 Anonymous
Sub $2 lmao. Get fucked oilers.

2 hours later 28873024 Anonymous
>>28872855 ;-)

2 hours later 28873495 Anonymous
im working on another video btw

2 hours later 28873643 Anonymous
>>28873495 based, looking forward to it bro

2 hours later 28873802 Anonymous
best way to buy? uniswap?

2 hours later 28874037 Anonymous
feels good to be a noiler today. seethe harder oilers

2 hours later 28874044 Anonymous
>>28873802 Binance for the lowest fees use a VPN if you're a burger Uniswap fees are insane now

2 hours later 28875207 Anonymous
>>28866013 >DataCloud is a new project to decouple the EU from relying on GCP and AWS why did the EU rely on those ones? For which purpose?

2 hours later 28875422 Anonymous
>>28873495 Your videos are so good. Makes me feel slick in a good way.

2 hours later 28875432 Anonymous
>>28870777 blessed

2 hours later 28875579 Anonymous
>>28875207 Because it's cheaper than building their own data centers?!

3 hours later 28875821 Anonymous
>>28870291 what about these numbahs boi >>28870777

3 hours later 28875890 Anonymous
>>28875821 Based

3 hours later 28875934 Anonymous
>>28873495 A true oiler

3 hours later 28876153 Anonymous
>>28862328 HOGE.finance

3 hours later 28876275 Anonymous
>>28862328 >selling ethereum equivalent tech for $2 dollars I am legit holding until at least 2030. This isn't a pnd, this is a long hold people. dyor but this is it

3 hours later 28876284 Anonymous
100k bagholder here, i will dump at 4$, the project failed and and they try to become a cloud computing consulting company

3 hours later 28876343 Anonymous
>>28876284 >I will dump at 4$ No one tell him

3 hours later 28876349 Anonymous
>>28866589 https://medium.com/iex-ec/chainlink -and-iexec-collaborate-to-address-t he-complex-off-chain-needs-of-next- generation-702e55ab1ead

3 hours later 28876456 Anonymous (1612819513480.jpg 1280x645 55kB)

3 hours later 28876481 Anonymous
>>28862328 Oh, poor child...

3 hours later 28876522 Anonymous
>>28862328 DIGITAL

3 hours later 28876651 Anonymous
>>28876456 Lol is that the smart contract where only the owner could transfer? That’s fucking art.

3 hours later 28876672 Anonymous
>>28876522 DOG

3.696 0.094