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2021-02-16 10:25 28847821 Anonymous (images (1).jpg 240x210 6kB)
>Rejected at $49,998
1 min later 28847861 Anonymous (dsada.jpg 228x221 6kB)
2 YEAR BEAR MARKET. Do cucks not remember 2018-2020?
1 min later 28847880 Anonymous
If it breaks 50k and holds it you Bobo’s are truely fucked
2 min later 28847911 Anonymous
>implying bobo's aren't the ones with the most to gain by hitting 50k
you must be new
3 min later 28847945 Anonymous
Id love for a bear market, but its not going to happen.
Millions of people are copeing and hoping for a bear market so they can quickly get and buy cheap stats....
Guess what that means? It means everyone will just bid the price back up the moment it starts slipping.
Face it bobos, its over, no more cheap sats. Only richfags can accumulate any decent amount of BTC from now on.
Us peasants had 13 years to accumulate, or at the very least, we had the last 3 years to accumulate, now its too late.
4 min later 28847989 Anonymous (EtVKDlNXAAExQ4-.png 817x828 373kB)
5 min later 28848038 Anonymous
I HOPE for a bear market so normies panic sell and gtfo of my hobby.
Normies entering crypto makes me want to kms
7 min later 28848085 Anonymous
This is bullish
9 min later 28848180 Anonymous (0.jpg 1058x973 149kB)
How fomo do you have to be to buy a pretend internet coin for almost $50,000
11 min later 28848249 Anonymous
>everybody hopes to get in cheaper
>people stop buying at these prices
>miners have to dump thousands of coins each day to pay for electricity
>the price is more than high enough for miner to be in profit since the cost to mine on btc is around 6-8k
>price collapses
>the normies who bough high start being desperate and sell
>this triggers the liquidation of massive longs
>price keeps going lower
>normies panic even more
13 min later 28848325 Anonymous
Yeah it’ll bounce off 50k until it doesn’t. But one way or another it’s going to break through and keep going. We’re in a bull market that will run at least another 5 months absent a black swan event or some other major macro change. The institutions are on board now. They didn’t buy a bunch of Bitcoin at 35k to lose money.
13 min later 28848328 Anonymous (1612608009982.jpg 640x591 49kB)
>my hobby
14 min later 28848370 Anonymous
>implying institutions never lose billions on the wrong investment at the wrong time
15 min later 28848378 Anonymous
god I hope so
16 min later 28848423 Anonymous
this but unironically
i never wanted fiat gains. i just wanted eth to grab forever around the $300 range so i could increase my stack swinging part of it
us neets don't get giant wagecuck paychecks to "dca" into crypto, we can only make money through our raw intellect
17 min later 28848458 Anonymous
Normies entering crypto is a way to profit you dumb monkey. How else would you make money hodling? The state of /biz/ sometimes
18 min later 28848474 Anonymous
Copeing to an extreme level.
Listen. I have Bitcoin, Im 100% all bitcoin, I have a decent amount, but Id LOVE to be able to get more, but the reality is I dont think I'll ever be able to buy anymore ever again.
I feel like what I have now is what I have to sit on for the rest of my time in the Cryptocurrency world.
So im 50/50 on wanting a crash or boom, realistically I benefit if it crashes to $5,000 so I can buy more cheap, and I benefit if I booms to $500,000 because I will be very wealthy.
Im at a point where I see BTC hitting $500k as being more realistic than it hitting $5k again.
20 min later 28848568 Anonymous
That’s right. They don’t. Not that often. That’s why they’re institutions and you’re a wagie.
23 min later 28848676 Anonymous
>realistically I benefit if it crashes to $5,000
it's wont the bottom is between 7-10k considering all the dumps from the previous bullruns
unless something like the coronacrash happens again
23 min later 28848705 Anonymous
i remember 2013 - 2017
24 min later 28848735 Anonymous
>what's the dot com bubble
>what's the housing bubble
and those are just massive events, but companies fail all the fucking time retard
27 min later 28848855 Anonymous
Yeah bottom is gonna be around 8k if it does crash.
At that point basically I'm gonna dump my savings into it.
28 min later 28848913 Anonymous
If they bought at 35k they'd be making a bunch of money getting out now though
30 min later 28848992 Anonymous
bears don't exist, just priced out nocoiners. And you guys are implying that btc cares about round numbers such as 50k. It already broke 50k on futures anyway.
31 min later 28849018 Anonymous
It wont though. You dont get it.
The delusional and greed applies both ways, not just upwards, but also downwards.
There are millions of people like you ready to throw everything in at a low price point, which means it will never happen.
Bobos are like that seen from blackhawk down where the warlord nogs get all the food and water and shoot away all the other nogs from it.
34 min later 28849106 Anonymous (Siacoin.png 700x376 36kB)
What's a bobo ?
34 min later 28849124 Anonymous
the thing is, it's not really worth the risk at this point. What for a measly x3 and then bitcoin is 150k? And because risk reward will be off, new investments will stall, which will result in a downward trend. If fear then sets in it goes down fast. To feul the bull run there always has to come in new and more money. The question is, at what point will the dumb money stop?
51 min later 28849774 Anonymous
It does care about 50k because humans are buying it and they love round numbers. Also, what do you think a bear is?
53 min later 28849849 Anonymous
If you think $150k is where it peaks youre unaware of whats going on. The peak is literally unlimited, the money pooling into is coming from a bottomless pit we call fiat.
59 min later 28850106 Anonymous
hm, so you're saying this is the new paradigm?
1 hours later 28850143 Anonymous (Showndown.jpg 300x168 7kB)
No more Bear runs Bobo, this FTX jew took out Arthur Hayes from Bitmex with his connections.
Since then only Green ID
1 hours later 28850165 Anonymous
>pink ID
1 hours later 28850177 Anonymous
Because of 1 in 100 year event like a global pandemic, yes, it unironically is, especially because of how the world is responding to the crisis economically through QE and guaranteed low interest rates for at least hte next 5 years, which we all know is most likely going to continue on until at least the end of the decade.
Bitcoin is going to reach a price point in the 2020s that it wasn't supposed to reach until the 2040s
1 hours later 28850216 Anonymous
what's your opinion on the alts?
1 hours later 28850227 Anonymous
There is an easier way
Join the pump. Happening this Saturday
discord gg/dnjfjeN3Gr
1 hours later 28850266 Anonymous
Guaranteed low interest rates, says who, the fed? They haven't lied. You're making a fuck load of assumptions and its bearish AF. We aren't out of COVID yet, some Brazilian mutation goes around the world and boom a 50% dip.
1 hours later 28850338 Anonymous
Alts are good for pumping and dumping and taking profit to reinvest back into BTC.
But should be done sparely as they create a lot of tax events.
1 hours later 28850345 Anonymous
stop using that jewish word for inflation mate
1 hours later 28850358 Anonymous (paolo.png 1200x714 1710kB)
we will break 50k tether, we need just wait for the printer
1 hours later 28850361 Anonymous
>The peak is literally unlimited
1 hours later 28850409 Anonymous
The entire system will collapse if interest rates go up even just slightly.
The whole thing of keeping interest rates down is a "show" at this point, the elephant in the room is that interest rates cant go back up again, we "play" along with pretending as if we will put them up, but in reality everyone knows it cant happen, not even the elites can afford it to happen.
1 hours later 28850453 Anonymous
housing prices will explode
1 hours later 28850458 Anonymous
Ok, dont buy any BTC, just wait for it to go to $330k and then crash to $100k before rising back to $250-300k, then you can start buying.
1 hours later 28850589 Anonymous
Yes, and? The entire point is after this decade is over, the vast majority of young people will be forever priced out of owning a home.
You think its bad now? Wait till the end of this decade.
It isn't just Bitcoin that will be insanely high in price, houses will also get a fuck load of gains, not so much as Bitcoin, but you will see homes increase by around 20-25% year this decade, much more than 5-10% we've seen in the 2010s.
Bitcoin will continue on getting 200%+ average annual return though, so it will beat housing. For those who cant afford a house, Bitcoin is the next best option to make it out of this decade a winner.
1 hours later 28850629 Anonymous
what's your average buy in price? and when did you start buying?
1 hours later 28850721 Anonymous (slj.jpg 275x183 7kB)
friendly reminder that "bears" posting
are 100% of the time bulls that are holding it. We know you're a holder. Actual bears wont follow the chart religiously. Stop fuckin larping and stop posting about your HODLings for no reason while impersonating the enemies
1 hours later 28850738 Anonymous
I've never worked it out, ive just accumulated.
I first bought in 2014, then in 2016, then was buying in 2017, i took a break after the crash and just held what i had and left the space for awhile, then started DCAing in 2019/2020, then took a break for awhile, and started DCAing in again towards the end of 2020 as I saw the price going up.
Id have a lot more if I didnt stop leaving and ignoring the crypto world so often.
Im still DCAing at current price, I never stopped DCAing since last November.
1 hours later 28850882 Anonymous
well, i might consider buying in a monthly downtrend not after 6 green months
1 hours later 28850889 Anonymous
I think you're fucking right. I hate go say it but yeah I think you hit the nail on the head unfortunately
1 hours later 28851343 Anonymous (soyboy-2.png 210x240 5kB)
>Guess what that means?
1 hours later 28851426 Anonymous
That’s exactly what is being implied because that’s exactly what happens and how rich people stay rich, idiot
1 hours later 28851454 Anonymous
goldtards and bitcoinmaxipads don't understand economics, nor inflation, and especially they don't understand the current economic situation which wont lead to inflation due to an extreme reduction in consumer spending
1 hours later 28851532 Anonymous
You do realise that only normies lost during both of those bubbles? Smart money started accumulating early, and sold near to the peak, driving the loser cucks back down to the resistance levels they bought at
1 hours later 28851576 Anonymous
It will break 50k today.
the 49k barrier held strong, every dip to 48k gobbled up in a seconds
BTC will never ever ever go below 49k again,
1 hours later 28851627 Anonymous
it's under
1 hours later 28851647 Anonymous
it will go back to 49k soon
1 hours later 28851649 Anonymous
Fucking idiot here who thinks CPI and Asset prices are connected.
Look at this fucking moron and laugh, go fucking point at him, laugh at this faggot idiot.
What a fucking idiot.
1 hours later 28851654 Anonymous
I think you’re wrong. Bitcoin will gain traction, until it gets to a point where people realise it’s functionally inadequate. By that point, smart money will have already moved to bluechip DeFi after making gains pumping Bitcoin during The Greatest economic transition since we digitised cash
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