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2021-02-16 09:58 28846716 Anonymous (images (4) (30).jpg 480x640 23kB)
Crypto noob here. Is it too late for me to invest in crytpo?
0 min later 28846736 Anonymous
You will be an early adopter.
1 min later 28846754 Anonymous
Yes. Everything that was going to moon has mooned and nothing will show big change until August.
1 min later 28846758 Anonymous
No, but you better lurk here and learn from other people's mistakes before losing your own money.
1 min later 28846775 Anonymous
no, it's not too late
1 min later 28846790 Anonymous
Not too late if you're planning to hold more than 4 years
Too late if you're planning to hold a couple of years
3 min later 28846832 Anonymous
What do I buy if I want to make money now? Bitcoin is at ath and so is everything else. Do I just wait for it all to crash?
3 min later 28846836 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210216-190615_CoinSpot.jpg 1437x2119 451kB)
Noob here.Wtf is this coin doing?
5 min later 28846919 Anonymous
XMR is a secure longterm hold.
5 min later 28846924 Anonymous
There's no way of knowing anon, maybe, maybe not. It'll depend what you invest in and how long you hold onto it.
There were people thinking it was too late when btc was $500, more at $10,000. This really depends how long this goes before people realise btc is basically fucking useless. Which could be never.
I'd say hop onboard, learn what a stop limit order is and see what happens.
10 min later 28847132 Anonymous
gamble on shitcoins
18 min later 28847489 Anonymous
BTC and ETH are good holds in general
XMR and LINK are good medium-long term holds
LTC has an interesting niche and will probably fare well in the long run as well
24 min later 28847717 Anonymous
thoughts on BNB? ADA? AVAX? REEF? these often mention here. what makes them have a good fundamental ?
27 min later 28847856 Anonymous
BNB is Binance coin and its used as a coin you fall back to in between trades but currently BTC is used for that the most.
ADA is a shitcoin together with AVAX but you might catch few candlesticks here and there.
REEF is a good mid term hold that will grow at a steady pace.
28 min later 28847883 Anonymous
It's not too late, just don't get rekt by holding shitcoins through the next bear market (it'll be obvious when the bear market starts, unless you're retarded)
30 min later 28847958 Anonymous
which exchange should i use in burgerland
31 min later 28848001 Anonymous
you had 12 years.
36 min later 28848158 Anonymous
I'm investing a lot into GRT
39 min later 28848280 Anonymous
Invest in BTC/ETH and LINK
Nothing else until you've done a lot of research about what Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are and what you are actually buying.
Recommend Andreas Antonopoulos for very bullish and informative videos on what Bitcoin is
39 min later 28848301 Anonymous
what do you do, swap them to boomer blue chips or USDC/stablecoins?
43 min later 28848422 Anonymous
Rug pulling
45 min later 28848484 Anonymous
Sell for USD or stablecoins, then buy back in with what you're willing to risk after crypto prices have bottomed out and stabilized, at least a year after the bubble pops.
47 min later 28848564 Anonymous
thank you anon.
and without sounding too retarded - what are tell-tale bear market signs in the crypto markets? i don't have bags of time to read every crypto news site but will check in on a few a couple times a week
47 min later 28848589 Anonymous
dont pull everything in but you should get a position right now.
49 min later 28848647 Anonymous
All in KSM and use the ksm in parachain locks, for example Karura and plasm
50 min later 28848701 Anonymous
They will always say it's too late. But think about in 20 years. I have no idea what I'm doing but I have 50% in 1 month. If shit keeps doing what it's been doing for the past months, it's the exact right time. But most of us are still going to get greedy and never sell and lose 95% in the end.
52 min later 28848758 Anonymous
Lurk here it will start with pink wojak then bear thread shilling, you didnt lose money until u sold
53 min later 28848799 Anonymous
Just buy YUI
53 min later 28848825 Anonymous
It's not too late. Just wait for a big dump before putting your money in anything.
58 min later 28848993 Anonymous (151021783_3427610407345678_787187035230649325_n.jpg 945x2048 188kB)
everyone trust the fking red bandana retard , why not
59 min later 28849032 Anonymous
Hit the low caps that have increasing volume and normal trajectory, reef is the closest I've found to a decent gainer that hasn't "mooned" yet ie btfo. PLT if your into risky business, I chucked $200 at it a week ago, and another $200 3 days ago, now sitting on $498, not astronomical, but I didn't loose out on the last dump. Commence $REEF fudding.
1 hours later 28849052 Anonymous
1 hours later 28849067 Anonymous (gold_mansmiling.jpeg.size-custom-crop.1086x0.jpg 1086x724 127kB)
>everyone trust the fking red bandana retard , why not
1 hours later 28849072 Anonymous
Cool story, dont believe you.
1 hours later 28849121 Anonymous (48558512-15167626365862508_origin.png 720x482 58kB)
Large corrections, 30-40%, are normal in crypto, but the public's sentiment at the top of a bubble is very distinct. You'll hear absolutely everyone talking about crypto at the height of the bubble and the prices will rise to levels that sound absurd right now, like $500K per BTC. Pay attention to crypto prices when things get crazy. There will be a sell-off, then a return to "normal". If the return to normal fails and prices drop further, then you need to cash out. You don't have to time the top perfectly, that's not reasonable, just get out with profits.
1 hours later 28849145 Anonymous
The next and probably last gold rush will be the crypto nomination by mastercard. So a bit late yes, but not "europe or US ban crypto" yet
1 hours later 28849154 Anonymous
No, dyor on LTO before the price suppression ends
1 hours later 28849188 Anonymous (83830275.jpg 500x492 47kB)
Will be late to crypto your great-grandchildrens?
1 hours later 28849217 Anonymous
>shit drops by at least 33% every 14 days before doing another +50%
>"is it too late"
1 hours later 28849226 Anonymous
what the fuck is the fingers thing
1 hours later 28849467 Anonymous
Put a four figured sum on either XMR and ZEC. You can thank me by the end of the year by saying a faggot from biz made me some good money.
1 hours later 28849486 Anonymous
grt and algo are good holds with low entry
wait for link, btc and eth to go down
1 hours later 28849528 Anonymous
>people realise btc is basically fucking useless
why would that ever happened
1 hours later 28849593 Anonymous
The contract owner is fucking people out of money .
1 hours later 28849667 Anonymous
How to start? I want to buy BTC what is a wallet and how to use?
1 hours later 28849671 Anonymous
How do I get a wallet or whatever and a tool to watch the graphs?
How to not get scammed into giving money to someone for nothing in exchange?
1 hours later 28849815 Anonymous
Never too late. Just set aside what you're not using and wait for the dip in something like FUN and LINK. Buying signals.
1 hours later 28849977 Anonymous
never too late anon, fight for the life you want to live
1 hours later 28851092 Anonymous
Do I need to create a 'wallet' for each of the crypto I want to buy?
1 hours later 28851132 Anonymous
Until it drops by 70% and then dies a slow death
2 hours later 28851530 Anonymous
depends - some wallets can carry some crypto just not all
2 hours later 28851638 Anonymous
you are literally going to be buying bags for people who will be selling their 2x, 4x, 10x, longs
anyone who says otherwise is a fucking liar
2 hours later 28851728 Anonymous
LINK will have a steady climb to several hundred dollars within the year. Safest investment with an okay profit there is right now.
2 hours later 28852126 Anonymous
if people realize btc is useless you better not be in any altcoin when that happens. bitcoin literally props up valuations of alts by the nature of it being a store of value. take that away and almost every cryptocurrency becomes entirely worthless.
2 hours later 28852349 Anonymous
Crypto is a greedy game of musical chairs
Tou can still make it
2 hours later 28853299 Anonymous
When is the next great bump? When is biden gonna give americans 1400$?
2 hours later 28853394 Anonymous
OP is the beggar pretending to be a noob to get free money, he got 5k earlier be aware he keeps making threads about "investing" and playing dumb till some fool opens their wallet.
2 hours later 28853950 Anonymous
Is ADA a good mid to long term investment? Was thinking of putting some money from my salary in ADA each month for the next 2 years. Or is LINK a better investment?
3 hours later 28854027 Anonymous
There's never too late to gamble.
3 hours later 28854072 Anonymous
Nop. Compare to Interwebz 2008
3 hours later 28854092 Anonymous (Strudel farmer.jpg 3324x2055 2445kB)
3 hours later 28854231 Anonymous
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2787 2985#p27875815
3 hours later 28854242 Anonymous
Whatever /biz/ tells you, do the opposite. I just did this and I went from $500 to $7800 for 3 weeks. Have fun anon
3 hours later 28854297 Anonymous
Bobo is just revving up, wait a week and buy at the bottom
3 hours later 28854305 Anonymous (image8.jpg 1280x960 163kB)
3 hours later 28854310 Anonymous
LINK is a safer investment. ADA can skyrocket or it can crab till the end of the universe
3 hours later 28854395 Anonymous
yes but everyone will say no because they need bagholders
3 hours later 28854438 Anonymous
they know that anon, people just don't care. Tell me that stacking gold in your basement isn't useless
As long as they can profit of it, it has the biggest value in their eyes, it doens't have to be practical to use anywhere else
3 hours later 28854633 Anonymous
>use coinbase they said
>only has 33 coins
>binance has 150
Wtf /biz/ gave me shit advice
3 hours later 28854816 Anonymous
This was one of the classic /biz/ rug pull scam coins of 2018.
Many others like it pages deep on coinmarketcap, all with ridiculous "market caps"
3 hours later 28854878 Anonymous
>Bitcoin is at ath and so is everything else.
That's what I told myself several years ago, and it hurts to remember today.
3 hours later 28855561 Anonymous
That was true several years ago. Just because we just hit ATH doesn't mean there won't be a higher ATH later on
3 hours later 28855671 Anonymous (unnamed.jpg 900x900 148kB)
>hehe nothing personell kid
3 hours later 28856187 Anonymous
this but fuck ETH
4.506 0.157