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2021-02-16 06:48 28838812 Anonymous (anime cutie shy.jpg 319x636 37kB)
I have $500 USD.
These are my options:
which shall it be
help this anon make it or rope
0 min later 28838860 Anonymous
1 min later 28838877 Anonymous
1 min later 28838893 Anonymous
I've lurked enough to know link won't make me much
2 min later 28838950 Anonymous (1575200674138.jpg 820x514 104kB)
nice dubdubs fren
GRT looks very promising, but I don't see it going beyond 3-5, what's your interpretation/prediction?
4 min later 28839073 Anonymous
Take a look into PROS, low market cap gem.
It's Augur but for Binance.
Augur has a market cap of 300 million dollars!
That is a 15x from here.
Their team is good, all of their projects worked so far.
5 min later 28839135 Anonymous
6 min later 28839153 Anonymous (1610247544429.jpg 258x195 9kB)
quite a bit of enthusiasm here, tell me anon, what are your thoughts on eating beef?
6 min later 28839183 Anonymous
bao or rbc
6 min later 28839187 Anonymous
7 min later 28839237 Anonymous
I buy it from a local farmer.
I fucking chomp on it.
7 min later 28839252 Anonymous (1577419266436.jpg 640x828 135kB)
you're literally too late for all of these options. you should have bought link in march 2020 and you should have bout GRT two months ago. they're over
9 min later 28839332 Anonymous (1538990339804.png 735x720 384kB)
what's the next opportunity then fren
11 min later 28839416 Anonymous (1548697108051.jpg 400x400 29kB)
you could have snagged ASKO last week for a 2x. just keep your ear to the ground and pay attention to what people are saying. if you want to make actual money. invest in foreign oil stocks.
12 min later 28839453 Anonymous (1584412437662.jpg 839x610 112kB)
I was told not to trust biz, whatever I see on biz it's already too late or it's a scam or so I'm told.
13 min later 28839498 Anonymous
Pretty much.
18 min later 28839706 Anonymous
Nucypher its under a dollar and a low market cap.
It also is a key part of the holy trinity to take us to mars
19 min later 28839784 Anonymous (1577770079461.jpg 946x1078 188kB)
>It also is a key part of the holy trinity to take us to mars
the other part of this trinity being?
21 min later 28839879 Anonymous
rugpulls and shilling on /biz/ all day, probably
21 min later 28839880 Anonymous (1591327445805.png 665x749 250kB)
never trust. listen to what is said around the board, and then due your DD. everything is ultimately your own decision. might as well make good ones.
23 min later 28839964 Anonymous
Indeed before any investing DYOR.
23 min later 28839996 Anonymous
the real tapcoin, tapmydata.
26 min later 28840131 Anonymous
I have a very good suggestion for you. Come to swop.fi, which has a robust ecosystem like Waves, and earn money without over 100% risk.
26 min later 28840148 Anonymous
Tell me about Nucypher’s connection to Mars
30 min later 28840336 Anonymous
You need more experience. I'm not trying to be an asshole, it's just that if you are considering buying something like hoge you should consider just lurking for a few more weeks
This board isn't just made up of people who like investing. It's full of scammers and people who flood the board with fake coins with no purpose (like hoge) for their own profit. You can't just buy anything on here.
36 min later 28840575 Anonymous (1581613120761.png 657x738 314kB)
I will disagree with you for a bit. There are people who legitimately want to invest and grow there wealth here. There are also people here who want everyone to make it. It all just comes down to DYOR in the long run to figure out whether they're scamming or trying to help.
58 min later 28841621 Anonymous
See, none of these fuckers even know about TTT yet. Buy that. That is how early you are.
58 min later 28841625 Anonymous (1222287351426.jpg 320x360 29kB)
Get ALGO. Comfy hold rn
59 min later 28841651 Anonymous
can't even buy that with the ridiculous gas fees
1 hours later 28841740 Anonymous
I did, it was like 50 dollars in fees.
Buy 450 dollars worth, when it 100x's you can spit your fees out as a minor loss.
1 hours later 28841747 Anonymous
1 hours later 28841751 Anonymous
We just had a dip yesterday. buy it while its cheap.
GRT went 2.8 to 1.7 yesterday. ALGO went 1.8 to 1.4
OXT is up by 10% from yesterdays dip too.
1 hours later 28841815 Anonymous
$TTT had steam integration, nobody even knows what fapmydaddy even is.
1 hours later 28841875 Anonymous
can someone realistically make it off $500 within this year?
1 hours later 28841962 Anonymous
Nucypher, GRT, and Link all complete essential infrastructure needed for web3.
1 hours later 28842035 Anonymous
I started with 1.2k in November 19th 2020, now I have 900$ in silver stocks, 40 oz of silver, 6k in liquid assets, and have paid all off my debts about to buy a house in a few months.
Also, wait hold the fuck. You would have to pay the same fucking gas fees for any eth token, GRT included.
1 hours later 28842078 Anonymous
>Also, wait hold the fuck. You would have to pay the same fucking gas fees for any eth token, GRT included.
I can buy grt on binance on which I have funds
1 hours later 28842086 Anonymous
In May, there is a GRT rub pull.
Might want to save your position and time building wealth on a different coin.
1 hours later 28842092 Anonymous
GRT out of these options. It's a long term hold though so don't expect it to go on bullruns often like it did these past two weeks. If you want to be safe than it's unironically BTC or ETH, although you might wanna wait for them to drop a little bit.
1 hours later 28842163 Anonymous
this shit is up 20,000% since it came out what the fuck
whats the point
1 hours later 28842183 Anonymous
GRT or LINK for slow stable gain
REEF for low market cap finance risk
RUBIC for low market cap exchange rism
OLY for infinitygainz celebrity pump
You probably are already set on TTT tho so I won't stop you.
1 hours later 28842389 Anonymous
Still like a sub 500k market cap token.
1 hours later 28842628 Anonymous
For a quick 10x, get out, then never buy again? HOGE is getting listed on blockfolio in a few hours and is listed (price only) on coinbase now, so retards will pump it for a few days
1 hours later 28842862 Anonymous
Explain this
1 hours later 28842901 Anonymous
im a poorfag all in on EGG
1 hours later 28843725 Anonymous
HOGE is about to get a second pump, community gives a fuck about it and it's just been listed on Blockfolio today, as well as CMC and coinbase.
My money would go there if it wasn't already, been a comfy hold
1 hours later 28843940 Anonymous
only if you want to lose your money
2 hours later 28844403 Anonymous
these are not your fucking options you stupid retard. You only have 500 which means you need low mcap coin that is not a scam.
choose one and go all in you cant diversify with your amount
2 hours later 28844421 Anonymous
$TRDL. Its not a scam like that other shit.
2 hours later 28844567 Anonymous
I’m a retarded newfag from Reddit so I’m just going to say what my favorite coins are by their names
but I’m just a faggot Reddit with spacing in my posts because I’m a little bitch. Time to play my Switch, my wife’s bf is home and he looks really stressed.
2 hours later 28844586 Anonymous
I'm looking for a 5-10x miracle desu
2 hours later 28844744 Anonymous
based midwittor
2 hours later 28844925 Anonymous
For long hold I'd say GRT.
For short to medium I'd say TTT or RSR.
DYOR and DD thou.
2 hours later 28845064 Anonymous
link you homo
2 hours later 28846027 Anonymous
unironically xipooh, memecoin with small mcap with farming starting up soon
get your 2x and get out
3 hours later 28846986 Anonymous
Short term I agree on TTT or RSR
3 hours later 28847616 Anonymous
2,000% you fucking retard. Not 20,000. But 20,000 soon.
3 hours later 28847713 Anonymous
Tapcoin will def 10x at least
3 hours later 28847740 Anonymous
NULS my homie
3 hours later 28847812 Anonymous
Post tummy and i'll send you 2 linkies, that's free 2 grand EOY or put in a uniswap shitcoin to x30 it
3 hours later 28847889 Anonymous
And not buying TTT? The latest microcap to be shilled hard on /biz/? Okay dude.
It will pump to like 20 cents, dump to 5 eventually and crab at 5 cents for a long time whilst they continue building on top of their working product, but even if you fucked up your exit you'd be up 10x
3 hours later 28847898 Anonymous
Unironically search UniPower, $1.3m mcap, ecosystem of dApps already working, DAO and first community dApp are being released soon. Easy, conservative 3x minimum
1.230 0.092