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2021-02-16 04:42 28831588 Anonymous I made it. (1601475952596.png 557x785 332kB)
I turned 40k since August 2020, into 1.1m as of today. POLS, AAVE,SNX, early on and RBC and BAO later on because I felt lucky. I've been cashing out 8k a day through Coinbase Paypal and a Canadian Exchange I use. I put 2.5 BTC on BlockFi and will let ride until they rug pull. I put 25k USDC and 25k DAI on AAVE. The rest is getting withdrawn slowly over the upcoming weeks.
I dont have the stomach for this. But to the BAO shills and RBC shills thank you. My only tip is you will not get rich sitting on BTC or ETH. You've got to make some plays when coins are picking up steam and showing up as trending on gecko and getting retweeted on twitter. It's the only way you are going to make it.
I quit my job at the Amazon warehouse I was working at, no joke, processing returns... Fuck that life. I gave my mom 10k. I've got a year left of uni, then hopefully I can live off dividends while pretending to teach ESL in Japan or Korea.
Good luck this bull run guys! Best of luck! I
2 min later 28831739 Anonymous (66235.jpg 400x468 217kB)
congrats. I am wondering I should do the same thing with some BTC.
3 min later 28831791 Anonymous
This pic makes me really sad for some reason
3 min later 28831806 Anonymous
Please help me, stuck in mid 5-figure hell. Need to at least break 100k. I have 10k to sink into 10-30 random shitcoins, what are some that you think have room to 10-100x?
And of course, congratulations you lucky fuck.
4 min later 28831845 Anonymous
Nigga, where tf did you get $40k and how on earth did you buy BAO when it ain't even on coinbase?!
6 min later 28831931 Anonymous
I just put 25% of my BTC holdings in BlockFi...pls anon tell me its safe.
Will my 0.05 BTC be safe?
6 min later 28831948 Anonymous
He fought for the little good that was left on this Earth and failed. Only evil is left on this Earth now. We live in a doomed world
9 min later 28832097 Anonymous
lmao all that faggot did is blow his brains out after sending his country full retard.
11 min later 28832222 Anonymous (1611092329710.png 673x840 517kB)
All based and all.. But don't tell me you believe the earth is a globe.
11 min later 28832244 Anonymous
imagine cashing out 1/4 of the way into the bull run
12 min later 28832273 Anonymous
Next time your kind will go in the oven for real
13 min later 28832370 Anonymous
There won't be a next time.
14 min later 28832414 Anonymous
because the good guys lost, anon, and we are now doomed
to op, congrats on your success. all the best to you.
15 min later 28832485 Anonymous
i know how things work. I dont want to get fucked like 2018. Hearing people say eth 10k reminds me of NEO 1k.
15 min later 28832490 Anonymous (1516705875536.webm 720x1280 1825kB)
now those are just some fantastic digits
16 min later 28832551 Anonymous
Flat earth is Jewish psy-op. Earth is hollow. Polar openings at the south and North Pole.
16 min later 28832582 Anonymous
I kind of feel like any shitcoin that get shilled here with an actual team that hasnt become hot on coingecko is worth throwing an ETH at. Just look at the green candles if its already up crazy just pass. Seems like everything is already saturated. Get ready for whales to throw money at any project coming out on DOT.
18 min later 28832659 Anonymous
you are not going to get a 10x on coinbase unless its a really new coin like graph was. Every moonshot is 100% UNISWAP. If the coin is already in the top 100 you missed the moon sorry.
19 min later 28832726 Anonymous
There will be it’s natural law. You kikes are foolish to believe you will be eternal rulers. One cataclysmic event is all it takes to reset this Earth, without your host and natural survival skills you will die.
19 min later 28832744 Anonymous
BlockFi is a legit company they have real backers plus a creditcard and ETH futures on the way. Its US based without a utility token. They are losing money now but they have Peter Thiel, Winklevoss twins and coinbase ventures. they are raising 150m for credit card now. BlockFi, Gemini and Coinbase are trying to corner the US market. I wouldnt touch NEXO or Celsius. Your funds should be safe.
22 min later 28832900 Anonymous
He lived out his life in Argentina. Learn your real history.
Do you have an exit plan? How do you know when the bullrun will end? Tomorrow Yellen could say BTC is too speculative and needs to be regulated and its down 40% before you get out of bed. Are you new?
Same to you brother. We will all make it one way or another.
Too much POL
23 min later 28832933 Anonymous
Congrats I hope the same will happen to me :( I've made around 25k only since last week, after losing 10k to fucking DOGE, but holding strong. Doge was a good lesson. Glad I went through that.
23 min later 28832946 Anonymous (D30513D8-28E7-4EFA-8406-755D87F598C1.jpg 900x873 211kB)
Congrats dude.
That’s pretty frickin awesome.
25 min later 28833037 Anonymous
they never found his body, what they found and claimed was him was a woman's skeleton
25 min later 28833042 Anonymous
I haven't even told anyone IRL yet. Probably wont ever either. Safer this way. Cheers man.
25 min later 28833057 Anonymous
he tried to warn us
26 min later 28833092 Anonymous
>woman's skeleton
Cool it with the transphobia.
26 min later 28833107 Anonymous
Fuck yeah anon! As a fellow leaf who is hoping to make I must ask; how have the taxes on your gains been working so far?
26 min later 28833110 Anonymous
>I turned 40k since August 2020
where did the 40k come from?
27 min later 28833167 Anonymous
If something gets memed and starts to trend on twitter and gecko, cash out some profits before you go to sleep. Waking up in the red on a big play just ruins your mojo man. you cant second guess yourself.
29 min later 28833269 Anonymous
anon, DONT tell anyone.
29 min later 28833279 Anonymous
I haven't paid taxes yet. To be honest I hope no one notices. I've been cashing out into paypal but not withdrawing too much into my accounts. I've set up accounts at all 5 major banks and have been even doing a couple cash plays off Kijiji meeting people in the GTA. I am trying to cash out slowly and hpefully wont raise any red flags.
30 min later 28833326 Anonymous
31 min later 28833356 Anonymous
Working since I was 16 anon, Loblaws Superstore, Amazon and teaching English online at VIPkids. I live with my mom still so I dont pay rent. Which is why I tossed her the 10k as a thank you. Hopefully more to come for her.
32 min later 28833416 Anonymous
Congrats anon
A ballsy way to do it too
32 min later 28833459 Anonymous
anon where in the GTA do you live? Thornhill here.
33 min later 28833502 Anonymous
>Working since I was 16 anon
congrats on your success in that case, its no small feat to save money as a teenager
33 min later 28833522 Anonymous
Best of luck to you on that front anon.
Hopefully you move somewhere nice with your gains
36 min later 28833703 Anonymous
I'm considering jumping in, but people keep telling me that the gas fees are horrible
39 min later 28833852 Anonymous
Accurate post.
40 min later 28833914 Anonymous
Mississauga. Thornhill is nice fellow leaf bro.
I am kind of hoping that with all the covid checks going out CRA will be too busy getting that shit aligned and I can fly under the radar.
I live a very frugal life so if it comes back to haunt me hopefully 'Ill get some level of forgiveness on my gains.
I will be getting a shit degree in history. I wanted to be a teacher. But I also had a deal with a buddy to teach English overseas. I want to find a part time gig in Japan or SK and teach like 15 hours a week and just coast through life on easy mode for a little bit. Then come back to Canada when my mom is old and care for her. If I can squeak the money without paying tax on it I should be able to earn about 40-50k a year in dividends and growth.
I honestly thought I would be happier than I am. More money more problems is a truth I now realize wasn't meant to be taken lightly.
40 min later 28833924 Anonymous
>You've got to make some plays when coins are picking up steam and showing up as trending on gecko and getting retweeted on twitter. It's the only way you are going to make it.
you're a fucking price of shit
stop telling the newfags to chase PumpAndDumps
see you in the 4th circle of hell
40 min later 28833931 Anonymous
How much did you start with OP? I'm ready to jump in with 5k, but am thinking of sitting what's left of this bullrun out and waiting a year to grab a ton of chinklink, BTC, and random low MC coins.
44 min later 28834200 Anonymous
OP you are livin my dream, I too wanted to temporarily move to Japan when I make it, more so because I'm an autismo weeb who learns japanese on his free time.
Kinda hoping I can live 6 months in Florida during the winter since my parents have an ocean front condo. Good luck with the tax stuff.
44 min later 28834201 Anonymous
If you want to get a coin that is still under 10m market cap it will have to be on uniswap. It sucks but unless you are investing 3k+ at least the fees make it kind of hard on profits.
Listen anon. There is still a lot of money to be made on the Binance Smart Chain. I was getting into that but look into BNB and CAKE and all the coins you can provide liquidity on. A good youtuber who got me started (and got me rich on BADGER back when it was 2bucks) is called I think Ceazors sandwiches. He is weird but he explains how to do all the defi stuff that helped me get rich. As for finding GEM's its really a gamble. Sometimes you have to take a risk. If the coin is shilled hard and hasnt mooned its 50/50. Good luck bro.
46 min later 28834335 Anonymous
Which pump and dump did I shill? Did coins here not make people 100x's? Stay cynical and let me know how it pays off for you. Wait dont tell me you bought the top? LOL
48 min later 28834439 Anonymous
>He lived out his life in Argentina. Learn your real history.
whatever makes you feel better I guess
50 min later 28834548 Anonymous
I started with 10k but then cashed out all my stocks and savings into it (40k) because it felt so much like the last bullrun, except this time with companies and celebs, so my gut told me it would work out.
Random low marketcap coins at the end of this bullrun will be worthless. Look at DENT REQ BAT etc from last bullrun. Its new promises from new scammers that will get the hype not failed projects from last bullrun.
I think if we pass 50K btc; 75k btc wont be an issue but people talking about 1 million btc and 10k eth are crazy for this bullrun.
50 min later 28834600 Anonymous
You’re a good dude anon, congrats. You inspired me to be a little less conservative with my ETH. Only 17k atm and have 5 ETH to spend
52 min later 28834726 Anonymous
didnt cash out all your RBC did you lad? keep a sui stack, trust me. why the fuck not since you have 1m anyway
53 min later 28834776 Anonymous
Yea good point. I'm thinking of waiting for the crash and buying coins I know have a future and will still 10x+ like chinklink.
Your strategy is ballsy. If hitler had your balls we wouldn't' be living in this nigger invested hellhole called America today (I guess not you). Please figure out how to not pay taxes anon, congrats again.
53 min later 28834802 Anonymous
He's mad & poor, well done for making it anon, and well done for taking care of your mother, thats boss shit
56 min later 28834959 Anonymous
good job dude. cashing out 8k a day though? that seems inefficient as fuck. not to mention you could raise flags with the taxman (look up tax structuring).
how do you cash out btc in large sums? i know bitfinex has no withdrawal limit but they charge 3% to withdraw over a million i think which is a lot.
56 min later 28834964 Anonymous
Yeah when the bear run starts my strategy of investing in shitcoins is going to revert to shorting on binance and scalping with some basic day trading strategies.
I feel like the bear run shouldn't hit me too hard if I cash out in time and change my mindset. I'm already practicing paper trading on binance to get ready for when altcoin season ends in shambles.
1 hours later 28835235 Anonymous
You unironically sold BAO and are cashing out at the literal beginning of the bullrun with a singular million and think you made it? Holy shit.
1 hours later 28835252 Anonymous
Im still fighting anons, i would love to have company but a man has to walk the walk even if its a lonely one
1 hours later 28835510 Anonymous
op can i make it from trading on binance? im a crypto noob; got any tips or recommendations for plays? how can you find good picks?
1 hours later 28835822 Anonymous
>picture of Hitler
>88 dubs
>fleeing to Asia
Stay and fight, borther
T. 1488 Canadian
1 hours later 28836350 Anonymous
With the money withdrawals, you should immediately start selecting places to setup residence where crypto tax isn't a thing and set up a bank account in the country.
I work in saudi Arabia and there are no taxes here so i'm safe in that regard. i still have to fill in a UK tax form but in it i basically tell them to go fuck themselves
1 hours later 28836371 Anonymous (16074015653.jpg 250x236 14kB)
88 Checked. OP isn't a faggot for once. Nice
1 hours later 28836375 Anonymous
try not to be too cringe anon
t.canadian jew ; )
1 hours later 28836388 Anonymous
Oh shit another GTA crypto millionaire. Hello friendo.
Yeah, sorry to be the bear of bad news but you will absolutely get buttfucked by cashing out into paypal. First you will be required to pay taxes. Next you will be audited so hope you have all your dex transactions on hand (kek)
Honestly, the only way we've found to fly under the radar is with gift cards/crypto credit cards but the latter still kind of suck and are exceedingly rare to get in your name. Still waiting on fucking five myself despite having a perfect credit score. Banks and gov't hates us, you've no idea but you'll get to know.
Godspeed. Remember, SEA or somewhere like thailand is a good last resort if you keep getting hassled by the man as a fucking leaf. Fuck this gay country.
1 hours later 28836589 Anonymous
Move out the country before the irs jew comes to take their share
1 hours later 28836666 Anonymous
You are now rich, but live in a mega-degenerate world.
You cant have a wife and trust her with your life, because you dont know if she is with you for the money or not.
You cant keep fucking whores, because you need to use condoms, which made sex uncomfortable. Without condoms you risk contracting diseases caused by promiscuity.
You cant trust your parents, brothers, etc, because they now see you as the guy who made it, and will try to suck you dry.
There is nothing left. All the knowledge from past philosophers and sages is now useless for a world were only gains matters. You try to fill the void with time-consuming hobbies, will you ever know happiness? Happiness is on small things this world mocks.
1 hours later 28836727 Anonymous (87a0d9d99aaffa99bfa3cba1e16f6aa1--ww-pictures-monochrome-photography.jpg 236x357 19kB)
1 hours later 28836819 Anonymous
grats, one question tho, how old are you and when did you start to invest?
1 hours later 28836918 Anonymous
Satan quads of truth
1 hours later 28836921 Anonymous (allies2.png 1012x1198 247kB)
my great grandpa got the order of lenin during WW2 and probably raped a few german girls as payback
; )
1 hours later 28836922 Anonymous
1 hours later 28837086 Anonymous
the only solution is to live a frugal life and find a wife who doesn't know about your gains. only reveal it to her when you've been together for a long time and you're certain she loves you for who you are and not the money she knows nothing about
1 hours later 28837127 Anonymous
>You are now rich
This is the crux of the problem. Make no mistake, most of us are NOT rich in the classic sense. $1MM in crypto right now is just about enough to either blow a ton of money and keep living as before or live off a poverty amount of annual cash for a few decades.
$10MM is where rich STARTs. This still has problems such as the government hassling you and you not being able to pay them or a third party enough to put their hassling out of mind and maintain your wealth.
So $20MM should be the goal if one still wants to live in North America without hassle from the government since in that case you can essentially blow as much as $6MM to live a life free of dealing with the hassle through various means and even that $6MM is not enough to really put a dent in your wealth, all things considered.
1 hours later 28837183 Anonymous (a8c.jpg 785x1000 133kB)
1 hours later 28837275 Anonymous
Good job Anon. I’m trying to do the same by riding waves up. Turned $100 into $1000 so far and that should hit 4-5k hopefully in a week.
I have more money but since this is glorified gambling I only wanted to go in with a small amount that barely matters.
Any tips?
1 hours later 28837439 Anonymous
hbar, dot, buy sun night, wait till thur 7-8est. easy +50%
1 hours later 28837644 Anonymous
Based. Congrats, anon. I hope you may find more blessings in your future and may you never extinguish that fire the Fuhrer lit in all men's hearts so long ago.
1 hours later 28837663 Anonymous
I started with 7k in january and Im at 50k now, hopefully I’ll hit 6 figures by the middle of the year.
1 hours later 28837769 Anonymous
I'd say $4MM because at that point the passive income would be about what you'd get at a mid-tier job. You won't be "rich" in the normie sense of the word, but you would be financially independent, which has its own perks
1 hours later 28837821 Anonymous
Also anon I am a Canadian with non tax residency. I could let you know my exit strategy if you want. Maybe you could help me look out for some shit coins so I can make it.
Please tell me you have Telegram or something.
1 hours later 28837847 Anonymous
Seamless transition from a larp thread to a /pol/ thread. Noice.
1 hours later 28837860 Anonymous
lads, what the fuck is a MM
I feel like such a retard right now
1 hours later 28837942 Anonymous
Watcha riding?
1 hours later 28837945 Anonymous
It's another way of saying million - something like "mille milles" which is one thousand one thousands.
AKA 1000 * 1000 = 1,000,000
1 hours later 28838105 Anonymous
How did you find AAVE early?
1 hours later 28838107 Anonymous
dont u have to pay taxes
1 hours later 28838235 Anonymous
BAT is unironically one of the few crypto projects with actual adoption, use, and a plan for profitability. It may not see tons of hype like current defi scams are, but you dont have to worry about rugging, and it will 150x in 1-2 years.
1 hours later 28838322 Anonymous
I see, thanks anon. I wasn't the retard, after all
1 hours later 28838363 Anonymous
OP let's get this nigga to rope himself, we are all pushing him to do it he's so poor lol.
1 hours later 28838465 Anonymous
Every single time, without fail, a "smart" faggot like you shows up. You're not demoralising anyone. You're only adding fuel to the fire.
2 hours later 28838729 Anonymous
How is my plan OP:
>mine ethereum
>convert to coins that are worth $0.0000x
>have multiple such holdings with $100 in each
>wait for one of those to 1000x
2 hours later 28838775 Anonymous (lambao.png 1024x416 730kB)
grats anon, proud of you. I'm also a leaf, didn't get into crypto until november 2020 though and only started with 8K. Making gains though. Also got in early on BAO.
Which uni you go to?
2 hours later 28838851 Anonymous
I would also like to know how to cash out from coinbase in large sums
2 hours later 28838857 Anonymous
probably UTM, what else even is there in Mississauga.
2 hours later 28838873 Anonymous
Yeah dont tell anyone or your relationship with them will change
2 hours later 28838954 Anonymous
Brother you are not alone, remember me when you feel like you are because you are not
2 hours later 28838963 Anonymous (0000000000000.jpg 590x322 217kB)
blessed thread
2 hours later 28839124 Anonymous
This is the tax man looking for your location - do not provide
2 hours later 28839388 Anonymous
checked for truth, kek
2 hours later 28839398 Anonymous
And after you tell her, she will estrange herself from you, because you have the money, while she dont. And the fact you never told her before, might make her feel uncomfortable, thinking you dont trust her. This could prompt her to betray you, or leave you. Money is a great divider.
True, but your parents, brothers, friends, etc, they will all see you as the guy who made it. The first million, all those zeroes, they have a psychological impact in their minds, specially in a society where most people lives on debt. You might not be technically rich (for long-term), but most people think short-term, they never think about 10, 20 years in the future, they are too busy with their jobs, and too distracted with the consumption of useless stuff.
2 hours later 28839885 Anonymous
Im making 2200.00 per month staking ETH. It will double soon. This is how you build wealth...
2 hours later 28840040 Anonymous
you do have a point, thankfully I'm a cold hearted degenerate who doesn't trust anyone but my own father. I don't trust my friends, other family or even myself. I will never truly trust my wife as well, I suppose I will have to live that way for the rest of my life. Maybe I'll trust my own son the way I do my father, not a daughter though.
2 hours later 28840076 Anonymous
All crypto are about to crash get out
2 hours later 28840084 Anonymous
The gas fees alone will negate absolutely any gain from doing that
2 hours later 28840152 Anonymous
leaf here, what exchange do you use? Did your bank give you any problems withdrawing?
2 hours later 28840242 Anonymous (1593864918328.gif 228x216 1939kB)
a-anon... your taxes..
2 hours later 28840625 Anonymous
How to in tap into the crypto chatters on Twitter? Who do you follow?
2 hours later 28840962 Anonymous
Based, good luck anon
2 hours later 28841175 Anonymous (they really loved him.jpg 1024x768 131kB)
If you ever watched any of Hitler's speeches you would understand that everything Hitler did was from the bottom of his heart. Its disgusting how little passion and conviction the modern """"""leaders"""""" have compared to Hitler regardless of the policies.
Go ahead and ban me jannies for talking politics here I don't give a shit. Go and do your research b4 talking about shit you know nothing about
3 hours later 28841929 Anonymous
this guy gets it
3 hours later 28841985 Anonymous
what happens when u tell ppl that ur rich?
3 hours later 28842032 Anonymous
>True, but your parents, brothers, friends, etc, they will all see you as the guy who made it
Never tell anyone you made it. Take it from us. That is the biggest mistake you will make in your life. Can't stop the grapevine nor the envy. Friends and family become enemies behind closed doors.
3 hours later 28842220 Anonymous
>$1.1MM only
>not paying taxes
Your best case scenario is under $1MM which you'll probably blow like a retard and be back at your Amazon job in no time. Your worst case scenario if you actually don't pay taxes is you walk away with next to nothing, maybe go to jail. I don't think you understanding the meaning of making it, anon. You haven't even come close.
3 hours later 28842478 Anonymous
Based! I have 3300 linkies and will ride that to 500-1000k myself and enjoy a substansial passive income.
Already made it in other aspects of life so I can play it on the safe side with money
3 hours later 28842499 Anonymous
If this isn't a larp
Just go to.mexico
Open a company rent a warehouse open 3 bank accounts transfer btc to the bank accounts and use atm cards to cash out in leafland
3 hours later 28842500 Anonymous
Happy for you OP I could be you but I didnt cash out stake in august I should have minimum 1.5 million but sitting on a measly 275k instead at least one of us made it good luck. Buy a house and land
3 hours later 28842593 Anonymous (1612820054560.png 454x453 155kB)
3 hours later 28842725 Anonymous
Yeah, I miss him.
3 hours later 28843253 Anonymous
GJ OP. I think you cashed out at a good time
3 hours later 28843382 Anonymous (1612843360729.jpg 709x1024 56kB)
gj fren
3 hours later 28843503 Anonymous (you dont pass.gif 480x270 3209kB)
Checked and thanks for the list of shit I'm not buying,
3 hours later 28843504 Anonymous
Donate to orania.co.za
3 hours later 28843810 Anonymous
Which Canadian exchange? Curious why aren't you using kraken or gemini with such large amounts? Generally curious anon as I expect to hit cash out more than 6 figures soon.
4 hours later 28844565 Anonymous (894EB116-B528-4F49-849E-F32B22E3841C.jpg 192x263 4kB)
Ah, the philistines are our greatest misfortune.
4 hours later 28845226 Anonymous (1610762569862.jpg 385x507 172kB)
4 hours later 28845457 Anonymous
All 4channers should be killed for having bad genetics
4 hours later 28845665 Anonymous (king karkinian4.png 121x171 47kB)
> My only tip is you will not get rich sitting on BTC or ETH
Lies I'm here since 2016 started with 7k in capital. It takes multiple market cycles but it's guaranteed and I'm 90%+ BTC and ETH. This is a much better strategy than gambling on shitcoins and it forces you to learn and understand the market and the projects you're invested in. My only other plays with 5% respectfully have been LINK and GRT. I bought GRT at 0.15c on listing day because I had the ability to understand why it would be big after reading whitepapers and observing market conditions for years. I also lost hard on REQ, OMG and a few others last market cycle. For every winner like you there are a thousand losers and if you keep gambling you will join their ranks again. I'm halfway to making it and I know I'm going to, gamblers can't say the same. Go back to gaia
4 hours later 28845806 Anonymous
is thornhill all jewish? i had a kike gf from there once, never stepped foot in north america tho
4 hours later 28845884 Anonymous
Fuck man. I hope to be you this time next year.
4 hours later 28846074 Anonymous
Are you me? My portfolio was almost the same on your dates, but had different coins (except for aave lately)
no way I'm cashing out this shitstack, I'm wageslaving my shit work until I hit 8 digits
5 hours later 28847141 Anonymous
Gratz OP, godspeed.
You can also get small caps on certain CEXes that list almost anything. MXC is good. I bought into literal 1,5m shitcoins there.
But I haven't found any where you didn't need to KYC to withdraw (even crypto).
5 hours later 28847185 Anonymous
>cashing out 8k a day
get ready for a knock at the door
5 hours later 28847248 Anonymous
Hitler was bad. He killed 6 million jews and started World War 2
5 hours later 28847319 Anonymous
Oh and for newfags: THERE'S NO GAS FEES ON CEXES.
5 hours later 28847452 Anonymous
Gadaffi didnt deserve this shit either. He was a good man fighting for his country and his beliefs with a gold backed Libyan dollar, and they killed him for it.
5 hours later 28847641 Anonymous
you have to go back redditfag
5 hours later 28847761 Anonymous
>I'd say $4MM because at that point the passive income would be about what you'd get at a mid-tier job.
Even with $1MM you could take out $35k to $40k yearly and not touch the principle money with a index tracker fund. $4MM would be $140k to $160k, hardly "mid tier".
3.5% to 4% yearly withdrawal rates are pretty standard financial independence numbers.
5 hours later 28847858 Anonymous
While true people spread right-wing propaganda to be edgy. Works exceptionally well but is just as cringe as left-wing bs (was edgy till the 90s).
6 hours later 28848454 Anonymous
6 hours later 28848510 Anonymous
I am new into crypto. Can you please help me with advice? I made an account on crypto.com and bought my first coins. What is coinbase and why do I need it? What wallet are you using?
6 hours later 28848518 Anonymous
cong , invest soe in bizfinance and w8 for the staking pool
6 hours later 28848745 Anonymous
hasbara strawman tranny
6 hours later 28848774 Anonymous
You are forgetting NU on coinbase.
6 hours later 28848886 Anonymous
Buy at a higher price to force an upswinged adjustment, continue until max cost for high profits. Use an online wallet
6 hours later 28848915 Anonymous
yeahhh that’s what they said in 2017
6 hours later 28849023 Anonymous
They will want to have secks with you
6 hours later 28849136 Anonymous
Imagine cashing out before the biggest bull run in crypto history
Imagine using coinbase with high fees instead of Kraken OTC
Over 2m in crypto not selling until peak this year
Started with 40k 2018
6 hours later 28849178 Anonymous
Should i go into xrp, the graph and cardano?
6 hours later 28849311 Anonymous
I must protec mi virgini
6 hours later 28849435 S
1.1 mil isn't enough to retire you fucking dumbass.
6 hours later 28849444 Anonymous (1607720770880.jpg 431x450 69kB)
>My only tip is you will not get rich sitting on BTC or ETH.
6 hours later 28849672 Anonymous
This. Faggots dont understand the migrant waves from africa are happening from libya supported by kiked NGOçs
6 hours later 28849706 Anonymous
Happy for you my dude.
I'm in south america and trying to turn 4k into 40k this bull run, which here gives you a hell of a lot more purchasing power for your dollar than in the first world.
I do hope we all make it.
6 hours later 28849784 Anonymous (Brandenburger.png 640x750 117kB)
The wrong side won, but we'll get another chance. We're rich now.
6 hours later 28850064 Anonymous
It's ok, you're a miserable shithole now as God intended. "There there, you won Ivan, here have 20 dollars, you seem to have fallen on hard times"
6 hours later 28850131 Anonymous
Based and truthpilled. Adi was peak degenerate
6 hours later 28850178 Anonymous
Hitler was bad, and Jews have become grotesque from lack of criticism. Jews participated in the creation of the opiate crisis, which was an act of genocide, and the red terror/artificial famine in Ukraine. You will answer for your crimes, one way or the other.
6 hours later 28850596 Anonymous
nice anon, I can't wait to buy my mom something nice.
6 hours later 28850706 Anonymous
capitalism is the devil? Fuck off commie
7 hours later 28850927 Anonymous
larp shit
7 hours later 28850976 Anonymous
+ cringe, uwu teaching english in japan
7 hours later 28851240 Anonymous
Boomer mentality.
Sitting on $1.1MM BTC might as well be $6MM BTC in a few years
7 hours later 28851677 Anonymous
posting in blessed thread
7 hours later 28852034 Anonymous
Damn Satan, chill, it's not that bad
7 hours later 28852044 Anonymous (1605800526418.jpg 900x642 193kB)
very based sirs
1.762 0.194