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2021-02-16 04:13 28829820 Anonymous /XSG/ XRP Schizo General #715 (XSG.jpg 1279x893 264kB)
Last time on /XSG/: >>28816206
Americans can still buy XRP on Uphold or Bitrue
[NY can swap crypto on Bitrue with XLM/XRP pair]
or directly on the XRPL https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
or on XUMM wallet (with USD IOU's from Bitstamp)
>Ripple’s Response to SEC Lawsuit:
https://twitter.com/s_alderoty/stat us/1355212298814693380
>Lawyer Explains:
https://youtube.com/c/LegalBriefs/v ideos
>Flare (FLR) Overview:
>Flare vs Ethereum:
>Flare Finance FAQ:
>Flare Finance Website:
>Flare Finance GitHub:
>XRP Ledger:
>XRP Charts:
>XRP Richlist:
https://ledger.exposed/rich-stats#p ercentage
>Past /XSG/ Threads:
>Insiders Threads:
>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon Threads:
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1659 5583
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1726 6853
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1791 4598
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1810 2776
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1841 7446
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1928 3439
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1991 9081
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1998 0410
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2009 8041
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2042 9829
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2072 0991
>The Myth of Market Cap:
http://galgitron.net/Post/The-Myth- of-Market-Cap---Version-2
https://twitter.com/@looP_rM311_721 1
https://twitter.com/PRX113 [Mr. Pool archives]
>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM, Exodus or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/Trezor
1 min later 28829899 Anonymous
So is this going up, down, sideways?
2 min later 28829953 Anonymous
2 min later 28829981 Anonymous
Isnt this black out shit weird? Wasnt this stuff predicting i swear i remember people saying this would happen months ago or am i bugging
3 min later 28829999 Anonymous (911C8C98-8533-43E2-9C8D-6D786EAF029A.jpg 1280x720 212kB)
3 min later 28830019 Anonymous (1613370320609-3.png 720x675 443kB)
I think we may be crabbin' or even dumping till the 22nd, be always ready to buy more if you can.
3 min later 28830027 Anonymous
I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired
3 min later 28830034 Anonymous (190344B8-E2D9-4252-BF1D-1068613D8E34.png 561x592 335kB)
3 min later 28830037 Anonymous
Predicted** my bad phone screens fucked up
3 min later 28830054 Anonymous (1605681349587.webm 268x200 120kB)
4 min later 28830069 Anonymous
You're seeing hope where there is none. Hope is somewhere else completely, waiting for you to find out.
4 min later 28830075 Anonymous
why the fuck are flare ious going for 3x the poloniex price on bittrue?
4 min later 28830081 Anonymous
this image terrifies me because i have a fear of the ocean
4 min later 28830112 Anonymous
Is everyone expecting the 22nd to be the day it goes up to a new benchmark?
5 min later 28830121 Anonymous (1613379062899.gif 383x200 2504kB)
5 min later 28830143 Anonymous
Yes, Val Jester Locke on twitter has been predicting blackouts for months.
There was also alot of solarflare and emp talk since early xsg.
6 min later 28830211 Anonymous (alderoty_header.jpg 1500x500 141kB)
based picture and quads
6 min later 28830217 Anonymous (AfdM3UR_d.jpg 404x508 33kB)
7 min later 28830279 Anonymous (Meditating OOOOO.jpg 668x964 544kB)
7 min later 28830292 Anonymous
iirc their distribution method is different. on poloniex you get a separate flare IOU token or something that you can redeem at a later date after release, on Bitrue i think they'll send the you flare on release. i don't know for sure though.
if it keeps spreading i'll start wondering about "Dark Winter" connections
whoever is making these dark/surreal trollface memes has a beautiful mind, i've seen them here and on /pol/, there was a really good one in a /gate/ thread about how COVID lockdowns are a mass ritual,
8 min later 28830318 Anonymous
I know that feel.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWG R7ulagNA
Fuck this boss and underwater video game bosses.
I don't know... Anything can happen.
8 min later 28830362 Anonymous (20210207_131851.jpg 2880x2880 921kB)
Based and Schizo Digitspilled
9 min later 28830412 Anonymous (download (5).jpg 876x493 14kB)
g-g-guys... Mellons not dead... >>28830279 not to alarm you or anything but he's standing right behind you... and he's saying XRP $2k EOY...
9 min later 28830413 Anonymous
70¢ by march is my cutoff for roping myself. let’s see how this shitcoin does
9 min later 28830424 Anonymous (D00CA187-46A5-49F0-B560-23DF76766F52.jpg 680x696 187kB)
trollface is a great mascot for xsg, considering all the fud and larpers
10 min later 28830470 Anonymous
Please take a seat Mellon, I've been waiting for you. Your dream will come true. RIP in pepperoni.
11 min later 28830515 Anonymous
checked...info on brizzly:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brizz ly
Brizzly was a third-party Twitter and Facebook interface. It was unveiled at one of TechCrunch's events in 2009[2] and was acquired by AOL in 2010.[3]
Its features included allowing users to create lists to organize followers,[4] showing user the full in-line links from URL shortening services and showing photos from photo sharing services.[5] It was described as FriendFeed for Twitter.[6]
wonder who was involved with it- it might be a clue to the identity of Bearable Guy
I wonder if Brad made some powerful friends at Harvard?
11 min later 28830554 Anonymous
Ffs this guy pisses me off.
Hes acting like these blackouts are exactly what he predicted.
The reality is he schizoed out over 'Flare' saying it was a sign of a solar flare and that when the air drop hit a solar flare would also hit causing a worldwide black out while in the backgournd they would be stealing all our XRP.
The worst thing about it was Id guess a lot of his schizo followers followed his advice to NOT claim their Spark because of this. Now they miss out on a HUGE part of the XRP use case.
13 min later 28830654 Anonymous (1611039105908.jpg 1440x1089 314kB)
This kills the FUDsters.
15 min later 28830748 Anonymous
Why would it be a good idea to buy a coin that's involved in a lawsuit?
16 min later 28830836 Anonymous (crabtime.gif 600x338 2485kB)
16 min later 28830842 Anonymous
But seriously XRP is the standard
16 min later 28830854 Anonymous
because the lawsuit is bullshit and therefore when its announced the price should rocket.
17 min later 28830859 Anonymous (download.jpg 2500x1302 507kB)
the blackout in Pakistan last month was used to install an instant payment system
17 min later 28830869 Anonymous
Thank you, Lord Kek has pumped the price!
17 min later 28830902 Anonymous
yeah this black out shit is weird bro. snowstorms have literally never knocked out people's power in the history of snow until this week. #sp00ky
17 min later 28830910 Anonymous
Should I trust you?
18 min later 28830970 Anonymous
maybe some events happened to guarantee XRP's rise to $2k by December 31 2020 but we haven't found out about them yet?
Mellon wasn't wrong...we were wrong...it's our fault, we didn't interpret the prophecy correctly...I must do penance
18 min later 28830991 Anonymous
Dyor, spoon feeding season been over and don’t hold USD.
20 min later 28831061 Anonymous
He's also been specifically saying blackouts I hope none of our schizos skipped the snapshot because of twitter. We did have some people in thread who thought it was a way to steal your xerps but they sort of disappeared.
20 min later 28831071 Anonymous
that pissed me off too, it was one of the only cases of Ripple Riddler type people actively harming their followers that I can think of though. Val seems like he's been having a rough time lately, grasping at straws even more than usual since the inauguration. A lot of the Q-adjacent people seem like their mental health is suffering.
20 min later 28831093 Anonymous
this is legit one of my favorite memes
22 min later 28831165 Anonymous (1604198078364.jpg 600x600 98kB)
22 min later 28831178 Anonymous
speaking of that
https://www.ledgerinsights.com/bloc kchain-payments-ripple-pakistan-fay sal-bank/
Pakistan’s Faysal Bank adopts Ripple’s blockchain technology
i wonder if Faysal Bank has any connections to Raast?
23 min later 28831224 Anonymous (download (6).jpg 1023x763 267kB)
>>28830470 Just let me get my ghosthunter gear on and I'll decipher what he is saying >>28830991 ,1 Ah yes... quite a pickle of a situation there Mellon are you sure you want me to tell him? Okay I will. So this is what Mellon has said
"Anonymous my child... The time has come for our XRP to be worth $2k per xerpie... But this will come at a cost... $2k for each one of your xerpies or you'll never get to $2k EOY. What path do you choose???"
23 min later 28831239 Anonymous
It's not, no newfags should buy.
24 min later 28831282 Anonymous
ask literally anyone who stacks zerps.
26 min later 28831412 Anonymous (He bought.png 1920x1080 1491kB)
Trust no one
but if something that has continue value changes is in a downward shift because of negative press, that seems like a pretty good time as any if you think the negative press will go away
27 min later 28831493 Anonymous
He literally said he 'predicts the future' at one point, then picks up on the smallest thing as 'proof'.
I honestly cant stand these people and their followers who actually take them seriously are worse.
27 min later 28831505 Anonymous (raast.png 2162x1744 921kB)
28 min later 28831541 Anonymous
why would you ever trust anyone on this Khajiit Lesbian Erotica forum?
28 min later 28831560 Anonymous (Agent With VERS Headset.jpg 1621x1223 234kB)
We have a reading from the VERS AIs, it's leaning toward positive neurological readings of "2k", "standard", "derivatives" and...
...Something called "Kek"? What reading is this?
28 min later 28831568 Anonymous
Uh excuse me? We're proud argonian fuckers here
29 min later 28831587 Anonymous
Threadly Reminder that
No one ITT will ever be a real woman.
No one ITT will ever be white enough for the white ethnostate that's never coming.
Trump Won
Q Is Real and Has Won
And 4chan Will Rule the World
Nothing can stop what is coming
Cicada was DIA
Satoshi is DIA
Qanon is now the DIA
29 min later 28831608 Anonymous (file.jpg 651x1000 461kB)
31 min later 28831692 Anonymous
you glow
31 min later 28831741 Anonymous
32 min later 28831792 Anonymous (aryanspecimen.jpg 657x525 19kB)
haven't seen this theory discussed by the schizos
33 min later 28831801 Anonymous
Brizzly was developed by Thing Labs. It was acquired by AOL which was headed by Brad Garlinghouse at the time.
Their website and the team behind Thinglabs are available on the Web Archive still. No obvious breadcrumbs, though. Jason Shellen rebooted Brizzly in 2018. https://web.archive.org/web/2011020 7132845/http://thinglabs.com/about/
35 min later 28831920 Anonymous
>NSA and other governments & military organizations
36 min later 28831977 Anonymous
if nothing happens by the 22nd i will completely shut myself off from this currency and try to forget i even have it until something relevant happens
37 min later 28832041 Anonymous
you and me both
37 min later 28832065 Anonymous
Stay for a while and listen. Nice dubs.
37 min later 28832073 Anonymous (1607913685886.jpg 820x892 215kB)
catharsis wojak, you can disregard this post if you want.
38 min later 28832123 Anonymous
joining this pact
39 min later 28832185 Anonymous
Stay for flare net and fiance, leave the schizo stuff if it'll help.
40 min later 28832229 Anonymous
The Lusty Xerpgonian Maid
41 min later 28832247 Anonymous
41 min later 28832277 Anonymous
Hey Schizos, can someone explain this to me?
you claim that XRP is the standard and will be the bridge currency for all transactions etc. but, it can't even handle the amount of visa transactions alone. Visa runs at 6000tx/sec and mastercard at 5000tx/sec, Zerpies can only do 1500. and you want the world to run on it?
42 min later 28832336 Anonymous
I'm fairly sure this is wrong
43 min later 28832387 Anonymous (Biden.jpg 1024x998 269kB)
https://twitter.com/Johnheretohelp/ status/1361354600444534787
Honestly this is fucking weird. Is this bullish for our zerps? Keep in mind this guy is legitimate and not just some who
43 min later 28832401 Anonymous
I'm here forever.
Yes, it's the standard. You're brown.
43 min later 28832408 Anonymous (1612673605692.jpg 480x360 43kB)
reeeeeeeeeee i'm need it moon
43 min later 28832424 Anonymous (KWh Per Transaction.png 543x392 21kB)
44 min later 28832472 Anonymous
that's just per ledger, it can integrate with other ledgers to reach a vastly higher amount than that
44 min later 28832488 Anonymous
Checked. Based mentality is to know you’ve already made it just by holding and stay around for the schizo entertainment and fudposting
45 min later 28832529 Anonymous (punished david.jpg 1280x720 323kB)
The garlic man hates SoiWars and is a certified protagonist
47 min later 28832668 Anonymous (1612764714516.jpg 332x332 16kB)
aaaaaaaaaahh gimme some moon gurl
48 min later 28832702 Anonymous
if any of that shit is true, which i doubt, then its completely over for xrp
48 min later 28832716 Anonymous
50 min later 28832830 Anonymous (1612156428815.png 640x520 658kB)
damn dude you just have pron induced ED
hemisexual is deasease
51 min later 28832845 Anonymous
So is the SEC thing gonna keep going on for the rest of the year
51 min later 28832846 Anonymous
51 min later 28832876 Anonymous (31AD0352-39C3-46A0-9EE5-9A92C7E37B1E.jpg 750x764 36kB)
52 min later 28832921 Anonymous (payment channels.png 1832x1750 465kB)
Payment Channels are an advanced feature for sending "asynchronous" XRP payments that can be divided into very small increments and settled later
The XRP for a payment channel is set aside for a given time period. The sender creates Claims against the channel, which the recipient verifies without sending an XRP Ledger transaction or waiting for a new ledger version to be approved by consensus.
Because Claims can be verified individually but settled in bulk later, payment channels make it possible to conduct transactions at a rate only limited by the participants' ability to create and verify the digital signatures of those Claims. This limit is primarily based the speed of the participants' hardware and the complexity of the signature algorithms.
52 min later 28832932 Anonymous
whatever dude this shits stupid who cares
54 min later 28833014 Anonymous
honestly it’s too much strain to stay here and have nothing happen for the last 4 months. I’m done with 4chan and the internet.
See you later schizos, thanks for the fun theories
57 min later 28833182 Anonymous (B9D82163-2393-45FC-BCAB-A528CB51633D.jpg 489x578 60kB)
cya later limp dick paper hands non-schizo
57 min later 28833197 Anonymous (1613378465748.gif 200x235 662kB)
Any more sauce for that?
57 min later 28833208 Anonymous
>imagine her flattening your dick, tidying them, and then put it into a Japanese minimalist drawer
58 min later 28833249 Anonymous
>implying I’ll ever sell
Don’t blame you for not having faith though
59 min later 28833299 Anonymous (flare.jpg 1323x800 164kB)
should also be noted that visa and mastercard are centralized, direct retail consumer payments system. they do not do settlement (even today). their systems do not have the same usecase as a bridge currency.
59 min later 28833308 Anonymous
59 min later 28833312 Anonymous
Seems bullish. Trump gave pardon to some dude from Ripple that was in jail, watch the oficial flare networks trailer.
1 hours later 28833340 Anonymous
Don't forget why BabaYaga was chosen by the family. Future does prove past.
1 hours later 28833433 Anonymous
Paper hands. NGMI.
1 hours later 28833508 Anonymous
>Future does prove past.
Seems like a Kleros Court murmuring type content.
1 hours later 28833527 Anonymous
1 hours later 28833656 Anonymous
I bought a $100 worth of XRP simply because I like being part of a meme.
1 hours later 28833689 Anonymous
Stop with the laughing you're ruining the show and when Nick is doing an impersonation, don't try to join in.
1 hours later 28833757 Anonymous
Thats how it starts.
1 hours later 28833758 Anonymous
Fuck off and sell your stack.
1 hours later 28833794 Anonymous
Babacuck has until end of April before that leaf gets raked in Minecraft
1 hours later 28833867 Anonymous
No unfortunately, who fucking knows anymore. Sounds like complete bullshit, but my brains can't tell what is unrealistic anymore
1 hours later 28833879 Anonymous
He had until the Mayflower landed, he remains unraked at our whim.
1 hours later 28833947 Anonymous (plz.png 209x161 33kB)
being broke is demoralizing my spirit
XRP is my light at the end of the tunnel but I just don't know anymore
1 hours later 28833957 Anonymous
Fucking mentally ill cuckold
1 hours later 28834010 Anonymous
Thanks, this seems a bit too technical for me to understand, but basically the channel happens off ledger? if so isn't it prone to double spending? I can authorize two transactions with two merchants using the same balance.
1 hours later 28834031 Anonymous
>ripple has 21 lawyers
>sec has 4
are you niggers retarded?
1 hours later 28834077 Anonymous
1 hours later 28834105 Anonymous
>doesn't even get it
1 hours later 28834112 Anonymous (C27F7828-AA38-4315-84AC-02FDE8C48136.gif 220x220 95kB)
1 hours later 28834149 Anonymous
look dude i am gay
1 hours later 28834159 Anonymous
1 hours later 28834197 Anonymous
not really? visa and mastercard still settle with card issuing banks dont they?
1 hours later 28834234 Anonymous
just give it straight to me bros
1 hours later 28834309 Anonymous
You've got aids and will die the day before xrp moons.
1 hours later 28834354 Anonymous
*opens mouth wide so jed-sama can dump his xrupees*
1 hours later 28834392 Anonymous (0BEFE2BA-CFBE-466E-B7E3-7D4CF3756CC4.jpg 750x387 21kB)
1 hours later 28834486 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-040334_Chrome.jpg 1440x992 515kB)
We already know it will happen eventually
1 hours later 28834651 Anonymous
How much money will XRP move around once it becomes standard?
1 hours later 28834730 Anonymous
>posts blacked memes
Fuck off
1 hours later 28834771 Anonymous
All of it.
1 hours later 28834783 Anonymous
cry harder nigger
1 hours later 28834862 Anonymous
The idea is that if a large number of small payments are needed, a payment channel can be established between the two parties (1 transaction), and then any number of payments can occur off-ledger at whatever rate the two participants can support, before one of the two parties attempts to "settle" (another transaction).
1 hours later 28834866 Anonymous
yes, the banks are the ones who do the settlement through swift, ach, etc. XRPL is a settlement platform and comparable to those systems. Comparing it centralized payment companies that don't do settlement like visa and mastercard makes no sense.
1 hours later 28835121 Anonymous
Checked and honestly I barely understand half this shit have been lurking on here for a year now I just get that the sheer volume of shit you guys post means wagmi
1 hours later 28835224 Anonymous (xrpl.png 1522x580 115kB)
It's ALOT more than just XRP
1 hours later 28835226 Anonymous (Junk.png 657x525 197kB)
Cuck harder nigger worshipper
1 hours later 28835273 Anonymous
lol what a fag
1 hours later 28835306 Anonymous
1 hours later 28835376 Anonymous
Honestly watch more Schwartz. This dude lays a lot of this out and very simply: https://youtu.be/7M3LIyHh4aU
1 hours later 28835435 Anonymous
You may call me an idort as i am one who will carry this without understanding it's value
like somebody who knows they have oil under their house ands ells it but doesnt know why its worth so much
1 hours later 28835482 Anonymous
How long until ripple eats swift? I remember back in the day people saying if that happens XRP goes straight to 1k
1 hours later 28835846 Anonymous (1610349836496.jpg 1079x1070 390kB)
idk, next week maybe.
1 hours later 28836028 Anonymous
Is there a site that you could randomize messages that the "universe" sends? Like instead of random numbers, random messages. Is there a site which updates its database?
1 hours later 28836110 Anonymous
You will never never white enough for the white ethnostate that's never coming.
1 hours later 28836245 Anonymous
Temple OS
1 hours later 28836368 Anonymous
Use your ID for (((((fun)))))!
1 hours later 28836400 Anonymous
why would I want to hangout with only white people. fucking honkeys.
1 hours later 28836436 Anonymous
Don’t forget. You’re here forever.
1 hours later 28836452 Anonymous
https://www.citizensjournal.us/supr eme-court-to-consider-2020-election -challenge-lawsuits-in-february-con ference/
1 hours later 28836549 Anonymous
How many more weeks?
1 hours later 28836550 Anonymous
1 hours later 28836570 Anonymous (Junk.png 900x1200 1487kB)
white is a Jewish invention, dork.
Also get rekt by CyberSchwartz
1 hours later 28836603 Anonymous
real link is .org
I'm a faggot.
1 hours later 28836627 Anonymous (FN2zVXoD.png 1342x894 111kB)
1 hours later 28836633 Anonymous
1 hours later 28836709 Anonymous
got it, just checked the website. a channel must be established between two parties and prefunded.
got it, essentially visa will continue using their own system to process payments, but use ripple to settle accounts between payer and payee banks.
1 hours later 28836755 Anonymous
love to you all anons. our day is nearly here. bless the bakers. btc. xrp. (link algo xtz)
1 hours later 28836796 Anonymous
2 more weeks!!
1 hours later 28836820 Anonymous (frodo.jpg 500x500 139kB)
1 hours later 28836886 Anonymous
I have no idea how to install a different OS even if using a virtual machine, but I think that's the closest thing to maybe what I'm looking for, example this site:
but with a huge database.
No, I already know about gematria and although useful, is not what I'm looking for. I'm after something similar to the site I posted, but better.
1 hours later 28836911 Anonymous (Asuka XRP Date.png 680x368 379kB)
BTC is Kill, baka.
2 hours later 28836956 Anonymous
When I search my irl nickname, my real name shows up.
2 hours later 28836987 Anonymous (Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 9.12.40 PM.png 972x822 120kB)
i assure you will regret not holding some bitcoin anon. im as schizo as they come. i hold a huge xrp bag. 85% of my holdings are bitcoin. hope we all make it either way.
>t. 0 eth.
2 hours later 28837030 Anonymous
Smarterchild on AIM
2 hours later 28837069 Anonymous
Stfu fucker is that your first 10% income ?
don’t be a tard who says shit here
share what bot u use for it
I am clever enough to realize how it’s working
Bot Ocean - that what you need
2 hours later 28837083 Anonymous
Checked, Ahamad
2 hours later 28837107 Anonymous (I have to shut it down.jpg 750x609 80kB)
2 hours later 28837147 Anonymous (brute.png 932x973 453kB)
>i assure you will regret not holding some bitcoin
2 hours later 28837382 Anonymous (ripplexrp.jpg 1076x2018 246kB)
kek. okay anons. how long have you been coming to /xsg/? dont fuck this up. dont fuck this up. you have very few opportunities in your lifetime like this. you simply havent done your homework if you are a ripple schizo and think btc is kill. foolish. i know you will make it with you zerps but jesus christ anons. dont dissuade newfags. its okay if you think "spoonfeeding" season is over even though you probably had little to do with the gathering of the tangles... but dont fucking mislead people. thats fucked up.
2 hours later 28837423 Anonymous (E8AEE211FC8D4CCBA9DA4DFAD9A520E3.png 476x695 838kB)
Israel is a shithole lmao
2 hours later 28837523 Anonymous
>btc has to reach $100k to 3X
>xrp has to reach $1.71
>inb4 muh market cap
When xrp reaches the same market cap as btc currently has it will be well over $19.
2 hours later 28837549 Anonymous (Kawaii XRP Bots.jpg 1450x850 306kB)
We may as well be honest for our new AI overlords, right?
2 hours later 28837575 Anonymous
ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent ODL patent THEY HAVE A FUCKING PATENT FOR ON DEMAND LIQUIDITY. Not exclusive to banks, not exclusive to cross border payments, not even exclusive to payments at all it’s for FUCKING EVERYTHING ALL OF THE VALUE ALL OF THE VALUE ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL OF IT OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO IM GONNA ACCOOOOOOOOOOOOM
2 hours later 28837659 Anonymous
I never said btc is done...
2 hours later 28837688 Anonymous
Yep now all we need is it to be reflected in xrp's price.
2 hours later 28837698 Anonymous (greatbullish2.jpg 659x720 828kB)
2 hours later 28837732 Anonymous (Dancing Musk.png 890x693 652kB)
2 hours later 28837780 Anonymous
why is crypto so racist
2 hours later 28837843 Anonymous (file.png 1043x2369 841kB)
Come home, fellow white.
2 hours later 28837854 Anonymous (PicsArt_02-13-12.49.10.jpg 1308x796 368kB)
Too high to acoomulate, far far too low to sell.
Life is pain.
Praise The Crab. The Crab Protects.
2 hours later 28837974 Anonymous
rolling for an id to put in gematrix dont mind me
2 hours later 28838009 Anonymous
You could have bought at any price in the last couple months and you'd still have your investments multipled as long as you can hold.
2 hours later 28838060 Anonymous
Because of the colour of the paper, basedboy
2 hours later 28838151 Anonymous (IMG_1374.jpg 588x675 81kB)
Literally 9 fucking days from now. They promised overnight meme green candle, so that's what's we will fucking get
2 hours later 28838160 Anonymous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8to GxC5WPsM&ab_channel=CameronFousVlog s
defend this token to me bros after seeing this guy is a bagholder
god the only thing that keeps me positive is the price manipulation
the price manipulation to me indicates that the token is controlled by whales (read: institutions) bots, and NOT by retail. but god if it doesnt seem like retail clamor around xrp by the thousands.
i hate to be vicious but if there was some sort of mass rugpull that destroyed hot wallets on coinbase or something, i would be very happy about the future of xrp and assured of its usage
2 hours later 28838261 Anonymous
i feel bad for the rest of biz. Imagine coming to this board every day, spending countless hours reading up on different crypto projects, trying to catch the next wave on chode coin or whatever the fuck, slurping up BTC and ETH. Imagine spending your whole life obsessing over the economy of the future without actually being able to look forward. It’s right in front of your faces.
2 hours later 28838270 Anonymous (images.jpg 263x192 7kB)
I hate this tattoo faggot
2 hours later 28838276 Anonymous
2 hours later 28838307 Anonymous
You know the great thing about a US exchange? You can sue them.
2 hours later 28838332 Anonymous (898f4d81aa55c86ac784ff6bb6376d96375e8c877f9a2ad3feba4cb92acfedf6.jpg 750x670 95kB)
This might not be completely related but, has anybody else felt inflation kicking in lately?
2 hours later 28838367 Anonymous
are there any honest white men on /biz/ without at least a sui stack?
2 hours later 28838381 Anonymous
I have been. And it has. Even bought some in the dip a few days ago. Lord do I want a crack at those tasty .20s again though
2 hours later 28838441 Anonymous
whoops. sorry brother. didnt mean to tag ya in there. carry on m8
2 hours later 28838452 Anonymous
Food prices on the up where I am.
2 hours later 28838534 Anonymous
Yes and same here.
2 hours later 28838657 Anonymous
So someone give me a quick run down. THe announcement yesterday was BS but there is a court hearing on the 22nd?
2 hours later 28838755 Anonymous (1594693377800.jpg 1024x1024 115kB)
Dyor. Literally any given youtube video will cite that lawyerfag.
2 hours later 28838811 Anonymous
To be fair, Val Jester has been talking about blackouts since the summer. Give credit where credit is due fag, he's a legit schizo
2 hours later 28838834 Anonymous
settlement opportunity presented by last administration was inadequate, new admin has stepped in, looking for new settlement options from new admin. discovery will last until August. Gensler confirmation inbound
2 hours later 28838855 Anonymous
I have. I just forgot what’s happening 22nd and am in work you cuckold
2 hours later 28838864 Anonymous
i dont mean a literal blatant rugpull. i mean a mt gox. teehee all coinbase xrp wallets got hacked teehee oopsie
2 hours later 28838876 Anonymous (565c55c9af8eeecdcfd6f9aa3e69137c4e1ab4f47e5325b56d36b9efc6fca1d8.jpg 306x306 25kB)
I fucking knew shit wasn't this expensive before
2 hours later 28838956 Anonymous
Huh? That's weird, I was just going to bed. Why am I in /xsg/ again?
2 hours later 28838967 Anonymous
Has babachugs ever been right?
2 hours later 28838973 Anonymous
That's not happening at CB or they are going to be held responsible.
2 hours later 28838976 Anonymous
2 hours later 28839006 Anonymous
groceries are definitely getting pricier. can't leave McDonalds full without spending $15 because power lifting
2 hours later 28839013 Anonymous (1608721248513.png 600x720 553kB)
Stop posting on xsg and do your fucking job you fat fuck
2 hours later 28839016 Anonymous
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business -56032185
2 hours later 28839037 Anonymous
Yes. Wait until the liquidity crisis.
2 hours later 28839040 Anonymous
Regarding food prices:
Is this a step towards conscription? I pray not.
2 hours later 28839107 Anonymous (1608051705679.png 658x662 40kB)
Fucking cunts.
2 hours later 28839131 Anonymous
No it’s a free country. Now research my coin
2 hours later 28839145 Anonymous
I wish i could power lift, all i know how to do is curls from the floor with a 5 pound bell
2 hours later 28839201 Anonymous
a glimpse of things to come. i think it's unrealistic to think that Ripple will take over digital payments immediately, but its partnerships seem to indicate that it will serve a decent share of the market (say 10% initially) and the competitive advantage conferred by on-demand liquidity will likely lead to that market share growing.
if i had to guess, this initial phase (say, the next 6 months to year) are sort of intended to be a live test/proof of concept. over the last 2-3 years these proofs-of-concept have been conducted in sandbox/test environments (like Project Helvetia for example, by BIS and SNB) and SBI/Sumitomo conducted their test in late November, but now ODL use for cross-border payments and remittances are starting to go live.
2 hours later 28839243 Anonymous
Can't have the serfs eating now can we?
Fucking cunts I hate them all.
2 hours later 28839283 Anonymous
I will get BTC when xrp moons.
2 hours later 28839286 Anonymous
i know we're supposed to fixate on what he's saying but i just can't take my eyes off that hairline. I want to suck Schwartz's hair so bad holy shit
2 hours later 28839305 Anonymous
I hope the activity pumps the fuck out of the price as it is. God even just $20, PLEASE
2 hours later 28839348 Anonymous
>I want to suck Schwartz's hair so bad holy shit
Lol, kinda weird but I'm into it.
2 hours later 28839368 Anonymous
When the Payer add more XRP to the Payment Channel, a xrpl transaction is used (Between step 2 and 3 of pic related).
I don't see how this feature enable more tps
You add 10 times 100 XRP in the channel using 10 Transactions, then you close the channel using 1 more transaction VS you just send 10 Transaction of 100 XRP
someone ?
2 hours later 28839374 Anonymous
You guys really think they give a shit about whether you make money or not? They are doing what they are doing regardless.
2 hours later 28839403 Anonymous
No, it's about controlling the food supply ala Bolsheviks.
2 hours later 28839471 Anonymous
I really need to get a trezor...
2 hours later 28839620 Anonymous
2 hours later 28839653 Anonymous
2 hours later 28839705 Anonymous (1613386708029.jpg 1260x1428 79kB)
Fuck Chinks.
That is all.
2 hours later 28839730 Anonymous (chugs cock.jpg 623x1280 43kB)
london is ready, in baba we trust
2 hours later 28839801 Anonymous (CRASH MARKET Y.gif 686x378 179kB)
>Brap Buffet is canceled
2 hours later 28839833 Anonymous (1599605933573.jpg 220x147 7kB)
2 hours later 28839856 Anonymous
I just started watching The X-Files, and boy oh boy, what a ride I'm in for. Wonder if there's some hidden messages about cryptocurrency on a show so old, will be on the lookout for it.
2 hours later 28839894 Anonymous
we like the stonk
2 hours later 28839944 Anonymous
Please report back, it would be valuable data for the graph.
3 hours later 28840047 Anonymous
It's a shame cugs gets to choose when xrp get price action. How will we survive bros? Thank you for posting this.
3 hours later 28840056 Anonymous
keep checking in here and let me know. I just started I’m a few episodes into season 2
3 hours later 28840074 Anonymous
buy a 15 pound barbell and start with just the motions. start buying larger weights once you get comfortable with the movements and feel like you can start to add weight. think of it as an investment in an asset (the weight) and a life skill (strength) that you are acooming concurrently
3 hours later 28840214 Anonymous (PISTOLOGY2.jpg 957x768 76kB)
Lmao these kikes should hurry up. Literally everyone on /biz/ and /pol/ knows about xrp.
3 hours later 28840229 Anonymous
The real brap buffet is the people we annoyed by brapposting along the way
3 hours later 28840256 Anonymous
3 years ago xrp and link were the same price.
xrp will never hit $30
3 hours later 28840268 Anonymous
Do you mean a 15 pound one that you use both arms for?
3 hours later 28840339 Anonymous (960x0.jpg 960x540 56kB)
interesting, thank you.
by the time XRPL is running at capacity, i wonder if it wouldn't start to be adopted more by institutions, and XLM/ALGO might be taking on more of the retail payment capacity. also, as i understand it, Flare is a fork of the XRPL and so a lot of XRP activity will be taking place on that network and not the XRPL. my lack of technical sophistication is probably evident in those replies but i guess what I'm trying to say is that by the time the XRPL is in danger of being congested, one would presume that the landscape for digital payments will have changed substantially
also, just look at this fuckin dude. he's clearly got it all planned out- he probably had it all planned out back in like 2013. he's probably working out asteroid mining arrangements by now.
3 hours later 28840391 Anonymous
yah because its shooting straight up to $2000 you faggot
3 hours later 28840401 Anonymous
They really needed to do it in November.
Post brappers to annoy people.
Barbell = long bar used with both hands
Dumbell = one handed.
3 hours later 28840436 Anonymous
yes. dumbbells are one per hand, barbells are one in both hands. learn the squat, the deadlift, the clean, the overhead press, and the bench press. these are the only necessary skills to be big. you will need a bench for bench press
3 hours later 28840439 Anonymous
good job. i wish i could do the same thing. as much as i enjoy the schizo camaraderie- this place is like my version of the neighborhood dive bar- i feel like it's probably not super healthy for me to spend as much time staring at a screen as i do
3 hours later 28840590 Anonymous
The jannies are on my dick about posting succulent, round brappers. Don't feel like getting banned, fren.
3 hours later 28840612 Anonymous (1613244684595.jpg 400x400 14kB)
to add, you should not be worried about dumbbells or bicep exercises AT ALL to start. these are only important once you have been lifting for a bit, know what you are doing, and want to augment other areas. barbells are for men
3 hours later 28840683 Anonymous
i haven't seen Ken Kurson's name mentioned in here very much. That story sounds weird- he was stalking his wife and leaving abusive reviews on her medical practice Yelp under fake names? and was arrested for it and kicked off Ripple's Board of Directors? why was Rudy Giuliani's campaign manager and speechwriter on Ripple's Board of Directors anyway? I imagine he provided entry into some NYC social circles and from his background on the (Kushner-owned) Observer, was able to offer some insight into politics and Wall Street...still just seems like a weird saga, and one that has never really been explained.
Throw that on the pile of absurdly well-connected Ripple employees, I guess- how many other digital assets have board members who received last-minute pardons from the President? About as many as have regulatory coordinators who used to work at JPM, or board members who are ex-Black Rock and helped write Fintech legislation with Steven Mnuchin, or serve as the economic adviser to the Japanese prime minister and CEO of a top-tier Japanese banking conglomerate...
3 hours later 28840827 Anonymous
We started researching Kurson but his face was too much to look at. Apparently he was innocent of those charges.
I miss the Brian Brooks + Steve Mnuchin combo in power, we got so much news to go over.
3 hours later 28840828 Anonymous (1610004315500.jpg 1125x2175 853kB)
do an impersonation of a black guy but he's retarded so we know it's you
wait was he referring to /xsg/ when he was posting about internet terrorists and threats on his life? lmaooo
3 hours later 28840991 Anonymous
actually just watch more Schwartz period- personally I printed out some pictures of him and put them up around my apartment, on my ceiling, etc so that wherever I am, he is within my field of view- i usually spend a few minutes in the morning and evening just looking at a few of my favorite pics from different distances, sometimes up close, sometimes from 10-15 ft away, i usually watch a few of his interviews every couple hours, think about how he smells, the texture of his hands, favorite brand of socks, etc, it's really cool man, it's a great hobby, i feel great. i think he talks to me inside my head, it's great.
3 hours later 28841032 Anonymous
fug, i don't know if i have enough room for those
i will try, any idea where to buy a barbell that isn't chink shit off amazon?
3 hours later 28841106 Anonymous (baws.jpg 1218x630 243kB)
I was legitimately drawn to XRP just because I saw a pic of David posted. I know alot of us were drawn to xrp around November after never giving a fuck about crypto, and that's what did it for me
3 hours later 28841120 Anonymous (20210215_041031.jpg 2160x3840 702kB)
3 hours later 28841129 Anonymous
People on twitter also hate him. There's a guy who likes to post here that Enigma and his gang might have threatened him.
3 hours later 28841205 Anonymous
so i'm not going insane. good to know. it's insidious how they do it- a few cents at a time.
3 hours later 28841232 Anonymous
His 'the best incentive is no incentive' talk is a thing of power. Imagine post moon how many curries and other types will worship him like they do Steve Jobs and elon musk.
3 hours later 28841258 Anonymous
Do what you must, Cryptocurrency has already won.
3 hours later 28841286 Anonymous
it is just a piece of metal, it can be chink shit if it must be. i got mine at a Big 5. my entire lifting area takes up a 6' x 5' square of floor. i only use a barbell and resistance bands. my diet is probably 50% protein and that gets you big. doesn't need to be fancy
3 hours later 28841363 Anonymous
i'm wondering if Gensler-Pierce-Brummer-Michael Barr won't start flipping switches here pretty soon. The Federal Reserve guy too, Chris Waller. I still say Shelton was a decoy.
3 hours later 28841545 Anonymous
Lift in your backyard with concrete disks.
3 hours later 28841556 Anonymous
Oh i had resistance bands in mind too
3 hours later 28841559 Anonymous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE7 6GNAAh24&feature=emb_logo
from 2:30-3:30 he's using doublespeak to talk about how Ripple is a trojan horse for US control of the financial system i think, comparing it to the internet in terms of spreading US soft power
3 hours later 28841616 Anonymous
"XRPL is like an alien artifact that you discover and try to figure out what it does"
3 hours later 28841639 Anonymous
Was there ant evidence of Shelton besides her liking a tweet? kek.
Imagine how apeshit people would be going if any other crypto had just one of the connections xrp has.
3 hours later 28841701 Anonymous
Xfiles watcher here, extremely interesting that the second episode from season 1 called Deep Throat shows a picture of a Stealth Bomber, this episode was produced on 1993. What's interesting is, that the stealth bomber, today know as Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit, was introduced in 1997. That's the beauty of watching shows like these decades later, they show you the truth and paint it as fairy tales.
3 hours later 28841708 Anonymous
When working out at home doing easy-moderate sets all through out the day is a good way to work up to heavier weights and build volume.
3 hours later 28841734 Anonymous (1605481664993.jpg 683x667 137kB)
if i had a yard i definitely would. but i live in a small apartment.
resistance bands are good to hit specific parts of a muscle that isn't emphasized in your main power lifts. i.e. get all the shoulder angles, hit your inner chest, augment calf raises, etc. you can do most of these by just standing on the band but some (the chest ones) will require you to wrap it around a pole
3 hours later 28841769 Anonymous
Legal briefs
3 hours later 28841780 Anonymous
I don't know what that is, link me a video or something
I have no idea how to do most of those
what's big 5? is it cheaper then amazon?
3 hours later 28841814 Anonymous (1613371491136.png 516x678 618kB)
>The family
>Not jews but Christians
>Its true I saw it on Netflix
Fuck off BabaCucks. Name a date or just stay silent. Most of /xsg/ have always defended BabaCucks (including me). And what for? For nothing. Only for a bunch of nigger riddles. Come on even the Da Vinci code book/movie had better riddles.
3 hours later 28841822 Anonymous (1605919590114.png 999x769 824kB)
yes i totally agree. i hit one set every couple hours throughout the entire day. changing weights often to hit different max reps. getting shredded since covid. i just rotate through the main power lifts each week
3 hours later 28841824 Anonymous
Hmm, have you ever heard of Monk's Isometrics? Pretty interesting.
3 hours later 28841880 Anonymous
Chris Carter was definitely clued in to some stuff. That Lone Gunman pilot episode that predicts 9/11 perfectly is just ridiculous, literally impossible for that to be a coincidence.
3 hours later 28841932 Anonymous
doesn't matter. learn:
>overhead shoulder press
>bench press
>barbell squat
>power clean
these will get you yoked. then add:
>bicep curls
>tricep extensions
>calf raises
>bent over rows
>front squats
once you are getting into a groove and want to hit more muscles. all can be done with a barbell. forget the resistance bands and dumbbells until you have these basics down.
3 hours later 28841999 Anonymous
Precisely why I'm watching it now as an adult, I used to love this show as a kid and I watched it with my brother, but never really understood it, this was a long time ago. There is a big chance that cryptocurrencies get discussed so I'm waiting for that hidden gem.
3 hours later 28842040 Anonymous
Say you're trying to do more push ups but can only do 10, don't try and do 11 in one go, instead through out the day do 3 or 4 at a time and slowly increase that number. That way instead of struggling to do 11 you did 30-40 per day without much effort. You can work your way up to doing hundreds of push ups or pull ups like this.
You can do this with other barbell or dumbell movements as well. You probably won't have hundreds of pounds worth of weightplates at home so volume is important.
3 hours later 28842240 Anonymous
my bench set was bought at walmart. it isn't great, but i don't care. big 5 is a cheap sporting goods store in commiefornia
i have never been big on bodyweight exercises because i could never do many pushups. good suggestion tho, maybe a good place to start
i would also recommend you start smoking tobacco. gets your testosterone up and makes you get really into the next set. many great powerlifters (and cyclists) are tobacco smokers. use a pipe, or cigar
3 hours later 28842271 Anonymous
Eh, no thanks, i don't need cancer and lung damage
3 hours later 28842275 Anonymous
u mirin' brah?
3 hours later 28842326 Anonymous (1613085206945.png 644x800 13kB)
modern science finds that smoking 1-3 cigars per day does not significantly affect your chances of getting cancer
3 hours later 28842359 Anonymous (carl.png 1130x900 434kB)
>i would also recommend you start smoking tobacco. gets your testosterone up and makes you get really into the next set
Jesus christ this is the worst bro science I've seen in my life. You know how much elite athletes love to fucking puff cigarettes, dude. dum
3 hours later 28842374 Anonymous
Modern science considers trannies not a mental disorder anymore as well
I'm not touching the shit, especially when it's almost killed my mother, fuck off
3 hours later 28842380 Anonymous
London is ready my fren. It is good you don't hold any.
3 hours later 28842404 Anonymous
Nicotine gum is the big one. They used to use chewing tobacco.
3 hours later 28842436 Anonymous
umm sorry sweaty but i am a globally-ranked couch surfer and i definitely wouldn't be able to operate at the level i do without the judicious use of tobacco and kratom
3 hours later 28842453 Anonymous
don't smoke cigarettes, those are dumb. do not inhale tobacco, but the mouth absorption of a pipe boosts your testosterone without significantly affecting your risk of cancer and doesn't fuck up your lungs
3 hours later 28842503 Anonymous
obviously the tobacco is not necessary. but keep your testosterone levels up and just get the basic power lifts down
3 hours later 28842510 Anonymous
The really really juicy part starts at the 8-minute mark, holy fuck.
3 hours later 28842584 Anonymous
so what, buy supplements?
3 hours later 28842596 Anonymous
He's not wrong on the fact that smoking gives testosteron however I wouldn't advice to start smoking. You are better off eating garlics or drinking garlic juice.
>Garlic supplementation increases testicular testosterone and decreases plasma corticosterone in rats fed a high protein diet
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/114 81410/
Also you don't need fancy equipment. Have you seen those dudes in jail?
4 hours later 28842660 Anonymous
So xsg truly is filled with bots. I wouldn't be sad aside the fact the thread remains.
4 hours later 28842669 Anonymous
stop jerking off so much. maybe d-aspartic acid if you have low T. lift more and sleep more. this anon seems to know something i don't about garlic: >>28842596
4 hours later 28842705 Anonymous
Only a few of us are humans at these hours in the night.
4 hours later 28842730 Anonymous (1604906101456.png 512x424 70kB)
>he's fudding himself
4 hours later 28842763 Anonymous
well, fuck
6 more months at the very least
4 hours later 28842766 Anonymous
Xsg needs to fade away, no good is had anymore
4 hours later 28842802 Anonymous
what the fuck, garlic juice?
also im not sure im the same as a rat
4 hours later 28842817 Anonymous
I really really think that , anyone who was destined to find it, already did. You may be right.
4 hours later 28842822 Anonymous (673.jpg 680x658 61kB)
>4channers Are Eating Onions to Be More Manly
https://nymag.com/intelligencer/201 7/11/4channers-are-eating-onions-to -be-more-manly.html
4 hours later 28842828 Anonymous (EsnJ16RW4AAsnjN.jpg 813x587 92kB)
all good things come in threes, it all begins in london 589$+. the mayflower lands in september.
trump is a loser
4 hours later 28842861 Anonymous
>no good is had anymore
4 hours later 28842863 Anonymous
nothing will be more beneficial than starting the lifting routine. don't worry about garlic juice yet
and maybe eat some onions >>28842822
4 hours later 28842926 Anonymous
>in twitterfaglarper we trust
Yeah. /xsg/ is fading. Sad to see. Barely worth lurking anymore.
4 hours later 28842930 Anonymous
I've eaten a raw onion by itself like an apple before, it actually isn't that bad
4 hours later 28842937 Anonymous
Stop advertising your twitter account, its on private and you have half of twitter blocked.
4 hours later 28842992 Anonymous
when is gensler sworn in
4 hours later 28843013 Anonymous
I remember the onion saga on /fit/ do Americans really find eating onions so strange? Or just (((Journalist Americans)))
4 hours later 28843024 Anonymous
Oh i meant o n i o n s instead of garlic but garlic works similar. Also has anti-bacterial effects. Honey too.
Same. I've learned it from my mother kek.
4 hours later 28843029 Anonymous
>this article wasn't cited a lot so it bad
what the fuck kind of logic is this
4 hours later 28843053 Anonymous
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
4 hours later 28843116 Anonymous (download.jpg 1600x1063 252kB)
The less cooked the garlic the better.
Could be a while to get confirmation unfortunately.
2.385 0.345