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2021-02-16 03:42 28827890 Anonymous Making it (1611184955939.jpg 1024x1024 81kB)
What does it mean to you to make it? What is your situation now, and how has crypto/being on biz helped you in life?
How are you doing on your finance goals? Any advice for people who are newer to living on crypto trading? Or have stories of how you failed at doing this?
We are all going to make it at the end of the day, lads. Let's face it. You will eventually learn to not be a retard and actually DYOR, and you WILL make it someday. Just a matter of time. No matter how bad your losses, the fact that you're actually trying to learn shit about escaping wagie, means you will someday make it.
Good on you kings. Share your make it goals, houses, pc builds. Or gains.
This is a good vibes thread. Enjoy it.
0 min later 28827939 Anonymous
1 min later 28827985 Anonymous
Not needing to work and having an abundance of time to myself.
1 min later 28828013 Anonymous
When I can afford to eat three meals a day and own the land I live on.
4 min later 28828190 Anonymous
I'm low six figures and I live in Eastern Europe. That makes me wealthier than everyone I know, but a pissant compared to the real oligarchs.
I learned my lesson about not letting people know my net worth because the seethe is off the charts.
6 min later 28828325 Anonymous
Afford to have a family with 5+ children
8 min later 28828435 Anonymous
8 min later 28828477 Anonymous (EFE07022-79FE-4E16-9322-B05C029B0037.jpg 600x701 39kB)
My situation now is that I am a part of the rat race with a data analyst job and in grad school. Making it to me is simple; it would be having enough money to not have to work.
Literally the only thing that keeps me from quitting my job and school is the fear of disappointing my parents, who have given me so much.
My only way out is to amass a fortune to support myself without having to work. So far so good. Just Two more 10x years and I will be there.
8 min later 28828482 Anonymous (1612888475507.png 635x631 220kB)
do you have a mortgage? What does it mean to own land to you? Off the grid, or in an area without property tax?
Absolutely, bud. You are on the right track. The moment you realize you can work for yourself as a semi decent investor with a fair bit of capital, and a fair bit of time, you have already done it. Well done, king.
I capped it at 100k so I appear as one of them, a debt slave. never say anything more, and live modest until I can truly escape them in wealth class.
I love your ambition. You are going to repopulate the world with well mannered children who will become your best companions. Raising a family after realizing this freedom will be an amazing thing, and I look forward to seeing your beautiful family in the citadel.
Stay sharp, king.
12 min later 28828724 Anonymous (1612227637688.jpg 400x400 23kB)
if you stay on top of the markets, this can be you in a year or two with even 1k. You are smart, you can play well and defi it up if you want. Your game, your goals. You will do it in time man. Just be smart about your products, and you're in.
All you, brother. You got this.
You can do some 10x if you're here. Give it time, find good coins, and don't fall to fud when you know you've got a great product. You just need to lurk, spend time researching and finding the right market to attack.
You are the one. See you there someday, king.
12 min later 28828749 Anonymous (1611799521552.png 400x400 20kB)
Cheers, man! Wish all the best for you as well!
14 min later 28828871 Anonymous (1611184955473.png 1992x1992 1338kB)
a good wife, three-five kids, a nice sized house with a few acres of land, a couple cars, enough money to give my children good educations (assuming it's not bullshit like gender studies) and whatever hobbies they want to pursue. Also enough money to be able to retire, work on my own projects and homeschool my children in their early years
yes, I am a complete degenerate, I know
16 min later 28828980 Anonymous
>You can do some 10x if you're here
For sure, you lads got me in on LINK a year ago at $4, RSR at like $0.03, and PNK at $0.02. Plus I had decent startup capital. That’s the only reason I have any hope in this plan. If I was a poorfag starting from ten dollars I’d be absolutely hopeless
17 min later 28829034 Anonymous
18 min later 28829098 Anonymous
FI which for me requires about $40k passive income. So I'm shooting for a mil.
33 min later 28829943 Anonymous (tinfoil hat with tinfoil cat.jpg 600x450 68kB)
I am going to buy a big lot of land build my own self sufficient house with a room for my cat.
37 min later 28830227 Anonymous
$30 million
39 min later 28830314 Anonymous
I'll have made it when I control the entire world. When I can call a president and with one word start a world war or end one.
39 min later 28830340 Anonymous
Get property outside of my shithole country in a place I don't have to see another human unless I really want to.
40 min later 28830408 Anonymous
Maybe 1 mil and some change/interest.
I'll spend all day comissioning artists and spriters to make various gba fire emblem romhacks to suit my tastes.
41 min later 28830428 Anonymous
>have 100k in life savings
>earn about 50k per year after tax, save the vast majority as I'm living with parents
>want 10m so I never have to work again and can live off passive income
How do I go about this? I'm 23 and I feel like I've completely missed the crypto boat already
41 min later 28830448 Anonymous (9qm8vwiece461.jpg 1080x1078 82kB)
>2 weeks
>militaryfag hoping to retire before 45 or I get shot
>All inned on GRT with 200 bucks for fun
>made 500
>yolo'd another 1k on GRT @ 2.25
I'm fucked aren't I?
41 min later 28830463 Anonymous
Badass piece of property on some kind of water....paid off.....toys.....paid off.....red head and maybe some kids
43 min later 28830583 Anonymous
Wgmi bro i just doubled my stack at 2.25. Unironically $5 by monday ive done my ta
43 min later 28830591 Anonymous
chill out fren, at 23 you are doing well for yourself. the fact you are aware of this reality puts you so far ahead of most your age.
44 min later 28830634 Anonymous
making it means not having to wageslave to survive for the rest of your life
44 min later 28830664 Anonymous
I hope so. I get a check for 5k soon from my promotion and I wanna just yolo it on GRT but i feel like I should pump at least half into my kid's college fund.
I'm only up 200 now because I tried to swing like a faggot but oh well. newfag mistakes
45 min later 28830675 Anonymous
Guys do you think binance is ok? They pay when you cash out?
51 min later 28831095 Anonymous (1612490413349.gif 230x173 2053kB)
I have a wife and two kids, a busy job, and lots of real estate and mortgages.
Making it for me is increasing my little stack to mid-6 figures. Then I can quit my job and spend more time with the kids, managing the real estate, and making a smaller income by expanding hobby projects so they are somewhat financially viable.
I make 100k pre-tax in my current job, so I reckon 500k will give me a few years to try and make a go of something new while also improving my family (not that we're doing poorly, but who wants to spend the day grinding).
I started a few weeks ago with 7,500, then scrounged together an additional 20k up to this point. I've managed to double that money - my portfolio is just over 60k now. If I can quit this year I'll be over the moon, but keep telling myself baby steps.
we are gonna make it
52 min later 28831122 Anonymous
wut? of course they do,
53 min later 28831170 Anonymous
Thanks fren I got nice pumps and I have to pay rent
53 min later 28831192 Anonymous
i havent succeeded until i have an assortment of japanese turbo shitboxes from the 90s
53 min later 28831204 Anonymous
I've already made it. I'm a pious labourer who will work forever no matter what the porti says
The porti is for my son's son's son's
54 min later 28831227 Anonymous
enough money to never need to work for money and have anything I want.
54 min later 28831258 Anonymous
I have 2 rental properties worth about 250k combined that give me like 1.3k monthly income post tax
I want 2 more + a place to ive in for myself so I can focus on shit I really enjoy
I'm probably like 1mm away from making it right now
54 min later 28831264 Anonymous
I'll sell u my 77 rolla in yellow. Trunk rusted completely out.
56 min later 28831377 Anonymous
started 6-7 months ago. still too retarded to swing shitcoins, but i'm good at hodling. situation's fine for now, still live with my parents so no real expenses to worry about. i intend to acquire about 3-5 million within 2-3 years and then put 500k or so USDC on celsius and live off that interest. maybe get a stakenet masternode for fun. 5 mil would let me pay off my parents' mortgage, buy myself a house (or two; one in US and one in southern italy), and pay off some friends' student loan debt. after that, idk, i'd just do random jobs here and there to keep myself busy/sane outside of hobbies. session musician, translation, massage therapist, bartender, whatever. i just don't want to be reliant upon a job for my financial security
i'm loath to give anybody advice since i'm still a newfag (on /biz/ at least), but one thing i've noticed is that if you get into a shitcoin that has decent fundamentals, it may be worth holding on to in the long run. i bought DFT last year at 10, watched it crash, then swapped it to PLT this year when it hit 11. turns out this may have been retarded. anyway, we're all gonna make it one way or another.
58 min later 28831498 Anonymous
400k is my made it number
Pay off student loans
Pay off house
Be debt free
Might even be able to actually afford having a kid.
1 hours later 28831594 Anonymous (dzq8oE2.jpg 897x1200 345kB)
I live a fairly frugal lifestyle and have no desire for mansions, cars, or other common expressions of wealth. I am also blessed with amazing friends and loved ones (the truest wealth).
What I desire is security. I've proven to be competent at investing and I only wish to have enough to live my frugal lifestyle off those investments, without fear of having to wageslave or chip away at my savings.
1 hours later 28831603 Anonymous
100K in my account and trading full time and not having to work for some one else
1 hours later 28831653 Anonymous
Thats garbage bro lmao illnever understand landlords. Just dump that shit in an ark fund. That 1.3k is horrible roi
1 hours later 28831902 Anonymous
200k from where I stand puts me at my “making it”
I have a passive 2.1k per month income legally tax free and no outstanding debt other than my mortgage.
190k left.
I built a studio apartment that is renting for 750 a month on the back side of my
I can pay the mortgage, add a bedroom to the studio and move myself in.
The main portion is rentable for 2500/m + utilities.
I can easily do 4.5k a month.
1 hours later 28831988 Anonymous
OP that is my goal...I would feel Comfy with 100k generating even more cash flow. Then I can get a comfy simple job, and just keep trading. Thinking of getting a big loan now that i know how to trade more, and just paying it off with the gains.
1 hours later 28832633 Anonymous (1611364129759.png 521x937 229kB)
Damn son, you've got a good plan. You're in it to win it brother. Stay sharp king.
What kind of cat do you have?
You, my friend, have already made it. Livin with yo family and no work is extremely based. You can help them out with everything and all that good shit.
You the best family man. You gonna make it.
My plan exactly. just show nothing else. only live in my means until I can be tax free. You'll make it for sure. Keep up those smart plays.
Some solid goals you got going there bud. I like your plan with the masternodes. Any other info you got on those? Sounds comfy.
Great benchmark. Keep spending smart, and that will be nothing but chump change to you.
Always aim even higher. You got this.
Very comfy. Live single within my means just like this. This is the small time make it, where you can comfy, work on yourself with minimal losses for upkeep. You will make it.
This was my plan as well. Use my current base as a rental after it is fully paid. Great opportunity for basic income to participate in normie finance and stay tax compliant/avoidant.
Stay sharp. You'll make it.
1 hours later 28832643 Anonymous
what could go wrong
1 hours later 28832971 Anonymous
To overcome all my fears and to obtain a free spirit of abundance.
To become one with the world and the collective subconscious.
To reach the truth of this universe.
To live a happy life on the adventure to learn the true meaning of my life and what I was meant to be and do.
1 hours later 28833144 Anonymous
getting passive income
looking good
and getting my dick sucked
on a tropical island
watching the sunset
drinking a cocnut
and getting my dick sucked
by a beautiful woman
man i rlly want to get my dick sucked right now
1 hours later 28833211 Anonymous
You sound just like a friend of mine. You have the right plan. Research, make smart plays, and be confident in your investments. You're a true champion, freeing yourself from wage slavery,
Where is your ideal citadel? Similar position here, I am wondering if and how much fiat I may leave behind to stay tax free for the end of this year. Never cash out, never tax. Move to tax havens.
Smart cities in tax havens. I'll see you there, champ.
The wealth you can generate with funds by just abandoning the value of government regulated currency means you will have enough for their sons too.
You must research and decide on your own what portion of your portfolio to risk. Your investment strat is different, so your gains schedule is always different. But you have the right idea already. You are ahead of the curve. No matter what, I'll see you there bro.
Very beautiful writing you have. Is this your hobby you've picked up after you made it? You've got such a nice style.
I look forward to you writing our new media that has abandoned state control of your life.
1 hours later 28833371 Anonymous
>Any other info you got on those?
unfortunately not much. i saw an anon say that if their exchange picks up volume, you could be looking at 6k/month with a masternode. i'm skeptical we'd ever see that kind of ROI, but it sounds like it'd be fun to just set up and run one as a side project
1 hours later 28833415 Anonymous
just get stuck paying a lone for the next 2-3 years, but I can walk away knowing i was not a pussy and at least i tried to be a great trader...
1 hours later 28833610 Anonymous
Enough money so that said money can make money so that I can spend my days not worrying bout making money.
Lost some money with penny stocks so came into crypto not really worried.
I enjoy biz for the memes, non pc terminology ie pajeet coins which makes me laugh everytime, the few very helpful anons that share great info and insights and no bs banter as it reminds me of the earlier days of the internet.
Never been materialistic so its moreso money to live peacefully and without worry. Money might not buy one happiness but it can sure as fuck buy you the freedom to try and find some of it. Will buy me a beach house where I can roll my food cart to feed summer tourists.
Maybe start a family but the quality of women is beyond bearish especially now at 30.
Overall making improvements, wishing the same to all you fuckin creeps. Xox
1 hours later 28833697 Anonymous
I escaped wageslaving 2 years ago because I'd probably be dead if I kept doing that soul sucking shit, so my aim is to stop worrying about "having to monetize my hobbies" and let them just be hobbies, with income as a consequence and not an anxiety riddled objective to reach and keep up.
basically, making it = not being someone else's slave
i've got an apartment already and a semi-frugal, non-forced lifestyle. i just don't spend much, so i don't really need to be multi-millionaire. 500k to 1kk would already be life changing.
1 hours later 28833929 Anonymous
Right now my citadel consists of two big bags: ATOM & AKT. My hope is that I can ride them to the top, and then when I reach low 6 figures I can decide how to re-arrange them.
ATOM is my bigger bag right now, but I'm thinking that I should switch it over to AKT once it is done pumping. AKT has a much higher staking income (50% right now, although it will go down), and AKT is going to be slower to pump because it won't get full market exposure until ATOM is more mature and until it is traded on more exchanges, and until it captures more market share of cloud computing.
I will also shave off a significant part to put into BTC and some usd-pegged stablecoin or digital yuan equivalent. But I'm getting ahead of myself here. As for tax havens, I'm living in the US and obtained citizenship, but I'm not from here and I have foreign citizenships, I'm sure it would make more sense for me to just donate my crypto to family who are overseas, and maybe they will be kind enough to give me many smaller gifts back over the course of a decade or so. But I would talk to a financial advisor, I have no intention of going to prison because of some bullshit american tax violation.
1 hours later 28833978 Anonymous
What was the soul sucking job? what made it so bad?
1 hours later 28834403 Anonymous
Still not a bad thing. I will look into that myself, and if I find anything I will make a post about it.
I'm on the case, captain.
This is a good mindset to have. Just keep working on yourself, and good things will come. You'll see how your gains in time truly affect your gains in life quality.
You will make it.
So much this. Making it does not need to be millions tomorrow. The ability to free your time up to focus on making it will mean exponential growth in your time, and therefor gains.
The moment you have enough to stay safe on, and just quit. I love that thought so much. You're making me want to quit tonight, if I did not have a large bonus keeping me tied to this wagie job.
You are absolutely right. I've actually blocked out most of my time after I resign to taking tax classes, and educating myself on code to remain complaint with my local governance. Stay safe, be a good citizen. Until you can travel between nations without hassle, you will not truly be free of their taxes.
1 hours later 28834577 Anonymous
incredibly based
Making it is not ever having to worry about money. It's being able to not work and be calm about it. Making it is going into a restaurant and the first thing you look at on the menu is the food, not the prices. Making it is being able to be good to yourself and good to the people around you without sacrificing something financially later on. Making it is freedom.
1 hours later 28834664 Anonymous
Bought my wife an air fryer. She makes me dinner everyday. Nigga I made it
1 hours later 28834706 Anonymous
social media shill for various companies. some good, others shit.
as a general thing, the cubicle routine just kills my will to live. then you add: incompetent yet arrogant bosses, unwritten rules and politics between colleagues, dicksucking as priority over doing your job.
all this so the big munnay can go to schlomo mcrabbi and you get your monthly scraps? no thanks, i'm out of the rat race forever. my father sacrificed everything and became the shell of his former self after 40 years of this shit so i'm not going to follow his footsteps on this.
1 hours later 28834845 Anonymous
Biz pointed me to Chainlink in 2017, it allowed me to turn a 3k investment to over 300k. When people ask how I actually figured out about chainlink, I always did and always will say 4chan and the brotherhood that is within biz.
1 hours later 28834922 Anonymous (E58669AF-7FFF-4B2F-94B3-3048C911A5B9.jpg 2048x1536 383kB)
That my goal, too. Good luck!
1 hours later 28834966 Anonymous
>Never been materialistic so its moreso money to live peacefully and without worry. Money might not buy one happiness but it can sure as fuck buy you the freedom to try and find some of it
yeah this is my mindset. i look toward modesty in all of my main investments. i just don't ever want to have to worry about where my next meal's gonna come from you know
i've seen ads for those kinds of jobs. i always end up offing myself in my imaginings of working them. glad you got out
1 hours later 28835114 Anonymous
hey op, i kinda made it. i quit my career last year to do something i love and i'm doing it. strong religious values which i found in the last couple years, so not much financial want.
i spend a lot of time trading these days, even though i absolutely loathe trading (the lifestyle, the stress, the screen time), but i was pretty well situated with funding and knowledge for this bull run.
no real financial goals. just like supporting the growth of crypto/ protesting against fiat degeneracy. i think it's funny and kind of ironic to make money while doing that.
anyway, i like your positivity. what are you in it for?
2 hours later 28835325 Anonymous (F21C46E5-A7B6-4677-9E45-4C0C00B214F5.gif 422x646 236kB)
I already live my ideal life just being comfy with my dog and living off neetbux. If my LINK stack ever makes me a millionaire I will probably just add some high tier prostitutes to the mix. So making it = my current life + hookers
2 hours later 28835608 Anonymous
I show them the board, and say I've lurked here. I never will say I post, but I feel a personal investment strategy is formed by reading biz, with goals that are tailored to your 'make it' plan.
You'll be able to surround yourself with like minded people soon, communities will spread far from government control due to the collaplse of fiat soon to come. Your brotherhood will happen as the technology for travel also increases in the next 10 years.
Where is your ideal brotherhood citadel? I was thinking malta, very cozy, lenient tax laws. Looking through my options, and thinking to move to these countries before ever thinking of taxes.
I will not try cheating out my duty with my currently held fiat, but I don't ever believe in cashing out, so I'll be tax compliant until I've moved. Allways stay reliant and cover yourself, so you can move without worry when the jump is made.
You'll make it, king.
>hey op, i kinda made it. i quit my career last year to do something i love and i'm doing it. strong religious values which i found in the last couple years, so not much financial want.
What sort of path are you on that brings you such financial peace? Your confidence that we will all make it is very powerful.
>i spend a lot of time trading these days, even though i absolutely loathe trading (the lifestyle, the stress, the screen time), but i was pretty well situated with funding and knowledge for this bull run.
I think your first point is where you also look back to. You have your ideal financial freedom. You are already in the space, learning. You are still about 10 years early, now that a new generation is beginning to grow up not having to work for companies with crypto slowly filting into mainstream. It will catch like wildfire with those who know how to research, learn, and act smart with investments. Let your faith bring you peace of mind with your funds. With hard work, and diligent research you will make it in time. Love every trade.
2 hours later 28835973 Anonymous
>no real financial goals. just like supporting the growth of crypto/ protesting against fiat degeneracy. i think it's funny and kind of ironic to make money while doing that.
It is an amazing thing, isn't it? Just being free from inflation, most taxation. Amazing what world we can build with this time and freedom.
See you there.
>anyway, i like your positivity. what are you in it for?
I'm in it for others, honestly. I have really wanted to just bring others out of the "Work to live" ideal. I want to free them to pursue their passions, and then keep the rest for myself. I will always contribute to the financial freedom of those who help others be independent, safe and secure. Pay off my friends student loans, nothing more. I cut it off completely. Maybe dinners if I'm feeling nice. Live nice, but in my means as a 'small businessman' as it were.
The cozy life until I have enough to ascend, I suppose. Help all who show passion, and love for others. That's what it's all for. Those are the ones who will be my family in the citadel.
World is changing fast. You're early. I'll see you there, space cowboy.
2 hours later 28836079 Anonymous
Thank you.
I wrote what came to my mind.
This may be a possible future.
2 hours later 28836095 Anonymous (pepe-sitting-heart-hands.png 240x304 15kB)
>what's my path?
i have large crypto bags, a measly salary but it's enough for everything i want. i don't have much wants - which goes back to the values thing.
>I think your first point is where you also look back to. You have your ideal financial freedom. You are already in the space, learning. You are still about 10 years early, now that a new generation is beginning to grow up not having to work for companies with crypto slowly filting into mainstream. It will catch like wildfire with those who know how to research, learn, and act smart with investments. Let your faith bring you peace of mind with your funds. With hard work, and diligent research you will make it in time. Love every trade.
well said, fren. that's a great perspective
2 hours later 28836460 Anonymous (1612658330764.gif 660x780 206kB)
I love this. Just this goal alone is when you know you are there. You have such security, worry free living. Beautiful.
What is your citadel, anon? Where do you think is the most cozy make it place to be?
Got plans for cozy holds? Any splurge on a new station, car? Sounds like you're working very hard for others, and should reward yourself. You have made, it, be proud. You live in full freedom to do as you please, even if you need to reward yourself often with goods. The fact that you are holding crypto means your money is working much harder for you, and your purchasing power.
You will become the next financial class by being here alone. Nice work, you made it already.
You have this down pat. One great win at a time. No matter the milestone, you're satisfied, free, and spending on yourself instead of other whims. You'll be there.
I look forward to having your wife make us all dinner at our citadel, and share our beautiful family lives together.
2 hours later 28836556 Anonymous
>I'm in it for others, honestly. I have really wanted to just bring others out of the "Work to live" ideal. I want to free them to pursue their passions
>Help all who show passion, and love for others. That's what it's all for. Those are the ones who will be my family in the citadel.
really cool, man. i teach high school for similar reason. i'm happy, and i want others to be happy. i quit my career to do this because i also wanted to show young people there's other options.
let's team up: you keep teaching folks to overcome their fears and pursue their passions, and i'll keep teaching them to control their desires and passions lol.
good luck making that happen, for you and others. you sound capable.
2 hours later 28837368 Anonymous (1612658226705.png 710x805 370kB)
>i have large crypto bags, a measly salary but it's enough for everything i want. i don't have much wants - which goes back to the values thing.
My normie salary is my best job ill probably get as a finance normie, working in finance shows you how bad it will become if you keep in the employment field.
New payment methods are being shown to keep you from having to report, meaning that you may not be having to hold USD, or ever truly cash out. if you just follow trends, grab just one 10x, you'll know. Just do slow research, take chances, but when you find the one? You're in, and you'll see how much more you can do if you just never cash out, and exponentially grow.
>well said, fren. that's a great perspective
Thank you. I have taken the white pill. Realize that you, are in the process of learning how to be completely free. Comes with time, but so long as you're early to the next generation of finance (Probably 2022 when global takeoff spikes to wide adoption. 21 will for sure be a good year to be in crypto for massive mainstream money. Grab a long-standing project, and hang on tight.
>really cool, man. i teach high school for similar reason. i'm happy, and i want others to be happy. i quit my career to do this because i also wanted to show young people there's other options.
let's team up: you keep teaching folks to overcome their fears and pursue their passions, and i'll keep teaching them to control their desires and passions lol.
good luck making that happen, for you and others. you sound capable.
I'll do what I can to form small communities of people who are free, and you focus on their people.
Decentralized learning will soon be a market. Research, data extraction, and education is a very untapped market, and alternative to current ciriculum. If there is a way to create an education supported database coin, could this also bring jobs to destroy media control.
The breakaway from USD and fiat holdings opens this gateway. Ideas?
2 hours later 28838068 Anonymous
2 mil USD after tax is my make it number. Then I would have 1 million to live freely (but modestly) with and another million to invest. I just started into crypto recently, but was able to get my first 2x from 3.5k. If I can 2x 9 more times, I will have made it. So my plan is to not get too greedy and go slowly, 10x’s are nice but if I stay consistent and swing out after each 2x, I’m guaranteed to make it. A 2x a month and at the end of my year I will reach my goal. That’s my plan at least.
I’m 22 as of today and live at home having just graduated. I don’t need to live the high life with a ton of spending and designer brands and fancy cars, but I want to have the freedom to travel when and where I want, have a family, not stress, and work towards my life goals. Biz has helped me to realize that maybe there’s a way to start making a difference in the world early, not have to slave away for ages before you can do anything meaningful. A life goal for me include stopping the human sex trafficking of North Korean refugees. And there are some businesses I want to start too. But the only real way I can have an impact on these things and design my life how I want is to have enough to be truly free.
I appreciate everyone here for helping me to realize that maybe my dreams are possible, and to find a path to get there
3 hours later 28838862 Anonymous
>2 mil USD after tax is my make it number. Then I would have 1 million to live freely (but modestly) with and another million to invest. I just started into crypto recently, but was able to get my first 2x from 3.5k. If I can 2x 9 more times, I will have made it. So my plan is to not get too greedy and go slowly, 10x’s are nice but if I stay consistent and swing out after each 2x, I’m guaranteed to make it. A 2x a month and at the end of my year I will reach my goal. That’s my plan at least.
This is a great goal. Bite the bullet and exit. When you've proven you can make that much, you will be smart enough to take that short term loss for further long term gains.
>I’m 22 as of today and live at home having just graduated. I don’t need to live the high life with a ton of spending and designer brands and fancy cars, but I want to have the freedom to travel when and where I want, have a family, not stress, and work towards my life goals. Biz has helped me to realize that maybe there’s a way to start making a difference in the world early, not have to slave away for ages before you can do anything meaningful. A life goal for me include stopping the human sex trafficking of North Korean refugees. And there are some businesses I want to start too. But the only real way I can have an impact on these things and design my life how I want is to have enough to be truly free.
Lofty goals, and I wish you luck in all of them. Bring freedom to all humans who show love.
You can also contribute to the decentralized revolution. You've got such passionate goals, you will make it with that drive. 100%. I look forward to reading about your movement in the news, and donating to it when I've made it.
>I appreciate everyone here for helping me to realize that maybe my dreams are possible, and to find a path to get there
Just keep spreading good vibes, helping people trade with goals in mind. Goals you can believe in make it so much easier to work on them.
3 hours later 28839195 Anonymous (place_shoe_on_head.jpg 800x600 154kB)
I got trapped/blessed with a government job with sweet benefits, overtime and union protection in my late 20s. I had a child and pay child support soon after. I have a pension and some boomer retirement funds, bought a good investment home. Im basically tired of busting my ass for 7% returns. I couldve made it already by going all in on LTC in 2016 or link in 2017/2018, but I cant risk homelessness thanks. Now that my bases are covered Im dumping everything I can in to crypto until the rock takes off. Really just wanna have freedom to quit my job and learn blockchain development on ETH or make music, or finish a bachelors in cybersecurity or other STEM field. Thats it. Despite all the scams and FUD their are some very very intellugent people here and compounded with the hivemind its truly amazing. Normies are insufferable to me
3 hours later 28839235 Anonymous
I lucked out with GME and now I have real capital to trade with
3 hours later 28839293 Anonymous
Thank you fren, I really appreciate your kind words. Yes the goal is quite lofty I agree haha, but I think it’s something worth living for. That’s the point of financial freedom I think. Not to show off or to be hedonistic, but to be actually able to find meaning in life, and help others as well.
I do hope to contribute to the decentralized revolution as well. Our current systems need a revamp, and what’s happening in this crypto space is full of promise for a better future. Heck, another lofty goal is to maybe colonize Titan. May not happen in my lifetime, but if I can get the ball rolling at least with a business to start a new place a society that embodies real freedom, it would be a great start. But I have to start somewhere, I am still young. With clarity and consistency, I hope to make it
3 hours later 28839546 Anonymous
>10 years early
So I'm not too late?
3 hours later 28839949 Anonymous (1609705751977.gif 960x720 497kB)
Normies likely will think it's a great thing when they see the opportunity for freedom from waging. It is only a matter of time. I love them because I once was them. I understand the pain and want to give them the tools to escape. They need only ask, and I will try to help, though I never give. Only share resources, nothing more.
> Really just wanna have freedom to quit my job and learn blockchain development on ETH or make music, or finish a bachelors in cybersecurity or other STEM field
This, so much. The ability to do what you want for a living with your passive income, and further create and follow your passions without fear of income getting in your way, the better life will be.
We will make it.
Nice. Glad you got an on-ramp into capital employment. Just keep at it and do good research. You'll never worry about working again.
Not for the next few years. But just being interested in crypto/finance in general means you can be free. Take your time to understand products, be smart. You'll be there soon.
I'm conking out thread. Keep the good vibes going until I'm back, and we will make breakfast together.
Sleeping a lot better even during swings due to this realization, team. It helps everything.
3 hours later 28840032 Anonymous (99D29B99-7AFC-4B9D-9AD6-63788F4182E7.jpg 828x898 100kB)
thx anon, i just got back into the game
3 hours later 28840399 Anonymous (E740DB1E-F996-4C8A-88D2-5C260588EF72.jpg 828x1147 390kB)
These are solid holds. Just bought 5K NU today.
3 hours later 28841312 Anonymous
tell me more about parsiq. i read some of it and it just seems like GRT but specifically for monetary transactions? how does it differ?
4 hours later 28841600 Anonymous
I’m dumb as shit. How is RSr going to make big money if it’s a stable coin?
4 hours later 28841638 Anonymous
Cozy home with the wife, maybe kids if our bits actually fucking work right, and our cats, bunny, and tortoise. A few acres of land far as fuck away so I can develop a permaculture setup. Get some chickens. Not having to worry about working and commutes. Make sure the kids don't go to the nigger filled schools I went to. If I want to work I can do woodworking projects with my friend. Shoot guns and play Magic: the Gathering.
4 hours later 28841666 Anonymous
OP, please tell me you have a discord or a telegram? i need your positivity in my life
4 hours later 28841762 Anonymous (92589025.png 450x405 122kB)
Yep, I'm thinking this OP is based.
4 hours later 28841912 Anonymous
You haven't missed the boat, fren. Don't be discouraged by the price of Bitcoin and think that there's no more chances. You were like 12 years old when it came out. I'm 40 right now and I feel like this ride is just starting. You have an absolute wealth of opportunities. Don't let faggot millennials dissuade you with their faggot doomsaying. They're mostly worthless.
Be smart, do your research, don't bet the farm on any one coin, don't let emotions guide you, understand the value of time, understand the value of dividends and staking, PARTICULARLY because you're so young.
You've got this fren.
4 hours later 28842582 Anonymous
1mil after taxes is me making it , i just wanna go back to my 3rd world shithole to smoke weed and drink beer all day while collecting rent
4 hours later 28842677 Anonymous
To me, making it is owning property.
I invested 7k into crypto 2 years ago and have turned it into a quarter of a million by going all in on one coin I was passionate about and holding.
The house I want is 1.5 million, so I need around a 7x to achieve that, that's my dream.
4 hours later 28842742 Anonymous
RSR isn't a stablecoin, RSV is.
RSR presents the digital assets vault that backs RSV.
4 hours later 28842768 Anonymous (D28803E2-1A71-4ABC-A2AD-78B59AAB1877.jpg 3192x2033 1620kB)
Boosting my 2700 stack of Wynaut to 3000 is making it in my book unironically
3.950 0.291