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2021-02-16 12:35 28815899 Anonymous (1612698053482.jpg 754x1158 86kB)
You can only buy and hold three coins for the next three years, pick and say why.

1 min later 28815974 Anonymous (9BAFCD9F-B92D-4869-8684-072A719F487C.png 1082x695 542kB)
Btc, chainlink, RBC Because

1 min later 28816015 black star
>>28815899 BTC Algo Req for memes

2 min later 28816048 Anonymous (1613405520473.png 1545x869 197kB)
btc Eth Ltc

2 min later 28816049 Anonymous
>>28815899 BTC BIND LINK

3 min later 28816108 Anonymous

3 min later 28816134 Anonymous
>>28815899 Link (safe climb) Pnk (won’t go any lower) Everest (moon mission)

3 min later 28816152 Anonymous
>>28815899 ETH - Because its the biggest ecosystem which is both a currency and a protocol for a global computer network. Chainlink - Merge the real world and crypto-verse Theta token - Because I want a 100x token that is not a meme, so that I can own a nice house at age 30

3 min later 28816153 Anonymous
USDT, VERGE, ScamToken.finance

5 min later 28816264 Anonymous
>>28816153 Ok

5 min later 28816308 Anonymous
>>28815899 ETH BTC XSN for the DEX launch that probably happens within the next 3 years

6 min later 28816327 Anonymous
>>28816015 Aints

6 min later 28816332 Anonymous
>>28816153 It’s like if your autistic younger brother chose at random

11 min later 28816642 Anonymous
>>28815899 btc - muh digidel stora valooo bnb - already won the platform wars (you just haven't accepted it yet) xmr - to keep the glowies at bay

12 min later 28816732 Anonymous
>>28815899 Btc, LINK, XHV

15 min later 28816941 Anonymous

16 min later 28817004 Anonymous
BTC - only real non-scam ALGO - replaces scamcoins like eth, grt, link idk maybe LINK for memes or AAVE

17 min later 28817087 Anonymous
tether, XRP, bitconnect

18 min later 28817165 Anonymous
ETH BTC LINK The only three you should EVER hold for ANY period of time.

20 min later 28817293 Anonymous
>>28815899 btc eth monero link is a close #4

21 min later 28817364 Anonymous

23 min later 28817571 Anonymous
>>28816153 Patrician choice. USDT has been crabbing forever. Overdue for a moonshot imo. $30 target.

24 min later 28817635 Anonymous (2AC5E53E-EC58-427B-92F9-7704DC04E960.jpg 3135x2242 778kB)
3 stacks of Wynaut because I have a brain

25 min later 28817659 Anonymous
>>28815899 Eth Rpl Nothing else cause I’m not retarded

38 min later 28818588 black star
>>28816327 I cant even be left alone with my linkies?

39 min later 28818650 Anonymous (1611883677936.jpg 1024x1024 490kB)
Algorand - Glowies know. Fantom - Eastern dominance. Parsiq - Automate everything or fall behind.

41 min later 28818783 Anonymous (HD_RBC.gif 375x435 1077kB)
>>28815974 Fpbp

42 min later 28818805 Anonymous

43 min later 28818898 Anonymous

44 min later 28818964 Anonymous (47a7f7076b3f76e5468d075c96899e0b.jpg 360x360 14kB)
GRT GRT GRT everyone who says otherwise is a retarded nigger also, check my digits nigger faggots

57 min later 28819704 Anonymous

59 min later 28819840 Anonymous (1612063760636.png 334x506 122kB)
Cross chain swaps Polkadot integration Anonymous transactions Limit orders Chinese/korean market 30 million market cap and has already confirmed to be the next link.

1 hours later 28819893 Anonymous
>>28815899 ROT, NIMIQ, and KNC.

1 hours later 28820013 Anonymous
>>28815899 Link, Eth, Algo Im excited for internet 3.0

1 hours later 28820024 Anonymous
>>28815899 BNT BTC LINK i like the coin :)

1 hours later 28820157 Anonymous
>>28815899 In order of highest holdings: LINK ADA PNK (suicide 10k stack) Link has a 95% chance of letting me make it in 3 years, Ada is bit iffy because charles is a slowfuck so 3 years is a tight schedule. Pnk maybe if they can spread to other chains and increase adoption, project is similar to link and I enjoy seeing the pajeetposting honestly.

1 hours later 28820212 Anonymous
BTC (going to a million) ADA (long term steady growth to $50) BAO (short term moonshot)

1 hours later 28820365 Anonymous
XMR BTC LTC the boomer stack

1 hours later 28820455 Anonymous
BTC ETH EURO Fucking your curry smelly shitcoins

1 hours later 28820714 Anonymous (1547689547845.png 1637x748 91kB)
LINK GRT Third crypto not needed

1 hours later 28821189 Anonymous

1 hours later 28821405 Anonymous
Link Dot BNB Just got a good feeling about them all, you know

1 hours later 28822045 Anonymous
>>28821405 almost my choices would change dot for ksm

1 hours later 28822095 Anonymous
>>28815899 LINK GRT HBAR

1 hours later 28822166 Anonymous
>>28815899 Zil Algo Link

1 hours later 28822169 Anonymous
LINK -it’s a juggernaut. A freight train. If LINK fails it’s because crypto as a whole has died RSR - digital neo-colonialism HBAR - Enterprise adoption. Enough said

1 hours later 28822185 Anonymous

1 hours later 28823494 Anonymous (F2CC95A2-89F3-409C-B184-7ED7927F294C.jpg 750x829 116kB)
>>28815974 ygmi

1 hours later 28823537 Anonymous
>>28815899 BTC SURF LINK

1 hours later 28823554 Anonymous
BTC GRT ETH ETH only because I need it for gas fees and shit really. I would probably replace it with LINK or LTC otherwise

1 hours later 28823576 Anonymous
>>28815899 Btc Link The google of blockchain

2 hours later 28823716 Anonymous
Why people shill link so much? I've zoomed out and ATH was last august and now it's just a fraction What happened?

2 hours later 28823810 Anonymous
>>28822169 anon, where to cop RSR and HBAR?

2 hours later 28823981 Anonymous (1612991800748.png 500x500 75kB)
EGLD - just great tech, great team with actual product. I know I may sound shizo, but this will make eth obsolete eventually ORN - DEX in late stage of development(already closed beta), which going to be released around q2 this year BTC - just because it wont go anywhere anytime soon

2 hours later 28824070 Anonymous (nayeon tzuyu sana.webm 1280x720 2432kB)
>>28815899 districtox(doubles every time it goes up. link doesn't do this) algorand (staking) 1 ethereum(with the hope it would do what bitcoin did) 1

2 hours later 28824082 Anonymous
>>28818898 Hot

2 hours later 28824219 Anonymous
>>28815899 >BTC >ADA >IOTA im bullish on ada and iota, definitely longer horizon than 3 years btc for obvious reasons (like buying a mchicken after mcdonalds approves btc as payment)

2 hours later 28824322 Anonymous
>>28823810 RSR available on most decentralized exchanges like Uniswap HBAR is on Bittrex, Binance, probably some others

2 hours later 28825019 Anonymous

2 hours later 28825088 Anonymous

2 hours later 28825208 Anonymous
>>28815974 Based and true

2 hours later 28825218 Anonymous
>>28817364 all scams epic

2 hours later 28825259 Anonymous (a549b56baf21cc4dfcc2d3487741f08a--angela-anaconda-weird-kids.jpg 736x736 52kB)

2 hours later 28825286 Anonymous
>>28820157 Holy fuckola kid youre ngmi

2 hours later 28825300 Anonymous
>>28815899 Algo - self explanatory GRT - also self explanatory ONE - DYOR

2 hours later 28825316 Anonymous
>>28815899 btc because btc ltc because ltc link because link

2 hours later 28825387 Anonymous
Not telling but I ONLY buy and hold three coins anyway AND I'M NEVER SELLING

2 hours later 28825464 Anonymous

2 hours later 28825510 Anonymous
>>28820714 ygmi

2 hours later 28825553 Anonymous

2 hours later 28825562 Anonymous
>>28824322 Thank you and checked, guess i’m boutta cop

2 hours later 28825714 Anonymous
>>28815899 BTC - Standard, S2F + everyone thinks it'll go to 1m+ someday, self fulfilling prophecy. LINK - Oracles n shit, Sergei is Satoshi, Too many slimey connections with elites to be able to fail. + The Link has had some of the best memes. ALGO - 7%+ APY retard proof staking, instant and nearly free transactions, also has connections with tons of slimey fucks and I'm not gonna bet against them, I'm gonna profit off of their hardwork and stack fat algo stacks along the way.

2 hours later 28825765 GRT 500
>>28818964 IF DUBS GRT 500

2 hours later 28825863 Anonymous
>>28815899 Btc link eth, it's just the safest bet.

2 hours later 28825896 Anonymous
>>28815974 based

2 hours later 28826145 Anonymous
GRT LINK ALGO BTC and ETH are the obvious staples desu. I’m split 70/20/10 GRT/ALGO/LINK, going to DCA for a few years and hopefully make it by 2025

2 hours later 28826249 Anonymous (1600746026779.jpg 2171x2171 1062kB)
Link Link Link

2 hours later 28827071 Anonymous
Link pink and stink

2 hours later 28827245 Anonymous

2 hours later 28827388 Anonymous
>>28815899 ALGO ADA XTZ

3 hours later 28827495 Anonymous (chicpepe.jpg 211x238 10kB)
>>28815899 Now is a terrible time to buy coins for holding but I'd say ATOM since its going to blow up with the DEX, VET since its going to be massive in china and has barely unlocked its market cap potential, and BAND since its going to overtake LINK, sorry.

3 hours later 28827595 Anonymous (5F3661F7-EBBB-4C67-B7C1-3FE75FE4BD6D.jpg 458x358 86kB)
>>28815899 NANO, BTC, XMR because cryptoCURRENCY is the killer app; everything else is vaporware

3 hours later 28827645 Anonymous
>>28815899 algo xmr btc not saying why

3 hours later 28828559 Anonymous
ETH - Future proof ALGO and ATOM - Relatively safe with high prospects

2.868 0.064