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2021-02-15 11:59 28813376 Anonymous (tenor.png 634x640 251kB)
Give it to me straight, how long until the crypto market crashes?
0 min later 28813430 Anonymous (1613430024290.jpg 480x360 32kB)
5 minutes
0 min later 28813455 Anonymous
When it stops being advantageous to the powers that be.
1 min later 28813503 Anonymous
very likely we're at or near the top already
2 min later 28813551 Anonymous
2 min later 28813563 Anonymous
have you noticed how everything with fundamentals has kinda stalled and only scams are pumping? yeah
2 min later 28813584 Anonymous
at earliest june/july
btc $225k at least
3 min later 28813615 Anonymous
I reckon we're pretty close
3 min later 28813667 Anonymous
8-9 months
4 min later 28813706 Anonymous
2.5-3.5 months or 115-120k, whichever comes sooner
4 min later 28813728 Anonymous
3 hours. It's over, there are no more suckers left, and way too many worthless shit tokens
4 min later 28813748 Anonymous
Not before people dump their stimulus into the market.
5 min later 28813779 Anonymous
5 min later 28813785 Anonymous
The sooner, the better
Enjoy your discounts
5 min later 28813786 Anonymous
Bitcoin is dancing on the edge at the moment.
Could be today.
6 min later 28813886 Anonymous
7 min later 28813930 Anonymous
7 min later 28813935 Anonymous
9 min later 28814089 Anonymous
What's the difference between whales in crypto and hedgies in the stock market?
10 min later 28814152 Anonymous
>he actually thinks the stimulus is happening
oh anon... looking at how its currently going at best its sent out in the form of food stamps.
11 min later 28814186 Anonymous
It's the difference between -40f and -40c.
12 min later 28814222 Anonymous (1532313947513.png 300x300 93kB)
There is no crash
13 min later 28814360 Anonymous
BTC, ETH, and LINK are all up 30-50% from last month. WTF are you on about?
16 min later 28814539 Anonymous (1603258379555.png 785x636 112kB)
but there's no difference, anon
19 min later 28814758 Anonymous
March at the latest, but we’re not at the end of the cycle. We’ll surpass whatever ATH we make here in the fall
21 min later 28814901 Anonymous
Every bull run cycle lasts exactly one year. We are 100 days into the bull cycle so we still have 200 days left. Look at the BTC chart and you will see this.
21 min later 28814902 Anonymous
Next 3-5 days. People are going to try and keep the pump going, but it's going to fizzle, especially after Musk encouraged profit taking.
21 min later 28814910 Anonymous
this. the Dogecoin pump to 8 cents was the biggest sell signal we could have asked for
21 min later 28814914 Anonymous
No one knows man. People who are saying "it's different this time" could very well be right. We are seeing a ton of bullish news for crypto so far and we're really only just getting started. I don't think it will happen until later this year, if it does happen.
People joke about how it's a sell signal as soon as normies start talking about it, but the truth is you need time for them to pump everyone's bags with their savings first, then you dump on them.
23 min later 28815063 Anonymous
It won't until the end of the year or beyond, but there will be some huge corrections along the way. Especially if you're in projects that have solid fundamentals.
24 min later 28815153 Anonymous
Nobody fucking knows
26 min later 28815230 Anonymous
Actually it's around 500 days
26 min later 28815291 Anonymous
This guy knows
27 min later 28815316 Anonymous
Maybe they already did. We're living in a debt society, as soon as people were relatively convinced that the money is on its way, a lot will already spend it.
27 min later 28815350 Anonymous
sentiment is very similar to the couple of weeks running up to the 2018 crash. the same friends that contacted me about crypto back then have started, we don't have long
27 min later 28815359 Anonymous
when the masters feel like they made their point for this cycle
29 min later 28815481 Anonymous
Right now.
33 min later 28815768 Anonymous
About 7
34 min later 28815809 Anonymous
I love this meme
46 min later 28816665 Anonymous
30 full episodes then.
48 min later 28816759 Anonymous
Bout three fiddy
49 min later 28816818 Anonymous
49 min later 28816856 Anonymous
50 min later 28816895 Anonymous
Shouod be soon. As in within the year. The shitcoins have become too numerous and ruined the market.
52 min later 28817011 Anonymous
depends when they fix ronivirus otherwise keep stimmy go bitcoin
52 min later 28817064 Anonymous
Bitcon will only hit 106k max this year actually.
54 min later 28817177 Anonymous
All my CoinBase stocks are bleeding out yet all my random stocks in Exodus like Loom, Golem, Vet, Hedera, etc are keeping a pretty level overall balance. Should I go hail mary all in on some cheap cent stock in Exodus? I'm thinking Cindicator, Vet, Poet, Viberate, Quant? Which one? Maybe $10,000 on one of these fine stocks?
56 min later 28817325 Anonymous
I know this is probably a brainlet take but what if it doesn’t crash like everyone thinks it will.
58 min later 28817468 Anonymous
It won't, 2017 was a massive psyop
1 hours later 28817799 Anonymous
Where did everyone put their money in 2017 crash? Where did it all go? THAT many people lost faith in it at once? I understand when that happens with normal economies but cyrpto seems different.
1 hours later 28817864 Anonymous
please delete this post, give us til the end of the month
1 hours later 28817895 Anonymous
you must be new
doge pumps signal alt season.
1 hours later 28818056 Anonymous (1606427034361.jpg 240x240 11kB)
1 hours later 28818222 Anonymous (BlackMarketApu.jpg 774x696 46kB)
most people seem to think 4-7 months
1 hours later 28818289 Anonymous
Also to add what was the crash like in 2013/2014? 80% crash as well?
1 hours later 28818373 Anonymous
There were multiple reasons all in a relatively short amount of time that made a massive fuck load of people lose faith for a long while. But none of those things had anything to do directly with how blockchain technology works. Returning to it was inevitable
1 hours later 28818391 Anonymous
Most forecasts put it one to two months out.
But this is also crypto where tweets can affect the market, so who tf knows.
1 hours later 28819018 Anonymous
>no my bitcoin didn't 10x while I was sleeping I need my dopamine hit everything is a scam reeeee it's over! I need drama!!!!
1 hours later 28819175 Anonymous
So everyone here is already bracing themselves to yank everything out again and cause it again. It'll happen once enough of you panic. It's not some mystic event coming, you collectively accidentally pull the rug.
1 hours later 28819214 Anonymous
you dont look at monthly candles in crypto retard
1 hours later 28819256 Anonymous
1 hours later 28819313 Anonymous
Congrats anon you've figured it out
1 hours later 28819372 Anonymous
I'm Jewish.
1 hours later 28819462 Anonymous
It won't end this time, I'm guessing max 50% drop of the whole thing. Too much institutions are getting in now, it's becoming part of the whole economic system.
Now if the whole thing fails, of course...
1 hours later 28819478 Anonymous (1612562397838.png 128x128 20kB)
I mean, I don't know. On the one hand side it could lead to a massive and sudden rugpull, because everyone still got PTSD from 2017, so they'll all jump ship whhen theres clouds on the horizon.
On the other hand side so many people being cautious could mean that the marklet won't overheat that fast because people try to frontrun each other by selling first before the crash, wish could allow it to go on for longer and go higher. No idea.
1 hours later 28819502 Anonymous
1 hours later 28819569 Anonymous
Last time I did this I missed $20k in gains
1 hours later 28819586 Anonymous
18 months
1 hours later 28819738 Anonymous
After fucking around with so many shitcoins, I have a hunch that when institutions invest in bitcoin, they will try to function similar to whales in a shitcoin. They'll buy a large stake to make it go up rapidly, leading to retail FOMO in, and then sell to make retail panic sell those bags. Then they'll just buy those dips. These companies know what they're doing so I can absolutely see this happening. The only issue I could see is that multiple companies will all try to buy that dip when it happens so it's likely to be fast.
My hope is that I can accumulate more during the dip.
1 hours later 28819880 Anonymous
It's probably going to fall in tandem with US dollars
1 hours later 28820228 Anonymous
Exactly his point
1 hours later 28820504 Anonymous
I too fud my own tokens and try to cause a crash early. Ive been hard at work this weekend sewing doubt.
1 hours later 28820563 Anonymous
the 10 year yield, people, look at the 10 year yield....
1 hours later 28821246 Anonymous
but crypto still doesn't do anything. look at augur, even prediction markets on muh blockchain are garbage piles. the only thing that works is defi, which is simply a bunch of ponzis.
2 hours later 28821941 Anonymous
>I'm Jewish.
You have my condolences
2 hours later 28822593 Anonymous
everything is a ponzi thats why u gotta get on board
2 hours later 28822779 Anonymous
That's why I tethered up before the weekend. It goes like this;
>First the big mcap coins pump
>Then the mid mcap coins pump
>Then the small mcap coins pump
>Then the micro mcap coins pump
>Then the market crashes
I looked at a lot of microcaps on thursday/friday last week and saw that almost all of them were pumping +30%. That's when I got the fuck out.
2 hours later 28822970 Anonymous
That does seem to be what I saw. I chased all of that one step behind. Is that why my Golem just shot up today while everything else was falling.
2 hours later 28823040 Anonymous
The crash will be around about Christmas.
2 hours later 28823649 Anonymous
This. Just relax ffs
2 hours later 28823775 Anonymous
There are still a lot of major investors looking to buy in.
Everyone in this thread talking about what retail investors do is missing the point.
Who cares if your friend asked you about BTC. That's not a signal that the market is going to crash, or skyrocket, because those random people don't have the kinds of money that institutions do.
Also people talking about how instiutions are going to act like whales and pump/dump.--No, institutions are not that nimble. Their boards are used to investing $20m in something and then not thinking about it until next quarter, at which they'll be happy if it's $22m. These sorts of institutions are not going to want to invest in crypto via 24-7 gambling, buying and selling like crazy. They are going to INVEST, longterm.
The only thing I'm worried about in regard to a crash this year would be if some big investors want to buy in cheap so they somehow coopt whales to dump everything now.
In fact I think that's sort of what has already been happening, with certain whales (not just F2pool miners) dumping right when BTC has been pumping in order to limit the rise (like they did after the Elon tweet a few weeks ago). It's like they're trying to keep the price more manageable for longer so that institutions can buy in.
2 hours later 28823816 Anonymous
This week
2 hours later 28823860 Anonymous
Exactly 8 months from the moment you read this
2 hours later 28824020 Anonymous (E98B4BE1-9C21-4FC2-B0E3-15D7AA4DC641.jpg 1024x636 83kB)
What feelings does this image illicit from you?
2 hours later 28824184 Anonymous
18.852 0.103