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2021-02-15 09:23 28801690 Anonymous Monero Thread (EE5D903A-85A5-4248-85D7-37D72A48B2CF.png 363x363 171kB)
No XMR thread?? Let’s fix that.
2 min later 28801897 Anonymous (A31D7E4B-8264-46B7-8FF2-76F28CFC30C7.png 1150x3896 1827kB)
3 min later 28801976 Anonymous
4 min later 28802022 Anonymous (4E6A0EBE-DF77-458F-AD56-37F2A04BFD4A.jpg 1242x1267 416kB)
4 min later 28802051 ride or die kinda nigger
hold zero xmr but i love it and ill shill it forever
6 min later 28802205 Anonymous (96B0B5DF-BF54-4FFC-99DE-C266EC576E23.png 1750x3353 2139kB)
I’m not even quoting his post because he’s retarded, but no, Mimblewimble is not as secure. Not nearly.
8 min later 28802393 Anonymous
I hold zero xmr but I love it and I'll shill it forever.
10 min later 28802524 Anonymous
I also hold zero XMR but I love it and I’ll shill it forever.
11 min later 28802616 Anonymous
What can I buy with XMR besides renting overpriced Romanian dedis and (probably illegal) gift cards? Anything actually useful?
17 min later 28803082 Anonymous
Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized p2p privacy cryptocurrency!
Monero is secure, low-fee, and borderless, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT (hidden tx amounts) ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a Monero user willingly providing a view key for a specific transaction.
Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptos. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of txs increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier of entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward will gradually approach 0.6 XMR in May 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.
If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.
OFFICIAL WEBSITE - https://www.getmonero.org/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq6 w03E2DS4
>Non KYC:
Local Monero
Crypto ATMs
see: kycnot.me
GUI/CLI (recommended)
iOS & Android: Cakewallet
Android: Monerujo
>Cold Storage
21 min later 28803352 Anonymous (083.jpg 413x395 41kB)
lololol. Now go to r/litecoin and ask if MW can in any way compete with Monero.
26 min later 28803717 Anonymous
I want to buy a basket of privacy coins.
Should I just put it all in xmr or is it worth picking up some of the others carrying the label?
27 min later 28803859 Anonymous
So far nothing is like XMR is terms of privacy and security. If you only want privacy coins, get XMR.
28 min later 28803912 Anonymous (bro.jpg 225x225 8kB)
XMR is the norm. AAVE is the first defi to be joining that btc eth xmr team, mark my words
29 min later 28804010 Anonymous (monero-2-strong.png 1064x442 85kB)
The darknet crowd recommends XMR and only XMR, and for good reason.
30 min later 28804113 Anonymous
All the other ones who claim privacy have such high mcaps you wouldn’t be profiting much if privacy coins saw a pump. I’m 97% XMR, the 3% is just tied up in an ERC20 which I can’t sell bc gas fees.
Even if other coins performed just as well, I have conviction about my XMR position. That’s worth at least a 3x to me.
31 min later 28804142 Anonymous
Is XMR the most undervalued coin in the entire market?
32 min later 28804303 Anonymous
It's easily the most undervalued in the top 30 in my opinion
33 min later 28804349 Anonymous
I feel like that title would be difficult to peg down precisely, but it’s definitely near the top of the list.
35 min later 28804472 Anonymous (1613144218733.png 788x669 287kB)
The current price is well balanced for the risk it brings. But when (if) atomic swaps come out that risk will be gone forever
38 min later 28804728 Anonymous
nekonata kvanto da moneroj
44 min later 28805162 Anonymous
1week chart is looking JUICY.
52 min later 28805769 Anonymous
XMR is the chad of the crypto space. No question.
1 hours later 28806381 Anonymous
poorfag here with 2.5 XMR, will have around 200 usd every 2 weeks that I can throw into crypto and will going all in on Monero I think. I like the idea behind the BAT project also, worth investing in? although its based on ETH isnt it?
1 hours later 28806438 Anonymous
Is this site safe for buying XMR with crypto?
1 hours later 28806615 Anonymous
Wrong. There is no risk of Monero being banned and anybody who believes that has not done their research.
You can’t ban a peer to peer application, let alone one that is encrypted.
1 hours later 28806637 Anonymous
thoughts on this one?
1 hours later 28806676 Anonymous
From what I’m seeing it’s not an outright scam.
https://news.bitcoin.com/crypto-swa pping-app-sideshift-ai-drops-access -code-requirement/
1 hours later 28806723 Anonymous
good question, want to know the answer too
1 hours later 28806747 Anonymous
Shitcoin that nobody uses.
Saying it is a better form of currency than Monero is laughable. This is a known pajeet that shills in Monero threads under multiple ip addresses.
1 hours later 28806784 Anonymous
why don't you just hold a small unknown amount instead? gui wallet is very good right now
1 hours later 28806805 Anonymous
Almost every time a crypto comes out that says it has partnered with a debit card company, it’s a scam.
1 hours later 28806892 Anonymous
Looks legit because it bans US users. But then again they have a link to a meme page full of Pepes.
1 hours later 28806971 Anonymous
even if banned, some country will allow it and will be flooded with money
1 hours later 28807106 Anonymous
1 hours later 28807292 Anonymous
yep, thought so
1 hours later 28807312 Anonymous (1613140532820.png 2325x1679 1482kB)
>Disclosing how much Monero you have
1 hours later 28807577 Anonymous
Xmr is easily top 5 coin with real world use and utility ,but it’s not going to make me rich so I don’t own any
1 hours later 28807741 Anonymous
Buy high sell low
1 hours later 28807763 Anonymous
in 5-10 years it could make you well off, no?
1 hours later 28807881 Anonymous
i have already made it
1 hours later 28808320 Anonymous
You can ban exchanges from trading it
1 hours later 28808386 Anonymous
Anon doesn't have enough patience.
1 hours later 28808636 Anonymous
Easily circumvented with either a vpn or by using an already existing p2p option such as bisq.
1 hours later 28808639 Anonymous
Anyone tried incognito.org for staking? Some anon mentioned it in a previous XMR thread. Are they trustworthy?
1 hours later 28808916 Anonymous
Most other coins are either overvalued or scams, monero is almost the only coin worth investing in currently.
1 hours later 28808973 Anonymous (1613386147066.png 573x507 80kB)
Don't do it anon
1 hours later 28808988 Anonymous
these posts are getting shorter and lower quality. its like you've given up :(
1 hours later 28809026 Anonymous
the project seems good but the mods are completely batshit. Devs might be cool, don't know. The community moderators and the project manager are completely retarded and insane people. I've been using incognito for a couple of months but might be leaving them soon
1 hours later 28809038 Anonymous
Gives me glownig vibes
11.141 0.089