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2021-02-15 09:07 28800348 Anonymous HBAR $1 WAITING ROOM (hbar.jpg 1120x630 163kB)
I hope you've reserved your seat on the moon lander anon. $1 EOM

1 min later 28800440 Anonymous
First class seat here, dear hashchad

2 min later 28800523 Anonymous
>>28800348 Taking my HBAR exam in an hour anons wish me luck

2 min later 28800543 Anonymous
I only have 1500 from poorfaggotry. If I wasn't I would have gone all in on this one.

6 min later 28800892 Anonymous
>>28800543 Thats cool 7500$ this year hashbro, hope you pay for that wc

9 min later 28801120 Anonymous (1515591273472.png 600x579 277kB)
>>28800892 thanks wagmi sooner or later fren

12 min later 28801343 Anonymous
>>28800543 exact same boat fren, gonna take this stack and use it on the next bull run to actually make it

16 min later 28801642 Anonymous
This NVO token gave me 1k today without swinging it. Dog bless.

17 min later 28801744 Anonymous (2589E76F-6597-4C6F-9FA9-C67315D2D260.jpg 828x866 167kB)
>>28800348 My body is ready

19 min later 28801923 Anonymous (1612380299050.png 521x937 229kB)
>>28801744 Sweet fuck, and I thought I was comfy with my little 20k stack. You are gonna make it.

20 min later 28801968 Anonymous
Why are there so few /biz/ posters with more than a few thousand HBAR? Usually people here are way ahead of the curve

21 min later 28802053 Anonymous (image.png 344x224 11kB)
This time it will only stop on 30c, just in few days.

22 min later 28802115 Anonymous
>>28801968 It just seems that way because of the influx of redditors and normies since Musk started shilling doge and BTC.

22 min later 28802170 Anonymous (image.png 307x95 5kB)
>>28801744 I am cooming behind, bro.

24 min later 28802313 Anonymous
the runway is clear for 16 cents let's go

27 min later 28802511 Anonymous
OFFICIAL HBAR MOON LANDER CLASS LIST > >500,000 ~ Pilot Sgt. Lemon Man > 300,000-499,999 ~ First Class Private Compartments > 100,000-299,999 ~ First Class Standard > 50,000-99,999 ~ Business Class > 20,000-49,999 ~ Economy Class w/ Extra Legroom > 10,000-19,999 ~ Economy Class Standard > <10,000 ~ Cargo Bay

28 min later 28802633 Anonymous (aaaaaaaaa.jpg 720x720 274kB)
I missed it aaaaaa

29 min later 28802733 Anonymous
I‘m close to buying but havent read through all infos on their website. But what do they actually mean with > Hedera is owned and governed by the world's leading organizations Is hbar really used by these big names on the site? And how dies their staking actually work? Do you even get rewards?

29 min later 28802742 Anonymous
>>28802633 Google conference in 2 days. You still got a little time.

30 min later 28802756 Anonymous
Its poomping! Been nofap for a month but this might just make me mount vesuvius!

30 min later 28802758 Anonymous (I have no idea what this is.png 264x25 2kB)
>>28802115 Can confirm, came here because dogecoin was mentioned in a /vg/ thread. Aped in at 0.027 and out at 0.036, and started looking at other shitcoins. Am I going to lose all my money in 1-2 months now?

30 min later 28802806 Anonymous
>>28802511 About to upgrade to business class once these faggots at Coinbase fix their eth transactions. What a mistake

31 min later 28802854 Anonymous
>>28802115 Used the doge pump to buy hbar. Crypto is fun

32 min later 28802904 Anonymous
>>28802758 How does $737 sound?

32 min later 28802910 Anonymous
>>28802733 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=141 l5w1E-sU Here's all you need.

32 min later 28802935 Anonymous
>>28802733 Mostly in governance and association. because of that it might lead to usage by them soon.

33 min later 28802982 Anonymous
>>28802733 Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=141 l5w1E-sU&t=1s&ab_channel=CredibleCr ypto > Is hbar really used by these big names on the site? Some are in the process of building, some have gone public. For instance DLA Piper is releasing a tokenization platform called TOKO on Hashgraph. All those companies run nodes and validate the network. > And how dies their staking actually work? Do you even get rewards? They haven't implemented staking yet. But you would stake as you expect (no slashing)

33 min later 28803024 Anonymous
>>28801968 I have 26000 which I considered poor stacklet status but is most of what I can have in crypto right now

35 min later 28803170 Anonymous (10312153-B5BC-401C-8A1D-0E0028F56B71.jpg 750x321 59kB)
Stacklet reporting in

35 min later 28803179 Anonymous
>>28802742 Hope it dips a bit until then

36 min later 28803239 Anonymous (PLATINUMCONTENT.jpg 1695x1227 1689kB)
All the corpos want only one thing.. Imagine not having it lol

37 min later 28803293 Anonymous
Wtf was that?

38 min later 28803402 Anonymous
ok im sold, correction when?

38 min later 28803417 Anonymous (1611753682444.png 900x684 260kB)
I don't have any cash to dump into this even though I'd really like to. I hope you all make it frens.

38 min later 28803418 Anonymous
EOY predictions? Or is this just going to dump after the 17th?

39 min later 28803457 Anonymous
>>28802904 Kinda worrying because I'd have to start reading on how crypto taxation works in my country. I'm neet with low income, so I unironically live RENT FREE. Hope this dips a bit so I can buy more, I shouldn't buy at ath right?

39 min later 28803486 Anonymous
>>28800348 Price right now is $0.1488 BASED

41 min later 28803580 Anonymous
>>28801744 Do you offer classes on being based?

41 min later 28803581 Anonymous (DIP.jpg 933x1301 707kB)
>>28803457 Right

41 min later 28803641 Anonymous
>>28802982 gonna listen to that dude, hope he can answer all my open questions. Do you guys are worried about the circ. Supply?

42 min later 28803666 Anonymous (1585928317056.jpg 287x400 60kB)
>>28803417 >red ID Confirming that I'm ngmi. Learn from my mistakes anons.

42 min later 28803670 Anonymous
>>28802733 We know for sure the NHS has been using it

42 min later 28803734 Anonymous (sdfsdfsdf.png 679x539 24kB)
if you didnt buy few months ago be cautious

43 min later 28803796 Anonymous
>>28803486 What more confirmation do I need to double down

43 min later 28803823 Anonymous
>>28803457 Just buy whenever. At your budget there's no point min-maxing your gains to the last dollar. Not much of a difference if you bought in at .15 or .12 when it's $1.

43 min later 28803829 Anonymous (Mike Novogratz.jpg 1280x720 147kB)
>>28800348 >>28800440 >>28800523 >>28800543 >>28800892 >>28801120 I just heard from an insider that Mike Novogratz sold some of his Luna after it punped and bought Hbar We're all gonna make it we got Mike Novogratz bros! Meme this beautiful bald-headed man

45 min later 28803969 Anonymous (that_swing_feel.png 1918x1396 1382kB)
>>28803734 >fud poster >pink ID Nice. >>28803457 I forgot to mention, a one-time $737 deposit to your account would probably fly under the radar.

48 min later 28804199 Anonymous
Should I dump all of it into HBAR?

49 min later 28804263 Anonymous
>>28804199 Wait for ze dip at least

49 min later 28804308 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-145403_CoinStats.jpg 1080x2220 581kB)
Should I dump all of it into HBAR?

51 min later 28804476 Anonymous
>>28804308 I am so disappointed with REEF.. A whole week of clowly climbing and then such a blowback even when other currencies recover from that dump

53 min later 28804587 Anonymous
>>28804476 I hear you... the reefies were promised to stay beefy, but have been queefy instead.

53 min later 28804622 Anonymous
>>28804476 I sold REEF at a small loss. I knew that it would turn out bad for some reason.

54 min later 28804669 Anonymous
>>28804263 >>28804308 The dip is happening right now. 14.5 from 15 this is as lowest its gonna get.

54 min later 28804701 Anonymous
>>28804308 >reddit Explain before you get out.

55 min later 28804729 Anonymous
>>28800543 Lmao I have 304. That’s 50% of my asset in chinance. I cannot transfer more Eth there

56 min later 28804858 Anonymous
>>28802511 Don’t be classist. Hbar threads are comfy

57 min later 28804882 Anonymous
>>28804622 I'm still far from loss point, so will just wait a bit more Extreme poorfag, so 50$ in REEF isn't that scary

57 min later 28804901 Anonymous
>>28800348 Also have around 20% of my portfolio in Hedera. Honestly, watching a few videos of our boy convinced me. It's not some pajeet team working on this coin, he supposedly came up with his own consensus algorithm. For all the newfags watching. This currency obviously is something new and it's at least academically sound. Watch out for obvious scams like Asko, where you are the obvious cutsomer aka bag holder. That's why they always have bright flashy colors and upbeat music as their main selling point. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD2 jDWLdsX8

58 min later 28804991 Anonymous (train.jpg 1200x1200 288kB)
>>28804858 I second that Proud 3k holder, make 90% on HBAR memes out there

1 hours later 28805096 Anonymous
>>28804669 The did is now if you considered HBAR/BNB or /BTC Do not look at 15 m candles

1 hours later 28805101 Anonymous (1612237215158.jpg 960x720 98kB)
>>28804701 Lol, you're correct anon, I have brought shame upon myself. I did that when the GME shit was happening. Turned $680 into 28k by dumping on faggot redditors. Been too lazy to uninstall. Also, nigger, just for good measure.

1 hours later 28805156 Anonymous
>>28804308 Equal split into RSR and HBAR.

1 hours later 28805205 Anonymous
>>28804901 Damn, he looks kinda nerdy but his speech is so charismatic and confident Very easy to listen

1 hours later 28805305 Anonymous
>>28805101 then you get a one time pass (from me) for letting reddit hold your bags.but don't do it again or we take your nigger and kike calling priviledges.

1 hours later 28805474 Anonymous
I got around 15K in tether to dump in hbar but I‘m concerned buying i to it at these prices...

1 hours later 28805623 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-151325_Package installer.jpg 1080x2220 429kB)
>>28805305 Won't happen again sir.

1 hours later 28805632 Anonymous
Excuse me sirs, I bought your coin and it's dumping on me. Care to explain?

1 hours later 28805652 Anonymous
>>28805474 I feel ya, I dumped 6k in this morning at 0.137 I usually don't do this but it's altseason and we have the google talk and paypal / coinbase rumors

1 hours later 28805725 Anonymous
>>28805474 It is never gone parabolic yet. Steady arithmetic progression.

1 hours later 28805821 Anonymous
>>28805632 Thanks for holding my bags Good luck with that I just jumped ship to ada

1 hours later 28805905 Anonymous
>>28800348 seat hedl

1 hours later 28805963 Anonymous (High bar2.png 1366x626 98kB)
>>28800348 In 6 months we're billionaires frens

1 hours later 28805983 Anonymous
>>28805725 Except it isn't even at ATH right now. This coin has been around since 2019 and it has gone from 16 cents to less than a penny. I bought because of the shills here but I realize now sadly this shit could go straight to 0 again at any moment and take my money hostage for an indefinite amount of time.

1 hours later 28806215 Anonymous
>>28805632 Look for RSI befor buy. We are going to see a dip before pump.

1 hours later 28806298 Anonymous
>>28805821 I want Ada to go back to .94 so I can break even and go all in HBAR

1 hours later 28806373 Anonymous
>>28800543 1500 is better than none fren. Enjoy the ride!

1 hours later 28806476 Anonymous (1613323144253.png 765x757 86kB)
>>28805983 You bought this coin about 10 minutes ago and not even at a dip. Read the whitepaper, look at the roadmap, partnerships, basically DYOR. The more you look into this the more confident you will get.

1 hours later 28806651 Anonymous (hashchadreportingin.png 779x95 6kB)
>>28801744 me too

1 hours later 28807083 Anonymous
>>28804476 In a bull market the upside for a lot of these shitcoins is extraordinary, when the market flips it's merciless your shitcoin better be solid, team, use case, prospects, even then.

1 hours later 28807489 Anonymous (High bar3.png 1034x677 655kB)
>>28805983 Watch this (skip part about Bitcoin) and tell me you're not gonna acquire H fucking BAR

1 hours later 28807625 Anonymous
13k hashies What am I in for?

1 hours later 28807734 Anonymous
>>28807489 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF3 62xxcfdk Forgot LINK (not chainlink)

1 hours later 28807844 Anonymous
>>28806476 If this shit becomes the coin of epidemiology Literal governments will be pumping out bags

1 hours later 28807939 Anonymous
>>28807844 >If this shit becomes the coin of epidemiology https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/19/uk- hospitals-use-blockchain-to-track-c oronavirus-vaccine-temperature.html

1 hours later 28808446 Anonymous
>>28806476 >muh research fuck off faggot, this is a SHITCOIN, it will pump soon and it will dump afterward. thats what shitcoins do, p&d

1 hours later 28808552 Anonymous
>>28806215 saw this at 0.1337 yesterday, should have bought but that RSI tells me it's about to dump soon

1 hours later 28808624 Anonymous
>>28800348 Currently making a reverse cup and handle on 4h candle with low volume. I don’t feel so good bros

1 hours later 28808641 Anonymous
>Have 10k HBAR already >GRT decides to moon >Quickly get money out of GRT on crypto.com, make a sweet $15k >Wanna get half of that into HBAR >Still waiting on the deposit from cro Fucking chink fucks.

1 hours later 28808663 Anonymous
>>28808552 It's dumping already

1 hours later 28808686 Anonymous
When do I dump this tomorrow? 0.40?

1 hours later 28808759 Anonymous
>>28800543 me too, 123078

1 hours later 28809012 Anonymous
>>28808641 Why not use Binance?

1 hours later 28809032 Anonymous
Buy the dip faggots

1 hours later 28809075 Anonymous

1 hours later 28809147 Anonymous
>>28807939 Well yes that's what I said epidemiology. But that's just one hospital system. Now imagine every fucking hospital in industrialized society.

1 hours later 28809229 Anonymous

1 hours later 28809303 Anonymous
>>28809012 Binance didn't have GRT so in my haste to catch GRT's pump I moved it to crypto.com in a hurry. I figured I had a week or two before HBARs pump, oops.

1 hours later 28809350 Anonymous
>>28809229 Just hold retard, it's just a dip, it'll go back up

1 hours later 28809356 Anonymous
>>28809303 wat

1 hours later 28809468 Anonymous
>>28809356 Sorry, I mean binance.us. They don't have GRT.

1 hours later 28809497 Anonymous
>>28800348 Kek HBAR survives! Everything else is red. Hbar recovers. Diamond hands faggots and buy the dip!

1 hours later 28809529 Anonymous
>>28803239 this image is so bullish

1 hours later 28809534 Anonymous
>>28809497 It's literally dumping

1 hours later 28809543 Anonymous
So is this dip going to happen daily or what

1 hours later 28809611 Anonymous
>coin dips after setting an ATH oh no no no it's over bros

2 hours later 28809665 Anonymous
>>28802742 > https://cloudonair.withgoogle.com/e vents/google-cloud-dach-blockchain- forum This is your "conference" > 2 hours total > 20 min for hbar > "How google cloud helps hedera" This shit is going on sale wednesday when all the retards chimp out that le epic google conference didnt take them to the moon because they didnt know what they were talking about. Im fine with that, cheaper bags for me :)

2 hours later 28809752 Anonymous

2 hours later 28809770 Anonymous (9D8E9DC4-C8A1-4D65-B311-013690F59286.png 1280x1080 238kB)
>>28809534 i'm financially ruined!!! i was promised $1k EOY

2 hours later 28809812 Anonymous
>>28803418 "Conference" is a big nothingburger. Look at the agenda yourself and tell me you think it will even be seen by more than 50 people This shit is going on sale for the long hold. I am getting my bags ready for the wednesday panic sell

2 hours later 28809902 Anonymous
>>28804729 >I cannot transfer more Eth there How do you convert ETH to HBAR on Binance? You have to go through Bitcoin, right?

2 hours later 28809940 Anonymous
>>28803734 good call friend

2 hours later 28810355 Anonymous
>>28809812 doesn't matter - will hit $1 anyway

2 hours later 28810373 Anonymous
>>28801744 >>28801744 This is exactly why you should all be worried about the ama Theres wallets with 500k-1m Hbar 0.2 they sell and double their investments. Price drops they can get back in again after some fearful selling. Ready for a bloodbath ahahaha

2 hours later 28810472 Anonymous
can I stake this somewhere? really not interested in swinging and I'm pretty confident in this not failing

2 hours later 28811140 Anonymous
>>28808663 thinking the real dip hasn't started, I just started looking at RSI recently

2 hours later 28811238 Anonymous
I‘m listening to the youtube vid DD and I have to admit I don‘t know what to think about the decentralization aspect. Did I get that right, that they can choose if you are allowed to stake or not? That does not feel really decentealized besides that big companies (governance council) can choose over the way the project is heading, which gives the big players immense power

2 hours later 28811736 Anonymous
Are you hbar folks not worried about the circ supply? 50Bn mac supply seems so fucking a lot with only 7Bn in circ right now. What would hinder the price to plummet like a drugged whore from the tabledance bar when more coins are released?

2 hours later 28812585 Anonymous
>>28811736 We are dumping after the coinbase listing pumps it.

2 hours later 28812744 Anonymous
>>28812585 when will that happen?

2 hours later 28812961 Anonymous
>>28812585 >coinbase listing Do tell more >>28811736 >>28811238 >That does not feel really decentealized besides that big companies (governance council) can choose over the way the project is heading imo that's a good reason why HBAR could grow significantly. Big Tech mush be looking actively for a technology that they can control

2 hours later 28813119 Anonymous
>>28812744 CB isn't listing anything right now because of the Ripple lawsuit. HBAR is supposed to be in the next round of listings but likely won't occur until after the lawsuit is settled (possibly the 22nd) or Coinbase IPOs. Until then, buy every dip. Then ride the Coinbase pump.

2 hours later 28813220 Anonymous
>>28810472 > can I stake this somewhere Seconding this question. I got a small bag of this last week and now trying to decide whether to get more. Seems like no way to stake atm but can any hbar bro anons share news in when staking might come

2 hours later 28813236 Anonymous
>>28812961 The centralized aspect of HBAR is exactly why it will appreciate in price. People blind themselves with the ideology behind crypto and don't include the corruption factor.

2 hours later 28813419 Anonymous
>>28813236 Normies PREFER centralization. HBAR is going to be in the top 3 within a few years

7.023 0.147