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2021-02-15 08:30 28797429 Anonymous Portfolio thread (Screenshot_20210215-142413.jpg 1440x1554 234kB)
There is lots of talk about overdiversified portfolios on this board but I feel like that's a bit stupid unless you're a degenerate gambler. Anyways, am I overdiversified? I'm bullish on so many coins, and can't pick a single one. I wanted some skin in the DOT defi market, hence the two moonshots I have in there. I like the privacy coin market and feel that it has a bright future, hence the XMR. I feel like KSM and ATOM are undervalued and get the sense that they have a lot of potential to moon in the near future. LTC is just generally undervalued IMO, also it will be coming to PayPal, I want at least one normie coin.
10 min later 28798273 Anonymous
>Am i overdiversified?
Keep KSM and put 20% in shitcoin, Reef if thats your choice
14 min later 28798595 Anonymous (Resized_ReactNative-snapshot-image1420889611024077918_588930660296725.jpg 605x1080 156kB)
I fid it with stocks and don't see any downside of overdiversification. Dunno why people here have a problem with it.
Less than a month newfag here though, already tripled.
Strange I didn't see any shilling for ksm and lit here
16 min later 28798762 Anonymous
$1.7k worth BTC
1k ADA
1k LTO
3k Reef
~$200 of other stuff
Comes to $3.7k almost
19 min later 28798955 Anonymous (7E451C3B-22EA-4618-810D-7C1C03E84D6A.jpg 1170x1610 489kB)
It’s funny to see retards with sub 10k folios that hold more than 1 coin
22 min later 28799242 Anonymous
>Dont see any downside of overdiversification
Dude this aint stocks, shit moons +30% by 30% mostly, and often not in the same time, and you will get better returns from jumping from one to another, then in the end put in 2-3 projects that you like when you have more than 10k.
Good picks tho
24 min later 28799355 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-145350.png 804x987 142kB)
I'm going to quit my job or kill myself this year. Those are the only 2 options.
25 min later 28799401 Anonymous
I'm confident in my picks, just wish I had more capital.
25 min later 28799441 Anonymous
If you're not retarded, you can turn one good pick into a small stack and diversification dilutes your attention as well as your gains. If you want safe gains just dump your shit in an ETF
25 min later 28799446 Anonymous (1613338738453.jpg 770x800 46kB)
>no PNK
Oh my sweet summer child
27 min later 28799568 Anonymous
They are good, DCA.
Dont know about Reef and Akro
This nets you more capital, thats why diversification doesnt work in crypto with <10k $. Its just newfag trap. These are solid projects and wont go to 0
29 min later 28799736 Anonymous
brother i hear you. same boat, same portfolio value. the mega dip that happened today only took me down like 5% because some coins were fine and others weren't. diversification gives me less rewards but way less risk.. and its exactly that. lower risk, lower reward. sure you dont get mad gains by a +30% move, but you don't lose your marbles when one coin drops 30% and the rest are ok.
29 min later 28799743 Anonymous (DA9CB5F1-B8B1-4390-B808-A6C58F1884FF.jpg 750x1178 151kB)
Got some change in small stuff not pictured like GRT and SNX
Feeling a bit lost, but dont want to turn away from daddy BTC :/ Open to thoughts -
31 min later 28799921 Anonymous
I get this. But not being retarded is very relative.
32 min later 28800030 Anonymous
>thinks there's no problem is diversification
>2.2k in crypto
>6 coins
Wow, this thread reminded me how important DYOR is. Because retarded kids like the ones in this thread are the people who try to give you advice on here.
35 min later 28800222 Anonymous (pl1onxna.jpg 240x216 11kB)
Want to know a secret? You get more capital by taking risks. Well what does that mean, you may ask. It means DON'T OVERDIVERSIFY!
If you have 500 dollars to put in crypto and you buy 10 different shitcoins you're ngmi because the gains and losses will cancel each other out. In the end you get like 5% weekly gain because every time a shitcoin in your poorfolio moons, another one tanks. Hurray. But imagine this: what if you put it all in one shitcoin? Then a moon would mean a moon to your whole portfolio and a giant red dildo would just mean that you need to HODL that 500 USD stack for a while.
After you are well in 4 figure hell you can buy a couple shitcoins more.
Ngmi with your 500 USD 10 coin folios.
35 min later 28800239 Anonymous
That's my mindset... Tried going all in on single coins, couldn't stomach the risk. I would always sell dips, lost like 1k in a month. Just makes me so worried and makes me autistically stare at charts. Why wouldn't I do that when I could lose 30% in a day by not timing a sell correctly? Ultimately this is all luck, and I would rather have consistent small (still massive) gains rather than be a fucking moonboy.
38 min later 28800468 Anonymous
Why would you sell at those 30% dips in the first place? They're normal and you will be back up in a couple of weeks.
39 min later 28800570 Anonymous (FA2970C2-D44B-42CE-B625-7AF97DA3F497.jpg 1128x1578 488kB)
Will I hit 7 figs this year?
Diversifying but mainly a ETH/BTC/LINK folio.
39 min later 28800583 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-150319_Blockfolio.jpg 500x1028 116kB)
If my Rubics moon with the announced Binance listing and my Graphies continue to perform well in the following weeks, I might just be able to finally finance my entry into the magical world of high gas fees and mooning shitcoins (i.e Uniswap)
40 min later 28800636 Anonymous
You're gonna make it, my fren. Also buy ICX and XLM
40 min later 28800662 Anonymous
Your portfolio is retarded, do you think owning 1 of each shitcoin is going to make you rich? Delusional.
43 min later 28800911 Anonymous
Because I would still be in profit
Why not take small, manageable risks on small cap coins? If it tanks I don't get rekt, and if it moons I make a nice chunk of change.
45 min later 28801036 Anonymous
You don't realise there is in between 1 to 4 months of bullrun left at best. Hodling for few weeks is just an eog. Putting everything on one card is just sensless gambling.
49 min later 28801386 Anonymous
7K over:
49 min later 28801389 Anonymous
over diversify
>low risk, low reward
yoloing on one coin
>high risk, high reward
Personally if i had less than 10k to invest over diversifying makes more sense. Id rather not lose my entire savings account because whatever shitcoin biz told me was gonna moon crashed. I only have 5k in crypto right now split between link, algo, and grt. Ive made about 800 in the last week and thats plenty for me.
51 min later 28801508 Anonymous (86C39848-6C22-43F8-9576-36EAA2D4BA56.png 1242x2688 735kB)
The ETH and gambling token are just there because gas fees YUCKY
51 min later 28801552 Anonymous (E031DACB-935D-49E4-BC98-216BA880621A.jpg 750x1294 257kB)
Started DCA’ing into LINK last year, managed to buy DOT at $6. Hopped into REEF at $0.17.
Ur best bet is to buy REEF & GRT and hodl/dca until you get outpriced. Don’t go buy dumb coins that are expensive already. Convert gains to ETH/LINK/DOT and that’s it. Please allocate your funds, looking at ur folio is just dumb
53 min later 28801706 Anonymous
>have only 2k invested
You are a fucking retard. Don’t try and justify your poorfag strategy. You have literally no hope of making it without one of those overtaking btc, which will never happen.
54 min later 28801783 Anonymous (6212FF7D-E4C4-4E8A-B1D3-35F71DF2292B.png 1242x2688 743kB)
Wait fuck I had balance hidden.
How fucked am I, boys?
55 min later 28801889 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-221808_Binance.png 720x1520 73kB)
Rate poorfolio
56 min later 28801971 Anonymous
1 hours later 28802466 Anonymous (1612800386695.jpg 510x340 21kB)
Based. If I only had a couple hundred, I would probably put it in LTO
1 hours later 28802943 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-223853_Blockfolio.jpg 1080x2280 466kB)
In 3 years it's gonna be hundred of millions
1 hours later 28803408 Anonymous (Screenshot_2021-02-15-17-46-55-374_io.getdelta.android.jpg 1080x2400 598kB)
Rate my portfolio biz
1 hours later 28804147 Anonymous
Ok brainless here I am new to this my account just been verified on kraken. I bought $1k of cryptos.
but they are now in my "crypto assets"? what does this mean ? did I actually buy them or not ?
1 hours later 28804246 Anonymous
no bully pls
1 hours later 28804397 Anonymous
So what do you "don't over diversify" faggots suggest? I've slowly started putting money into crypto investing only what I can afford to lose. I've got a grand in currently since I just started. Just buy one shit coin and stake it all on that? What about 50/50 ADA and IOTA.
1 hours later 28804870 Anonymous
you're not going to make it and you should feel bad
1 hours later 28804891 Anonymous
Imagine being this fucking retarded and writing off a 5% weekly gain.
5% weekly over 4 years turns $500 into $12,000,000
I get your sentiment but this is why you are ngmi -- cause you think chasing 30% short term wins on shitcoins is smart
1 hours later 28804943 Perorin
If you were to choose Theta vs Tfuel what's better?
You get tfuel from staking theta, so doesn't that make it subject to dumps?
1 hours later 28804953 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210214-152952_Blockfolio.jpg 1080x2340 303kB)
Chad / 10
1 hours later 28805065 Anonymous
Kek. I posted my portfolio the other day and got blasted for over diversifying. I was down from the dip but I'm back up today. Would have felt it a lot more if I only had 3 coins.
1 hours later 28805107 Anonymous
Buy more reef retard.
1 hours later 28805249 Anonymous
The don't overdiversify meme fucked me out of a lot of gains this past month. Talking 10k+ the past few days because I consolidated based on rich old fags advice. You know the ones, the ones who are BTC/ETH maxis who already have a pile of gold from being early. During an alt bullrun I think I'll not worry about over diversifying if I like the project
1 hours later 28805286 Anonymous
Hi, just wondering if anyone can give me some advice or point me in the right direction, i'd appreciate it like mad, I guess im known as a new poorfag on this board?? haha
How do you all have such $$$$$$ portfolios? Just investing in crypto with every paycheck or??
I have a tiny amount invest in ETH, ATOM, GRT, Kusama and some stocks in HSMO, AMC and NAT
1 hours later 28805512 Anonymous
You earn money by working a job you fucking faggot. Larp harder.
1 hours later 28805517 Anonymous
Litecoin is a shitcoin
1 hours later 28805651 Anonymous
He fell for the ATOM meme
1 hours later 28805921 Anonymous (DF0574A054B948DFAE4E78F1F6D05CBB.jpg 697x644 56kB)
80/20 for Theta
With mainnet v3 release there would be tfuel staking as well. They also introduced token burning in network payments.
Idk, some bank on tfuel. Theta is the safest bet in my mind. But both will be huge
1 hours later 28805949 Anonymous (yellow-cartoon-face-sad-upset-emoji-people-emotion-vector-15534329.jpg 238x250 8kB)
1 hours later 28806005 Anonymous (1610191348342.jpg 552x447 30kB)
1 hours later 28806217 Anonymous (DE1E45E4-8A57-4C83-8E15-9DA88B1C91AB.jpg 828x933 183kB)
Am I going to make it
1 hours later 28806267 Anonymous
And this has to do with what to anything?
1 hours later 28806366 Anonymous (Screenshot_2021-02-16-08-22-32-675_com.blockfolio.blockfolio.jpg 1080x2280 356kB)
How am I going? Started a few weeks ago with 8k in my currency, held through rbc and avax ath (would have sold in hindsight)
Sold the avax for btc this morning as I can't see it getting any better, what should I be moving into?
1 hours later 28806398 Anonymous (670930D0-55CB-4BBF-ADDF-B9A26AF7002D.jpg 750x1122 285kB)
when gmi?
1 hours later 28806652 Anonymous (959C948B-9A3F-45D5-A740-1FE45967482E.png 828x1792 280kB)
Ignore total profit I made this portfolio recently. My total cash invest is $2,500
1 hours later 28806694 Anonymous (based department3.jpg 800x534 87kB)
1 hours later 28806759 Perorin
what are all these portfolio viewer apps?
1 hours later 28806790 Anonymous
That's the nicest portfolio I've seen. Nice blue chip defi coins, the holy trinity and some cute sushi to compliment the whole bag.
1 hours later 28806817 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-161746.png 1440x2880 294kB)
Diversification is fine if you aren't just playing roulette. You assess a coin, set a price target and flip it into your long term holds leaving some for future moon missions. (The usd is earmarked for that)
Key is to stick with your convictions, sell when you feel a speculative play has yeilded fruit and don't look back. Likewise, cut your losses if things go the other way. There is no such thing as missed potential, only profits and losses.
A portfolio of 5+ even bets just means the holder is uncertain and afraid to drop anything for fear of missing out.
1 hours later 28806880 Anonymous
You could do both
2 hours later 28807014 Anonymous
Did you really post a portfolio here with 0 LINK?
NGMI. Fucking pathetic.
2 hours later 28807044 Perorin
alright, this is one of my fav projects so far, everyone on twitch will be switching to theta after not being able to stream without saying NIGGER every 5 minutes
we are so early on this, just need to not shill it and keep stacking up slowly
2 hours later 28807058 Anonymous
they advise you to yolo it all on one shitcoin and pray it doesn't implode. Dont listen to them diversifying is smart to prevent huge losses. Id suggest picking one of the two big coins eth or btc. And pick 2 or 3 coins with a low price right now/
2 hours later 28807194 Anonymous (p.jpg 540x1110 51kB)
I know that feeling bro, any tips? These Waiting until end of month to dump more money on link maybe.
2 hours later 28807635 Anonymous
Yeah, don't listen to financial advice on biz. Hope it rebounds for you though. Way too many shills here, some did make it, but so many people are full of shit. I treat everything I have in crypto like a gamble.
2 hours later 28807897 Anonymous (1613424804112.jpg 1065x1162 260kB)
gib advice frens. I assume hodl, and then any additional funds should go to more Cosmos projects?
2 hours later 28808131 Anonymous
Dump the stinky linkies and the ETH, get more XLM, GRT, ADA, or maybe pick a new coin that looks good to you. Or if you want to play safe, just dump it into BTC.
2 hours later 28808230 Anonymous
https://download.thehyperfund.com/# /?code=grimhw2000
Hyper dao be treating us well poggers sign up go on
2 hours later 28808434 Anonymous (149042880_408491556905732_6759928192276072698_n.png 720x1440 158kB)
Should i stick with this?
2 hours later 28808542 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-214952.jpg 1080x2280 463kB)
I just want to get into 7 digit heaven
2 hours later 28808725 Anonymous
But it's much bigger than that. It's a new network layer. You can watch twitch or YouTube and get bytes from Theta network. You get faster videos, YouTube or twitch cuts CDN costs in half. It's a win win for all. Theta.tv is just a daap on top of the network.
With bigger network you also get edge compute. Ideally it's a planet wide computer network with compute capability both on smart contract and custom compute jobs.
2 hours later 28808726 Anonymous (150362855_890357811795842_9076275555782691145_n.jpg 1080x1732 80kB)
I just started and im a broke bitch
here here
I hope to be as slick as you guys one day, kudos :)
2 hours later 28808822 Anonymous
I hope you like tax evasion.
1.211 0.149