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2021-02-15 08:22 28796849 Anonymous /chode/ general (12A7EE24-6806-4C48-92D5-91E06D711728.jpg 521x937 75kB)
It’s time to learn how to CHODE. https://chode.cash Telegram: /chodecash CHODE is the “heart” of the upcoming LMAODEX which is a decentralized exchange focused on meme coins. /biz/ will finally have a place to trade meme coins without having to deal with ridiculous Uniswap fees. https://chodecash.medium.com/introd ucing-chode-and-lmao-b964c4d89751 >60,000,000 supply >keeps your chode healthy >gives value to your chode >you may struggle on finding a way to tell your wife you got rich from a chode LETS GO, CHODE LOADS!

0 min later 28796906 Anonymous (CHODEROAD.png 1000x667 824kB)
>>28796849 chode

1 min later 28796980 Anonymous

1 min later 28796982 Anonymous (1613154048243.jpg 1024x768 63kB)
you had one chance to name is SNEED and you fucked it up. fucking chodes

2 min later 28797045 Anonymous (E9620EB7-4DA0-4FD6-B0DB-39D014CAAF31.png 640x480 368kB)
>>28796982 chode

3 min later 28797090 Anonymous (chodejak.png 400x450 49kB)

3 min later 28797139 Anonymous

4 min later 28797148 Anonymous (Chode7.jpg 1177x781 175kB)
Feels good to be early man

4 min later 28797150 Anonymous
100k make it stack 500k whale stack

4 min later 28797157 Anonymous (sneed.png 1241x978 2009kB)
>>28797045 >nigger's liggers and tiggers i cant sneed

5 min later 28797227 Anonymous
>>28796849 Chode

5 min later 28797245 Anonymous (lick12.png 1000x934 782kB)
>>28797157 yes

5 min later 28797281 Anonymous
>>28797148 chode

7 min later 28797398 Anonymous
>>28797150 1,000,000 is whale status

13 min later 28797922 Anonymous
>>28797398 based

14 min later 28797966 Anonymous

19 min later 28798407 Anonymous

22 min later 28798602 Anonymous
>>28798407 I’m going to fuck your chode

23 min later 28798683 Anonymous
>>28797398 this

24 min later 28798757 Anonymous
>>28797245 sauce

26 min later 28798936 Anonymous
>>28796849 This is the real deal. Holy shit

32 min later 28799395 Anonymous
>>28798936 It’s time to chode it up my nigga

34 min later 28799572 Anonymous

36 min later 28799727 Anonymous
Chode in my dick Dick in my chode

40 min later 28800029 Anonymous
>>28796982 Chode > Sneed

44 min later 28800330 Anonymous
>>28799572 chode

45 min later 28800422 Anonymous
>>28797398 Thats $1,000,000 in like 2 months

49 min later 28800741 Anonymous
chodes make the world a better place

51 min later 28800902 Anonymous
>>28800741 chode

53 min later 28801082 Anonymous
>>28796906 kek

54 min later 28801163 Anonymous
This might actually be fucking huge damn

56 min later 28801351 Anonymous
>>28796849 Fuck you bitch fosters home of imaginary friends going to sue you im going to be here fudding this coin until the end bitch you trust me i will be like Buddy Pine you piece of shit youll regret not inviting me

58 min later 28801454 Anonymous (SOY4.png 1500x1059 101kB)

1 hours later 28801698 Anonymous (Syndrome.png 360x360 102kB)
>>28801454 You piece of shit I guesssed this coinss faggy name the very first time you asked magnesium you piece of ssshit and you didnt like my mole well that mole iss a skin tag and im whiter than u fucker and i am a no life neet who makes his money passsively so you will regret not inviting me to ur inner crew trusst me

1 hours later 28801727 Anonymous (C8EF56C5-B866-4F62-9597-16A3429063CA.jpg 678x409 44kB)

1 hours later 28801861 Anonymous
>>28801351 >>28801698 kek

1 hours later 28801987 Anonymous
>>28801698 Did you just have a stroke you little faggot? keep seething

1 hours later 28802079 Anonymous (die.jpg 454x410 26kB)

1 hours later 28802161 Anonymous
>>28801698 if yr gonna be gay u may as well be holding chode

1 hours later 28802220 Anonymous
Niggers tongue my chode

1 hours later 28802260 Anonymous

1 hours later 28802381 Anonymous

1 hours later 28802505 Anonymous (1477906575208.jpg 766x960 130kB)
another pajeet scam being shamelessly shilled by non-/biz/ posters i can clearly mark out every single post that is a part of your faggot shilling operation, which is actually like 95 percent of posts on the thread atm GO THE FUCK BACK PLEASE, I BEG YOU

1 hours later 28802617 Anonymous
>>28802505 >this FUD again faggot I've been here since the 2017 bullrun back when nano was fucking raiblocks. Kill yourself or embrace the CHODE you mongoloid.

1 hours later 28802700 Anonymous
>>28802505 cope

1 hours later 28802776 Anonymous
>>28802505 >comes from reddit >thinks he can discern posts >is obviously wrong >is a tranny You need to go back

1 hours later 28803150 Anonymous (1478843623370.jpg 400x426 36kB)
>>28802617 >>28802700 ALL of you talk like the newest of fags, my bullshit meter thankfully is telling me to stay the fuck away from your pajeettoken. thanks for being so fucking retarded and incredibly transparent >>28802776 LMFAO you communicate like you watched like 3 videos of what 4chan is, and you're trying to immitate a real poster. this is really sad

1 hours later 28803167 Anonymous
>>28796849 Heh, this chode guy, he's very endearing. He's blue. I like the color blue. And that name 'chode'. Very catchy. I don't know anything about the project or the tokenomics but based on this marketing and branding campaign I am cashing out everything and investing in CHODE. The future IS CHODE.

1 hours later 28803257 Anonymous
how do I buy

1 hours later 28803301 Anonymous (0DEDEF2D-6B80-4AB6-A3C8-16165152D59C.jpg 400x400 23kB)
>>28802505 Go back to your crabbing boomer coins

1 hours later 28803368 Anonymous (chodegao.jpg 373x347 39kB)

1 hours later 28803389 Anonymous
>>28803150 schizo

1 hours later 28803392 Anonymous
>>28801698 Stay broke

1 hours later 28803434 Anonymous
>>28803150 its a college course in India

1 hours later 28803635 Anonymous (nigger.jpg 600x638 33kB)
>>28803150 Here's a test. Tell me where this face comes from. No googling. You have 5 minutes or you're literally a newfag.

1 hours later 28803742 Anonymous
>>28803257 This, please inform.

1 hours later 28803945 Anonymous
>>28803635 This entry has been rejected due to incompleteness or lack of notability. To dispute this DEADPOOL flagging, please provide suggestions for how this entry can be improved, or request editorship to help maintain this entry. "NEW MEME" is a reaction face created by an anonymous user (/b/ ID: cx5+lwMD, then later presumed to be JDWMelZR) on 4chan's /b/ board. It was intended as a mockery on forced memes, and the OP bumped the thread almost on his own for about 20 minutes starting at 11:52am Monday 30th April 2012, then stayed with the thread once it picked up, reaching max image replies at 17:02. NEW MEME was then taken to another thread where his legacy continued, being pasted onto the faces/puns of other memes including various reaction faces, and when anons tried to derail the thread with Spiderman(as is tradition with unwanted/cancerous threads) NEW MEME was just pasted onto him as well, thus derailing the Spidey attempt. He has surfaced in numerous threads since then, being posted in response to forced memes, usually shopped over the face of the forced meme, mocking it. He has also had threads dedicated to him created, often with the OP posting the original pic with the text: "THIS IS NEW MEME YOU LIKE NEW MEME I WILL PROCEED TO DUMP NEW MEME" oldfags eternally btfo

1 hours later 28804185 Anonymous

1 hours later 28804436 Anonymous
>>28803150 >he thinks he’s in a competition of newfags and oldfags Sorry to tell you that anyone on 4chan after 2007 is an eternal newfag

1 hours later 28804906 Anonymous
>>28803945 Fucking kek

1 hours later 28804999 Anonymous
>>28803945 >2012 >no response from the faggot calling everyone a newfag CHODE is officially the OG /b/ -> /pol/ -> /biz/ migration coin.

1 hours later 28805435 Anonymous
>>28804999 checked

1 hours later 28805495 Anonymous
>>28802505 tranny chode

1 hours later 28805539 Anonymous
>>28803742 https://chode.cash Join the telegram nigger

1 hours later 28805594 Anonymous
>>28805495 >chode based

1 hours later 28805626 Anonymous
This tokenswap site looks like it gonna steal my money

1 hours later 28805787 Anonymous
>>28805626 then just wait til it's on uniswap. better for me desu since the remainder get burned beforehand

1 hours later 28805838 Anonymous
>>28805626 It's a chink platform thats cheaper than unicrypt/bounce for token sales

1 hours later 28806081 Anonymous
>>28805626 it’s actually safe as fuck with a huge huobi following

2 hours later 28806748 Anonymous
>>28805626 you’re good nigger it’s safe

2 hours later 28807178 Anonymous
>>28803945 >2012 was 9 years ago Fuck me im getting old

2 hours later 28807458 Anonymous
>>28807178 1990 was 31 years ago

2 hours later 28807585 Anonymous

2 hours later 28807732 Anonymous
>>28803635 it’s a nigger

2 hours later 28807815 Anonymous
About to snag 200k in a bit

2 hours later 28808019 Anonymous (CHODE.png 515x527 109kB)
>>28796849 Pajeet scamcoin

2 hours later 28808021 Anonymous
is chode a penis

2 hours later 28808152 Anonymous
>>28808019 kek retard 4chan ads would be bullish for CHODE

2 hours later 28808191 Anonymous
>>28808019 this is just a screenshot of the telegram. all are welcome, it's a good time. t me chodecash

2 hours later 28808286 Anonymous
>>28808019 this is the main telegram where we shitpost

2 hours later 28808339 Anonymous (1606519036090.png 640x392 223kB)
>>28800029 SNEED >>>>>>>>> CHODE

2 hours later 28808408 Anonymous
My God, that telegram is toxic.

2 hours later 28808498 Anonymous
>>28808408 it’s pretty funny

2 hours later 28808749 Anonymous
How Would you Chode_

2 hours later 28808852 Anonymous
>>28808749 It's in presale right now, go to the website if you're interested. Otherwise just wait til it's on uni

2 hours later 28809084 Anonymous
>>28808019 it’s full of based anons

2 hours later 28809420 Anonymous
How could this be a scam with a marketing strategy launching as of today? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsQ 8Xh9G_Vc

2 hours later 28809421 Anonymous
>>28805626 It’s a nice platform actually

2 hours later 28809599 Anonymous
>>28802505 I hate faggots like you claiming to be some sort of legendary oldfag. You’re a newfag like the rest of us. Learn your place and Fuckoff.

2 hours later 28809640 Anonymous (chodexpossed.png 556x265 56kB)

2 hours later 28809673 Anonymous
>>28809420 KEK

2 hours later 28809874 Anonymous (ddd.png 567x505 212kB)
>>28809640 at least post things in context you're being laughed at

2 hours later 28810004 Anonymous
>>28809640 You’re a fucking idiot lmao They’re talking about how you’re literally retarded

2 hours later 28810079 Anonymous
>>28809640 Ok this FUD is fucking hilarious. I might buy a bag now.

2 hours later 28810202 Anonymous

2 hours later 28810360 Anonymous
>>28809640 Anyone can join the telegram chat, your cropped screenshots are poor FUD. Http://chode.cash there is the telegram channel

2 hours later 28810403 Anonymous

2 hours later 28810407 Anonymous (chodeposed.png 430x71 7kB)

2 hours later 28810463 Anonymous
>>28810407 anyone can join the channel and read things in context for themselves cropping shit like this looks bad

2 hours later 28810487 Anonymous (chodesposer.png 501x739 206kB)

2 hours later 28810576 Anonymous
>>28810407 Shib is dead because is full of retarded dumpers. It had a lot of holders and a great passionate community but dumpers dump all they have constantly at every small pump. This kills a coin fast.

2 hours later 28810586 Anonymous
>>28810487 oh cool a screenshot nice job exposing it

2 hours later 28810616 Anonymous (The+evolution+of+giga++what+the++happened_79d9bf_3272754.jpg 437x279 37kB)

3 hours later 28811266 Anonymous (0E6ADE90-4E80-48B6-874F-614BBEB9E1E0.jpg 640x322 39kB)
>>28810616 chode

3 hours later 28811559 Anonymous
Is there an art to The Chode , or to chode

3 hours later 28811672 Anonymous
>>28803635 i love new meme

3 hours later 28811674 Anonymous
>>28811266 sauce pls

3 hours later 28811883 Anonymous
This is definitely going to $4+ and jews are NOT happy about it

3 hours later 28812079 Anonymous
>>28811266 I miss slampigs

3 hours later 28812369 Anonymous
>>28796849 Chode!

3 hours later 28812443 Anonymous
Is it too early to buy in? That exchange isn't working for me. I'm still not convinced on this shitcoin though.

3 hours later 28812515 Anonymous (ChodeRussianSketch.png 782x811 225kB)
>>28812369 >>28812079 >>28811674 >>28812443

3 hours later 28812556 Anonymous
>>28812515 chode

3 hours later 28812596 Anonymous
>>28812515 choded

3 hours later 28812709 Anonymous
>>28812443 you have 1 week

3 hours later 28812775 Anonymous
>>28812709 sneed

3 hours later 28812846 Anonymous (Chode.jpg 600x500 51kB)

3 hours later 28812903 Anonymous (9FC9F3D4-6A63-457A-AFA9-7EFF062D1E17.png 259x194 116kB)
>>28812846 I love chode

3 hours later 28813084 Anonymous
>>28808019 Bullish. The moment I see an ad like this I’m pumping 6 ETH into this shitcoin.

3 hours later 28813186 Anonymous
>>28796849 I'm going to kill myself if I invested in all these NFT coins and fucking CHODE is the one that blows up

3 hours later 28813257 Anonymous
>>28813186 It’s not too late

3 hours later 28813345 Anonymous
>>28813186 grab some chode, fren

3 hours later 28813379 Anonymous

3 hours later 28813448 Anonymous (whatif.jpg 400x400 107kB)

1.374 0.107