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2021-02-15 07:34 28793233 Anonymous GRT (The-Graph-Crypto.png 1200x675 92kB)
imagine not having any graph at all, you might as well kill yourself.
0 min later 28793280 Anonymous
poorfag here
i bought 1000 GRT just to come along for the ride
1 min later 28793338 Anonymous (19495395109.jpg 888x894 62kB)
i have 9 GRT i got for free on coinbase
1 min later 28793358 Anonymous
Same. Cant fucking wait. Glad I got in at under a dollar.
2 min later 28793429 Anonymous
Imagine dedicating everyday of your life FUDing GRT out of pure jealousy. Where are all those fags now?
2 min later 28793442 Anonymous
I bought 700 grt at 0.3
3 min later 28793485 Anonymous
is 30k grt enough sir?
4 min later 28793557 Anonymous
should i buy now some?
4 min later 28793575 Anonymous
Why do people FUD? There’s got to be a motive or is it just autism
4 min later 28793576 Anonymous
150 GRT at 0.7
6 min later 28793745 Anonymous
Yes. If you can accooomulate more before $3 on any local dips then go for it. Most anons here probably have less than 7k.
>t.4k stacklet
6 min later 28793781 Anonymous (1612301288223.png 750x664 865kB)
I'm a poorfag and I've accumulated my way to 3k during the dips. I haven't bought any over $2. Feels pretty comfy.
7 min later 28793798 Anonymous
I hold ALGO which already has an indexer lmao ETH and GRT are already obsolete (not to mention boomercoin [BTC})
7 min later 28793813 Anonymous
fudding is important so people dont get too confident about their investment
8 min later 28793868 Anonymous
I don’t understand
8 min later 28793894 Anonymous
Some just want to create panic sells and bring it down. Either to shit on it so they come out right, or to buy at a huge dump.
8 min later 28793912 Anonymous
I have 300k PRQ which is going to outperform your shitcoin and use your shitcoin to make live transformations on Q3 surpassing it, thanks for the work tho.
8 min later 28793916 Anonymous
My state does not allow me to buy any.
9 min later 28793948 Anonymous (1611601341550.gif 740x416 3082kB)
I sold the dip.
9 min later 28793966 Anonymous (1606427034361.jpg 240x240 11kB)
I love my graphies but....I have been thinking bout that Algo...
9 min later 28793976 Anonymous
There was some fag yesterday posting screen caps saying he’s 99.9% right all the time, and that GRT would dump to .30 cents today, due to some Chinese investment firm. He was such a annoying cunt and I wish his autistic ass can see how much of a dumb poorfaggot he is.
10 min later 28794061 Anonymous
But surely shilling fud on a East Asian bat soup forum isn’t going to effect billion dollar markets at all?
11 min later 28794092 Anonymous
Man I hate all the fud with this token but I would have spent 20,000$ if it had dumped that low. Already primed in Coinbase pro. But it didn’t happen :(
12 min later 28794243 Anonymous
Absolutely. But it's not going to stop them from trying.
13 min later 28794267 Anonymous
fuds make me feel comfortable, no matter how annoying they are. if nobody is fudding your coin it's most likely a pajeet scam or people being too greedy
14 min later 28794358 Anonymous (moloch dao.jpg 600x833 76kB)
Was going to go in on this shit when it first came out. Saw the Moloch, pyramid, and owl imagery on the landing page and opted out.
Money is not worth my soul
15 min later 28794424 Anonymous
kek I sold the ATM and then got back in sub 2
15 min later 28794446 Anonymous
They're in every GRT thread. Everywhere.
15 min later 28794451 Anonymous (morespace.jpg 1226x920 625kB)
reminder that less that 100 grties makes you a lowly pleb
Official Intergalactic GRT Empire Ranking System
>0-99 Plebeian (lowly)
>100-999 Spaceman Basic
>1k-4k Spaceman
>5k-9k Spaceman First Class
>10k-14k Senior Spaceman
>15k-19k Staff Sergeant
>20k-24k Technical Sergeant
>25k-29k Master Sergeant
>30k-34k First Sergeant E-7
>35k-39k Senior Master Sergeant
>40k-44k First Sergeant E-9
>45k-49k Command Chief Master Sergeant
>50k-59k Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force
>60k-64k 2nd Lieutenant
>65k-69k 1st Lieutenant
>70k-74k Captain
>75k-79k Major
>80k-84k Lieutenant Colonel
>85k-89k Colonel
>90k-99k Brigadier General (1 Star)
>100k-109k Major General (2 Star)
>110k-119k Lieutenant General (3 star)
>120k-129k General (4 Star)
>130k-150k General of the Space Force (5 Star)
>151k-170k Minister of Defense
>171k-200k Chancellor
>201k-500k Prime Minister
>501k-1m Universal Ambassador of the Intergalactic GRT Coalition
>1.1m-10m Supreme Leader of the IGC
>10.1m-100m Rabbi of the Intergalactic Synagogue of the Graph
>100.1m+ ODl3i230*:@8d;[redacted]L}qO)#_C>"? 6?
15 min later 28794456 Anonymous (-01.jpg 5000x2625 1085kB)
16 min later 28794507 Anonymous
Algo is dead until August. Check the price history. Spot the trend.
17 min later 28794591 Anonymous (1611010584902.png 439x470 193kB)
Literal bull signal.
17 min later 28794605 Anonymous
Yeah but anon is right, there's on guy who is in every single thread and will post 5+ replies shitting on GRT in a row replying to himself, it seems like more of a schizo crusade than normal shilling it's hard to understand. Probably just sold a bunch low and wants us all to sell so he can get back in
Just filter ID whenever he pops up
17 min later 28794643 Anonymous (epep.jpg 976x850 95kB)
so you don't use money at all...
think about it: do you really not already completely depend on money to do practically everything in your life already
>inb4 homesteader/hunter/gatherer/farmer chad
18 min later 28794722 Anonymous (1596723839542.jpg 633x758 175kB)
>tfw Technical Sergeant
19 min later 28794762 Anonymous (1612374842155.png 1079x524 1061kB)
Oh god please dip, I panic sold last night.
20 min later 28794849 Anonymous (1610826754508.jpg 1062x1080 146kB)
oh we're making it 100% then fuck yeah
20 min later 28794871 Anonymous (army.jpg 1920x1280 578kB)
checkem and welcome aboard soldier
t. First Sgt. E-7
22 min later 28795028 Anonymous
pajeet scams are really easy to identify imo. they use a lot of forced lingo to seem legit and you get a bunch of retards posting "just bought x! to the moon!" and "thank you for telling me about this OP!". generic replies and often using terminology or memes that is very last year.
23 min later 28795069 Anonymous (fbm.jpg 750x1000 61kB)
>tfw I missed my promotion to Captain because I didn't swing.
Hind sight is 20/20 I suppose.
24 min later 28795108 Anonymous
Please shill me a coin that will 2x tomorrow from now. I need to pay my rent! Thank you anons, hopefully I'll be investing in GRT next month
24 min later 28795112 Anonymous
don't forget the glaring grammatical/spelling/usage errors
25 min later 28795180 Anonymous
>have 102
yeah im comfy
26 min later 28795237 Anonymous
I salute!
it's a long way up through the ranks anon
I actually came across a confirmed Supreme Leader (1.1m+) in another thread recently...
26 min later 28795304 Anonymous (file.png 344x347 15kB)
dip or pump on wedge?
27 min later 28795321 Anonymous (chief2.jpg 888x499 108kB)
welcome aboard recruit
28 min later 28795431 Anonymous
I have 310 can’t get anymore at these prices :( bought bought at .75
29 min later 28795482 Anonymous
I hawked mine for XRP.
29 min later 28795505 Anonymous
32 min later 28795664 Anonymous
Wasn't that the guy who was actually Army enlisted?
33 min later 28795762 Anonymous (1611232693059.jpg 662x447 62kB)
Looks like a slcssic backward swandive.
36 min later 28795969 Anonymous (E9141E1B-D1C0-4392-A78E-7E8B3C3C25C6.jpg 1266x1221 905kB)
TFW spaceman basic
37 min later 28796009 Anonymous (716971A1-3A59-4EBB-8A1D-E70B163B5DE4.jpg 160x200 5kB)
Senior Spaceman
39 min later 28796184 Anonymous (grt doomper.jpg 1791x228 60kB)
He is certainly persistent. I wonder if he is too embarrassed to come back now.
39 min later 28796213 Anonymous
I don't recall him saying anything about that
45 min later 28796650 Anonymous (person-4721765_1920.jpg 558x837 79kB)
Be proud. You're already off the ground.
49 min later 28796944 Anonymous
hear hear, you are no longer a lowly pleb anon
we all start somewhere
50 min later 28797029 Anonymous
Just sold last night. I started in crypto with this and every fucking time I sold any of it, I regretted it. Last night I sold for the last time, not buying back in. I hope you all make it, I'm gonna go roll the dice on a shitcoin.
52 min later 28797178 Anonymous
4.20 EOM
52 min later 28797192 Anonymous
senior spaceperson 800 short from staff sergeant am i gonna make it anons
56 min later 28797498 Anonymous
you've got yourself a nice suicide stack
set that to delegating and you'll be making staff sergeant in about 4 months from rewards alone
57 min later 28797598 Anonymous
Wedge break soon, it will go to 3$
58 min later 28797712 Anonymous
wedge is really just pointing horizontal though so it could go either way
59 min later 28797777 Anonymous
check the 2.4 wall. we're forever a 2.3 stable coin until more news comes out
59 min later 28797792 Anonymous
If it just dips ten cents im all back in after selling at 2.4
1 hours later 28797830 Anonymous
i sold my 5k stack during the ath. ngtl i feel bad about it.
1 hours later 28797875 Anonymous
just wish i pulled the trigger when i saw it at .3 to get a make it stack instead of buying at an average of 1.3$
need to get to work on delegating
1 hours later 28797906 Anonymous
Checked but be hopeful based anon
1 hours later 28797967 Anonymous
1 hours later 28798021 Anonymous
playing the woulda/coulda/shoulda game doesn't make you any richer or happier anon
I find myself doing that a lot too, I try not to so much, and it's easy to do
1 hours later 28798053 Anonymous
>ngtl i feel bad about it.
So buy back in at 2.3 if you think it'll go higher?
1 hours later 28798073 Anonymous (If+anyone+has+that+pepe+id+appreciate+it+_1b3ddbf7efabbfc18f9ad30121a46e14.jpg 655x527 52kB)
Should I buy this at $2.3?
Feel like I'm gonna get scammed.
1 hours later 28798116 Anonymous
I don't trade on hope.
1 hours later 28798141 Anonymous
there’s so many obvious reddit newfags in these threads. not going to sell, because I sniffed this out early but you all really need to go back or lurk another 6 months before posting.
1 hours later 28798155 Anonymous
i did. you should to. 30$ EOY
1 hours later 28798164 Anonymous
Same here, 485 cause I caved and bought some at dumb prices, but got around 350 from .40 to .70 so can't be too upset
1 hours later 28798189 Anonymous
How does $3,000,000,000 sound?
1 hours later 28798204 Anonymous
fuck off faggot
1 hours later 28798234 Anonymous
i bought 55, if you are a poorfag what am i? lol
1 hours later 28798307 Anonymous
incredibly true anon, this will be a multi year hold it seems stinky linkies had to about a year and a half to see some huge multipliers we might just need the same.
1 hours later 28798308 Anonymous
How does $55,000,000 sound?
1 hours later 28798309 Anonymous
people on this board genuinely believe you're a poorfag if you don't have 7 figures in your crypto/bank account
1 hours later 28798370 Anonymous
Late to the party
1 hours later 28798381 Anonymous
1 hours later 28798447 Anonymous
1 hours later 28798457 Anonymous (1613315697047.png 400x400 3kB)
im a poorfag with 527 GRT
bought half at 0.17, another half at .39. swinged to 527 and now im just HODLING. most comfy hold of my life.
see you on the moon
1 hours later 28798505 Anonymous
kill yourself annoying reddit nigger
1 hours later 28798516 Anonymous
a lowly pleb >>28794451
at least you aren't a complete social outcast
1 hours later 28798549 Anonymous
you're the annoying one, cunt
1 hours later 28798600 Anonymous (goodjob.png 720x644 68kB)
1 hours later 28798641 Anonymous
GRT is a scam, buy Fantom instead
1 hours later 28798784 Anonymous (dorime.jpg 369x369 19kB)
>panic sold 75k DOGE during the dip last night
>bought 2k GRT @ 1.88 USD
Feeling GRT m8
1 hours later 28798953 Anonymous (holy.png 680x854 429kB)
you are absolved of your sins, child
1 hours later 28798993 Anonymous
no, wait for the dip
it dipped to $2, 2 days ago
$1.70 yesterday
it'll dip to $1.50 today
1 hours later 28799085 Anonymous
when anon?
1 hours later 28799196 Anonymous
2 more weeks
1 hours later 28799293 Anonymous
as long as it does, wish i had bought more during last nights dip, kicking myself about it
1 hours later 28799332 Anonymous
>the google of blockchain
>the McDonald’s of diabetes
>the Belle Delphine of Onlyfans
>the Bud Dwyer of press conferences
>the George Floyd of fetanyl overdoses
>the BBC of cuckoldry
>the Kobe Bryant of helicopter safety
>the tire of automobile
>the Chai Tea of Iraq
>the Tom Brady of football
>the Jews of exile
>the Goku of Anime
>the single mom of welfare
>the corona of virus
>the meth of Florida
>the Nikado Avacado of mental breakdowns
>the heroin of grunge rock
>the aids of gay orgies
>the Amazon of union busting
>the Price Andrew of teen girls
>the shotgun mouthwash of suicide
>the pajeet of shitcoin
>the Donald Trump of spraytan
>the Canada of apologies
>the nigress of gorilla glue in your hair
>the Dan Schneider of spreading her wider
>the Britney Spears of current affairs
>the goatse of assholes
>The Timothy McVeigh of patriotism
>the wife’s boyfriend of marriage
>the Dustin Diamond of chemotherapy
1 hours later 28799333 Anonymous
oh i thought it was supposed to be today?
what happened?
chinks dozed off after waging too hard?
1 hours later 28799393 Anonymous
hindsight's a bastard and a bitch and also possibly a tranny nigger
1 hours later 28799575 Anonymous
1-1k Jeetling
2k-5k Microsoft online training pajeetling
6-10k khan academy jeet
11-100k email scam pajeet
101k-1m call centre scam pajeet
1m+ The Graph Pajeet
Don't you realise tiers are trying to encourage you to buy to get cool boy 2 level...
1 hours later 28799695 Anonymous
Ok fuck it I will buy them at 3$
1 hours later 28799714 Anonymous (1612665950264.png 571x529 134kB)
>the opposable thumbs of fingers
>the google of blockchain
>the double-decker of party favors
>the backbone of defi
>the google of web3.0
>the Tom Brady of football
>the shotgun of mouthwash
>the google of crypto
>the API for APY
>the McDonalds of diabetes
>the lamborghini of ferrari
>the corona of viruses
>the yoo-hoo of chocolate drinks
>the sasha grey of anal porn
>the thai ladyboy of trannies
>the starbucks of coffee
>the Belle Delphine of Onlyfans
>the katrina of hurricanes
>the never of womanhood
>the anal fissure of ass problems
>the aids of gay orgies
>the chicken of barnyard animals
>the dyson of vacuums
>the grey goose of vodka
>the Bud Dwyer of press conferences
>the amazon of worker exploitation
>the epstein of fake suicides
>the pajeet scam of crypto
>the BBC of cuckoldry
>the corona of viruses
>the peter north of cumshots
>the gamestop of melvin capital
>the Jimmy Saville of pedophiles
>the george floyd of fetanyl overdoses
>the Kobe Bryant of helicopter safety
>the Sam Hyde of mass shooters
>the Dan Schneider of child actress footfags
>the Auschwitz of leisure centres
>the Jeffery Dahmer of serial killers
>the MyPillow of head cusions
>the Joe Rogan of experiences
>the faggot of OPs
1 hours later 28799886 Anonymous
I don't really think that exists. But if you must try, go with NuCypher I think
1 hours later 28799917 Anonymous
Should use halo 1-3 chief or atleast infinite h4 is hideous
1 hours later 28800013 Anonymous
Scam coin
1 hours later 28800052 Anonymous
email scam reporting for duty sirs!!!
1 hours later 28800057 Anonymous
absolutely based frog poster
t. have 10 grt I got from coinbase
1 hours later 28800059 Anonymous
news is coming confirmed
1 hours later 28800100 Anonymous
is nu a good long term hold?
1 hours later 28800118 Anonymous
nah it's just a fun time-killer
t. email scam pajeet
1 hours later 28800176 Anonymous
I come to these threads specifically for those kind of fuds. They're fun and intriguing. Why do they do it? Are they just salty loners or are they part of something? If you look at trends each day here and other boards, it seems plausible that there is some kind of intelligence gathering/propaganda going on. This place is fuckin weird.
1 hours later 28800213 Anonymous (chief.jpg 668x499 67kB)
this better?
I didn't make any of them, nor did I realy play Halo, so I wouldn't know
1 hours later 28800278 Anonymous
based. during the panic last night I bought loopring and cosmos and they both rebounded very nicely. of course I'll never sell my GRTs (literally can't, they're delegated)
1 hours later 28800279 Anonymous
Why are fees for GRT transactions so high in comparison to other PoS coins?
A transfer from coinbase costs > 4GRT, which is like $10 , while for coins like XLM, EOS or ALGO, it is nearly 0.
Given that, why would it be better than such coins?
1 hours later 28800285 Anonymous
Can someone genuinely explain to me why this thing could see prices past 5 dollars, 10 or even 100 like some people are saying? Considering the supply FUD and all that but even just now this would need a ridiculous mcap to reach those levels
1 hours later 28800339 Anonymous
I own GRT validate me
1 hours later 28800343 Anonymous
No. You just believe in pajeet hopium overdose which will crash you
1 hours later 28800361 Anonymous
halo 3 is pretty much a perfect game
1 hours later 28800399 Anonymous
How does 7 billion dollars EOM sound?
1 hours later 28800442 Anonymous
think of the delegated tokens like share float. a lot of them won't be liquid since theyll be staked. the public has most of the coins theyll already have the rest were sent to early backers that will continue to delegate
1 hours later 28800454 Anonymous
The inorganic shilling on /pol/ is easily 80% of the board now. It can get a lot worse.
1 hours later 28800486 Anonymous
You actually think manipulation doesn't happen here oh lord..
1 hours later 28800503 Anonymous
just get both and join the broship
1 hours later 28800546 Anonymous
No clue, I did all my transfers and delegating in January when the gas cost was around $4 kek
1 hours later 28800576 Anonymous
No Mongol, 90% aren't in circulation. Any ridiculous AF to give you pajeet boners
1 hours later 28800624 Anonymous (1613253914611.png 1144x888 337kB)
Increased my stack to 20k during the dip
1 hours later 28800629 Anonymous (748E329C-052C-4E96-B8ED-D799EF5211C0.jpg 696x649 107kB)
Historically, GRT is a volume based coin. Hate to break it to you folks, but it is. These are the facts. People saying it isn't, you're on the wrong side of the data. The entire market is being run by volume. When trading volume decreases, the price decreases. When volume increases, you can expect to see a jump in price soon.
I estimate each token to be valued at $5 minimum until more normies and smart money arrive, which they haven’t yet, as this coin is still in its early days. Coinbase lists it though, so we will see more volume in time anyway.
With that being said, GRT is a utility token for a project essential for Web 3.0. “The Google of Blockchain” is not a meme. It is just the way it is right now.
1 hours later 28800671 Anonymous
And then there are typical bot-like responses.
1 hours later 28800753 Anonymous
I wish I can afford more. I’m in college so I don’t have income. I bought 5k at 14 cents and have been holding since. Hopefully it’ll be 20 bucks when I graduate
1 hours later 28800806 Anonymous
Bros. I bought 400 at .78c and sold at 1.91.
I am ashamed.
How do I get back in?
1 hours later 28800829 Anonymous
Not seeing the use case for this. An index of essentially a transaction journal. All of that data was already searchable. Who is in charge of the data normalization and field extraction? What fields are even indexed?
1 hours later 28800877 Anonymous
ygmi bro, just delegate until you graduate. congrats desu
1 hours later 28800884 Anonymous
5k sounds so juicy anon, youve done well for someone in college
1 hours later 28800910 Anonymous
Smart money in after that pump, really?
1 hours later 28800981 Anonymous
Holy fuck you are either fudding or a retard. You don't see how SQL is a huge optimization for querying data? GraphQL? Hello?
1 hours later 28801023 Anonymous (0acdc6c3930fc712415a7e331a0a39a3.png 595x402 35kB)
>people are still doubting the cup and handle formation on the 1hr
1 hours later 28801042 Anonymous
It's pajeets and chinks in internet cafes and at home trying to swing their wife's money. She's going to kill them if she finds out they can't afford wanton soup and curry for their illiterate dirt spawn. You think biz is degenerate? There are disgusting 3rd worlders gambling away their entire bread money.
1 hours later 28801045 Anonymous
Crypto is the the only thing that gave me hope for the future while in college.
I still don’t know how to delegate. What do I do?
Also thanks bros
1 hours later 28801074 Anonymous (2412512421321312312.png 770x347 15kB)
What is this pattern called?
1 hours later 28801081 Anonymous
If you think it's going to go up from here, what's stopping you from buying back in? You won't get as much but you'll get something at least.
1 hours later 28801116 Anonymous
How does $100k sound?
1 hours later 28801128 Anonymous
People believing their senior seargent pajeet level 3 will support 10b more market cap lol
1 hours later 28801136 Anonymous
Bro I bought in at .30 and sold half my stack at 1.10. I don't know how I am going to financially recover from this. It just keeps going up, and I can't ever get back to my original stack. It's pure torment. I currently only have 15 GRT left, aigmi?
1 hours later 28801137 Anonymous
>All of that data was already searchable.
Sure, but out of all of that data find where someone's name is John but their last name isn't Doe, they have more than 5kCOIN but less than 7KCOIN.
>Who is in charge of the data normalization and field extraction? What fields are even indexed?
The indexer. The indexer is incentivized to have a good index together as that is what people will want to query for their app.
1 hours later 28801185 Anonymous
You don't. You leave this GRT thread and go to some pnd shitcoin, since you are a gambler not an investor.
1 hours later 28801202 Anonymous
loss wedge into cup and handle
1 hours later 28801211 Anonymous
Bull trap
1 hours later 28801213 Anonymous
can some anon get this absolute GRTchad that infograph on delegating?
1 hours later 28801217 Anonymous
Very weird looking cup
how does a kick up the arse from your missus sound for gambling away all your money?
1 hours later 28801305 Anonymous
It's called a bullshit anon
1 hours later 28801373 Anonymous
Thanks anon. Can I do it through cuckbase?
1 hours later 28801377 Anonymous (cuphandle-jbl.png 515x400 20kB)
>Very weird looking cup
doesn't have to look pretty
1 hours later 28801380 Anonymous (1613354032042.jpg 428x368 26kB)
most of the non circulation tokens were to early backers that will get unlocked and theyll begin to delegate
1 hours later 28801428 Anonymous (pickingadelegator.png 1572x458 54kB)
pick a delegator. a lot of anons use p2p. they give ~15%APY
1 hours later 28801544 Anonymous
Yeah but would you pay 10$ per google search? No company will use it if it costs 0,1c an index even. At larger scales it pays to index yourself
1 hours later 28801582 Anonymous (6PvFS98.png 2048x1363 681kB)
Man, these fucking chinks never stop selling. Unbelievable.
1 hours later 28801592 Anonymous (download.png 235x214 6kB)
He's a midwit. This is a high IQ coin. It really separates the midwit from the topwit. Probably voted Biden too after getting cucked by Bernie.
1 hours later 28801630 Anonymous
The sql of injections
1 hours later 28801665 Anonymous
................................... ................................... ..........
1 hours later 28801683 Anonymous (1441593707160.jpg 633x758 63kB)
1 hours later 28801778 Anonymous
should i acooomulate (by trading in my 401k) for as much GRT or ALGO as I can?
1 hours later 28801805 Anonymous
As a Basic Spaceman, it ain’t much, but it’s honest livin
1 hours later 28801806 Anonymous
I get that but there isn't even a name field.
Time, Hash, to, from, amount, fees. Wallets are unique identifiers already? Are you implying is aggregating data from off data sources to link you to the wallet and have it all searchable?
>>28800981 mentioned tools that are for complex data sets. I'm not seeing that kind of complexity here.
1 hours later 28801817 Anonymous
>cant hold $2.30
it's over
1 hours later 28801833 Anonymous
1 hours later 28801868 Anonymous
I wouldn't but I don't need that information. I think large companies would find it easier to let indexers do the work for them. Making an API in house still requires huge up front cost and continual maintenance through labor. Indexers are incentivized to keep their indexing up to date with what data a company wants.
1 hours later 28801960 Anonymous
Think of it more like the "I spy" of blockchain rather than google. Here let's give an example, you'd say "i spy with my little eye something beginning with P"
And id say pajeet
1 hours later 28801973 Anonymous (aaf.png 680x709 249kB)
1 hours later 28802008 Anonymous
Adding onto this, there will be continuing developments into new blockchains as well as 3.0/DeFi develops.
1 hours later 28802025 Anonymous
Zoom out
1 hours later 28802061 Anonymous (whale alert.png 620x304 26kB)
1 hours later 28802103 Anonymous
and IPFS, thats what has me excited.
1 hours later 28802128 Anonymous
1 hours later 28802155 Anonymous
People said the same about chainlink and writing your own json parsers. Its much more than that
1 hours later 28802178 Anonymous
Nigga it ain’t even Monday in China anymore. Monday was their dump
1 hours later 28802194 Anonymous (graphjak.png 860x815 235kB)
1 hours later 28802195 Anonymous
What are fractional query fees. They literally state the fractional amount on their website you mong. Got you fudders are hilarious. dyor, lazy nigger.
1 hours later 28802235 Anonymous
There's literally billions of GRT in circulation and daily volume is in the hundreds of millions. Whales are not people with a couple million. They're tens and hundreds of millions.
1 hours later 28802243 Anonymous
oh good, let it dump so i can buy more
1 hours later 28802273 Anonymous
>21m ago
Probably responsible for this small 2.3 -> 2.5 dump
We're rising again
10m grt is not big when you look at the mcap.
1 hours later 28802277 Anonymous
Yep at a further 10 billion dollars a day growth?
Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad idea, it has a use, but the growth is unsustainable af, people missed the boat. All these coins not circulating.
You are already paying 25$ per GRT to get 0.1 grt basically.
1 hours later 28802283 Anonymous
absolutely seething
1 hours later 28802334 Anonymous
No, you have to go to https://network.thegraph.com/
Step 1 make a metamask wallet
Step 2 transfew the GRT you want to delegate to metamask wallet
Step 3 do lots of research on the parameters of delegation so you don't pick a shit indexer
Step 4 once you've chosen an indexer, click delegate and then you'll have to pay ETH gas fee to lock them in. If you want to delegate you have to pay another fee and also wait 28 days, which is perfect if you want to hold until you graduate.
1 hours later 28802350 Anonymous
This coin has been losing me money ever since I brought it.
1 hours later 28802361 NuSux
No, it is terrible, i will be selling my nu immediately and i suggest all holders do the same at once!
1 hours later 28802408 Anonymous
Honestly P2P is getting close to overdelegated, there are likely much better options now.
1 hours later 28802423 Anonymous
this is why you buy during red dildos, not on the top of giga green dildos
1 hours later 28802424 Anonymous
>and daily volume is in the hundreds of millions
it's been low B's for a week now
a .05 dip isn't a dump you paperhanded panicky faggots
1 hours later 28802437 Anonymous
>yes, I would like to pay with 100 The Graph, please
1 hours later 28802443 Anonymous
>t. bought at 2.8
1 hours later 28802482 Anonymous
1 hours later 28802486 Anonymous
This is too much work.
Just use binance on a VPN, lol
1 hours later 28802496 Anonymous
how is that even fucking possible anon?
t. sub .40 chad
1 hours later 28802539 Anonymous
A povertyfag. Welcome to the club
2 hours later 28802583 Anonymous
There are shills from INDIA and RUSSIA posting GRT everywhere. Anytime it dips, you see more and more posts. The pattern is very noticeable if you closely examine.
2 hours later 28802642 Anonymous
>posted by an Indian
2 hours later 28802663 Anonymous
I'm almost 100% certain you cannot stake GRT on binance
2 hours later 28802689 Anonymous
Hurty gurty cries to mummy
Shits the bed and spits the dummy
Have a wank and take a nap
There's no support for market cap
2 hours later 28802934 Anonymous
And what's the smallest unit of GRT to query with?
2 hours later 28803064 Anonymous
i think 100 is out of the question but i see 20 being likely
mcap doesnt matter as much if circulation is small bc whales are all delegating. will we see things happen in practice the way they were set up in theory? idk we'll see. we'll probably get a preview in June. a bunch of grts unlock and if the price holds well then id say we're good.
2 hours later 28803125 Anonymous (4676474E-D6A6-42B1-91D1-4DD9EB36E813.png 622x486 23kB)
This is an American website. Please go.
2 hours later 28803161 Anonymous
Anon anon salty bitch
Still too dumb to by the dips
Here it pumps full of octane
There it goes google of blockchain
2 hours later 28803176 Anonymous
You fucking moron. No shit. But who makes one's fucking query? If you think this is worth so much you better hope people are using it. You need them to be making literal quadrillions of queries a day on those scales the cost would be too high and someone would do this shit cheaper centrally.
2 hours later 28803186 Anonymous
Somebody is really fucking with the price
2 hours later 28803195 Anonymous (1613063713578.jpg 1266x1315 303kB)
I shorted you fags during the ATH. Thanks for the free money.
2 hours later 28803265 Anonymous
18 decimal places. As in even at $10,000,000,000,000,000 (10 quintillion) per GRT, the smallest possible unit would still be a penny.
2 hours later 28803271 Anonymous
Lol me too
2 hours later 28803272 Anonymous (sopranospauliewalnuts.jpg 400x400 23kB)
This isn't the official ranking, stop adding random ranks you buffoon.
2 hours later 28803346 Anonymous
I converted all my freebies to GRT back in December. I've gotten the highest gains from GRT than if I'd put the same amount into any other the other ones at the time.
2 hours later 28803358 Anonymous
based, make those swingies pay
2 hours later 28803443 Anonymous
Just sold for the second time for NuCypher
Please dont make me regret selling early again I swear I'm going to come back
2 hours later 28803482 Anonymous
Stinky linky stick in the mud
Spends his days writing pointless FUD
Too dumb to read or do the math
Cries in pain for not buying the graph
2 hours later 28803483 Anonymous
Hurty gurty holding bags
Full of shit they stink and sag
Gurty cries he tries to cope
Can't even afford to rope
2 hours later 28803502 Anonymous
I guess just be glad you don't have any?
2 hours later 28803526 Anonymous
Read what I said about the number of queries, which matters more you fucking yokel
2 hours later 28803710 Anonymous
Bought a bunch when it was 60 cents and being chilled heavily overnight on biz. Crashed to 30 and I assumed I fell for my first pump and dump. Kept that stack of 300 as a reminder not to fall for them. Now all the sudden it's over 2 dollars and I have not to this day read a single white paper on any crypto and I invest solely on how white I feel the dev and investor base is.
2 hours later 28803830 Anonymous
Typically the big players like AWS and firebase charge about 6 cents per 100k queries. That's $0.0000006 per. Indexers can set their own query fees so people will fight to get lower fees on the same subgraphs. Typically a medium sized application can make several million queries per minute. Call it a million queries per minute. That's 525,600,000,000 queries per year or at a rate of $0.06 per hundred thousand that's $315,000 a year. From a single application of fairly small size. Now consider that there are 7000 right now waiting to get into the main net. That's $2.2 billion is query fees. 1% of that will be burned or $22 million worth of GRT. And that's only with current subgraphs taken into consideration.
2 hours later 28803858 Anonymous (DfoN_FEUEAAtsGE.jpg 1200x791 215kB)
>Just sold for the second time for NuCypher
2 hours later 28803891 Anonymous
We are going back to .6 lol
2 hours later 28804006 Anonymous
>I invest solely on how white I feel the dev and investor base is
absolutely gmi
2 hours later 28804043 Anonymous
Read what I replied, faggot.
2 hours later 28804065 Anonymous
told u bitch we dumpin
2 hours later 28804086 Anonymous (pink13.png 936x804 206kB)
wtf is happening
2 hours later 28804110 Anonymous
What about the 90% of tokens not in circulation?
2 hours later 28804287 Anonymous (19230123123.png 1356x1297 1354kB)
The handle is forming
Trust the plan
2 hours later 28804355 Anonymous (1611467286293.png 300x300 35kB)
>I invest solely on how white I feel the deg and investor base is
The patrician's investment plan. See you at the Country Club
2 hours later 28804507 Anonymous (1606866568540.png 620x620 355kB)
I have 730 and will only buy more the lower it drops. Get fucked, moonman in the house. 1488 white diamond hands
2 hours later 28804511 Anonymous
He held after a 10x? Dump it
2 hours later 28804549 Anonymous
Everyone is going to undelegate when they realize its a scam and indexers dont pay out.
>have fun seeing your unrealized rewards sit at 0 day after day
2 hours later 28804630 Anonymous
Hahahahahahaha 10x to top 5 market cap and they didn't sell at 2.4 holy shit
2 hours later 28804691 Anonymous (1611120001161.jpg 1035x1035 201kB)
2 hours later 28804717 Anonymous
Yeah gotta lock for 28 days guys uhh don't forget to lock while we sell!
4 million GRT dumping onto binance rn. That is smart money moving. >>28804511
2 hours later 28804854 Anonymous
The very fact that you know about it, constantly ask about it, tell others about it, and likely restrict your purchase of the token based upon it, means it's priced in. Mind you while the token is inflationary at a rate of 3% that doesn't take into account the use case of the token. If at any point the network sees more than 300% of the total supply utilized for query fees (literally the point) the token because deflationary.
But how you ask?
>10 billion tokens exist
>Several apps combined use a total of 3 billion GRT every month in query fees
>Indexers and delegators collect the 99% that is not burned and sell it back on the market to the app developers that again use it to query the next month
>After 10 months they've used 30 billion tokens
>After a year they've used 36 billion and burnt 360 million
>The protocol will inflate creating another 300 million
>A net negative of 60 million tokens not counting those burnt through delegation
Essentially the more the platform if used the greatest the token supply needs to be. No I'm not saying we will see that kind of volume any time soon. Deflation is actually a terrible thing and I hope we don't.
2 hours later 28805024 Anonymous
I've literally made 500 GRT in the last month. Not my fault you were a greedy nigger and thought 80% APY was real.
2 hours later 28805084 Anonymous (D8BF166E-AF71-464B-985C-304FA089CC0C.png 952x939 187kB)
I’ll be able to get plenty dirt cheap in a few months
2 hours later 28805146 Anonymous
I went for one that gives 10% lmao they apparently never update or payout
2 hours later 28805157 Anonymous
How big was your stack to earn 500/m?
2 hours later 28805226 Anonymous
I dont believe you btw. Post address.
2 hours later 28805254 Anonymous
what apy are you getting and which indexer? i got 25k to delegate but im scared of getting bait and switched and having my rewards cut or some shit right after i delegate
2 hours later 28805310 Anonymous
~40k. I have another stack of 25k waiting to clear but coinbase is fucking me because they don't want to pay eth fees.
2 hours later 28805353 G
Shall we play a game?
When was the last cup and handle?
More coming?
Why does this matter?
How do you know when the next pump is?
How do you know when to sell?
It had to be this way.
Sometimes you must walk through the dump before you see the pump.
2 hours later 28805387 Anonymous
Yikes. That's big unlucky. Usually I just look at the amount of reward they've paid out. Someone that supposedly gives a good cut but hasn't paid out much of anything is always a red flag
Implying I give a fuck if you believe me.
2 hours later 28805425 Anonymous
Where we Graph one, we graph all
-t. Yaniv
2 hours later 28805600 Anonymous
About 15-18% depending on the allocation. I started with a smaller stack at the beginning but I get about 17 a day or a little over 500 a month.
2 hours later 28805646 GRTsux
Imagine going to prison for life all because you owned a stupid fake internet token.
No wonder more poor people are in jail than rich people.
>9 years in prison
>under a dollar years in prison
GRT = sux
I bought groceries, which I can eat, with USD
For you to go to prison? Yes. For your descendants to be enslaved for your actions? Also yes.
WFT is this gibberish?
You are in the best possible position besides owning 0 or something less than 150.
To whom it may concern,
Effective IMMEDIATELY if you own GRT you are hereby notified that you are now IN THE ARMY and HAVE BEEN DRAFTER. The time has come to go to war against the South again and YOU WILL BE THE FRONT LINE HUMAN SHIELDS. The states of Florida and Texas ARE NOT COMPLYING WITH INTERNATIONAL COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS ON NORMAL LIFE AND MUST BE DESTROYED. Because you have become traitors to the UNITED STATES by owning GRT you are IN THE ARMY NOW to repay your debts which are so great that you will never get out AND WHEN YOU ARE DONE IN THE ARMY IF YOU SURVIVE YOU ARE STILL GOING TO PRISON IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE WAR.
*******END NOTICE*******
2 hours later 28806038 Anonymous
Where are you seeing payout history?
2 hours later 28806060 Anonymous
any price prediction?
2 hours later 28806190 Anonymous
https://thegraph.stake-machine.com/ d/I3Mru_xGk/thegraph-delegator?orgI d=1&refresh=5m&from=now-24h&to=now& var-delegator=0x0000000000333f28d3a 20605c702f66c3143cccf
Enter your address at the top and it shows the indexers you're delegated to, when their allocation ends, how much GRT you're making an hour, as well as the total GRT you've made.
No that's not my address.
2 hours later 28806249 Anonymous
$1.80 24-hour lowest of today
2 hours later 28806369 Anonymous
527? NGMI.
2 hours later 28806662 Anonymous
Im gonna be honest guys. The supply worries me. There's simply too many for this to get too high at this point and the supply us only going to go up. I got out earlier today
2 hours later 28806689 Anonymous
I wonder this too. I've seen so much anti-grt activity here that is clearly inorganic it makes me wonder if price suppression is a thing for ppl to accumulate? or if it's just other coins getting their markets tanked by GRT at this price point coming in to scare folks? Doesn't really matter though, GRT will just keep going. I don't care about dips or pumps, I'm holding for a long time.
2 hours later 28806869 Anonymous
Chinks wake up, everything goes down. Really sediments my racism
2 hours later 28806985 Anonymous
Fucking piece of shit coin
2 hours later 28807175 Anonymous
Yeah i found my wallet on that graphstake link and its not that the indexer isnt paying out, its that so many are delegating that there arent enough rewards to go around. Im sitting with over 5k in and there are people who got in before me with more and theyre still at 0% of rewards realized. This shit is kind of pointless if you dont have 10k or more and dont get onto the indexer before everyone else.
2 hours later 28807289 GRTfuckingRocks
What the fuck did you just fucking FUD about GRT, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Santa Clara University , and I’ve been involved in secret pump and dumps on the Stock market, and I have over 300 confirmed short sells. I am trained in shitcoin warfare I’m the top accumulator in the entire /biz/ shitposting board. You are nothing to me but just another bag holder. I will bankrupt you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying shit to GRT over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my network of Web 3.0 developers across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your bank account. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can short sellyou in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my diamond hands. Not only am I extensively trained in reading TA charts, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the India memecoin miners and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. You didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo. Buy the dip.
3 hours later 28807323 Anonymous
i'll take my gains and dump them into some other shitcoin
10x that and repeat
one percent at a time until i make it
3 hours later 28807530 Anonymous
3 hours later 28807659 Anonymous
3 hours later 28808060 Anonymous
It doesn't really matter "when" you came in. The rewards are a function of the indexers tokens and delegated tokens as a proportion of all other indexers on that subgraph. So if your indexer is super small they're already getting a small cut of the pie. Take into account that your rewards then get diluted within the indexer by this same method and your 5k stack never stood a chance there. Truthfully every 2k GRT delegated should get you a little less than 1 GRT per day in a decent indexer. You really just have to dyor or you'll get burnt like you are. You're going to lose 28 days as well as the gas and 0.5% undelegating fee while having gained no reward.
3 hours later 28808204 Anonymous
checked and my fucking sides
3 hours later 28808364 Anonymous (VD09afj.jpg 645x729 65kB)
>Really sediments
3 hours later 28808608 Anonymous
it's not fud to realize this project seems useless in real world, and it's almost certainly going to die a slow death after first pumping and dumping a couple times. it may sound useful on paper, but if we're being serious, it's not really gonna be used by almost anyone, for anything.
3 hours later 28808932 Anonymous
what was that
3 hours later 28809006 Anonymous
You're literally on a site powered by an API that queries an indexed database. That service is paid for with money on a per query basis, the cost of which is probably in the millions of dollars per year. Why do you think such a thing wouldn't take form in a decentralized form?
3 hours later 28809079 Anonymous (avatars-2HjSW4BcJd3oRWoy-1enPGg-t500x500.jpg 500x500 48kB)
3 hours later 28809270 Anonymous (1611293130514.png 800x769 129kB)
>there are people who got in before me with more and theyre still at 0% of rewards realized.
Hol’ up. You tellin me you’re not even guaranteed to get anything out of staking? This thing is gonna go through the floor once the 28 day lockup is over.
3 hours later 28809458 Anonymous
No. See
He did it wrong and picked an indexer that probably had the bare minimum stack with literally nobody delegated to them. He gets a big share it the rewards but 50% of 0 is still 0.
3 hours later 28810074 Anonymous
Seems like a decent project but fuck any of those tokens where you get more just by locking your tokens, the whales just keep getting bigger. Passive income tokens are pajeet
3 hours later 28810281 Anonymous
get a metamask wallet, transfer ETH from coinbase, convert it to GRT.
I am in bitch ass New York and had to do the same.
3 hours later 28811216 Anonymous
> why fud?
In GRTsux’ case, because he’s an artist. One of the last of a dying breed. We’re very lucky to have him.
3 hours later 28811282 Anonymous (reverse.png 487x298 12kB)
either headed to a double top or a reverse head and shoulders im scared anons
3 hours later 28811310 Anonymous
What makes GRT better than Link. They are both Oracles.
3 hours later 28811435 Anonymous
youre not even trying anymore
3 hours later 28811460 Anonymous
Note that you can advance from 3 star general to 5 star in a year on staking alone.
4 hours later 28812157 Anonymous
>Who is in charge of the data normalization and field extraction?
The indexers
>What fields are even indexed
That’s up to the indexers, but anyone can define a subgraph for indexing and if nobody picks up your subgraph you can run an indexer yourself.
4 hours later 28812315 Anonymous
where do you people get these numbers from, 10,000 per grt? when, in 2073??
4 hours later 28812412 Anonymous
irony anon. learn what it is
4 hours later 28812726 Anonymous
how to into GRT if located in NYS? gas fees ridiculous on uniswap. not listed on kucoin. is it "legal" to use a vpn to get into an exchange like binance?
4 hours later 28812769 Anonymous
why would it? there isn't any need for a fucking blockchain on a web forum. in fact there isn't any need almost (or completely) anywhere.
4 hours later 28812880 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215_204717.png 1442x827 250kB)
GRT just overtook LINK as the most shilled altcoin on this board
4 hours later 28813064 Anonymous
What site is this? Looks cool
4 hours later 28813239 Anonymous
https://shill. watch/biz/
4 hours later 28813523 Anonymous
So when is this dump supposed to happen?
4 hours later 28813534 Anonymous
>https://shill. watch/biz/
what is the MFA column?
4 hours later 28813596 Anonymous
>is it "legal" to use a vpn to get into an exchange like binance?
Free Men Don't Ask Permission
4 hours later 28813729 Anonymous
Move From Average
4 hours later 28813763 Anonymous
Based GRT is the new google and the new link
4 hours later 28813801 Anonymous
Anyone want to tell me some other companies that have maintained 30 billion overnight in value?
Then think about those companies and what they do, and how if they were going to use blockchains they'd just pay someone to make the fucking index they needed lol
4 hours later 28813817 Anonymous
What is this? High numbers of posts=low percentage, most shilled has 22 posts? How am I supposed to make sense of this?
4 hours later 28813822 Anonymous (Screen_Shot_20210212_at_7.35.51_PM.png 1009x786 861kB)
It already happened
4 hours later 28813830 Anonymous
I am sure people just call it the new LInk because every Linky also seems to have tons of GRT in the portfolio
4 hours later 28813835 Anonymous
Who ever made this, you're doing gods work. I was making something similar myself.
4 hours later 28813865 Anonymous
4 hours later 28813931 Anonymous
4 hours later 28813992 Anonymous
I'm being serious. Link and GRT have the same objectives. Is one better than the other?
4 hours later 28814066 Anonymous
That was very anticlimatic. As always never trust /biz/
4 hours later 28814103 Anonymous
I’ve made 1355 GRT in a month of delegating. This fud backfires.
4 hours later 28814108 Anonymous (1613020518422.jpg 4088x5586 3725kB)
I used this shit and picked protofire.eth and apparently they suck ass despite meeting every metric of this infographic.
4 hours later 28814199 Anonymous
based schizo fudder, this guy probably holds 200k minimum
4 hours later 28814267 Kayla
Poster with grt in their ID will bring about big gains and bless us all
4 hours later 28814280 Anonymous
4 hours later 28814375 Anonymous
Now merge this text with the source code for a perl script from the 80s and you’ve got yourself a larp!
4 hours later 28814387 Anonymous (1613257650411.png 945x745 918kB)
You will never be a woman
4 hours later 28814455 Anonymous
4 hours later 28814463 Kayla
And you will never own a Lamborghini
4 hours later 28814504 Anonymous
$3 EOD
4 hours later 28814528 Anonymous
4 hours later 28814533 Kayla
When, where, link the fuck NOW!!!! I don't believe you but if so I'll be a millionaire overnight
4 hours later 28814619 Anonymous
if people arent supremely confident, then the likelihood of them panic selling any dip is much higher, allowing us chads to accumulate more and make more profit than the weak hand newfags. noone wants newfags to get rich because we have been here accumulating for years to get our 6 figure hell portfolios.
4 hours later 28814622 Anonymous
fuck off
4 hours later 28814623 Anonymous (1613264458784.jpg 798x793 112kB)
You right I won't, why would I blow my earnings on a piece of shit super car that will depreciate? Retarded tranny.
4 hours later 28814637 Anonymous
Checkd, no grt here but ill buy some when it crashes to .5 in a week or two. That supply increase should drop it to .5 in no time.
4 hours later 28814704 Anonymous
tfw this ranking is so insane im only a first sergeant e-9
5.644 0.532