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2021-02-15 07:18 28792018 Anonymous Poorfolio (Screenshot_20210215-191651.jpg 720x1520 188kB)
Post your poorfolios

2 min later 28792190 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-182002.jpg 1080x2340 278kB)

2 min later 28792225 Anonymous (FAFB8DDE-1AFD-4C1D-81D0-8A9E8FA1083E.png 750x1334 305kB)
I feel poor as shit. Trust me, it does not get better anon. I was where you were a couple months ago thinking “just gotta make it to 50k”

5 min later 28792394 Anonymous
>>28792018 1 ETH 1600 Algo 72 GRT I wanna invest but I don't have money to spend

6 min later 28792429 Anonymous (1610369481627s.jpg 124x114 2kB)
>>28792225 op here using pc youre my hero anon

6 min later 28792460 Anonymous
>>28792225 How did you make it to 50k my nigga

6 min later 28792477 Anonymous (1613407605284.jpg 1024x691 144kB)
>>28792018 That would imply I didn't trade my poorfolio into oblivion with gas fees and failed transactions coming to the realization that i'm just ngmi

7 min later 28792558 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-102436_Delta.jpg 1080x2220 466kB)
Rate my pobrefolio (also .17 btc I'm not tracking)

7 min later 28792561 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-202442.png 720x1280 121kB)
Not feeling too good stakebros nevertheless this is my chance so will wait for the release

8 min later 28792572 Anonymous (1AA9537A-A695-4EDD-901A-E57FF2E6A14C.png 1125x2436 648kB)
So poor

9 min later 28792648 Anonymous (C22F1971-7DAD-4BD3-8094-BA5B192C723D.png 750x1334 195kB)
Also ~9 BNB staked away giving me incredibly small amounts of LIT

9 min later 28792714 Anonymous
>>28792190 Nice >>28792225 I know that feel. The salary I make now (132k) is fucking nothing but 6 figures has been my dream forever so now I'm so lost

10 min later 28792785 Anonymous
>>28792561 contemplating getting a masternode you think that’s worth it or naw

12 min later 28792887 Anonymous
>>28792785 considering my cuckstack ive not even looked into it but from little information i have i think its a good investment

13 min later 28792953 Anonymous (ReactNative-snapshot-image7674680637648505758.jpg 1440x2550 239kB)
Rate pls Unfortunately I fell for the Reef and RBC scams

13 min later 28792978 Anonymous
>>28792225 i’m not far off from you. i feel the same. probably will feel the same at 6 figures too. oh well what the hell

13 min later 28793000 Anonymous
>>28792714 For €2300 spent in May last year. Can't say it's not a great return.

13 min later 28793029 Anonymous
>>28792953 at what price did u buy rbc?

13 min later 28793036 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-193119.jpg 1080x1957 242kB)
>>28792785 oh you want to see real poorfag?

14 min later 28793080 Anonymous
>>28793029 0.4

16 min later 28793186 Anonymous
>>28793036 op here, I started with 150$ fren after losing 7k to a rugpull in september and misisng uni airdrop, you can do it fren

16 min later 28793213 Anonymous
>>28792887 yeah it sounds like it would be. cheers, wi look into it >>28793036 my man, you need money to make money. get a job first, or do some freelance shit

16 min later 28793238 Anonymous (74821946-215F-45EB-89F4-59D441C15AB7.png 828x1792 386kB)
Lost more than a half of its value in a week

18 min later 28793330 Anonymous (71B7B9A2-597C-4AE8-A8E7-45D259706B7A.png 828x1792 310kB)
Don’t ask why I have such small stacks. Gas fees were affordable at one time

18 min later 28793349 Anonymous (20210215_133541.jpg 1080x812 103kB)
Every day is green when you got in early i guess

18 min later 28793379 Anonymous
>>28793213 im third world balkan, i dont have much after paying rent and shit, but i agree its probably impossible to make it

18 min later 28793382 Anonymous
>>28793330 What made you choose said tokens?

19 min later 28793423 Anonymous
>>28792558 Why are you in so many coins despite on having only 1 coin with 1k+ in it.

21 min later 28793580 Anonymous
>>28793186 thanks bro, im trying, hopefully i hit a jackpot coin, although it seems hard

21 min later 28793590 Anonymous
>>28793382 Phala is privacy with smart contracts. I could see BMI becoming the standard insurance. Sold most of my stack just kept a little in case. The partnerships of PPAY with the mc difference between it and reef. Apy has so much hype around it and a good looking demo. Just betting on the alpha not sucking ass. DEC I just aped into when AdamHodl tweeted about it.

21 min later 28793602 Anonymous
What's with almost no one here having BTC?

21 min later 28793623 Anonymous (images (10).jpg 271x186 9kB)
>>28793379 op here hahahahah 500 eura misecno prosjek bit ce bolje

22 min later 28793687 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-194000.png 1498x2048 738kB)
>>28792018 > Few

22 min later 28793693 Anonymous
>$600 >60% LINK >40% GRT

22 min later 28793725 Anonymous
>>28793602 If you’re poor you might as well go for potential 10x not potential 2x over the course of an entire bull cycle.

22 min later 28793726 Anonymous
>>28793602 BTC wont make my 1k into 10k in a month

23 min later 28793802 Anonymous
>>28793379 it’s still possible, but you’re gonna be rekt by gas fees till you’re in 4 figure range. godspeed anon, wagmi one way or another

24 min later 28793834 Anonymous
>>28793725 >>28793726 this

25 min later 28793937 Anonymous
>>28793693 seems to be the smart play for long term >>28793602 k let me just dump 5k into btc so i can have 6k in 10 years

25 min later 28793955 Anonymous (F32D944F-161A-4906-92C1-69E7CD9CAEE4.png 1125x2436 644kB)
advice welcome

26 min later 28794031 Anonymous (6D96FAC8-1D53-4393-B8F3-8A9BC6671577.png 1242x2688 843kB)
In too late ngmi

28 min later 28794104 Anonymous (fallout-nv-2.jpg 1710x900 270kB)
>tfw >EVERYONE >itt has more coins than I do

30 min later 28794344 Anonymous
>>28794104 >tfw >also poor but like looking at funny blockfolio names and nice token images

30 min later 28794345 Anonymous (ngmi.png 1130x225 23kB)
I'm not gonna make it bros

33 min later 28794542 Anonymous
>>28793955 god i wanna get in on ADA so bad but theres no exchanges that Ill be able to get it on in time I made a binance account like a month ago and my shit still hasnt been approved Im very fucking upset

40 min later 28795086 Anonymous
>>28794344 I'm looking at imgs waiting on someone to dox themselves so I can slip in and pwn me a few k's crypties myself

41 min later 28795167 Anonymous (IMG_20210215_205836.jpg 1080x1351 205kB)
Hello ;d

44 min later 28795378 Anonymous
>>28793379 it's not impossible I went from $120 to $700 in january, now I'm at $1700 which is a good start not larping I just got extremely lucky

44 min later 28795398 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-140128_Blockfolio.png 1080x2160 182kB)
Recommendations? XLM was free from coinbase & just watching doge fall after selling around .077

45 min later 28795463 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-110300_Blockfolio.jpg 1440x2960 441kB)
What should I spend my left over ETH on? Looking at grt and avax mostly

47 min later 28795575 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-130404_Blockfolio.jpg 1080x2220 417kB)

48 min later 28795623 Anonymous
Do you guys all have your coins in fucking exchanges or Blockfolio can connect just like an ethereum wallet watcher?

48 min later 28795626 Anonymous
>>28795463 bigger cor stack but leave a decent size of eth bc you never know with the gas >>28795398 I can shill you my coins but that wont help you

48 min later 28795669 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-130416_Blockfolio.jpg 1080x2220 427kB)
>>28795575 Sold my doge last night for a decent profit. Hope that wasn't dumb and to buy back in lower

48 min later 28795670 Anonymous
>>28795623 i manually just put my transactions into blockfolio on mobile

50 min later 28795797 Anonymous
>>28795670 That's retarded

51 min later 28795836 Anonymous (9B81F47C-B64A-46ED-8A74-66680EB38274.jpg 1242x1916 527kB)
>>28792018 Had £50 in it initially, bought REEF at .02. I should have invested during the massive drop last night, but it was pretty late last night. Everything is up right now, so I’m holding off until this run is over, I guess.

52 min later 28795915 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-200950.jpg 1080x2400 233kB)

53 min later 28795985 Anonymous
>>28795797 Why?

53 min later 28796004 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215_101415.jpg 1080x2153 273kB)
I need enough for a real estate development on St Vincent and the Grenadines

53 min later 28796013 Anonymous
>>28792018 30 ADA 1000 ANKR 500 REEF 200 ZIL. If anyone has less, ill post sharpie in pooper.

54 min later 28796070 Anonymous
>>28794031 unironically sell your blue chips for shitcoins if you don't mind losing it all. just put the time into researching it

1 hours later 28796561 Anonymous (20210215_185120.jpg 4128x2580 2474kB)
im pooooooorrrriiinnnnggggg

1 hours later 28797363 Anonymous
>>28795797 no its literally not it takes 3 seconds and i dont have to connect my account to some other shit that could potentially be hacked im using it strictly as a reference to see how my assets are doing when i feel like looking explain how that is retarded faggot

1 hours later 28797586 Anonymous
>>28794542 >still hasnt been approved Is this an American thing? I see this happening to a lot of people, but my account got verified literally five minutes after uploading my ID. Maybe I got lucky?

1 hours later 28797784 Anonymous (6FD05807-06DF-430B-A590-4C06DF66776B.jpg 640x654 161kB)
pls no bully

1 hours later 28797789 Anonymous
Much respect to you poor fucks I'm in the same boat. But we gon' make it one day.

1 hours later 28797907 Anonymous
>>28792953 pretty based

1 hours later 28797995 Anonymous
>>28795797 im not giving a nigger dick sucking retarded slow piece of shit 'exchange' wannabe anything actually associated with me

1 hours later 28798009 Anonymous
>>28797586 Yes. Thanks to the ironically titled bill Patriot Act, even single aspect of our lives must be documented. We have to provide Proof of Residency to apply for just about everything. That means shit like an electric bill or water bill (CELL PHONE BILLS NOT ACCEPTED ANONS). They basically have us under house arrest atm and Americans are too fucking stupid to see how bad shit really is.

1 hours later 28798035 Anonymous
>>28797586 dude maybe it is they have been reviewing my proof of address for a straight month

1 hours later 28798068 Anonymous (bf20210215.jpg 1440x2291 263kB)
Will i make it? (i paid nothing for any of this, made my way to here by trading from free faucets and giveaways since 2016)

1 hours later 28798106 Anonymous
>>28794542 Try typing your middle name into the basic info section. I had the same issue until I did that

1 hours later 28798209 Anonymous (1613417992314.jpg 720x729 62kB)
I just want 130k by the top of this bull, hopefully hop back in at the dead cat bounce. Really need to fill my bags for the next circle.

1 hours later 28798243 Anonymous (15022021.png 1299x411 28kB)
started from 400usd a month or so ago

1 hours later 28798361 Anonymous
>>28792714 >I know that feel. The salary I make now (132k) is fucking nothing but 6 figures has been my dream forever so now I'm so lost Same feeling. The main reason I chose my career path is because it was guaranteed six figures. But then I got kinda pissed when I got hired but wasn't making $120k. 5 years later and I made $190k in 2020. It still doesn't feel like enough.

1 hours later 28798363 Anonymous (7DDA41BC-C284-486B-8C17-D2962A5B716F.jpg 1125x968 310kB)

1 hours later 28798373 Anonymous (oil.jpg 720x1152 87kB)

1 hours later 28798601 Anonymous
>>28797784 Prq is solid

1 hours later 28799141 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-145115_Blockfolio.png 1080x2340 214kB)
I was at like $24k around Christmas

1 hours later 28799226 Anonymous
>>28792953 these are not scams, you just bought high

1 hours later 28799483 Anonymous
20k REEF 1k ADA aigmi?

1 hours later 28799595 Anonymous
>>28795797 api doesn't count coins in staking

1 hours later 28799894 Anonymous (2421AE70-FF83-463D-A7C4-1EF1824D3ED0.png 1242x2208 683kB)
>t. Poor indebt student I just wanna make it one day brahs

1 hours later 28800208 Anonymous
>>28799894 you will get there one day mate wagmi

1 hours later 28800578 Anonymous
>>28799894 >poor >uses iPhone fucking hate americans

1 hours later 28800724 Anonymous
>>28800578 Could be a hand-me-down. I’m posting on one right now.

1 hours later 28800728 Anonymous (8A007458-793D-405A-A855-B088E1CB5221.png 828x1792 480kB)
heres mine. was worth 20k a week ago, turned 2k into 12k with asko.

2 hours later 28801309 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210215-221808_Binance.png 720x1520 73kB)
>>28799894 WAGMI

2 hours later 28801314 Anonymous
>>28800208 I hope so man I hope so. >>28800578 >£ >American It’s an iPhone 8, it’s very old and was a gift..

2 hours later 28801761 Anonymous
>>28792018 ~$4500 50% dds 25% wynaut 7.5% bnb (will increase when i pool) 7.5% crow 7.5% pros 2.5% grt 3x long

2 hours later 28802160 Anonymous
>>28800728 Whats asko?

1.179 0.113