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2021-02-15 08:49 28758811 Anonymous (1613288231816.jpg 512x655 53kB)
/LNG/ LTO NETWORK GENERAL LIQUID TASK ORCHESTRATION LTO Network is a hybrid blockchain with two layers that operate independently. The private chain facilitates automated live contracts between private networks; the public layer is optimized for "anchoring" and sharing information on an immuateable decentralized ledger. ---SUMMARY--- USE CASE: >scaleable inter-agency data sharing consortiums FUNDAMENTALS: >~100k Tx/day (rising) >99.9% Tx's from actual usage >used by United Nations (land registry in Afganistan) >used by Dutch gov >GDPR compliant TOKENOMICS: >50% circ. supply already staked >deflationary: 0.1 LTO burn/Tx >unique "LPoI" network economics incentivizes clients to buy, stake LTO >100% of staking dividends derived from network fees ---WATCH--- >LTO in 1.5min: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Obj 9GhhgE8M >3 min: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4B 5w0j4IQQ&feature=emb_logo >30min: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMa 4HwgoeMI ---READ--- >GENERAL PROFILE: https://upblock.io/research/LTO%20N etwork >LITE PAPER https://ltonetwork.com/documents/LT O%20Network%20-%20Token%20Economy.p df >WHITE PAPER: https://ltonetwork.com/documents/LT O%20Network%20-%20Technical%20Paper .pdf >/BIZ/ PASTEBIN: https://pastebin.com/D5ETj3Ks >TOKENOMICS FAQ: https://blog.ltonetwork.com/faq-why -arent-lto-transactions-pegged-to-t he-euro/ >ARTICLE: "An Obj. Look at LTO" https://blog.goodaudience.com/an-ob jective-look-at-lto-networks-token- demand-8ce15e658c2b?gi=eb25d30c38d1 >ARTICLE: "LPoI": https://medium.com/@malexaffey/leas ed-proof-of-importance-separating-t he-real-from-the-fake-bbf047a75f9a >ARTICLE: "LTO's Valuation" https://redphoenix7even.medium.com/ this-is-not-a-comparison-of-which-n etwork-is-better-or-worse-bcd04826a b7e ---TOOLS--- >STAKING WALLET: https://wallet.lto.network/ >/BIZ/ NODE https://xeno.finance >LTO STATS: https://lto.tools/ >CALC: https://www.stakingrewards.com/earn /lto-network/calculate >CALC 2 https://ltonode.com/roi-calculator/

8 min later 28759151 Anonymous (LTO.png 165x150 3kB)
Did you guys buy the dip / are you still buying it? Looks like we aren't going to 20c after all. Used a spare change I had from the other trade to get 100ish more LTO but hey 100 LTO is 100 LTO. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

15 min later 28759448 Anonymous
>>28759151 Continuing with my small regular purchases. Feels like this coin's performance won't even require a bull market as it's actually adopted.

18 min later 28759551 Anonymous
>>28759151 I just wanna DCA to at least a make it stack (55k), hard times as a poorfag though, only at 4.4k so far.

21 min later 28759639 Anonymous
Why are we even dipping..

21 min later 28759673 Anonymous
>>28759639 bitcoin

50 min later 28760768 Anonymous
Nonono come back down my bank transfer doesn't drop til tomorrow aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

52 min later 28760827 Anonymous
>everything pump >LTO dumps >everything dump >LTO dumps even more Why did I buy this shitcoin again?

56 min later 28761007 Anonymous
>>28760827 Then fuck off you weak handed pussy

58 min later 28761065 Anonymous
>>28761007 Nice argument nigger This slow piece of shit isn't moving at all compared to other shitcoins

1 hours later 28761233 Anonymous (pathetic shitcoin.png 1080x1810 107kB)
Barely 46% up in sats Pathetic shitcoin Could have bought literally any other shitcoin and made more money out of it

1 hours later 28761632 Anonymous (1613202060202.jpg 225x224 5kB)
>>28759151 >Missed the dip >Stop loss triggered >Bought back >Lost 5% plus $100 in tx costs

1 hours later 28761697 Anonymous
>>28761065 Then buy something else retard. Everything you buy out of FOMO has already pumped. People dont get 10x on their money by jumping from coin to coin when others who already hold it have made a fortune. Fuck off.

1 hours later 28761882 Anonymous
>>28761697 I bought LTO at 0.17 dumb faggot how is that fomo buying? I've been holding this shit and watching other coins I own do 300% while this piece of shit barely moves Shut the fuck up dumb nigger

1 hours later 28762142 Anonymous
Riddler did imply the price was being suppressed, i think he knows a lot more than he told us.

1 hours later 28762215 Anonymous
>>28762142 How many make it stacks are left to buy? Do. The. Math.

1 hours later 28762877 Anonymous (1612797252755.jpg 1082x694 80kB)
I'm in lads. Glad the dip was still happening when I woke up and got paid. Holding a comfy 1k now.

1 hours later 28763030 Anonymous (1593202297707.png 300x283 32kB)
more like LTSLOW

1 hours later 28763520 Anonymous (GRANDELTIO.png 833x960 1009kB)

1 hours later 28763553 Anonymous (LTOreasontoLIVE.png 636x1094 606kB)

2 hours later 28763663 Anonymous (Screenshot from 2021-02-15 11-49-06.png 673x295 49kB)
>This is a nonlinear effect. The more that join will create >exponentially more demand.

2 hours later 28763749 Anonymous (1613335315593.png 748x385 56kB)

2 hours later 28764927 Anonymous
Is this actually a decent investment, i don’t mind waiting but i really need a winner

2 hours later 28765034 Anonymous
>>28764927 there's a dozen links in the OP. i suggest using them

2 hours later 28765166 Anonymous
>>28764927 Did my own research, did the math, bought a make it stack. Its already a functioning business generating revenue and the numbers show its at least 5$ undervalued. Team have no big bags to dump and integrators/ clients have to buy directly from exchanges. Do the math and you will see why its an amazing investment for early investors.

2 hours later 28765168 Anonymous
At 40k currently but I'm still thinking to get it to 100k... What to sell anons, what to sell...

2 hours later 28765243 Anonymous
>>28765168 everything, down to your holes

2 hours later 28765250 Anonymous
>>28765166 So clients need to buy the token to use the service? Will that not hinder growth? Can’t imagine many businesses want to fuck around with crypto, or is it a set fee and a lending service kinda deal?

2 hours later 28765332 Anonymous
>>28765250 some businesses (e.g. signrequest) buy it themselves from Binance, others just use the LTO team to deal with the token for them (e.g. they just pay a flat $ fee per transaction)

2 hours later 28765459 Anonymous
>>28759448 This is what i'm banking on right now. currently holding three tokens that have widespread adoption to be less affected by the end of the bullrun

2 hours later 28765534 Anonymous
>>28765250 They can buy themseles or via LTO integrators or the LTO team. Its part of the beauty of the math, once clients remove LTO from exchanges then its unlikely they will ever go back to the exchanges. There is only 900 make it stacks left on binance. Supply of LTO is tiny compared to the potential of the LTO network.

2 hours later 28765542 Anonymous
>>28765243 LTO is a slowing moving gem so I wouldn't like to rush it before some other investments moon (enj for example which is releasing scaling solution... Which i have shit ton)

2 hours later 28765683 Anonymous
Which pool should I lease with? And is there a lock period?

2 hours later 28765727 Anonymous
>>28765168 Math says sell eveything and buy LTO.

2 hours later 28765780 Anonymous
>>28765683 Xeno node is biz node, 99% payout every saturday and there is no lock period. Your LTO never leave your wallet.

2 hours later 28765812 Anonymous (1613331824971.png 386x304 145kB)
>>28765780 wow that's nice. Thanks anon.

2 hours later 28766019 Anonymous (Screenshot 2021-02-15 at 13.44.51.png 183x173 7kB)
...my ass is ready

3 hours later 28766277 Anonymous
>>28766019 I am mirin, I am a poorfag with 4.4k stack, hoping to some day reach a make it stack as well. ygmi anon

3 hours later 28766455 Anonymous
>>28765534 How much is make it stack?

3 hours later 28766498 Anonymous
>>28766455 50-100k

3 hours later 28766633 Anonymous
What's with the 'do the math' meme? I suck at math can anybody do it for me?

3 hours later 28766686 Anonymous
>>28766455 Riddler said 55k make it stack and 15k suicide stack. Still havent figured out how he came to those figures though.

3 hours later 28766696 Anonymous
>>28766633 ngmi

3 hours later 28766821 Anonymous
>>28766696 I already hold LTO and will DCA into it every paycheck, I thought we're all gmi.

3 hours later 28766957 Anonymous
>>28766633 An anon came on a LTO bread and started posting cryptic stuff like, how many LTO available right now, have you ever been paid to pay a bill, do the math. Thought he was larping until anons started applying math to LTO tokenomics and had an epiphany that LTO is literally a blue chip crypto. Riddler said an epiphany would occur and the narrative would change. LTO went from a crypto that may do well for a bit then you sell to you never sell your original LTO and you get to live off the apy if you get a make it stack early enough. Narrative definitely changed after the epiphany. Riddler seems to be hinting at $100 LTO as a minimum but we havent figured out how he came to that figure yet.

3 hours later 28766978 Anonymous (1592401209061.jpg 480x312 16kB)
>>28758811 Currently the biggest stack in my portfolio. I have high hopes for LTO as a long term investment. Glad I'm so early

3 hours later 28767092 Anonymous
>>28766957 how is this different from Q anon?

3 hours later 28767099 Anonymous
>>28766633 math says LTO is literally a gem compared to basically all the top 100 coins. it makes money, has a lot of daily transactions, a lot of people are staking, etc. compared with the other vaporware in the top 20, there's no real excuse this doesn't belong there. 1bn market cap should be the bare minimum in this bull market

3 hours later 28767146 Anonymous
>>28766957 that sounds amazing, even a $10 LTO token in the next 3-4 years would mean the world to me as a poorfag. i'm investing in LTO because it has actual use cases, I'm risk averse and LTO seems to be pretty risk free for a crypto. i'm still getting used to the crypto lingo and crypto markets. I hope it works out for all of us anons.

3 hours later 28767548 Anonymous
When the fuck are LTO wallets gonna introduce either 2FA or hardware wallet integration? I don’t like having my make it stack held behind the same level of security as a RuneScape account

3 hours later 28767608 Anonymous
will LTO get listed on coinbase any time soon? need more amerilards to pump my bags

3 hours later 28767849 Anonymous
>>28767608 Hope not, I still wanna increase my stack.

3 hours later 28767926 Anonymous
>>28767548 What do you mean, it is as safe as any other coin wallet. Just keep your key safe

3 hours later 28768036 Anonymous
>>28767092 How is it the same?

3 hours later 28768545 Anonymous
>>28767926 >someone finds out your password >they have access to all your coins and can instantly unlease and send them to their own wallet >no Authenticator or hardware confirmation needed

3 hours later 28768625 Anonymous
>>28766277 are you staking? Currently holding 4.7k LTO and wondering if it's worth it

3 hours later 28768627 Anonymous
3.7k stack here leased to /ournode/ xeno what's the realistic growth for this? let's say August.... 2x? 5x?

3 hours later 28768682 Anonymous
>>28768625 I am not but that's because I am considering swing trading a bit to increase my stack, considering I can't really put more money aside to DCA sadly

4 hours later 28768712 Anonymous
>>28768627 >2x by august Fucking hell i'd be depressed waiting that long just for 2x. That should be super easy to achieve in the next couple weeks at most unless something goes wrong.

4 hours later 28768784 Anonymous
>>28768545 Bruh, unless they have access to your laptop there's no way they will steal your coins. Your keys are cached locally, that's why you only need your password every time you're logging in. If someone wants to steal anything, they need your password AND your keys.

4 hours later 28768852 Anonymous
>>28768712 >That should be super easy to achieve in the next couple weeks at most prior to this dump I bought at 0.32 last week and highest I saw was 0.40 before bitcoin dump why should it 2x in 2 weeks now?

4 hours later 28768878 Anonymous
If you guys are holding LTO and want to diversify into similar coins (real world use, institutionally adopted) check out GET Protocol (GET) and Origintrail (TRAC)

4 hours later 28768912 Anonymous
anyone else on QLC and OPCT too? they seem like bro coins to LTO

4 hours later 28768983 Anonymous
I seen VIDT coin is doing business, I thought we killed them?

4 hours later 28768997 Anonymous
>>28759639 Has been over brought for a few days will pull back some and then continue onwards

4 hours later 28769050 Anonymous
>>28768627 My conservative guess is 1-3$ dollars range EOY

4 hours later 28769064 Anonymous
>>28768545 dude you have no idea what you're talking about

4 hours later 28769085 Anonymous
>>28769050 that's a 3 to 9x for me I only have $1000 in it tho...

4 hours later 28769289 Anonymous
>>28761632 Stop loss on crypto? >>28768878 Concur on TRAC, seems like a similar business case but more in eastern europe (so less immediate competition)

4 hours later 28769406 Anonymous
>>28768784 >Bruh, unless they have access to your laptop there's no way they will steal your coins. Exactly. If your house gets burgled, your laptop is one of the first big money items they will take. Why not just add 2FA for an extra layer of security?

4 hours later 28769584 Anonymous
>>28769406 >Why not just add 2FA for an extra layer of security? Get in contact with the team and ask them instead of pestering biztards about it lmao.

4 hours later 28769756 Anonymous
AMA when??

4 hours later 28769772 Anonymous
>>28769584 I have.

4 hours later 28770069 Anonymous
Will start DCAing in today bros

4.484 0.182