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2021-02-15 07:55 28756451 Anonymous Paul Krugman (Bugman.jpg 1800x1800 497kB)
What the fuck is his problem with crypto? What the fuck is his problem in general?

2 min later 28756565 Anonymous
>filthy commie >small-hat mafia gee I wonder anon, what is his problem

5 min later 28756715 Anonymous (1613199576707.jpg 593x596 93kB)
>>28756451 He's a mouth breathing retard

6 min later 28756763 Anonymous
>>28756451 He's wrong, but consistently so, perfectly so even, it's best to take everything he believes and use it as a negative gospel, the opposite of what he says will always hold true.

6 min later 28756765 Anonymous (krugman.png 638x479 607kB)
>>28756451 He has an internal fight between his demons, neo-keynesian and post-keynesian wolfs

7 min later 28756803 Anonymous
>>28756565 Is it really that simple? what exactly is he scared of?

8 min later 28756842 Anonymous
>>28756715 >metcalfe ‘s law >potential connections This should be fake, right

11 min later 28757002 Anonymous
>>28756451 There internet is just a fad like fax machines.

14 min later 28757109 Anonymous (Krugman-Gilligan.jpg 683x720 82kB)
>the great reset

14 min later 28757120 Anonymous
>>28756715 Just read his Wikipedia article. This fucker is a complete nigger of the left, even winning a Nobel Prize. Unbelievable. How the fuck does someone so stupid continue to get so much intellectual respect? Unbelievable. Truly an intellectual idiot as Thomas Sowell and more recently Nassim Taleb warned about

17 min later 28757244 Anonymous (paul-krugman_335x465.jpg 335x465 106kB)
He wrote an article titled "bitcoin is evil". He mostly just seems confused about how bitcoin works but dislikes it anyway because it has a "libertarian agenda" He quotes Charlie Stross who says >BitCoin looks like it was designed as a weapon intended to damage central banking and money issuing banks, with a Libertarian political agenda in mind—to damage states ability to collect tax and monitor their citizens financial transactions. he says: >Stross doesn’t like that agenda, and neither do I but qualifies that statement by saying it doesn't affect his opinion of bitcoin in of itself. In my opinion these goals, if bitoin had them, would be admirable and if bitcoin is an effective tool what's the problem? If Krugman is so unsure about how bitcoin works, why does he hate it so much? https://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2 013/12/28/bitcoin-is-evil/

18 min later 28757287 Anonymous
>>28756842 You'd think right? >>28757120 I almost think he's some genius, purposefully being wrong about everything he says. Usually people at least occasionally get something right, just by chance. Not old Paul, he's never been right in his entire career. It's a skill.

21 min later 28757442 Anonymous
Bumping to get more answers.

21 min later 28757460 Anonymous
Ron Paul BTFO’d him years ago on monetary policy https://youtu.be/jEmKIRqz9AI

26 min later 28757646 Anonymous
>>28756451 Keynesian kikes get the rope.

27 min later 28757742 Anonymous
>>28756715 >people have nothing to say to each other Hes a Jew and even back then he was afraid of white men talking to each other about certain aspects of this system.

31 min later 28757889 Anonymous
>>28757244 >>BitCoin looks like it was designed as a weapon intended to damage central banking and money issuing banks Hes not wrong. Of course he and Peter Schiff hate Bitcoin. It destroys Jewish central banking. We must destroy the Lightning Network!

31 min later 28757924 Anonymous
The guy's a genuine retard and Trump finally broke his mind.

33 min later 28757977 Anonymous
>>28757287 I can believe that. Total shill for the faggots who love central banking and stealing our wealth through taxes

35 min later 28758092 Anonymous
>>28756451 he fucks kids

40 min later 28758296 Anonymous
>>28757244 Does anyone have the copypasta about Bitcoin being a weapon? I loved it but I forgot to save the image

40 min later 28758302 Anonymous
>>28756451 >krugman >rugman I don't trust this man

46 min later 28758526 Anonymous (PedoKrugman.jpg 1908x1146 273kB)
>>28758092 uhhh...forget what you've heard. Whatever it is, it is probably just Qanon Russian bot disinfo.

47 min later 28758568 Anonymous (pPgoFqsu.jpg 1080x762 115kB)
>>28757442 there's an entire part of the population that can shepherded by pseudo intellectuals to believe and promote ideologies in exchange for appearing virtuous or being socially accepted. It occurs in every field. In economics the ideology they want adopted is the one where you work the most for the least

47 min later 28758580 Anonymous (krugman-friedman.jpg 778x555 38kB)
Paul Krugman is the Thomas Friedman of economics. Self esteem issues, infected with amnesiac psychobabble that seethes topical and lacks substance beyond political cuckery news of the day. I mean, these two faggots in this picture unironically served more war march neo liberalism cuckfoolery koolaid than most. Wager that beyond each other's diseased loads in their mouths, both of them are hodling ETH and BTC.

51 min later 28758724 Anonymous
>>28758526 he has the look some guys just have this stare plastered on their face once they've seen some shit that no human was meant to see

57 min later 28758982 Anonymous (1597083094706.jpg 897x597 313kB)
>>28756451 tone it down with the antisemitic questions already

1 hours later 28759557 Anonymous
>>28756451 he's retarded and has 0 self-awareness.

1 hours later 28759624 Anonymous
>>28758296 Which copypasta? Sounds hilarious.

1 hours later 28759653 Anonymous
>>28756451 he's jewish

1 hours later 28759663 Anonymous
>>28756451 Always do the opposite of what this guy says if you want to be successful.

1 hours later 28759683 Anonymous (1584607681607.jpg 768x1024 165kB)
>>28757120 Because the long nose tribe muh 6 million

1 hours later 28759723 Anonymous
>>28757120 Now you know what jewish nepotism means

1 hours later 28759777 Anonymous
>>28757244 >BitCoin looks like it was designed as a weapon intended to damage central banking and money issuing banks, with a Libertarian political agenda in mind—to damage states ability to collect tax and monitor their citizens financial transactions. Nothing wrong with this. Government religion is out of control already.

1 hours later 28759829 Anonymous
>>28756451 Can someone post the back of his nobel price winning book?

1 hours later 28759976 Anonymous (tcwp3xnsewo21.jpg 704x900 94kB)
>>28759829 >Paul Krugman A testament to stupidity and the proof that economics nobel is the ultimate joke.

1 hours later 28760039 Anonymous
>>28756451 Has he ever been right about anything?

1 hours later 28760779 Anonymous
>>28760039 Supposedly his economic theories on trade are supposed to be decent. He legitimately seems like the least intelligent of the (neo/post/post-post/whatever)-Keyne sian Economist though despite his popularity.

1 hours later 28760878 Anonymous
>>28760039 >>28760779 This is why no decent economist throws predictions like they were gospel. It's known that the economy can't be fully measured and given circumstances many things can change rapidly. This moron predicted that Trump would sink the economy and before covid it was probably the best since before the housing crisis. He's not a serious source of anything and thinks having a nobel prize gives him the right to have say on anything, regardless of his knowledge on the subject.

1 hours later 28761039 Anonymous
>>28756451 he's a communist jew? Paul Krugman is the text book example of why autos-de-fé were invented

2 hours later 28761357 Anonymous
>>28759624 It was a 10 line long text detailing how the true purpose of Bitcoin is being an economic weapon. I cannot recall much more from memory. It was pretty epic in tone to be honest.

2 hours later 28761519 Anonymous (HOTWPI.jpg 1024x512 55kB)
>>28760878 Yeah, he tends to have this know-it-all, holier-than-thou attitude. It's almost as if he rolls back his eyes every-time he has to teach a "zombie" "basic-econ". Extremely cringy. >>28761039 >Auto-da-fé? What's an auto-da-fé? >It's what you oughtn't to do but you do anyway

2 hours later 28761762 Anonymous
>>28756803 Yes its that simple. Tribe dont like goyim doing things.

2 hours later 28762386 Anonymous
>>28759829 >>28759976 No way he put that on the back of his book, lolololol

2 hours later 28762913 Anonymous
>Always do the opposite of what Paul Krugman says This advice alone has made me a shitload of money

3 hours later 28764167 Anonymous
>>28756451 Does this retard have any other hot takes that we can inverse for profit?

3 hours later 28765376 Anonymous (SoFuckingBrave.jpg 512x512 58kB)
>>28757460 Holy kek I just saw this. Why does he look so unironically shifty and scared in this? I mean he's a Nobel laureate economist and Ron Paul is just some weird crazy uncle who somehow became a politician, right?

3 hours later 28765433 Anonymous
>>28756451 he wants you to own nothing and be happy eating ze bugs.

3 hours later 28765526 Anonymous
>>28756803 he doesn't want you to have an alternative from eating ze bugs dumbo, how dense can you be?

3 hours later 28765757 Anonymous
>>28757244 checked; both he and his cronies such as yanis varoufakis use. the argument that bitcoin is bad mkayy but blockchain is good. which is complete and total bullshit since bitcoin incentivizes decentralization by being a tokenized ledger. blockchain without the incentives to cooperative decentralisation is just a shared database. these cunts don't understand blockchain tech, or even worse they do understand it and want to subvert it because it hurts their (((owners)))

3 hours later 28766243 Anonymous
>>28758526 holy shit i did not know this. not surprised in the least bit

3 hours later 28766336 Anonymous
>>28756451 he's a cantillion insider he has a problem with crypto because he understands the implications of removing money from the hands of government

3 hours later 28766350 Anonymous
>>28765757 Shit you're right, Varufuckis is always talking about how bitcoin is bad but blockchain is good. That is slightly distressing now that you've pointed that out. I don't think that I've heard Krugman say it yet but i look out for anyone using this argument fro now on.

4 hours later 28766720 Anonymous
>>28766350 i used to be varoufakis' biggest supporter because i thought they'd get rid of the corrupt establishment. i then went ro a diem25 meeting and talked to him for 5 minutes, was all i needed to realize how fucking stupid i was. these fuckers don't work for us, that i can guarantee. they had "former" intelligence officers collecting phone numbers and shit like that. the part that convinced me it was all a sham was when he told me hillary is ok and not a warhawk, right after telling me the now-classic bitcoin bad, blockchain good. i gtfo'd in a fucking miserable mood, don't meet your heroes dude

4 hours later 28767693 Anonymous
>>28756451 It's very difficult for a man to understand something, when his fortune depends on not understanding it.

4 hours later 28767762 Anonymous
>>28766720 >they had "former" intelligence officers collecting phone numbers and shit like that. Kek, I hope you didn't give them your info. At least you learned to avoid Varoufakis and his movement. No doubt, there are a lot of young and gullible sycophants who would've just been happy that they got to meet their idol. Are you still an economic leftist? and if so, aren't you scared crypto will just strengthen capitalism and create a new, stronger, less controllable market economy (just like the lolberts like me who've always supported it hoped it would)? I'm not judging, I'm genuinely curious. I think there are genuinely good people on both sides and you seem pretty smart.

4 hours later 28768464 Anonymous
>>28767762 i'm anti corruption and pro-decentralization. used to identify as an anarcho capitalist with socialist safety nets on the absolute basics such as imfrastructure and healthcare until i realized these labels are all retarded. i now serve the decentralization agenda with all my heart and believe in nothing else. decentralization is my religion. if we decentralize energy, economics, food production and manufacturing, we can create a side-chain (in blockchain terms) of an economy that is only reliant on current systems as a settling chain. tldr fuck centralized power regardless of political spectrum

4 hours later 28768578 Anonymous
>>28768464 enjoy being absolutely steamrolled by organized collectives.

4 hours later 28769005 Anonymous
>>28768578 like crypto was? you can't steamroll a ghost dumbo

5 hours later 28769118 Anonymous
>>28769005 is your body a ghost?

5 hours later 28769200 Anonymous
>>28757120 That's what being jewish gets you.

5 hours later 28769248 Anonymous (austrian-keynesians.jpg 720x540 74kB)

5 hours later 28769302 Anonymous
>>28758724 You mean jewish physiognomy?

5 hours later 28770093 Anonymous
>>28768578 Organized collectives are only effective when challenging centralized authority

5 hours later 28770150 Anonymous
>>28769248 bubble never need to be popped. take keynes pill.

5 hours later 28770195 Anonymous
>>28770093 Bro, your existence is not decentralised, badly motivated people can and absolutely will fuck you in the ass if they get the chance.

5 hours later 28770238 Anonymous (E8A3584E-DCF0-4E0F-8411-E6574BC0DB64.jpg 515x1024 88kB)
>>28756451 He needs the attention to sell his books.

5 hours later 28770245 Anonymous
>>28769248 kek keynesians are such retards. No wonder reddit and /lit/ love them so much.

5 hours later 28770253 Anonymous
>>28769118 my meatsuit is just for now, decentealization and the decoupling from this (((system))) of control is forever i'll die on this hill wearing my biggest smile

5 hours later 28770282 Anonymous
>>28769248 The thing with bubbles is that central banks knowingly create and inflate them because they are not serving the general population but a small group of people that leverage their own assets x25 or x50 to buy up bankrupted people's and companies' assets on the cheap. And I am not exclusively talking about jews, although there are many among the elites.

5 hours later 28770476 Anonymous
>>28756803 It puts meddlers like him out of a job if meddling is literally impossible

5 hours later 28770515 Anonymous
>>28765376 Ron Paul is a doctor. Was a flight surgeon in the military in the 60s. Delivered babies for fucking years. Dude is legit. Then, Is congressman from Texas for years. THEN runs for President and was hands down the best chance America ever had at having a real true libertarian President. Not counting the 13th President from 170 years ago. He wrote a few books and one of them is called LIBERTY DEFINED. an outstanding book I read my senior year in highschool. Shit redpilled the fuck out of me.

5 hours later 28770842 Anonymous (4L_Lx3d8tDR.png 600x386 356kB)

5 hours later 28770935 Anonymous
>>28770150 >lets stay in poverty and never get the benefit of increases in production yeah nah >>28770282 The problem is central banks.

6 hours later 28772443 Anonymous
he has written a good textbook on international trade. do you guys know of any alternatives?

6 hours later 28772466 Anonymous
>>28756451 fuck kikes and fuck you OP

6 hours later 28772550 Anonymous (58-Productivity-and-wages.jpg 2192x1444 311kB)
>>28770935 >implying there isn't massive increases in productivity last 20 years you've been BTFO so hard. bubble will never be popped. deal with it.

6 hours later 28772822 Anonymous
>>28756451 Ssh.. leftard econs are the perfect reverse indicators

6 hours later 28772961 Anonymous (CUTE.jpg 640x640 145kB)
>>28756451 He is quite literally paid to be wrong. Keynesianism is a globohomo scam, they get mouthbreathers to swallow the unfathomable contradiction that is infinite money printing and taxes. These people are pure evil.

6 hours later 28773044 Anonymous
>>28772550 >>implying there isn't massive increases in productivity last 20 years Yes, that's what I am implying. American productivity has stagnated and this graph is a stupid meme. > bubble will never be popped. deal with it. meanwhile our living standards keep stagnating and the rich keep getting richer while doing zero work

6 hours later 28773104 Anonymous
>>28772443 anything the austrian school has written

6 hours later 28773238 Anonymous
>>28757244 He recognizes bitcoin as a hyper-competent assault on the power structure that keeps him employed and gives him status and prestige, even if he won’t articulate it that way. He’s a keynesian and a leading member of our priestly class of economists - if he can’t print money and manipulate monetary matters people might realize that the traitors within our borders are worse than the enemies without. All the pilpul from him merely covers up the fact that you, white boy, cannot be allowed to separate yourself from this system that parasitizes you.

6 hours later 28773329 Anonymous
>>28773044 >google >amazon >netflix >apple >starbucks >illumina wahh wahh my lifestyle is stagnating as i get my toothbrush delivered by drones in 5 hours.

6 hours later 28773380 Anonymous
>>28773329 >fed economist detected Don’t try to buy a house or a college education or healthcare though, be satisfied with your cheap chinese garbage

6 hours later 28773451 Anonymous
>>28773329 Those are increases in efficiency of delivery of some consumer goods(mostly from china) but the overall productivity of the american economy has declined. GDP is a joke.

6 hours later 28773470 Anonymous (1612301742463.png 1043x1383 348kB)
>>28772443 I'm going to clue you in on a secret, R*dditor. All textbooks are overly simplistic crap that get thrown away the second you actually need to get work done. And I'm saying that from the vantage point of someone that does research for a living. The reason R*dditors like you love them so much is they give you a warm safety blanket that academics are bosses (girl bosses, even) who have everything figured out, when we really don't know what the fuck we're actually doing. As for a response to your question, Hayek, von Mises, Rothbard.

6 hours later 28773530 Anonymous
>>28756803 People fud IRL, anon...always have

6 hours later 28773770 Anonymous (unknown (12).png 487x396 239kB)
>>28773470 >Hayek, von Mises, Rothbard. Hello is this the based department?

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