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2021-02-15 07:26 28755242 Anonymous Coinfess (Eg6IXb0UYAE_QtY.jpg 679x458 28kB)
Did you sell the dip or did you buy?
0 min later 28755275 Anonymous
i held
0 min later 28755279 Anonymous
just held
0 min later 28755284 Anonymous (1613312907301.jpg 350x600 258kB)
holding ltc, so no. I'm as comfy as a horse in a carrot patch.
1 min later 28755312 Anonymous
1 min later 28755333 Anonymous (if a hoers wore pants.jpg 600x800 125kB)
thanks for the pleasant mental imagery anon :)
2 min later 28755370 Anonymous
i held through and bough a little bit more
wish i didn't buy anything this past week though, or else i would have bought more today
2 min later 28755373 Anonymous
Bought and earnt more HANDY, one of those easy crypto earning hacks ;)
3 min later 28755401 Anonymous
Fomo bought the top
Fomo bought the dip
3 min later 28755406 Anonymous
I waited for my portfolio to be down 10% for the day, and I topped it off. Comfy dip.
4 min later 28755428 Anonymous (1610504367106.png 840x843 526kB)
Holding. Never selling. Like a sir.
4 min later 28755431 Anonymous
Buy of course
4 min later 28755437 Anonymous (1586665841431.jpg 976x850 63kB)
if I sell if I have to pay taxes
if I never sell I never have to pay taxes
4 min later 28755438 Anonymous
i sold and bought GRT, mainly because ive been wanting GRT all week
4 min later 28755439 Anonymous
this desu. I do not have enough money to buy and I have learned enough to not sell. Might have to wait a week or two for my account to show a profit again though.
4 min later 28755458 Anonymous
Bought 1 eth 1710
5 min later 28755489 Anonymous (625882C8-EE20-4B58-B83D-4B33F89BA0C2.png 200x200 5kB)
I got airdropped
6 min later 28755520 Anonymous (1609435079231.jpg 550x413 67kB)
Held. Bought the peak.
Feel foolish.
Could have so much ALGO right now
8 min later 28755577 Anonymous
I'm lazy and held, but added about 5% more to my stack.
8 min later 28755595 Anonymous
Panic sold but bought back at same price
9 min later 28755618 Anonymous
fucking bought a shit ton yesterday so fuck me lol.
holding though but damn could have bought WAY more today FUCK ME
9 min later 28755620 Anonymous (h1nwk6ndukb51.png 565x464 175kB)
9 min later 28755630 Anonymous
sold some shitcoins that were dumping into stuff thats dumping less
9 min later 28755631 Anonymous
anon, I have no money to buy the dip. otherwise I would...
9 min later 28755635 Anonymous
25% in stablecoins this is a shopping spree for me.
Surprised the gas is so low rn.
Do ppl not usually buy the fucking dips?
9 min later 28755642 Anonymous
Sold bought back, lost $150.
>15k port
My hands will be the end of me
9 min later 28755643 Anonymous
buy, no balls no glory
9 min later 28755646 Anonymous
Sold the top but I missed my chance to buy the dip as i have decision paralysis.
I know itll go back up but I feel like as soon as I buy back in euros will wake up and dip will resume.
10 min later 28755650 Anonymous
Chad here. Bought before the dip because I’m awesome
10 min later 28755663 Anonymous
was playing vidya the whole time and didnt even realize there was a dump, my 79k linkies are safe and sound
10 min later 28755666 Anonymous
10 min later 28755674 Anonymous (5D083F47-6F6A-4B5C-B7D8-07A76D7EB715.jpg 467x512 50kB)
I sold the dip and rebought the top
11 min later 28755735 Anonymous
Stopped selling crypto at this point, even if i see 50% drops.
Love bags
Hate USD
Simple as.
12 min later 28755753 Anonymous
Barrow against your holdings and dont pay taxes on that either
13 min later 28755788 Anonymous
I wasn't even paying attention and everything is already back up, lmao
14 min later 28755838 Anonymous (HODL.png 960x553 308kB)
HODLing and then buying the dip once it reaches rock bottom
Then I'm putting all my dogecoin onto my nano ledger s and not bringing it bacc out until 1$ or moar
15 min later 28755879 Anonymous
true story, I'm trying to see if I should be scooping up some more BOND. my holder rank has dropped too much. I'm competitive and hate to see someone surpass me because I'm retarded, but so are you. Are you going to let someone surpass your BOND holder ranking too?
15 min later 28755882 Anonymous
I was already in comfy profits with LINK and GRT so I didn’t touch my positions but I did take advantage of the dip to move in on ALGO at a very nice discount
16 min later 28755918 Anonymous
i sold 1/20 of my eth for justin
16 min later 28755921 Anonymous
It will never hit one dollar look at its market cap and how many are created every day.
Sell at .90
17 min later 28755975 Anonymous
Gas fees so low during massive discounts just goes to show how immature the audience in crypto is.
I remember gas getting to absurd levels when everything was pumping.
18 min later 28755991 Anonymous
dips not done
22 min later 28756181 Anonymous
Algo is actually the best coin to hold desu.
You bought the top? No problem, I added to my fat stack at 1.62 and at 1.45.
No hard feelings, the APY stays the same.
36 min later 28756777 Anonymous (0cc.jpg 633x640 51kB)
Panic sold my ADA and ALGO almost at the bottom but was able to get my head out of my ass and put those albeit diminished profits into BAND at a good price. Feeling alright.
37 min later 28756837 Anonymous
Of course I get trips when I don't make a prediction. Damnit
42 min later 28757106 Anonymous (EtsHY-lVgAAdKq8.png 2048x1056 295kB)
Yeeehaw indeed ltc boomer
44 min later 28757197 Anonymous
I held. I already bought all the coins I was going to buy months ago.
I don't sell or trade. I flipped RSR for a lot, but honestly that was an accident. It took me way too long to realize it was a scam ERC-20. I just wish Statera would explode. : (
45 min later 28757241 Anonymous
I don't have anymore money to buy
47 min later 28757328 Anonymous
48 min later 28757385 Anonymous (B0AFFC7D-87F5-4A37-983F-E216FA5E072C.jpg 600x625 45kB)
Bought literally 10 mins before the fucking dip AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
49 min later 28757418 Anonymous
Anime predicting anon here.
I predicted as the world goes more sjw and gay we get shitter content each year.
It's started with naruto.
We are mooning soon but don't miss out and sell to hodl.
Digits confirm
49 min later 28757424 Anonymous
Hold. I drop 4.5k in every two weeks. Still got about 6 days left til next buy in.
Oh well :/
50 min later 28757443 Anonymous
i sold :/
50 min later 28757461 Anonymous
my entire net worth minus a few dollars for food is in crypto already
51 min later 28757502 Anonymous (zj54.jpg 2400x1350 534kB)
Ok one here did sell the bottom, speak up.
I did not touch anything.
54 min later 28757636 Anonymous
dropped linkies on the way down and picked them up again on the bounce.
Felt like a fucking crypto ninja.
Usually fuck these things up
56 min later 28757736 Anonymous
spent about $1000 in transactions getting out, stuck in tether now while everything goes back 10x stronger, it's over for me
57 min later 28757761 Anonymous
I didn't even notice it dipped so I guess I just held?
58 min later 28757802 Anonymous (5F219B10-873F-4C69-A290-4B46850322E6.png 750x1334 138kB)
Here you go, I fucked around and found out. Bought back in at 31, left some in cash, stack is way down. Swingies get the rope etc.
fucking end me.
58 min later 28757822 Anonymous
Good call if you saw that ~10 years ago. Movies, video games, general public culture is abhorrent. Maybe Once upon a time in hollywood was good it was hard to tell upon first viewing, haven't enjoyed a video game since Battlefield 1 and even then you saw the makings of SJW crap with the female soldier on the menu screen.
Here's some digits. We are still going parabolic this was just a little bump in the road.
1 hours later 28758077 Anonymous
This. I am not buying another cent of crypto. I put in a total of $100k of my principal into crypto i am not investing more as thats 2/3 of my net worth
1 hours later 28758188 Anonymous
Bought a bit more as it started to rally just to bring my bottom line down a wee bit. Cuz whythefucknot
1 hours later 28758380 Anonymous
oh fuck I'm pretty sure I saw that trade on the ticker. I was quietly cheering you on for driving the price further down..... sorry anon.
1 hours later 28758697 Anonymous
Digits confirm praise kek
1 hours later 28759458 Anonymous
I tried to do some range trading in that region but it netted me negative in the short term.
Whatever though, I watched the markets do their thing, ended up researching divergences n stuff more, so yeah I learned as a result.
1 hours later 28759495 Anonymous
1 hours later 28759500 Anonymous
bought the dip. sold the top kek.
i swinged myself 40% bigger stack this week.
1 hours later 28759535 Anonymous
Bro you never sell link. Everyone knows this.
2 hours later 28760373 Anonymous (this-is-me-giving-a-fuck.jpg 700x474 121kB)
I slept.
2 hours later 28760417 Anonymous
Was too busy jacking off to JAV porn and missed it all
2 hours later 28760452 Anonymous
Sold and bought. I legit thought it was the end. I lost $100 in transaction costs plus like $300
2 hours later 28760602 Anonymous
I slept through it. Being a Euro is suffering. Never going to bed before 3 AM ever again
2 hours later 28760634 Anonymous
i literally did nothing. when i sell i lose. when i buy i lose. im just going to hold what i have forever. time itself will end ill still be holding
2 hours later 28761630 Anonymous
i bought the dip but it dipped further than what i bought the dip at
2 hours later 28761798 Anonymous
how about I sold before the dip?
2 hours later 28761953 Anonymous
super gay move
2 hours later 28762154 Anonymous
I was busy all day and held. Still way positive on my initial investment so idc. Wish I could have done some swinging to increase my stacks but I was outside.
2 hours later 28762421 Anonymous
Held because I'm too sick to cash out. I'm afraid I'll fuck up a digit.
2 hours later 28762512 Anonymous
Ran out of money so held. Part of me wanted to sell last week to buy this but you know how it is - you can't be 100% sure its going to fall when you want it but you can be 100% sure we're going to see ATHs at some point in the next 30 years (my investment horizon) so fuck it just hold.
2 hours later 28762605 Anonymous
Since you love anime, I do believe that you are an expert about stuff getting increasingly gay.
2 hours later 28762613 Anonymous
I holded
2 hours later 28762687 Anonymous (itsover.jpg 480x640 33kB)
I fudded my bags to death. wtf do I do now
3 hours later 28762731 Anonymous
Buyed the top and solded the dip
3 hours later 28762736 Anonymous
I bought GRT and ORAI during the dip, am I doing it rite?
3 hours later 28762786 Anonymous
all my limit sell orders triggered and now I'm all in cash and the prices have recovered already
this shit isnt fun at all
3 hours later 28762791 Anonymous
3 hours later 28762845 Anonymous (1608611589070.jpg 1000x1000 123kB)
god, I'm new to crypto, I sold
I'm learning that if a coin has a month of steady growth and it takes a fat dip, it usually is fine as long as it isn't an obvious RANJEESH CURRY dump coin to begin with
>i confess to my failure and choose to learn from it
3 hours later 28762861 Anonymous
3 hours later 28762925 Anonymous
I am the most unlucky guy, when I buy something it drops.
I bought just 1 hour before crash and went to sleep.
3 hours later 28762965 Anonymous (24079f5ca9a207a1ee478cc8b03f1795.jpg 636x636 61kB)
What the fuck are you saying, Julian? I'm not going to make it and going to jail instead?
3 hours later 28763032 Anonymous
I held, but ngl my hand are paper and I am about to sell some bags and buy a bigger dip
Fuck you, retarded 2011 redditor
3 hours later 28763530 Anonymous (bubs.jpg 450x370 28kB)
You HAAAAD to FUD Rubic huh Rick..
We all coulda been rich by now but OH NO NO that wasn't enough for you.
All I fuckin' wanted was a nice home for me and me kitties Rick, now its all fuckin' fucked cos of you.
3 hours later 28763712 Anonymous
Bought ETH, ETC, BCH and LTC
3 hours later 28763758 Anonymous
I sold a smaller position just in case. It still is in profit so I'm not mad or anything but already thinking of buying back it. The fud is just so stupid by now. Everything is bullish hands down.
3 hours later 28763812 Anonymous
I bought 300$ worth of NU the exact moment it reached 55 (fifty-five) cents. It stayed there for a literal second and I locked the trade
3 hours later 28763894 Anonymous (ricky.jpg 700x394 45kB)
Not pubic bubs
3 hours later 28764038 Anonymous (maxresdefault.jpg 1280x720 102kB)
all we had to do was max on them frax and then we gonna dodge them tax on dem gainz boys. knoimsayn. you a mafk ricky.
3 hours later 28764072 Anonymous (c0f0434beeb4ca4f54bda5629c1af932.jpg 737x737 56kB)
For fucks sake Ricky, what did you FUD this time...
3 hours later 28764111 Anonymous
Holding this small correction, was inevitable with the recent pumps
3 hours later 28764240 Anonymous
Crash? hahaha. Fucking newfags.
Remember when bitcoin dropped 10k? It was a month ago.
Remember when bitcoin was under 20k?
It was two months ago.
Alts pumped then retraced. This is nothing to worry about, if you are a risk taker try to swing the bounce otherwise hodl and this all goes back up.
3 hours later 28764344 Anonymous (mooning_incoming.png 1470x675 113kB)
Yes we gonna moon.
3 hours later 28764350 Anonymous
I know, but I could buy a fucking dip, just 1 hour later
3 hours later 28764360 Anonymous
God of War 2018 - Game
Attack on Titan, Dark - TV Shows
Edge of Tomorrow, Guardians of the Galaxy - Movies
These are my top tier list of pop culture enjoyment from the last 10 years
3 hours later 28764381 Anonymous
who would sell a dip?
3 hours later 28764427 Anonymous
Time to shill like you never shilled before. Gather all your highest energy memes, get a couple of rajesh pajeets on speed dial and send them pics of bobs and verganas to do it for you. They're a shill force-multiplier because they appear to be autistic as fuck in their meme-reproducing and posting potential.
3 hours later 28764445 Anonymous (EqgRIs_W4AEZByC.png 256x256 72kB)
I sold the pump to 49500 knowing it probably wouldnt break, however I dont know when to rebuy. my buy order 15% lower didnt trigger unfortunately and it recovered already.
3 hours later 28764913 Anonymous (brainlettttt.jpg 800x450 45kB)
Buy high sell low is the biz way. Get with the programme dufus.
3 hours later 28764953 Anonymous (ricky-TPB-3.jpg 800x450 85kB)
Well you see if I tell you guys it's blatant market manicure. Lahey's going to fuck us again
3 hours later 28765007 Anonymous (1612613088767.jpg 700x1016 138kB)
Newfag reporting in.
Bought some GRT during the dip last night with some cash I had on my card
Bought some more Rubic when I saw the price this morning
4 hours later 28765369 Anonymous (22048856-ricky.jpg 300x300 17kB)
I flushed the best memes
4 hours later 28766718 Anonymous
4 hours later 28766767 Anonymous
'ate fiat
'ate usd
luv btc
luv me brekkie
simple as
1.601 0.151