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2021-02-15 07:13 28754634 Anonymous (gg.jpg 976x549 77kB)
i hate this faggot so goddamn hard
1 min later 28754714 Anonymous
So you're a nigger? Musk is what all white men should aspire to be.
2 min later 28754746 Anonymous
So you're a fat soi cuck?
3 min later 28754789 Anonymous
He's pretty awful. I hate the people that worship him even more
7 min later 28754976 Anonymous
No, I'm a white male that tries to work as hard as he does. I don't get the musk hate, whenever I see people online bitching about musk I immediately assume they must be a nigger or some fat feminist bitch all pissed off because he prefers loli girls.
8 min later 28755029 Anonymous
>worked hard
>inherited a gem mine in south africa of all places
cumskins are this fucking stupid
8 min later 28755037 Anonymous
Musk is a loli pedo? Damn i thought he was terrible before but now he's just white trash.
10 min later 28755118 Anonymous
>I'm just so white i suck up to kike puppets
Something tells me this "white", guy is not as white as he claims. .
13 min later 28755250 Anonymous
This plus the government bailed him out like all the big boys when he got into financial trouble. He's one of (((them)))
14 min later 28755290 Anonymous
Believe it or not, you can inherit wealth and still choose to work hard..
kys normie nigger. Grimes is a lolita.
Because the white population of south africa is known for their prominent jewish population.
16 min later 28755380 Anonymous
both his parents are alive
16 min later 28755384 Anonymous
He’s like 30 years older than his second wife
17 min later 28755423 Anonymous
>can't read english
17 min later 28755432 Anonymous
The only people who care about this are jealous fucks lol.
17 min later 28755452 Anonymous
So you're a fat soi cuck?
18 min later 28755475 Anonymous
>works hard
>thinks inheriting a small loan of a gem mine and using that capital to do a measly x10 is working hard because you got lucky with those companies
youre so fucking stupid even your dumbass can luck out and x10 on some stupid fucking coin but musk lucked out and x10 on the two companies he bought.
anon once youre rich it "looks" more impressive to 10x but it's the same shit you do.
also bailed out. imagine thinking lucking your ass into easy multipliers and then getting bailed out means youre so smart. so smart and incredible he had to get a hair transplant to cover his insecurities
youre really exuding sub 5'9 energy anon
22 min later 28755633 Anonymous (1584605989402.jpg 2000x1500 297kB)
this, he's the Henry Ford of our time, but also the Howard Hughes
25 min later 28755770 Anonymous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0P2 oIBrO27U&ab_channel=FoxFiresCommerc ial
28 min later 28755889 Anonymous
Lol, no hes not. Those two were geniuses in their field.
Musk had a bunch of money from paypal and bought tesla and its patents.
Musk is an investor/promotor but not an actual science/engineering genius like Hughes and Ford were.
Elon Musk is actually kind of similar to trump. Elon is a celebrity type CEO and people want him to succeed.
30 min later 28755937 Anonymous
Being a pedo is not the same as a normie you coping pedo nigger. You should be raped by niggers.
31 min later 28755987 Anonymous
Boring white guys with overpaid do nothing office jobs who listen to Joe Rogan are the people who kept buying Tesla stock...
wow, can the monorail guy get arrested for the blattan fraud he is ENRON MUSK
33 min later 28756079 Anonymous
That's not being a loli pedo doe. Unless he was 30.
34 min later 28756110 Anonymous (4A574886-76E2-427F-BA6D-A029079FA4F9.jpg 960x678 110kB)
They’ve just been psyopped by the media who hates him since he called them out on their shit
35 min later 28756139 Anonymous
lmao, retard mentality
36 min later 28756203 Anonymous
Exactly. Everyone who hates musk is either a) a nigger, b) a kike, c) a feminist bitch who can't stand musk because he plays vidya and fucks a skinny loli, or d) some jealous little bitch who can't admire other's accomplishments.
38 min later 28756280 Anonymous
I 10x'd 100k and I'm a college drop out. It really is easy in current year as long as you have that starting capital
40 min later 28756370 Anonymous
Elon is pushing the space nonsense so you know he's in with kikes
45 min later 28756588 Anonymous
same anon i built a good credit score waging away and am now multiplying my starting capital. cumskins that think themselves too good dont realize the leg up they had. as long as you have the starting capital and look for opportunities that's it
49 min later 28756787 Anonymous (1611806951963.png 236x154 69kB)
Elon is all right but I need him to stop tweeting about crypto.
51 min later 28756882 Anonymous
hes a balding sperg manchild uncapable of getting a gf
53 min later 28756981 Anonymous
I would like to fuck his butt so hard until it hurts, and slap him on the face while he sucks my hard dick
54 min later 28757053 Anonymous
He has a gf and he has a string of prime ex wives.
56 min later 28757137 Anonymous
But is he still a butt-virgin? That’s that only thing that matters to me
57 min later 28757170 Anonymous
just confirms hes uncapable of getting a stable woman that isnt with him just for the money or that he doesnt scare away with his tism
58 min later 28757201 Anonymous
grimes pegs him regularly
59 min later 28757277 Anonymous
no way he is. you dont get to be powerful hot shot white man in the big media for nothin these days
1 hours later 28757344 Anonymous
so this thread confirmed that only asshurt niggers hate him
1 hours later 28757378 Anonymous
ngmi, go back to /pol or /b, stop making threads about some meme rich dude, everybody hates him,
These threads radiate seething, especially when he mentions crypto and some retards who sold just before an Elon pump tweet, cry that they missed the pump
1 hours later 28757465 Anonymous
imagine being a cumskin
1 hours later 28757467 Anonymous (1612150647481.jpg 960x960 106kB)
https://twitter.com/CadgerGreg/stat us/1207157643850076160?s=19
Read this dudes tweet. Legit elon is probably one of the biggest hustlers in modern times.
1 hours later 28757644 Anonymous
I respect his game, it is an artform to be so good at this. love to see reddit fags drool over some conman and get fucked over lmao.
1 hours later 28757751 Anonymous
Yeah a significant portion of white south Africans are actually jewish to this day. How do you think apartheid fell?
1 hours later 28757858 Anonymous
>45 tweet thread
JUST USE TWITLONGER FOR FUCKS SAKE i'm not reading that shit that guy's a moron.
1 hours later 28757896 Anonymous (1612821222697.png 736x960 306kB)
I don't really know much about him, but he clearly cares about getting us to Mars and advancing technology, so I don't care what he is. He can be sacrificing kids to Moloch as long as I get my 50,000,000 acre plantation on Mars.
1 hours later 28757907 Anonymous
>reddit spacing
You need to go back.
1 hours later 28757960 Anonymous
Most wealth is inherited. You save now so you can have better things in the future. Most immigrant families new this when they came to US. They were willing to work long hours and risk starting businesses in order for their children to have an easier life. Their children would work under them and the wealth would grow, then there children would be able to branch out into higher education and other niche and expensive to get into profession.
Inherited wealth can also be squandered and lost in a single generation if the children do not learn the value of saving for the future, or of making smart investments.
1 hours later 28758037 Anonymous
1 hours later 28758068 Anonymous
Went all in Tesla and SpaceX with all the money he had, so much so that he went from having 40m to having to borrow for rent. That was in the middle of the 2008 crisis. I can respect that in a person.
1 hours later 28758087 Anonymous
knew, their*
1 hours later 28758114 Anonymous (elon_5D_chess.png 602x505 46kB)
>tells whales to sell their doge coins.
>everyone without a brain SHITS their paints and think he's given up on our boi doge.
>small smooth brains just spam on /biz/ how much they hate musk now cause they don't have any braincells left
>frens tell them that he's only talking to the whales, however the smooth brains are so incapable of understanding normal english they just keep consuming their own shit and and bitching while everyone laughs at them.
you people really are the jesters of this world, cause you're the joke all along.
1 hours later 28758127 Anonymous
Until he starts yelling about BoringDAO
1 hours later 28758130 Anonymous
I do too, but at least he added bitcoin to tesla's balance sheet. He has played his role in this game
1 hours later 28758170 Anonymous
You sound beta for worshipping anyone. Period.
A true man carves his own path, not dick sucks others like a submissive bitch. A true man is also prideful and never admits to being inferior while you openly expose your anus to him.
1 hours later 28758211 Anonymous
>Elon will run for president after living a life of popularity and become universally hated by half the country over night
I can see it happening.
1 hours later 28758272 Anonymous
The part about the emerald mine isn't true as far as I can find, just some faggot rumour
1 hours later 28758278 Anonymous
The whales won't dump doge, they have manipulating it for years. As far as they are concerned this is just a game to them. They don't even give a shit if they gain much, just that others lose lmao.
1 hours later 28758340 Anonymous
Ford had an actual product that produced a huge net profit. Musk has barley broken even and most of his money is from investors.
1 hours later 28758438 Anonymous (11e6bgaex2d31.jpg 640x993 88kB)
1 hours later 28758518 Anonymous
1 hours later 28758603 Anonymous
Is genuinely terrifying to retrospectively look at trump's history, one being a universally love business tv guy now being scrubbed from everything and anything and having all your work actively being destroyed must be maddening
1 hours later 28758977 Anonymous (63emmfio30f01.jpg 768x768 83kB)
1 hours later 28759037 Anonymous
He uses women to make sons for him
1 hours later 28759143 Anonymous
Except for the small problem of him not being eligible for the office
1 hours later 28759238 Anonymous
First African to become most valued man in the world.
1 hours later 28759329 Anonymous
For real though.
1 hours later 28759412 Anonymous
Difference being Hitler actually achieved these things and Musk only says he wants to do it till he fails.
Literally worse than Hitler.
1 hours later 28759432 Anonymous
Has produced nothing of value.
Purchased tesla founder rights
Stole 700k from paypal users
Hyperloop is stupid
Is basically useless
1 hours later 28759488 Anonymous
Your identity doesn't matter. Relax /pol/
You've been brainwashed by protestant work ethic
1 hours later 28759571 Anonymous
>blew through almost all of his cash trying to fund startups
>starts paypal
>almost has to liquidate his assets to keep two companies afloat
>works several positions in his own companies to fill
>at times sleep in the offices or factories
>he's lazy though
1 hours later 28759611 Anonymous
>t. lazy welfare check cashing subhuman
2 hours later 28759774 Anonymous (pope.jpg 660x464 36kB)
spacex u pleb.
2 hours later 28759795 Anonymous
2 hours later 28760300 Anonymous
Listen to him anon, your acting no better than a nigger or a feminist cunt.
Read up on why people hate him, he is legit a conman. He is not some bluecollar or even a whitecollar worker.
2 hours later 28760354 Anonymous
>sleeps in the office or factories
Lazy bugger.
He has a failing buisness that is kept afloat with stimulace and investor money dude, he has yet to make any actual profit.
2 hours later 28760630 Anonymous
Imagine thinking cumskin is an insult.
2 hours later 28760893 Anonymous
>being a universally love business tv guy
Trump was a tacky retard when The Apprentice made him a household name, and he's a tacky retard now
2 hours later 28761138 Anonymous
why no daughters?
3 hours later 28762612 Anonymous
He is probably an actual real life superhero
3 hours later 28763037 Anonymous
When he owned PayPal their shitty policies enabled a shady seller to rip me off for $50. I'm still mad.
3 hours later 28763306 Anonymous
>Being able to recognize Reddit spacing
Must be hard staring in the mirror sometimes, hey anon?
3 hours later 28763395 Anonymous
>The Apprentice made him a household name
Trump was a household name decades before that, zoomie.
3 hours later 28763413 Anonymous
Imagine being unironically shitskinned
3 hours later 28763456 Anonymous
Kek Absolutely retarded tAke
3 hours later 28763554 Anonymous
He’s pretty awful to watch but he’s innovating space travel more than a world superpower who’s one claim to fame is space travel and owns the future of the car industry.
3 hours later 28763710 Anonymous
Few realize his actions have always been for the benefit of all of humanity.
3 hours later 28763739 Anonymous
It brings me joy knowing that he got the shit kicked out of him whilst growing up. The fanboyism he has is complete cancer. I think he unironically believes the universe starts and ends with him, and sees himself as a main character in videogame.
3 hours later 28763895 Anonymous (hero of our time.jpg 600x450 47kB)
I feel sad for you.
If he won't run for President, we can at least make him our defacto president and led us into the new age.
He needs all the money we can give him.
Picture is my desktop wallpaper
3 hours later 28764418 Anonymous
why wouldn't he believe that?
3 hours later 28764431 Anonymous
3 hours later 28764529 Anonymous
3 hours later 28764578 Anonymous (1613383942176.jpg 539x379 26kB)
>his actions have always been for the benefit of all of humanity.
4 hours later 28764684 Anonymous
So all of a sudden Bolivians are humans??
4 hours later 28764760 Anonymous (1612937500717.png 1080x1416 847kB)
4 hours later 28764849 Anonymous
Just you you know billionaires like Elon see people like you as subhuman cattle too, he would absolutely fuck you over if it were worth the money.
4 hours later 28765092 Anonymous
Dude he's African
4 hours later 28765483 Anonymous
So what did he actually made/create? Bill gates for example did write windows... This cuck did fuck all his entire life, besides talk loud and be a meme on basedcialmedia.
He's literally worthless piece of shit, and the only people are worth of any praise are the people who are working for him.
The only company that he even owns that is of worth, is spacex, but even that is arguable...
4 hours later 28765615 Anonymous (Unknown.png 225x225 9kB)
4 hours later 28765621 Anonymous
>richest(-ish) man in the world
>doesnt give a fuck about thought-police, still posts on twitter whatever the fuck he wants
>guy trashtalks him for no reason, Elon calls him a pedo
>randomly yells "GAMESTONK" and "DOGECOIN" for no reason, just to start massive pump'n dumps that get normies savings rekt
sounds pretty based to me
4 hours later 28765643 Anonymous (Dr.Kek and My Sides.jpg 629x800 136kB)
4 hours later 28765673 Anonymous (48E6D78B-842C-4781-BED0-156B4A8F2EE2.jpg 308x185 20kB)
>millennial shares his room in a big city
>constantly rugpulled
>still with maga hat
>watch weekly videos of rocket crashing
>his parents were looking at the man on the moon
>sucks Elon Musk cock
4 hours later 28765760 Anonymous
This guy, get this, this fucking guy... won’t vaccinate his kids or himself. What. A. Piece. Of. Shit. It is a human right to get the coranavirus vaccine.
4 hours later 28766407 Anonymous
I know right?
This place is so infested with redditors right now.
4 hours later 28767120 Anonymous
that's bullshit, he didn't get bailed out, he bailed himself out+ the help of his investors, he got help from the govt 1 year after he was in real trouble, fuck outta here nigga
5 hours later 28768537 Anonymous
That man is the closest thing we will ever see to a Tony Stark in the real world
5 hours later 28768680 Anonymous
It's not a "vaccine" by the legal definition. It's an mRNA medical device. Have fun developing auto-immune diseases and cancer if you take it.
5 hours later 28768732 Anonymous
Marvel should just make a him a character already.
Honestly I'd love to see that for the cosplay alone. It would be totally badass.
5 hours later 28768880 Anonymous (Lads+is+having+daughters+the+ultimate+oldry+_bf3e454a2c053ee76ca4d5aca80deaf0.jpg 720x888 156kB)
You know why
5 hours later 28768973 Anonymous
You are not a real man if you worship this faggot. You are a dicksucking redditor and you need to go back. Fuck this twitterfag. He never produced anything useful to society. Just overvalued shitcompany without revenue
5 hours later 28769037 Anonymous
fuck face ruined all my entry point for xmr. this dipshit doesnt even need cyrpto? fucking cuntfuck greedy billionaires ars going to bukkake the shit out of the poor crypto investor trying to get a leg up,
5 hours later 28769119 Anonymous
>>28755250 >>28755290 >>28755380 >>28757907 >>28757960 >>28758272 >>28758518 >>28759571 >>28763413
He didn't inherit a mine you fucking idiot. He had absolutely nothing as a college student.
5 hours later 28769159 Anonymous (1539636332485.jpg 480x480 20kB)
the amount of seething communists and poorfags itt is fucking hilarious
you will never be women, you will never have money, and you will never be successful
5 hours later 28769178 Anonymous
>save USD for a rainy day
>printing money like there is no tomorrow
Choose one.
5 hours later 28769225 Anonymous
Do you have a single fact to back ta up?
5 hours later 28769280 Anonymous
>make unsupported claim repeated mostly by Twitter commies and never sourced
>ask for proof it's not real
Prove it is real.
5 hours later 28769293 Anonymous
The media reported on it
Do you have a single fact to back up the idea that he inherited a mine?
5 hours later 28769309 Anonymous
A true gives credit where credit is due. Never admitting weakness is a sign of weakness.
5 hours later 28769339 Anonymous
holy shit based
Fuck EVO and fuck Socialism
I hope these commie bastards eat shit
5 hours later 28769353 Anonymous
>I don't get the musk hate
Because 90% of the value of his companies are so because of the army of plebbitors who obsess over him?
5 hours later 28769393 Anonymous
you base this on nothing but your feelings
5 hours later 28769397 Anonymous
This is correct.
The historical record shows actually started from poverty.
He and this brother had to sleep on a cold hard floor when they were young, which is why he sleeps on the floor in his factory today
5 hours later 28769415 Anonymous
This, never acknowledging others success and achievements reeks of the intimidated, feminine beta male. A chad can give sincere compliments without being diminished
5 hours later 28769419 Anonymous (images.jpg 1365x2048 745kB)
>You will never be pegged by Grimes
Everyday, since I open my eyes to the time I shut them to sleep is a constant struggle
5 hours later 28769435 Anonymous
wonder how this will effect his stock? he shoulkd give holders some btc dividends quarterly that would totally butftuck the competition
5 hours later 28769450 Anonymous
I base this in how he treats his employees
5 hours later 28769609 Anonymous
He treats his employees we..
>bawwww they have to work hard
So what? They don't have to work there and many of them WANT to work there.
6 hours later 28769903 Anonymous (yes.Iread.jpg 640x799 104kB)
Anon that post is very high quality, but that does not diminish in anyway the quality of my post.
6 hours later 28769943 Anonymous
>I base this in how he treats his employees
t. never was in a position of leadership
6 hours later 28769973 Anonymous
the only GOOD quality he has, is having the balls to semi call the jews and also stand up agasint covid retards in cali.
6 hours later 28770024 Anonymous
>wanna do a options sector spread trade
>long GM, short TSLA
>GM options arent too expensive for ATM june calls
>TLSA options pricing is FUCKED
reeeeeeeeee. i know its retarded to even think about shorting a cult stock but fuck me
6 hours later 28770132 Anonymous (elon.shizos.jpg 753x1024 103kB)
>having the balls to semi call the jews
He never did this, despite /pol/ always sperging out about his tweet, he was clearly talking about rich people who own the media, not the kikes. Still hilarious seeing them fuming. At least he tweeted out take the redpill, which was much better Tbqhwy
6 hours later 28770148 Anonymous
/mu/ waifufags STILL havent recovered from this
6 hours later 28770216 Anonymous
thats what i meant he SEMI call them out.
6 hours later 28770271 Anonymous
if you call out RICH people and dont say WHITE, then EVERYONE knows you mean jews.
6 hours later 28770373 Anonymous
you can explain what exactly happened?
6 hours later 28770425 Anonymous (5ec7e9e03f73704f0e12cb24.jpg 2503x1877 338kB)
Imagine listening to this dipshit who give a fuck about you and just wants to become the richest man ever
6 hours later 28770477 Anonymous (rly nigga.jpg 580x602 31kB)
>then EVERYONE knows you mean jews.
No they don't, you're spending to much time on /pol/. Spend it on /biz/, sort by creation date, and you might actually start making some money.
6 hours later 28770754 Anonymous
Money is secondary to his vision. He has a vision for humanity that everyone can agree with. Colonize the solar system before we fuck up here. Now let's compare that to your vision.
>I'm gonna get rich off of shitcoins!
You're so stupid it hurts.
6 hours later 28770888 Anonymous
Jesus Christ anon you could not be any more of a bitter faggot bitching about some sour grapes if you tried. Calm down you sped lmao
6 hours later 28770912 Anonymous
then WHY the fuck they came after him?
also i am POL BIZ early link guy.
i boughtt in 2018.
6 hours later 28770959 Anonymous
Jesus christ this is pathetic.
6 hours later 28771818 Anonymous (1611186090679.gif 511x512 107kB)
Every dictator claims he is doing his shit for the "common good". Look at Tesla. Just a bloated company selling carbon certificates, cars are useless, crappy and contain of toxic materials, harvested from the worst mining hellholes on earth. Electrical grit is not made for mass adoption and Elon is constantly hating on hydrogen, which unironically will just make his company obsolete. Fuck you and kys for not knowing political & economical basics.
6 hours later 28771864 Sage (pewdiepie.jpg 983x1334 219kB)
Because he's still half-based and non conforming. He talked shit about the COVID lockdowns, he had the Deus EX twitter profile picture, he tweeted out take the redpill, and he did meme review with pewdiepie, who is a National Socialist /pol/tard.
6 hours later 28771933 Sage (1608603873140.jpg 708x1024 109kB)
>Every dictator claims he is doing his shit for the "common good"
Dictators have always done a better job than democracy, you fucking plebbitor newfag.
6 hours later 28771954 Anonymous
And if he would be serious about finding a new place for humanity in space, he would just built a research company for AntiGrav, Fusion Power and worm hole travel research. You seriously think that his shitty toy rockets can reach any planet which could become a new home for humanity? Terraforming mars is bullshit.
6 hours later 28772040 Anonymous (c1_3524814.jpg 768x538 236kB)
>Dictators have always done a better job than democracy.
You are seriously braindead.
Even this statue in Dresden is like "Hey I thought dictators are doing a better job than democracy".
6 hours later 28772116 Anonymous
His cars are useless? According to who? The guy that is addicted to 4chan and altcoins? People love his cars. He launched the heaviest rocket ever a week or two back. Because, like I said, he wants to colonise the Galaxy. Tesla is just a means to an end for SpaceX. Good job shoe horning in the words "political" and "economical" at the end of your post. Go read some more books you idiot
6 hours later 28772184 Anonymous
>just invest in science fictional technology instead of practical applications!
Man, I can see why most of this board is unemployed.
6 hours later 28772211 Anonymous
Answered here
His rockets will help do what?
6 hours later 28772294 Anonymous
We don't need fucking wormhole travel or cold fusion to get to mars. We need a big ass rocket that can hold lots of supplies. It's that simple.
6 hours later 28772342 Anonymous (hitler.vs.Churchil.jpg 2623x3150 4181kB)
>Britain declares war 1st because germany had to prevent the slaughter of Germans in danzig
>Britain, a ((democracy)) firebombs a safehaven city filled with mostly women and children, before a single bomb had been dropped on London
>this is somehow germany's fault
You absolute WSB newfag, kill yourself
6 hours later 28772361 Anonymous
Can't do it hum.
Well not surprised.
6 hours later 28772425 Anonymous
>kikes caused the horrific massacre at dresden, not hitler
anon, i have some very bad news for you about WWII. the baddies you were told were the baddies, werent actually the baddies.
7 hours later 28772475 Anonymous
sides = elongated
7 hours later 28772624 Anonymous
He's ugly and seems pretty stupid and like he would be a total loser if not for his dad's inheritance. But I cannot hate him or be jealous because hate and jealousy are not present in the kingdom of God. I pray for him and hope he rejoices in his success
3.326 0.219