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2021-02-15 06:15 28751782 Anonymous EX-NEET Thread (1612696401629.jpg 780x1095 91kB)
For those of you who made it after wasting a whole bunch of time, how did you make it? I'm in my late 20's and I'm looking around at the desolation of my life and thinking of the rope. I am the loser that you never want to be that posts on these boards.
1 min later 28751874 Anonymous
are you in shape, op? start by getting fit. go for walks, then run. try and get some form of income.
1 min later 28751886 Anonymous
Find a crypto that is going to have longevity. Invest when it is low. Hodl that for several years.
7 min later 28752215 Anonymous
Similar position here, spent 9 years bumming around other peoples houses and living with my dad, dropped out of college with no prospects or experience in anything, the only time i tried to do anything at all was trying to make it as a vidya streamer back in 2018 but looking back did everything wrong.
I only recently started working again for minimum wage for about 25 hours a week and have since learned that everything youve ever seen posted on a wagie hate thread is true, it really is as dehumanizing and soul crushing as you imagine. The most humiliating part of it is the pittance they give you for showing up, I got paid for the first time in January about $1000, almost half of it I've had to use to to pay some bills and to rent a room in a shared house.
Not everybody is going to make it.
17 min later 28752692 Anonymous
>step 1: Buy ETH
>step 2: (a) after you save ~$1000 in ETH, (b) buy a low cap shitcoin
>step 3: take profits. This is the most important step, aim for 20-100% each trade
>step 4: repeat steps 2(b)-3 until you make it
The success rate is low, maybe a 10% chance you make it but its much better odds than trying to make it wage slaving. Good luck anon I hope you escape the cycle.
20 min later 28752867 Anonymous
I only came here for the OP image, but posted here to say godspeed, anon. Don't die, don't catch STDs and don't trust assholes. We love you.
20 min later 28752874 Anonymous
I lived at home and worked a shitty retail gig until 26. When I got fired I said fuck it and went to my community college and got an associates in computer networking/security and transferred to a state school. I'll have my Bachelors in IT in the Fall at 31 years old. I took on internships while in school and have worked for a place full time as a telecom engineer for the last year.
You can absolutely turn things around but you're going to need to work like a motherfucker. I had 2 internships going, full time classes, and worked as a caretaker for a sick family member at one point. Put the work in, pick a path and just do it. If you don't like what you're doing you still have until maybe 40 at the absolute latest to make changes in career path, just don't fuck around anymore and get started nigger.
22 min later 28752974 Anonymous
I'm 43. I've been on 4chan for 17 years. I've been in worse depths than you. Hold on, you'll make it.
25 min later 28753106 Anonymous
This^ but higher % on step 3. 100-300 imo. depends on how early you get in, and how low of a cap you have. if you're in early enough 10-20x could often be possible. but probably best to always dump by 10x.
29 min later 28753261 Autist
I'm an ex neet. I lived in my parents basement until age 26. Neet from 18-26 parents didn't charge me any rent either.
I got fit, got a job at Costco, graduated university and now I work in a large insurance company making 70k.
What I will say is that, if you've lived being a neet for more than a few years you can never truly leave. You'll always think about just quitting everything and being a neet again as the freedom of being able to do whatever the fuck you want is so freeing. Yes, I now have money to buy things and rent my own place/ get girls.
I just got engaged to a beautiful woman but I still find myself longing to be by myself with nobody bothering me, with no tasks to have to complete. Just me and the internet to keep me entertained. With free food and drinks from mommy.
31 min later 28753380 Anonymous (1613170819293.png 785x827 79kB)
> if you've lived being a neet for more than a few years you can never truly leave
33 min later 28753453 Anonymous
Lel can confirm. The whole reason im putting half my pay into crypto is so i can go back
1 hours later 28754962 Anonymous
This is true,.
1 hours later 28755058 Anonymous
TY all for posting input in my thread
I think the only thing I could do is to go rural and literally build my own place. I want to write a fucking fantasy series and have it be quiet. I don't want a ton of money,
Even when I was very young I knew that I didn't want that.. hustle. People wanted to be lawyers but I wanted to be a garbage man.. Why? I just wanted a place in society, enough money, freedom to do whatever. Ideally have the creative impulse channeled into creating something beautiful.
I plan to home gym it. I'm still with mommy in the basement now, moved back in due to pandemic but in hindsight it was a horrible grind. I was a social autist as a linecook in kitchens, finished getting a silly degree
GL fren
I currently wage at UPS part time, 15 hrs per week. I agree, the red face wojaks are very relatable, sadly
15$ / hour for box stacking? I made 2 grand on doge somehow ffs. That's why I'm here on this board
How do you pick the good from the bad? Do they all rise?
The image is me. I am that wojak. You get the sense that the wojak could have done more. I let it slip through my fingers with easy dopamine
Glad you made it man. I'm thinking of doing a web dev course. I think it's possible for major life changes in 1, 3, 5 year goals. Though I'm trying to avoid the jab.. ideally.
1 hours later 28755175 Anonymous
I struggle to find a why
I am alone. Not having women hurts, you know? Not right now, but thinking of the future. where do i go? I have no answer, no community, no life. There is only that ephemeral beauty
1 hours later 28755604 Anonymous
I do as well. You may laugh, but I had a cat for 16 years that pretty much was my only reason for getting up each morning. He was more to me than any woman I've ever dated, my family, my friends. Losing him brought the state of my life into perspective. I don't have any sort of answer for you as to why, but sometimes you continue on because extinction is more fearful than reality.
1 hours later 28755962 Anonymous (1610602403903.jpg 737x897 602kB)
im 33, still neet. i am married. my wife's a doctor. i just spend all day with my little son.
1 hours later 28756206 Anonymous
Did you ever accomplish anything? Asking in a non-judgmental way
I'll probably end up getting a cat too.
>extinction is more fearful than reality
I think the state of your soul determines what happens after you die. I wish it all went back and this was all a dream but the way you live matters, I think
1 hours later 28756306 Anonymous
a true companion cat is worth it's weight in gold fren, sorry you lost the kitty, I can relate.
1 hours later 28756397 Anonymous
>could have done more
Move on and move forward. If anything, the past is a learning experience. But w/e is limiting you right now, get over it. Don't be the loser complaining about every past wrong, wasting time, health and peace on people who aren't worth it. It wasn't you, it was THEM. This is coming from a person who has social media lurked every bully (and friends too). The bullies were/are dysfunctional, stupid and broken people. You just happened to be in their way at the time. Get over it.
Another thing: start working and saving money. Start learning how to act now or forever go down that rabbit hole. Past the age of 40, if you are still in that hole and have no money, your only path is the mental asylum and SSI for basic shelter and drugs to cope. I'm not kidding. You'll call social security voluntarily to collect your check, then you'llcheck in voluntarily into the asylum, for basic food and shelter. Yes, it's bad. Very, very, very, VERY BAD. Like, "You might as well kill yourself ASAP" bad.
Bottom line: get over it and start working and saving NOW. Go to a temp agency. Wear a mask, social distance and use hand sanitizer and disinfectant.
1 hours later 28756444 Anonymous
Since you already have a degree (even if you think it’s useless), try getting a state government job. You can probably land something there if you keep trying. Can be pretty comfy and stress free. Same situation except I’m in Canada. Life is finally starting to turn around since I got a job in gov. Was working min wage at a grocery store before and that shit was so depressing.
1 hours later 28756536 Anonymous
You hit the jackpot, anon. Always remember that.
1 hours later 28756762 Anonymous (1611904178368.jpg 820x1024 220kB)
>Did you ever accomplish anything? Asking in a non-judgmental way
i was in the military and accomplished a lot of tough things that i still look upon with pride. beyond that, no. i only waged as a civilian very briefly. anyway, you shouldn't despair anon. what's your situation rn?
1 hours later 28756831 Anonymous
business idea: cull all NEETs are use their corpses as biomass
1 hours later 28757315 Anonymous
The worst part of being a neet for most of your twenties is that you just want to stay a happy yet deluded neet for another 5 years or so but you know that if you do that you'll be getting old by the time it's over and have little to show for it. Fuck, this is a hedonistic unnatural lifestyle
2 hours later 28757481 Anonymous
some real truth bombs in this thread seriously
2 hours later 28757720 Anonymous
I hope you reach what you're aspiring for fren. Don't an hero yourself, we'd miss you you wonderful retard. Love you faggot.
2 hours later 28757775 Anonymous
Go travelling. Start in BKK
2 hours later 28758384 Anonymous
Stop looking for quick fixes
2 hours later 28758620 Anonymous
But also mind your physical safety and health.
2 hours later 28758650 Anonymous
I'm a p/t worker, looking to do online classes at a college that I don't have to pay for, to be a bookkeeper, reason being that you can get an ok paying remote position, 25/hr. For me that's a fair bit, and in a convenient way so.. I'll just do it. I don't pay for rent and food either. It goes into crypto.
I'm currently a retard drug addy, getting sober.
I'm in Canada too. I feel like I won't be accepted as professionally I'm too wayward, but maybe it's worth a shot.
I'd move to nunavut or some shit
Yes, a very bad path.
Me too, thanks fren
I don't think that's what I need, but maybe when I'm not such an embarrassment and can look people in the eye, tell them I've done something worthwhile and such
2 hours later 28759568 Anonymous
43 year old oldfag here again. You honestly sound like you're doing ok, this seems more like a mental/spiritual issue. Your answers might not be best found on biz.
2 hours later 28759737 Anonymous (359B31F3-C0BB-486C-9095-F278C21E8F3B.png 966x912 531kB)
Not with that faggot attitude. Learn how money works and lever yourself out of the hole, or just be a wagie. The entire global financial system is going the biggest upheaval of your life, and you’re on a board obsessed with the opportunities, bitching.
3 hours later 28759987 Anonymous
im a wagie with brain damage from partying all my twenties.
turned -20k net worth into +80k with crypto in 2 years.
if I can do it so can you
3 hours later 28760160 Anonymous
Look on the cra website for job postings. They hire tax payer service agents in mass during October-January. Usually it’s a temp position but you get extended if you’re half decent at your job. 58k starting salary and you don’t need much experience since they provide training. Once you’re in just keep trying until you can get a permanent position, it can take some time. If you don’t get extended then it’s most likely due to budget issues but keep applying. All you really need to do is pass some online test and an interview. The interview is just for them to make sure you’re not a psycho. Super chill job and good pay for what it is.
3 hours later 28760337 Anonymous
Forgot to mention to check the job posting board every day for any openings. You want to look for SP-04 or tax payer service agent for entry.
3 hours later 28760462 Anonymous
What does someone aged 24 and with a useless degree (History) do in terms of job prospects? I’ve been retail minimumwagecucking since graduation since no other jobs will even call me back. I feel like I just don’t have any skills that employers want and I don’t know if I should go to grad school for something or start over and try something else
3 hours later 28760647 Anonymous
Leverage yourself into something else you're interested in. Art History degree here, fucking useless unless you want to go into museums where nepotism rules the day. I now work in IT.
3 hours later 28760907 Anonymous
Thanks man, I'll look into it.
Yeah. I mean, it is bad but I'm no longer being ground up in the gears of waging. I think I need a purpose and time is going by. We'll see, htanks
I'm looking to do something like this. Congrats
3 hours later 28760951 Anonymous
>I'm a p/t worker,
can you go back home and live with parents while you work? just to save more?
3 hours later 28760967 Anonymous
What are you on about? Working is death. Neet is life. I'm sure most people here are neets, why would you work if you have money
3 hours later 28761062 Anonymous
Im back at home now
There is good neet and bad neet. I'm bad neet
3 hours later 28761106 Anonymous
>There is good neet and bad neet
Nothing to do with having a job or not, fix your brain or something, then continue to not work
3 hours later 28761326 Anonymous
I agree with your opinion here. There is nothing inherently good or bad about being a NEET. No disagreeable male with money would ever be a wagie if it wasn't financially necessary. A "Bad NEET" is just a NEET without money.
3 hours later 28761373 Anonymous
A bad neet is a neet that wastes all his productive neergies into frivolous things. No money is basically it
3 hours later 28761462 Anonymous
>Im back at home now
so to clarify, you're back at home, not paying rent, and waging? right?
3 hours later 28761497 Anonymous
Correct, sir
3 hours later 28761654 Anonymous
I was leaning towards IT since I spend most of my day dicking around with computers anyway. How did you get into it? Just by taking some certs and applying to jobs? Did you have any trouble breaking in because of your degree?
3 hours later 28761939 Anonymous
Oldfag, I was into computers since the 90s, was able to namedrop (why yes, I have used a VMS Vax) my way into a gig at my city's IT department without too much experience. Just apply. Certs are great, but entry level they mostly care if you can use ipconfig and know what a domain is.
4 hours later 28762290 Anonymous
No pushback from my degree. They don't care about that shit. Tell them (and mean it) that you're working on your CCNA and you'll be fine.
4 hours later 28763124 Anonymous
dude you're on the right track. just mooch off parents for a few years, save every single penny. don't do drugs, get /fit/. in the meanwhile, keep doing your online classes. once you level up, continue taking more classes, get your cpa and progress further. you're unironically gonna make it. just have a positive attitude and don't compare yourself to your peers.
4 hours later 28763301 Anonymous (1613381967662.jpg 399x464 52kB)
I hate being a wagie.
I want to go back, but at the same time if I spent another 5 years as a NEET I would also be unhappy because I would eventually feel like I've wasted my 20's.
I'm not going to make it, am I?
4 hours later 28763524 Anonymous
Save money. Don't buy useless shit. Invest smartly. Ignore bitches. Fuck the "my 20's" thing. You'll be 30, then 40, sooner than you can imagine. Listen to this forum, then you'll make it.
4 hours later 28763828 Anonymous (1609020320394.jpg 1280x720 39kB)
I was a NEET until 23 when I decided to go to school for engineering, hated it so I jumped to nursing at 26. I became an RN at 29 and am 33 now making 50hr on night shift at a old people home. They're all asleep so I just get paid to check up on them and browse 4chan. It's fucking amazing. I only work 3 shifts a week 12 hours each and go home and chill for 4 days.
If it makes you feel better, there was an asian weeb in the program that was 37 and finished at 39, he was 100% a neet until 35-36 but refused to admit it.
It's never too late to fix your shit, it's all in your head. Anyone that tells you otherwise just wants you to fail because they hate themselves.
4 hours later 28764174 Anonymous
>step 3: take profits. This is the most important step, aim for 20-100% each trade
Most of /biz/ will fail at this.
4 hours later 28764251 Anonymous
>parents didn't charge
The mere fact the american attitude is "at least I'm not fucking you over" rather than trying to help their kid unfuck their life is why the USA sucks so much ass.
4 hours later 28764482 Anonymous
im sorry you dont like capitalism. winners take all over here.
ive heard you can get free gibs in finland fwiw
4 hours later 28764524 Anonymous
>I want to write a fucking fantasy series
then get to it. seriously, right after you finish reading this comment, click the X button on your browser and don't come back to 4chan until you're in the groove. I make music and ever since the bullrun started and I came back on biz its been hurting my creativity. the decision to start being creative will never happen until YOU take the first step. Its not going to be easy. there will be a lot of days where your banging your head on your desk waiting for inspiration to come to you. Push through. Once you get through some of the barriers and start producing work that you're proud of, there's literally no better feeling on the planet, even a 10x shitcoin pump or sex. seriously though you need to get off 4chan asap. I can tell by the thread you're addicted and spend 5+ hours a day on here. Once you have your happiness under control, MAYBE come back with set time limits (like an hour of catalog in the morning and an hour at night). trust me when I say thats your only chance. you won't make more money by being here 24/7 in fact you're at risk of overtrading. Buy, hold, and focus on your creative endeavours in the meantime. And start exercising if you don't already
4 hours later 28764622 Anonymous
I signed on at the jobcentre for 9 years (britbong here).
It started to get better for me when I started eating right and exercising. I got my degree at the open uni, kept failing at some things but didn't give up. Eventually I got a decent job and a decent girl, we're having a baby in August. It all started with getting fit though anon, and not giving up. Im no winner and right now im going through a rough patch with insomnia and OCD but im still a shitload better off than I was as a neet.
That said im still attempting to make it in the crypto world. Watching the binance wallet balance bounce around is not good for my OCD, just gonna have to learn to deal with it.
4 hours later 28764673 Anonymous
Late 20s, looking to come out of my cocoon. Wasted the last decade. Wish i told my friends and family about eth @$1. Distanced my friends too. Don't know how to redeem myself
5 hours later 28764810 Anonymous
>You'll always think about just quitting everything and being a neet again
being a neet is fucking gay, you're literally bottom of the barrel garbage. imagine being so unmotivated to live that all you want to do is masturbate and shitpost online all day. even if I had billions the last thing on my mind would be neetiing, I'dfocus on building a legacy and a empire that will be here long after I'm gone. neeting is unironically for subhuman trash - you live and die and nobody gives a fuck about your pathetic existance
5 hours later 28765446 Anonymous (1608166986991.png 598x574 173kB)
>capitalism means fucking over your blood relations until they despise you and you rot in an old fucks home never talking to your kids or grankids, if you have any
2.840 0.139