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2021-02-15 05:27 28749100 Anonymous (its kind of over but not really.png 955x634 24kB)
if LINK is the ETH of this cycle, and we are at the first sell off, then we will see $12 LINK in the next month.
Just sayin.
0 min later 28749162 Anonymous
LINK is bigger than bitcoin, eth, and every other shitcoin combined, suck my dick nolinker
1 min later 28749214 Anonymous
Legit have $70k waiting
1 min later 28749223 Anonymous
i have more link than you
2 min later 28749235 Anonymous
i have more link than you
see how this works nolinker nigger
2 min later 28749251 Anonymous
dude. you know nothing
around 2017 june july there was real china uncertainty everywhere
do you even know what $ANS is? fucking newfag
3 min later 28749306 Anonymous
>then we will see $12 LINK in the next month
lol its not gonna copy they exact same chart
3 min later 28749332 Anonymous
first sell off was after august 2020 $20 peak u retard.
4 min later 28749339 Anonymous
>then we will see $12 LINK in the next month
Don't get my hopes up.
5 min later 28749400 Anonymous
I wonder how many eth holders were able to hold through all these dumps
6 min later 28749450 Anonymous
sat wise we already at the bottom
7 min later 28749512 Anonymous
the drop to $7.50 after we first hit $20 was the first sell off
7 min later 28749530 Anonymous (1605379408021.webm 1330x600 552kB)
>if LINK is the ETH of this cycle, and we are at the first sell off, then we will see $12 LINK in the next month.
I've remarked the same thing, 15 dollars is possible, and then the singularity. So far it's been following 2017 very closely. ETH had the ico craze though.
8 min later 28749597 Anonymous (CE0E968A-1AAD-4DCF-BFF9-E8DCCDA432EC.png 219x230 9kB)
I would buy so fucking much if that happens. 20 is a hard floor though. It’s more likely that link just continues climbing this month than goes below 20.
8 min later 28749598 Anonymous (1608560504769.jpg 1020x1996 183kB)
9 min later 28749633 Anonymous
I think he's that skeleton from undertale
11 min later 28749721 Anonymous
Yeah that graph means nothing. If anything you can crop out the middle dip and just call it parabolic
11 min later 28749740 Anonymous (1609762479848.jpg 1285x626 169kB)
Total mcap went from 1t to 1.5t in 2 weeks, while BTC went from 65% to 59.9% dominance. Dipping below the 60% barrier is significant. Alt season has officially started.
We could very well see 3t mcap and BTC <40% dominance with LINK at 2% before the end of summer (consider the following possibilities: L2s triggered another massive DEFI craze, and allowing the launch of hundreds of new data feeds at greatly reduced costs including stonks; staking announcement, DECO implementation, big enterprise partnership or nodes, SmartCon hype, new whitepaper/R&D projects, new high profile COO/hires, BSN usage, etc remember that no crypto is better positioned to help legacy finance join the party).
A conservative estimate, that would put LINK at around $170. (6% MD at 6T by 2025 cycle: $1000)
A 50% increase in funny money is nothing. Look at total mcap chart between June 2017 (where we are right now) and December. Total mcap did more than a x10 in the 2017 run. And it was full of useless garbage like XRP at like 10% dom. Now we have functional DEFI and institutional FOMO:
>Jan 2017: 15b
>June 2017 (we are here; if you follow post-halving charts - though you have to account for Elon accelerating the timeline/the GME debacle/covid inflation etc & possibilities of frontrunning the top): 80b
>Jan 2018: 830b
For reference, ETH was around 200-300 in June 2017.
>BTC ATH and Fall
>Staggered ETH ATH and fall (about 3 weeks after)
>BTC Market Dominance from 62% -> 32%
>ETH Market Dominance from 10% ->20%
>XRP MD 4% -> 15% (Jesus fucking Christ)
>BCH MD 2% -> 9%
For reference, LINK current MD: 0.94% at #9 (#5 a few weeks ago w/ LINK will easily reclaim when market cools off).
13 min later 28749827 Anonymous (1482F885-0B45-48D7-A263-160F743DB52D.png 679x391 129kB)
Did it really get to 7.50? Now I feel silly
15 min later 28749947 Anonymous (28DE969A-A434-459B-9803-95EC745D77EF.png 654x663 508kB)
Wait a minute. Guys, if we all never sell and only put money in, we’ll all be rich
19 min later 28750147 Anonymous
yeah I wanted to buy more at $5 but it never came
30 min later 28750849 Anonymous
34 min later 28751030 Anonymous
>ETH had the ico craze though.
And LINK is propping up DEFI.
36 min later 28751136 Anonymous
based smart man
1 hours later 28752810 Anonymous (Ummmm.jpg 399x400 16kB)
and I didnt buy more. I knew it what at that price too but like >>28750147 said I thought I could get in just a bit cheaper. At this point Ive stopped caring what price I get in at. I just need more
1 hours later 28753100 Anonymous
your timeframes off. we are in march 2017
1 hours later 28753259 Anonymous
no we're in june 2017 when ETH hit 42B then crashed 60%, LINK hit a 35B fully diluted market cap, this is also when BTC hit twice its ATH as it has done now
1 hours later 28753364 Anonymous (1D8AF090-70CF-4D8A-80F5-095D05238729.png 1000x432 168kB)
Chenlik (tickey: LINK) clyptogurrency not go up in straight line.......... Chenlik go to 0 now. Sell all Chenlik (tickey: LINK) now
1 hours later 28753687 Anonymous
No you fucking retard.. we’re in March
1 hours later 28753754 Anonymous
accccctually we're in february.
1 hours later 28753872 Anonymous
1 hours later 28754040 Anonymous (68B47F5A-C7C7-493C-B071-2E130FCDB501.jpg 1170x1935 536kB)
This thread pissed me off so much I had to post again. Look at fucking link btc. We’re still at the bottom. Link will be at 50+ by the time sats recovers
1 hours later 28754127 Anonymous
>sats recovers
1 hours later 28754196 Anonymous
Are you being retarded on purpose? You better not be
1 hours later 28754350 Anonymous
IF they recover, looking for 80k sat breakout or else we're fucked but yes, if we're at $50 by eom we'll know we're in ETH territory with 90% certainty. big dick play would be swing into BTC at bottom dominance end of april/early may, ride BTC up to ath ish, then swing back into LINK for final breakout. dont know if i have the balls to swing that heavy though.
1 hours later 28754417 Anonymous (57362EBF-C8F8-43B8-B120-1229DE9F65E9.jpg 368x284 12kB)
1 hours later 28754513 Anonymous
I stopped thinking about how many linkies I have, instead I think of how much my linkies are worth.
1 hours later 28754956 Anonymous
I make 44k a month as a krucial staffing ICU nurse, I’ve been waiting for about 2 months to buy on a blood bath. Would love a sub 10 dollar link.
1 hours later 28754995 Anonymous
I'd still DCA in atleast just incase of being priced out
1 hours later 28755164 Anonymous
I think you are dead on man. We are going to get Arbitrum or some kind of layer 2 scaling and Synthetix will pump out tokens tracking the US stock market with LINK data feeds. Popular stocks, indexes ect.
2 hours later 28755543 Anonymous
I think LINK is a entirely new asset class anon, destined to much higher heights than Ethereum, AVAX is the next ETH.
2 hours later 28755574 Anonymous
high iq analysis this anon gets it
2 hours later 28755601 Anonymous
Posts like yours make me hate my socialist country, ICU nurses earn barely 2k a month before income tax where I live. It's on them though, they vote for socialists
2 hours later 28755700 Anonymous
This would be absolutely epic. I'm planning to sell 2k link for a home deposit in about a month, and that would mean I'd have to sell way fucking more for the same thing. Borderline suicide material.
2 hours later 28755811 Anonymous
wait until everyone realizes the bull market started in september, and will end this september.
2 hours later 28755901 Anonymous
Guys I hold 500. What kind of figures could I realistically expect? No bully pls, and no memes
2 hours later 28755951 Anonymous
>ETH had the ico craze though
I imagine there'll be a Uniswap craze soon (which I still need to get into)
2 hours later 28756026 Anonymous
I hold 1 (one) Link. All I could afford to get when I first started putting money into crypto.
2 hours later 28756100 Anonymous
He’s full of shit. No one pays nurses 44k per month retard
2 hours later 28756111 Anonymous
>$12 LINK
Well, I'd buy that.
2 hours later 28756134 Anonymous (1582901747756.jpg 699x2917 573kB)
>I think you are dead on man. We are going to get Arbitrum or some kind of layer 2 scaling and Synthetix will pump out tokens tracking the US stock market with LINK data feeds. Popular stocks, indexes ect.
2 hours later 28756164 Anonymous
Keep going anon, as cliche as it sounds, everyone does start from somewhere. You're fortunate enough to be invested in midst of a bull run, retails fomos in on the peak which is still months away
2 hours later 28756176 Anonymous
https://cointelegraph.com/news/synt hetix-announces-12-million-raise-le d-by-paradigm-coinbase-ventures-and -iosg
2 hours later 28756223 Anonymous
I can't wait. If it drops to $20 I sell everything, then put it all back in at $10.
2 hours later 28756301 Anonymous
I've seen nurses earn up to 120k a year in the US, not close to 44k but still very high for what they do
2 hours later 28756507 Anonymous
Just tell me when I need to sell my alts smart man
2 hours later 28756539 Anonymous
He said per month. Not year.
2 hours later 28756692 Anonymous
Where do you see link at come summer time based high IQ link analyst
2 hours later 28756810 Anonymous (1612013306304.jpg 1570x1083 475kB)
2 hours later 28756841 Anonymous
All these TA, what about DHT and hodl?
2 hours later 28757018 Anonymous
This is literally LINK and BNT
2 hours later 28757062 Anonymous
2 hours later 28757110 Anonymous
The only think swinging will be your neck on a dollar shop rope
2 hours later 28757121 Anonymous
we're going to be very wealthy people if society doesn't collapse first
2 hours later 28757147 Anonymous
2 hours later 28757557 Anonymous
gas fees will hinder that
2 hours later 28757669 Anonymous
Thanks, anon. I appreciate it. Most of my crypto portfolio consists of the big hitters since I felt they would be the most stable/consistent, and I have two gambles just for the hell of it.
I never really had a plan to sell anything, just continue adding over time, even if it's just small amounts here and there. Is that unwise? Should I consider selling once anything gets to normie-levels of awareness and I start seeing coins pop up on the "Trending" page of twitter? Or should I continue holding through that regardless?
2 hours later 28757773 Anonymous
It's a larper
2 hours later 28757832 Anonymous
Off topic but what’s the price target for SNX.
2 hours later 28757840 Anonymous
Going to sell
3 hours later 28758420 Anonymous
The sell off was from $20 to $7, when the price breaks above $35 we will be back in the old uptrend.
3 hours later 28758543 Anonymous
I have a 1.5k stack. If it crashes again like last year I’m for sure throwing more money at it. If not I’m okay though, just glad to have this much.
3 hours later 28758641 Anonymous
Based overview. Only slightly concerning that summer would be the peak if we’re at June 2017 timeline
2.565 0.078