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2021-02-15 04:00 28744051 He means BTC He means BTC (HeMeansBTC.jpg 662x486 76kB)
He Means BTC Replace Doge with BTC and read that conversation again. Why else would the entire market crash including BTC if he was only saying that about DOGE. The crash was their retaliation.

1 min later 28744148 Anonymous (Snapchat-605187417.jpg 864x1805 277kB)

5 min later 28744442 He means BTC
>>28744148 He is up to something and it is about power, not money (arguably the same thing but not really). He has influence over the masses and has demonstrated that with his stock and crypto manipulation. The fucker is at war.

11 min later 28744893 Anonymous (Snapchat-566778504.jpg 1440x3008 966kB)
>>28744442 Yep, this is 4D Chess at it's finest point in history so far imo. Might cause the entire economy to crash.

13 min later 28745018 He means BTC
>>28744893 Doge is like the $, worthless :) I do hope it all crashes. I have been buying tools and prepping stuff for 16 months.

20 min later 28745459 Anonymous
>>28744893 Is this one of those zodiac killer ciphers?

22 min later 28745582 Anonymous
>>28745459 Erm, sure... you have 12 months supply of food in the house, right?

23 min later 28745644 Anonymous
>>28744148 >>28744893 ELI5

23 min later 28745649 Anonymous
this man is not good for crypto

25 min later 28745788 Anonymous
>>28745649 Agreed... I hate this man now

26 min later 28745839 Anonymous
well that's a nice trick and a funny tweet but I've lost tens of thousands of dollars so fuck this guy desu

27 min later 28745889 Anonymous
Fuck I should long Doge.

28 min later 28745917 Anonymous
>>28745644 go back

29 min later 28745992 Anonymous
what's the point of decentralization when a single tweet can change the markets? he's proving a point

31 min later 28746074 Anonymous
Dogecoin doesn't have much of a future with 36 billion coins in one address

32 min later 28746130 Anonymous
>>28745992 No, he's just teaching people not to buy meme coins that don't have application and run on the power of friendship.

34 min later 28746277 Anonymous
>>28744051 so if whales wont sell, elon sells either way, you should all sell because this shit is going down

34 min later 28746297 Anonymous
>>28746130 Don't buy things with no value like the dollar then?

36 min later 28746351 Anonymous
>>28745917 after you nigger fag ELI5 me

36 min later 28746383 Anonymous (1889593858385.png 773x680 628kB)
IMO Doge should just fork and start over without having 100b initial coins. Maybe have a different inflationary model instead.

37 min later 28746419 Anonymous
>>28744051 Elon overestimates how much bitcoin whales give a fuck what he thinks

38 min later 28746482 Anonymous (2987465864531.png 303x146 2kB)
>>28744051 Unironically OP is correct.

38 min later 28746502 Anonymous (mhm.jpg 236x236 9kB)
>>28744051 There's something wrong with redditors. They think this is a TV show.

41 min later 28746659 Anonymous
>>28744893 the economy is a cranked out jew golem and needs to be decapitated.

43 min later 28746719 Anonymous
>>28746383 then it's no longer doge what you're looking for is SHIB

45 min later 28746833 Anonymous
>>28746719 >Erc20 shitcoin >Doge fork Pick one. Retard

47 min later 28746930 Anonymous
Very interesting. There is definitely a lot stuff happening behind the scenes. I think all the meme stuff is is just theatre to hide his real intentions.

47 min later 28746947 Anonymous
>>28746833 it's better than doge, never said it was a fork, RETARD

47 min later 28746966 Anonymous
>>28744442 He’s at war and redditors and some channers are his foot soldiers dying for him in the battlefield. Those that support him are literally fighting his battles for him. Kek.

48 min later 28747030 Anonymous
>>28744051 >Why else would the entire market crash including BTC if he was only saying that about DOGE because his tweet had nothing to do with the correction? You people are fucking stupid

49 min later 28747038 Anonymous
>>28746659 Yes, now replace DOGE with Dollar.

50 min later 28747100 Anonymous
>>28744051 Wow. Someone actually read my post in the doge thread. Perhaps there is hope for this board. We 100% need to keep the dweebits out of here. Gore posting works so well but faggot jannies always ban for it. Lets talk about other ideas.

50 min later 28747104 Anonymous
>>28746930 Well, he just got a lot of people to invest in crypto. If he crashes it then a lot of people lose their hope and dollars. That could be quite messy for the global elite.

51 min later 28747140 Anonymous (5BC9FD0C-0B1A-4368-B5E8-6EF2677A6811.jpg 1242x1535 814kB)
You guys give Elon too much credit. He’s not that smart. He’s just talking about doge. Dude is frankly a dumb ass

52 min later 28747176 Anonymous
>>28744051 so Elon wants to be the only whale in the market or hes going to throw his toys at the wall? remind me why people like this cunt again?

52 min later 28747209 Anonymous
>>28747100 No actually, I read that thread after making this one and I was surprised to see your post about it too ;)

54 min later 28747286 Anonymous
>>28747140 Or Dollars.

57 min later 28747434 Anonymous
>>28745018 Why do people continue to say doge is worthless? It has worth because people value it. Supply and demand. It's in 12th place for market cap. That's nothing to scoff at.

57 min later 28747443 Anonymous
>>28746074 I assumed it was his address though... is this some kind of 4d chess

58 min later 28747495 Anonymous

58 min later 28747505 Anonymous
What price are you buying doge at?

59 min later 28747546 Anonymous
>>28747505 $1

1 hours later 28747670 Anonymous
>>28744893 whats x

1 hours later 28747697 Anonymous
>>28747546 Why it’s 5 cents now. Much better deal to buy at these prices

1 hours later 28747721 Anonymous
>>28747670 Tesla Model X

1 hours later 28747882 Anonymous
this is so fucking retarded

1 hours later 28747956 Anonymous
>>28746947 How can it be better than Doge if it's a fucking Erc20 shitcoin? Doge is fast and cheap to transfer so you can use it for paiments, at least you could before Elon fucked it up.

1 hours later 28748093 Anonymous
>>28747100 this dip rn is gonna help clean the board

1 hours later 28748103 Anonymous
>>28745644 It's time to go back, nigger.

1 hours later 28748193 Anonymous
>>28747956 shibaswap && meme power. besides, it has a picture of a dog on the coin, that's all it needs to compete with doge protip: everything's a shitcoin

1 hours later 28748224 Anonymous
>>28748103 after you nigger fag ELI5 me

1 hours later 28748315 Anonymous
>>28748193 The fact that people like you entered the crypto space pisses me off.

1 hours later 28748383 Anonymous
I bought 100,000 DOGE on ebay for $300. The value of my DOGE then dipped to $30. I ended up going on #dogecoin on IRC and gave away all of my DOGE to everyone in the room. My 100,000 DOGE is now worth $7,100. I am sad.

1 hours later 28748493 Anonymous
>doge has value because people value it! Absolute retards. A bunch of normies and autistic trying to get rich quick off of memes is anything but value. Imagine caring about anything elon musk says or does. He didn't become Uber rich by helping out internet retards for free.

1 hours later 28748599 Anonymous
>>28744148 >i heard short squeeze in the news last month so this must be a short squeeze >watch out for his short ladder attacks too. i know if you google short ladder attacks it only shows results from m reddit posts from last month. but dude trust me

1 hours later 28748672 Anonymous
>>28748315 crypto isn't a space for any reason other than people like me, sorry, bub. That's the game being played, sorry you're too deluded to accept that.

1 hours later 28749755 Anonymous
>>28744051 If he TRULY believes this why THE FUCK would he purchase 1.5 Billion in Bitcoin. Also why the fuck is this idiot still on /biz/ and not contained on reddit

1 hours later 28749937 Anonymous
>>28747721 kek

1 hours later 28749945 Anonymous
>>28746297 Been saying this for years...

1 hours later 28750214 Anonymous
Elon is just a rich faggot taking advantage of normie marvel fans by LARPing as Tony Stark. Get this faggot out of crypto already.

1 hours later 28750245 Anonymous
>>28744051 I don't give a fuck about elon or his faggot followers desu I hope these fuckers lose all their money in crypto for being such sheep

1 hours later 28750397 Anonymous
>>28748383 >I bought 100,000 DOGE on ebay for $300. The value of my DOGE then dipped to $30. I ended up going on #dogecoin on IRC and gave away all of my DOGE to everyone in the room. My 100,000 DOGE is now worth $7,100. I am sad.

1 hours later 28750589 Anonymous
Why is Elon musk so fucking cringe?

2 hours later 28751100 Anonymous
>>28747697 It's a subtle way of saying "never"

2 hours later 28751326 Anonymous
>>28748599 swear to god i want to hurt people that say this so many fucking faggots flooding into shitcoins saying dumb shit like mUsT bE a ShOrT aTtAcK on here the past week Go. Back.

2 hours later 28752921 Anonymous
>>28744051 >market crash including BTC -4%

2 hours later 28753365 Anonymous (63d7b6b8ef9f0d5a08b3f53b5f22d8da.png 667x503 419kB)
>people actually believe the richest man behind Satoshi is a retard >he's not even a jew This is why he's richer than you.

2 hours later 28753411 Anonymous
tesla dump incoming

2 hours later 28753734 Anonymous
>>28749755 1.5billion in Bitcoin isn’t that much money relative to the amount of Bitcoin and relative to how the Bitcoin is distributed S I haven’t checked doges distributions ina while but a few years ago it was way worse than Bitcoin. A few wallets holding a ridiculous amount of doges. And yes it is not perfectly accurate that one wallet is one person, but doge certainly has a distribution issue worse than Bitcoin.

3 hours later 28754993 Anonymous
>>28748493 There is no difference between BTC, DOGE, beanie babies, or shiny pikachu pokemon cards. Anything which people ascribe value to is inherently valuable and usable as money. Stay poor. I'll be on Mars with Musk and I'll pay for the trip in $DOGE.

3 hours later 28755342 Anonymous
>>28753365 You got a link to that vid?

3 hours later 28755418 Anonymous
maybe Elon is getting paid by TPTB to fuck with crypto and make it look ridiculous. this shit is getting of hand. and this is from someone who used to mine Dogecoin seven years ago. giving a bad look to serious boomer type money that have only just begun to look at Crypto and the tech potential.

3 hours later 28755471 Anonymous
>>28744148 this is genuine schizo shit lmao

3 hours later 28756480 Anonymous
>>28755471 >>28748599 It is a short attack, the rate of which we will be able to exchange crypto for doge will ever go on. Therefore the time it takes to make a transaction will be too slow for a person to receive any crypto for doge at the amount requested. This ends in profits only possible to go down unless you have a server that's fast enough to do those transactions faster than infinite.

3 hours later 28756568 Anonymous
>>28756480 This means we're no longer exchanging coins, we're exchanging stock for those coins.

4 hours later 28756691 Anonymous
>>28744051 This is legit Qanon tier tea leaf reading Stop it

4 hours later 28756830 Anonymous
Elon doesnt know what hes doing. Probably trying to play crypto by himself, hes a stupid newfag that was too busy with tesla to pay attention, knows nothing but thinks he is crypto king because fucking delusional.

4 hours later 28758093 Anonymous

4 hours later 28758150 Anonymous
>>28744148 This GME shit has destroyed redditors and twitter fags brains

4 hours later 28758240 Anonymous
>>28756830 He thinks he can singlehandedly become the epic technocrat who brought crypto to the masses because he has an army of sheep who will buy an accessible asset in the idea that it'll make them rich. I was pretty neutral on him but fuck this retard.

4 hours later 28758546 Anonymous
>Tesla buys bitcoin >Bitcoin tanks >Tesla can report a loss >Stock goes on sale >Bitcoin goes back up as it does >Tesla doesn't have to report these as earnings Infinite money glitch It's simplicity is it's genius but you guys will always overthink things

4 hours later 28758765 Anonymous
Lost access to my doge wallet worth 18.7M doge. I thought it was a meme. Sometimes at night when I couldn’t sleep this hits me hard bros.

5 hours later 28759290 Anonymous
>>28758765 1,002,867.71 USD

5 hours later 28760480 Anonymous
>>28759290 thats not that much. you can probably make that in a year during alt season with 10k

5 hours later 28760694 Anonymous (1501638985971.png 713x611 26kB)
>>28744148 GME was what 3 weeks ago? and redditors about to pile all their college savings into fucking doge now Some people just love losing

5 hours later 28760922 Anonymous
>>28744893 You’re forgetting that the preimage of the money function is a manifold over the Norbert Wiener ratio

5 hours later 28760944 Anonymous
>>28759290 Hurts me since 10c Doge.

6 hours later 28761663 Anonymous
>>28753734 13 wallets have about 50% of the supply. Elon is right in that the token has no future with that distribution. Of course if any of these whales do get out you don’t want to be holding doge. Any way you slice it people should probably sell.

1.784 0.179