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2021-02-15 03:29 28741397 Anonymous (btc drop.png 772x450 20kB)
is this normal?
1 min later 28741505 Anonymous
what the fuck can even trigger something like this
2 min later 28741585 Anonymous
I'm new, what's that pattern called?
2 min later 28741642 Anonymous
3 min later 28741671 Anonymous
>what's that pattern called?
The return of the pink fields
3 min later 28741707 Anonymous
JPMorgan trying to trigger a dip to accumulate more before the "it broke $50k" hype.
3 min later 28741716 Anonymous
Nigger jump
3 min later 28741727 Anonymous
That's called the Pink crying man pattern
4 min later 28741774 Anonymous
this is a whale selling and taking profits
welcome to crypto
4 min later 28741786 Anonymous
Yes. It’s literally dropped less than 3%. Fucking chill bro.
4 min later 28741789 Anonymous
Someone market selling 10000 BTC
4 min later 28741828 Anonymous
Nothing to panic about.
5 min later 28741848 Anonymous
calm down lol
5 min later 28741868 Anonymous (1596098891363.jpg 499x513 29kB)
WHAT SHOULD I BUY DURING THIS DIP? Only on coinbase pro, don't want the hassle of uniswap.
5 min later 28741921 Anonymous
Elon offers the minor criticism that he can't FULLY get behind DOGE (fucking DOGE)
and TWO HOURS later the whole market tanks?
No, that doesn't make sense in any aspect.
6 min later 28742010 Anonymous (cube of despair.png 1300x1500 564kB)
the vertical cliff to $0, see you all at the bottom
7 min later 28742026 Anonymous (smug rato.jpg 600x738 69kB)
The buying bell call
7 min later 28742074 Anonymous
Selling almost every coin at the exact same time?
8 min later 28742140 Anonymous
Everything dips at once as fucking DAI goes up to 1.04 usd, what is large-scale swing trading like?
8 min later 28742179 Anonymous (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png 298x35 4kB)
Yes, it's normal.
9 min later 28742232 Anonymous
Number goes up, number goes down
9 min later 28742236 Anonymous
Fuck that fucking Jew. He comes in here and fucking ruins our market.
9 min later 28742249 Anonymous
Call me when it is down more then 10% so I can buy.
10 min later 28742367 Anonymous
ITT: top buying newbs
11 min later 28742424 Anonymous
12 min later 28742554 Anonymous
You: fuck Fiat, crypto is the future
Them: I cashed out and now I'm a fucking millionaire!!
17 min later 28742937 Anonymous
I'm in for the long term, one small dip today means nothing compared to the future ahead
19 min later 28743128 Anonymous
Instant selling every order regardless of their price, yeah
20 min later 28743167 Anonymous
im actually surprised with how long we crabbed at the top
22 min later 28743398 Anonymous
I have 1k to do something with btc or eth?
23 min later 28743448 Anonymous
24 min later 28743576 Anonymous
link and raven
thank me later
27 min later 28743789 Anonymous
Just bought 500 more link!
29 min later 28743906 Anonymous
People smarter and richer than you reading taleb's twitter feed and realizing they can buy commodities at less than 1/10th the risk to their capital.
30 min later 28743992 Anonymous
31 min later 28744061 Anonymous
crypto really be like
>go to bed
>net worth drops 60%
>net worth goes up 60%
> wake up
>'oh good nothing changed
31 min later 28744062 Anonymous
The fact that a magic internet token that doesn't do anything is worth 50k made some people sell for a profit after they came to that realization.
31 min later 28744096 Anonymous
It's because everyone put in auto sell orders at 50k or slightly below, so it wasn't able to overcome that number and cross that threshold
32 min later 28744133 Anonymous
who's Steve Jobs?
32 min later 28744139 Anonymous (Screenshot from 2021-02-15 13-58-06.png 810x884 165kB)
They all did it
32 min later 28744140 Anonymous
Fucking sergey.
32 min later 28744201 Anonymous (Akari Grin.jpg 562x444 34kB)
34 min later 28744276 Anonymous
this happens literally every week.
34 min later 28744339 Anonymous (1592716465254.png 568x548 98kB)
Its a Correction
fucking retards
36 min later 28744440 Anonymous (1606966238606.gif 444x250 4154kB)
36 min later 28744489 Anonymous
>every coin on the market corrects at the exact same time
This is very suspect.
37 min later 28744537 Anonymous (1573923781819.jpg 333x350 39kB)
It happened not even 2 weeks ago. btc went from 48k to 44k then back to 48k in two days
37 min later 28744545 Anonymous
No it's not, when Bitcoin corrects the rest follow suit.
39 min later 28744655 Anonymous
>Someone market selling 10000 BTC
If this is true, its actually a good thing.
We need more of these whales to do this now. It will help increase stability and value in the long run.
45 min later 28745062 Anonymous
fucking kek
46 min later 28745147 Anonymous (76875624.jpg 408x612 31kB)
Remember when you fuckers laughed at me when Wall Street manipulating GME stock down?
>crypto is safe
>they wont touch crypto
48 min later 28745267 Anonymous
whales thinking theyre clever and calling elon's bluff. they spent billions trying to short btc to 25k but they got btfo. the only thing the whales accomplished was selling cheap btc to people a lot richer than themselves.mush is an alphabet agency asset. do you think the whales will actually win?
49 min later 28745324 Anonymous
it was at 42k for the longest and then went to 36k before elon bought the bill
50 min later 28745424 Anonymous
The market opening in Shanghai. Happens all the time.
50 min later 28745436 Anonymous
>Geniuses with enough money to tank the market are trading based off Taleb's twitter
52 min later 28745543 Anonymous
I'm getting my baskets ready for harvesting this pink season again.
53 min later 28745571 Anonymous
If btc drops and the relative prices don't change, then the other coins drop too. If you believe the other coins are undervalued, now would be the best time to pick up some promising alts.
53 min later 28745608 Anonymous
How does Elon shitting on fucking DOGE of all things cause BTC to collapse? Come on now.
54 min later 28745637 Anonymous
remember when GRT "corrected"?
Shit is still correcting to .80
56 min later 28745739 Anonymous
kek, this was me last month when we wicked down to 27k (the week before the prolongued bear trap). Went to bed, woke up the next day. Everything looks fine. See people on /bi/z were freaking out hours earlier for a split second before everything rebounded. My portfolio had apparently dropped 20k in value and then went back up to where it started while I was sleeping. alright then
56 min later 28745795 Anonymous
It's bot-trading pegged to BTC movements.
57 min later 28745821 Anonymous
BTC -0.67% 24H
BTC -0.67% 24H
BTC -0.67% 24H
BTC -0.67% 24H
BTC Dominance:61.14%(1.7%)
57 min later 28745834 Anonymous
Obviously that whale that was reported moved a ton of bitcoin off their coinbase wallet yesterday. To sell off of coinbase would be an insane amount of fees so they moved it off first. All the coins that took a hit were ones you could get off of coinbase.
1 hours later 28745997 Anonymous
What would you say is the best platform to use for crypto (with regards to fees and the like)?
t. normie looking to buy the dip
1 hours later 28746281 Anonymous
For a absolute casual who isn't going to try anything other than eth, bitcoin, and doge, go for robinhood or webull or one of the other free ones, no fees, however you don't actually own the coins so they're only good for short term hodlings
1 hours later 28746405 Anonymous
Maybe because btc was sub 20k less than 3 months ago with hardly any corrections
1 hours later 28746406 Anonymous
Wow a 2.39% drop in a crypto? That's literally nothing at all.
1 hours later 28746424 Anonymous
Thanks. What about for other crypto and/or long term positions? I've heard about Binance, but idk if it's any good
1 hours later 28746488 Anonymous
it corrected for a whole month lmao
1 hours later 28746635 Anonymous
Bitcoin was under 40k last week. Its still higher than that after the drop. People are panicking for no reason imo. Everything is still up just not as far as they were.
1 hours later 28746655 Anonymous
kukoin if you're a burger, binance is very good but burgers can't use it without vpn
1 hours later 28746711 Anonymous
Unironically doge. Its down to .05 it will be back to .08 in 3-4 days.
1 hours later 28746761 Anonymous (come on pepe.png 789x750 18kB)
>hardly any correction
It dumped from 42k to 30k in less than 24 hours, and spent the next few weeks zigzagging back and forth between 27k and 40k. It wasn't until a week or two ago that it finally broke out of the trend
3.698 0.102