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2021-02-14 09:48 28719263 Anonymous 1000x Opportunity (DFT.png 1046x1068 191kB)
Everyone gets so hyped to talk about the next "100x," but let's not forget it was not uncommon for 2017 projects to do 1000x or more (NEM, XVG, and MONA come immediately to mind). Enter the next 1000x opportunity...DFT DeFiat (DFT) is a fully-governed, deflationary ERC-20 token with a multi-tiered loyalty reward system. Every time DFT is transacted, an amount from the transaction is taken for fees and another amount is permanently burned; naturally reducing supply over time. Holders of DFT are granted proportional voting rights in network decisions, such as setting the burn and fee rates. DeFiat's Unified-Staking (AnyStake) platform allows users to stake any ERC-20 token in the governance-chosen liquidity pools, making your money work for you. Users also gain loyalty points, in the form of DFTP, as they interact with the DeFiat ecosystem, resulting in lower fee and burn rates on DFT transactions. Anystake platform dropping soon...I couldn't be more excited to put my idle ERC-20 HODL portfolio to work earning staking income...FINALLY!

3 min later 28719495 Anonymous
Strong buys at top consolidating for higher move?

5 min later 28719639 Anonymous
I couldn't be more excited to put my idle ERC-20 HODL portfolio to work earning staking income...FINALLY! obvious pajeet pump and dump, this is the only part of the post I read and it just stinks of curry

5 min later 28719659 Anonymous

7 min later 28719777 Anonymous (dd14a5245b0dc13d68ef1c86285a9e8d-01.jpg 1128x1692 644kB)
Anystake is going to be the hot topic of q1-2 crypto discussions, the same way Ampleforth's rebase had everyone excited last summer. Growing portfolios passively, will be studied and replicate attempts will drown the market, but it won't work, as the code is original. I've got Btc/Eth in large quantities, but Dft will be my tax bracket breaker. Comfy because I've got it, but happy and comfy because I got it early.

8 min later 28719820 Anonymous
>>28719639 Not everyone is degen day trading. It's not necessarily the best thing as it triggers short term capital gains tax. I personally HODL, and many of my ERC-20 tokens earn no yield. I think many in the crypto space would benefit from such a feature. Why would you disagree with that? Given such a novel feature, at such a low market cap, how is this a bad thing? It's a great opportunity.

8 min later 28719832 Anonymous
>>28719263 Fuck off -_- We had 1000x since the summer with YFI, XOR, AMPL clones, Uniswap scams. DeFiat is an old ass coin that failed. DfoHub Ghost if you could have caught from 5 cents it's going to go from 5$ to 50$ then crash because of the bear market.

9 min later 28719919 Anonymous
>already mooned Zzz

9 min later 28719925 Anonymous
>>28719832 Your loss when it moons, big buys coming in. When the market moons, it moons hard.

18 min later 28720479 Anonymous
Is there anywhere to buy this outside of uniswap? even a shady exchange? $45 for a trade is a lot for the small trade I want to make

22 min later 28720748 Anonymous
>>28719919 >already mooned Lmao it's at 3 mill mcap. Target is 20 at least.

32 min later 28721483 Anonymous (hith-hanging-gardens-of-babylon-2-01.jpg 1200x1200 296kB)
The plan is that I never have to inject any fiat money ever again, just by compounding my Erc20 staking rewards through the Anystake ecosystem. Only hiccup is taxes, but that's a problem for tomorrow, not today.

47 min later 28722452 Anonymous (0F51F06F-7308-4867-8816-DCB04593B1D6.jpg 1280x1280 184kB)
>>28720748 Lordy 19 eth buy at 15 here we go anons

48 min later 28722551 Anonymous
>>28721483 Exactly what I was trying to express in my post. Thanks for elaborating!

52 min later 28722826 Anonymous
>>28720748 Try 30

53 min later 28722852 Anonymous
When you can stake LINK then DFT will 500 a piece and every 3rd post on biz. It’s being handed to you on a plate. Easiest money you can make.

59 min later 28723276 Anonymous
Let them miss out or not it's DYOR but if they dont want to try it fine. You can't go wrong with a promising low map project, I checked all the codes and it's done well you see they put their energy in it. I don't care they are anon because I would do the same as making a crypto token might not be their main job YET. I got a good feeling on this one, let's go defiat !!

1 hours later 28723485 Anonymous
> 3 dollars on Friday > 15 dollars on Sunday yeah no thanks, maybe if it drops to 5 or smtn

1 hours later 28724442 Anonymous

1 hours later 28724728 Anonymous
People whining about how they wished they’d got in early on whatever the fuck project they’re looking at on Coinbase or wherever. Well here you fucking go.

1 hours later 28724774 Anonymous (MacDeF20210214_165847.jpg 1920x1079 607kB)
When Anystake launches......whew lads

1 hours later 28725106 Anonymous (MacDef2.jpg 839x629 277kB)
>>28724728 Save your breath anon. Its just how people work. People refused to buy Btc while it languished around sub $10k, but once it passed the all time high, they ran in, shoving money at the exchanges. Below 10k its a scam and the government will ban it. Above 10k, its can't buy it fast enough. Same thing here. It will be a scam for most before it hits $50+, but once it passes that threshold they'll come charging in with fomo crusting their mouths. You can't save everyone anon.

1 hours later 28725194 Anonymous
>>28719263 It's double peaking. Dump it

1 hours later 28725928 Anonymous
ERSDL unfederalreserve.com your whalecum

1 hours later 28725984 Anonymous
Is this a similar use case to bonded.finance?

2 hours later 28727579 Anonymous
>>28723485 It was 2-3 dollars for a month anon. This is the followers realizing release is soon

2 hours later 28727668 Anonymous
>>28725984 Not at all. The shining jewel in DeFiat is the Anystake protocol. It will allow you to stake almost any erc20 and earn rewards in that same token, dependent only on how many Dft you have staking. Example - You hold a bunch of Link, and are tired of waiting for Ser-Gay to enable staking. Here comes Anystake, which allows you to stake your Link, and the link rewards are determined by the amount of Dft you've enabled to stake as well. So you'll gain rewards in both Link and Dft, and now you can take the newly earned Dft and trade it for more Link, or the smart ones will take their dft rewards and add it to the staking pile, increasing their Link rewards, without having to put more trades on your wallet. When Anystake launches and works, it will climb from where it is, into the top 200 pretty quickly I'm expecting. Good luck anon

2 hours later 28727724 Anonymous
>>28723485 The marketcap is what you should look at.

2 hours later 28727782 Anonymous (96824422-muscular-builder-on-sunny-day-works-at-construction-site-sexy-man-with-nude-torso-and-strict-face-wo-01.jpg 814x1300 294kB)
>>28725984 This is the winning hand.

2 hours later 28727942 Anonymous
>>28719263 >ERC-20 token pass

2 hours later 28728187 Anonymous
This coin is literally screaming scam, but sure if people wanna gamble their money at chasing the pump be my guest.

2 hours later 28728307 Anonymous
>>28728187 What makes you say

2 hours later 28728329 Anonymous
not 1000x and not tomorrow, but a good project and hopefully the dev push with all the current hype - pretty sure they are involved in crypto as their day jobs.

2 hours later 28728528 Anonymous (2E6A942A-37A3-4475-8B54-12A7D39EF152.jpg 2048x2048 884kB)
Based DeFiat Broz

2 hours later 28728790 Anonymous
>>28727668 it won't be good. the staking returns will be a poor roi at best and the eth fees will be so high that locking up anything short of a small fortune is not going to net you returns that even cover your gas fees for at least a month and in that time your shit is locked up in a half ass stake.

2 hours later 28728945 Anonymous
I need someone smarter than me to tell me if YFI3.Money is a gem or a pajeet scam

2 hours later 28729102 Anonymous
>>28719263 axion is unironically the next 1000x the discord has turned into a cult and normies are starting to come in. over 80 billion coins are already staked for fifteen years... 15 fucking years there are no liquid whales left. they are all staked for at least a year and most for 5555 days aka 15 years. this is going to explode from right under your feet. it's the most active community of do'er gooders in crypto and some of the most dedicated fanbase I've ever seen in my life. this is going to be the most annoying moon you will never be a part of. axion is going to 1 dollar or more.

2 hours later 28730140 Anonymous
>>28728307 - disclaimer on site for not being responsible - anon team - "dev" that went rogue with some funds - anystake already 6 months being promised - testnet still not released after signups

2 hours later 28730590 Anonymous
>>28719820 This only works for large investments anyways. Everyone else is better off getting their profits and moving on during a stall since the market is so hot. Though I admit, I have a coin in particular I want to keep for basically ever

3 hours later 28731389 Anonymous
>>28728528 Devs updating as we speak

3 hours later 28731457 Anonymous
>>28730140 Considering the state of the price chart, the scam would've worked a lot better if they got out 6 months ago. >>28730590 The market will cool down eventually, which is the whole point of staking to begin with. Stability over speculation.

3 hours later 28731522 Anonymous
>>28728528 Devs updating as we speak. ANYSTAKE looks about done

3 hours later 28731732 Anonymous
>>28730590 Which coin?

3 hours later 28731883 Anonymous
>>28723485 Does this sort've post indicate normies are starting to arrive on biz?

3 hours later 28732112 Anonymous (Capture.png 585x423 269kB)

3 hours later 28732181 Anonymous
>>28719263 SCAM C A M

3 hours later 28732637 Anonymous (logo512.658e1ad2.png 512x512 13kB)
>>28731522 Can't wait till we finally have Anystake infront of us anon. Also checked

3 hours later 28732709 Anonymous
>>28732181 They would have rugged by now. Stop spreading FUD!

3 hours later 28732967 Anonymous
Lol, guess who is pissed off because he said it was shit at 4$? Now it's going way up and you will be missing the train, sucks that the only way to cope for you is to fud now.

3 hours later 28732969 Anonymous (1613326635909.jpg 1024x1024 89kB)

1.297 0.111