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2021-02-14 07:49 28710821 Anonymous STRUDEL TRDL /DIP/ (IMG_20210212_172940_101.jpg 1280x960 127kB)
You've been waiting for this anon, it's time to buy
1 min later 28710947 Anonymous (Why didn't you listen.jpg 2000x2275 1628kB)
2 min later 28710963 Anonymous (photo_2021-02-12_11-22-26.jpg 780x1020 115kB)
Just doubled down, glad to see another anon in on this project WAGMI fellow strudelfrens
3 min later 28711029 Anonymous (IMG_20210214_090650_248.jpg 597x888 96kB)
Adding to my stack as we speak to achieve the king card, only a lowly noble atm
5 min later 28711162 Anonymous (photo_2021-02-14_20-59-56.jpg 920x859 62kB)
there's still people who haven't bought
7 min later 28711304 Anonymous
How many Trdl to make it?
8 min later 28711389 Anonymous (IMG_20210213_165607_885.jpg 640x795 100kB)
9 min later 28711416 Anonymous
These get eaten up pretty quick. Unions to see how this one goes
9 min later 28711452 Anonymous
Let me ask you something: why would a legitimate project with a low market cap being shilled all over /biz/, twitter, and youtube be crabbing like this?
It’s fucking over. Sell now.
9 min later 28711472 Anonymous
is 500 enough for a suicide stack?
11 min later 28711546 Anonymous (1612303529202.jpg 1308x1284 150kB)
I have 100 and am just farming. Farmed 15 so far.
I'll be there soon fellow bizraeli.
12 min later 28711611 Anonymous
Crypto Wendy O dropping a video soon.
Farm, stack, and chill.
12 min later 28711618 Anonymous (Siiiiiiip strudels heh.jpg 998x1140 475kB)
>Crypto is a straight line
Fren, go look at the asko chart and come back
12 min later 28711672 Anonymous
Tempted to buy more but want it to dip back to $7
13 min later 28711676 Anonymous
Why wouldn’t it? Everything crabs. Also it’s crabbing whilst the entire alt market is dumping. Poor fud
13 min later 28711712 Anonymous
should I switch all my other shitcoins to this? I got 500 trdl
14 min later 28711777 Anonymous
Because this place is full of crypto nerds?
15 min later 28711833 Anonymous
This might be the last time we see a strudel under 10$ a piece! I would fucking jump on this shit right now if I weren't already all in!
18 min later 28712026 Anonymous
Oh asko? The coin that crabbed at 40 cents during the peak of shilling and is now resting at 10? Yes..of course..
19 min later 28712083 Anonymous
it's only being shilled on biz and CT, v2 coming next week, big influencers and marketing by the team is coming in the next few days. Go ahead and sell, not the best idea though
20 min later 28712173 Anonymous
>Mainnet launches and coin dump, back at .15 and going
Is this your first time buying crypto?
21 min later 28712220 Anonymous
If you could do 10 minutes of research brainlet you would realize that this product surpasses REN in tech (900M mcap), as it's bridge is completely trustless. You should look into it now before you're crying about it next week. Literally screencap this
22 min later 28712305 Anonymous
No, it’s not. That’s why I know this is a dead shitcoin. Screencap THIS and cry in a week when it’s sub $1
23 min later 28712398 Anonymous
23 min later 28712402 Anonymous
Do you actually have an argument against tldr? Team? Usecase? Or are you unironically being retarded?
24 min later 28712441 Anonymous
god the weak-ass fud for this is making me so bullish
24 min later 28712492 Anonymous
better buy in now so you don't regret it later
29 min later 28712823 Anonymous
still no response to me >>28712220
You can't even refute a simple point, nice low IQ FUD
33 min later 28713155 Anonymous
you can feel his clammy, desperate and unhinged aura thru the screen. why do you care so much that others are making gains that youre not?
35 min later 28713270 Anonymous
47 min later 28714163 Anonymous (1613211377255.png 612x816 920kB)
51 min later 28714449 Anonymous
Bougth some more at the dip around 9.3.
Rememebr gusy, tomorrow probalbly the V2 website will be out and marketing starts then.
Also team is in discussion with BAdger for partnership. They have a meeting planned this Tuesday with Badger. Lots of thinkg coming next week. As you can see int he cahrts the price aroun 9$ really looks to be the current floor. We hit 14$ a couple of times already. Also big whales bougth like 50eth and 35 ht at higher prices.
58 min later 28714995 Anonymous (Strudel 4 frens.png 1200x934 510kB)
59 min later 28715072 Anonymous
Also bought in on this dip, best of luck fren
1 hours later 28715906 Anonymous
source on website launch?
1 hours later 28715991 Anonymous
its still x6 since 2 days ago, I will wait a couple hours for a dump to 5$
1 hours later 28716053 Anonymous
sell the news retard
1 hours later 28716404 Anonymous
>9$ really looks to be the current floor.
>dups to below 8$
1 hours later 28716540 Anonymous
They've been saying that shit for a week. These threads are HOGE-tier and it's embarrassing.
1 hours later 28716603 Anonymous
How do I farm?
>Deposit $TRDL-ETH UNI-V2 LP Tokens and earn $TRDL
What the fuck does this even mean?
t brainlet
1 hours later 28716608 Anonymous
This coin is untouchable by fud
1 hours later 28716669 Anonymous
I bought the top today, strudel bros i dont feel so good
1 hours later 28716824 Anonymous
dw you'll still 2-3x easy
just wait for weak hands to shake off
1 hours later 28716903 Anonymous
>always just played around with crypto people gave to me, never put in real dollaridoos
>up to 20k
>first project i am actually about to put a grand of real money in is fucking strudel
1 hours later 28717105 Anonymous
Is this the floor bros? Should I buy more? I bought 475 at 5.50 from before
1 hours later 28717215 Anonymous
I'd jump in. There's a whale that bought 35eth worth at 12. and
1 hours later 28717287 Anonymous
Could definitely work out well for you. I say go for it.
1 hours later 28717402 Anonymous
floor just reached 8$ It is already bouncing back up. dont miss the bottom
1 hours later 28717547 Anonymous
I’m fucking doubling down. Crypto Wendy is covering it today. She can fill my bags all she wants.
1 hours later 28717560 Anonymous
cant believe you retards convinced me to buy this gay shit for $10
1 hours later 28717649 Anonymous
1 hours later 28717854 Anonymous
What's the approximate market cap of Strudel at this point?
1 hours later 28717907 Anonymous (SmartSelect_20210214-142842_Wallet.jpg 788x247 51kB)
Strapped in
Let's go
1 hours later 28718021 Anonymous
I think it's somewhere a bit below $10M
1 hours later 28718318 Anonymous (STROODELED.jpg 947x957 204kB)
1 hours later 28718804 Anonymous (EuIIVGxXMAQDUTr.png 410x345 62kB)
Cope more.
1 hours later 28718874 Anonymous
Middle school science project
1 hours later 28718955 Anonymous
damn middle schoolers are based these days
1 hours later 28718963 Anonymous
Wow. What fantastic criticism. Why are you even here?
1 hours later 28719189 Anonymous
2 hours later 28719870 Anonymous (Strudel Kingdom Hierarchy.jpg 1920x1080 835kB)
2 hours later 28720242 Anonymous
Why is the FUD for this so shitty? Do you not buy anythig besides scams like asko?
2 hours later 28720619 Anonymous
wait until you get a major bug and your virtual btc aint worth shit
2 hours later 28720918 Anonymous
So you'd rather use wBTC or renBTC which isn't even trustless? That's where the real risk is rn.
2 hours later 28721148 Anonymous
>constant shill threads
>anon team
>twitter account banned
Yeah, this project reeks of shit and curry, no thanks.
2 hours later 28721269 Anonymous
based, trying to boost myself from a modest knight to nobility so my two sons can be born in to the aristocracy. Knighting is comfy but nobility is where it's at. The exquisite food and wine (don't get me started on that) is just out of this world.
2 hours later 28721280 Anonymous
Current twitter is Strudel_finance, they changed it over from the last one.
Team isn't anon, get the whitepaper from the TG to see. I don't have the screenshots on me rn maybe some anon can show them.
2 hours later 28721438 Anonymous (Screenshot_2021-02-11 Strudel Finance Pitch Deck V1 00 pdf.png 1051x591 113kB)
Same fud different day? You can go to the tg to talk to them
2 hours later 28721544 Anonymous (don't_buy_stay_poor.jpg 750x866 110kB)
2 hours later 28721565 Anonymous
>based, trying to boost myself from a modest knight to nobility so my two sons can be born in to the aristocracy. Knighting is comfy but nobility is where it's at. The exquisite food and wine (don't get me started on that) is just out of this world.
When did you start talking like this? Please dont bring any tranny offspring into the world until you remove the poop from your brain. oh wait ur a pajeet
2 hours later 28721631 Anonymous (1613267561946.jpg 1280x672 60kB)
2 hours later 28721640 Anonymous
that looks pretty weak tee bh but the product is unique and working so whatever
2 hours later 28721802 Anonymous
begone lowly peasant.
2 hours later 28722044 Anonymous
you are trading digital coins this isnt a video game or a renaissance fair
2 hours later 28722330 Anonymous
New website is set to launch on Monday. Right now the Market Cap is only 5m, while the main competitor REN has MC over 900m. TRDL could easily reach at least 100m MC by the end of March.
2 hours later 28722385 Anonymous
2 hours later 28722459 Anonymous (015CFF89-E51F-4C60-AC65-C73B56ADC9C6.jpg 1173x600 195kB)
30 by end of the week. Let’s go
2 hours later 28722487 Anonymous
Where is any of this on the website? I spent 5 minutes looking and couldn't find team info or even a white paper.
Also a fucking zoomer team lmao I'm sure BTC holders will jump at the opportunity to convert to a shit token that may be worthless in a month
2 hours later 28722627 Anonymous
2 hours later 28722685 Anonymous
New website tomorrow I think.
Best source on info atm is their tg: Strudel_offical
2 hours later 28722781 Anonymous
it's a 4chan coin, just don't buy into this idiotic fud. less liquidity locked on strudel than apeswap (which is also a scam, dont bother)
2 hours later 28722795 Anonymous
New website coming next week to better the user experience. But its all there as of now already, not retard proof though so ...
Team is one of the most notibly teams in the space, wtf you talking about, Vitalik started on ETH at the age of 17. Uniswap was created by an 19 years old...shut your mouth.
2 hours later 28723116 Anonymous (TRDL-Artisan.png 597x888 123kB)
I need a bigger holding so I can use a better card
2 hours later 28723209 Anonymous (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg 220x229 8kB)
3 hours later 28723516 Anonymous
https://strudelfinance.medium.com/s urfing-the-flippening-with-trdl-abe c2876334d
sure buddy,sure.
3 hours later 28723564 Anonymous
I've lost money overnight on both this and ASKO but desu I'm not even worried about TRDL since the interface is nice and the team clearly understands marketing. ASKO on the other hand is run by clowns and I don't think it will ever recover.
3 hours later 28723918 Anonymous (1613139138708.jpg 512x512 30kB)
>mfw hodling $trdl
3 hours later 28724222 Anonymous
this is a damned nice meme
3 hours later 28724267 Anonymous (original.gif 500x428 1045kB)
3 hours later 28724543 Anonymous
3 hours later 28724568 Anonymous (IMG_20210214_230056_264.jpg 750x937 127kB)
Heidi and Trdl have one thing in common: You should dump all your load in them both now
3 hours later 28724775 Anonymous
Got 7 of these. Is it faking stable coin? Price doesnt increase
3 hours later 28724955 Anonymous (f03.jpg 728x400 115kB)
3 hours later 28725078 Anonymous
i would also like to know this
3 hours later 28725324 Anonymous (TRDL-Peasant.png 597x888 300kB)
Please m'lord, some Strudel m'lord to change me life
16.323 0.114