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2021-02-14 11:21 28680551 Anonymous Where are we currently /biz/? (del.png 1600x1073 437kB)

2 min later 28680662 Anonymous (BTCUSDMonthly2.png 1129x584 31kB)
>>28680551 Delusion to new paradigm.

7 min later 28680911 Anonymous
>>28680662 fpbp

10 min later 28681021 Anonymous
we concluded the first sell off upon the most recent break of 40k and runup to 50 bobotards were saying we were in delusion to new paradigm since before 20k

12 min later 28681093 Anonymous
>>28680551 stop posting this stupid meme graph 20 times a day you retarded faggot

13 min later 28681129 Anonymous
Enthusiasm to greed

16 min later 28681279 Anonymous (moneysupply.jpg 960x696 34kB)
Ya don't say...

43 min later 28682491 Anonymous
>>28680551 Enthusiasm

46 min later 28682620 Anonymous
Its over soon right bros?

48 min later 28682709 Anonymous
>>28680551 optimism

48 min later 28682714 Anonymous
>>28680551 We are after the bear trap.

52 min later 28682900 Anonymous
Take off

53 min later 28682935 Anonymous
Media attention

53 min later 28682942 Anonymous
>>28680551 Just passed the "first sell off", now heading into media attention.

53 min later 28682947 Anonymous
>>28681129 This

54 min later 28682960 Anonymous
>>28680551 Greed

54 min later 28682970 Anonymous
>>28680551 New paradigm, literally

54 min later 28682990 Anonymous
>>28680662 zoom in retard

56 min later 28683061 Anonymous (1609601855314.png 1200x820 1150kB)

56 min later 28683066 Anonymous
The board will be all pink wojaks any day now won’t it /biz/? I’m scared bros.

56 min later 28683072 Anonymous
>>28680662 You'll be posting that all the way up to 100k per btc. Faggot

57 min later 28683096 Anonymous (EuK6uQ9WYAA12LJ.jpg 2048x1117 123kB)
>>28680551 it's just beginning you fucking retards

57 min later 28683118 Anonymous
BTC is losing dominance yet still growing in price, so I think we are on greed. Do not forget to sell before march.

58 min later 28683165 Anonymous (64h6538w5.png 1146x1089 256kB)
>>28680551 We are unironically at the start of the media phase. Many anons will cry at this statement and make claims that 2017/2018 was this phase, but it wasn't. We simply were happy for crypto to be mentioned on tv back in 2017/2018 - that was not media attention like most think. We are now only getting out of the bear trap and starting the rocket ride upwards. We are now in the third phase of growth which is the public awareness stage - this is where the public will learn what ETH and LINK and other projects are and how they will now be running the backend of most systems in the world. The growth we are about to see in the coming weeks / months will reflect the feelings we experienced in the latter months of 2017. To those who still have some holdings left, you are about to be blown away at the coming 3x-5x the whole market is about to do. I feel it and several others do too - we not wrong often.

1 hours later 28683297 Anonymous
>>28683118 I'm not selling until june coward

1 hours later 28683537 Anonymous
>>28683165 I feel it too Pepe

1 hours later 28683638 Anonymous (1613251342463.jpg 700x512 69kB)
>>28680551 Media attention

1 hours later 28683667 Anonymous
Media attention phase. We have not yet begun to truly pump.

1 hours later 28684292 Anonymous
>>28681279 Look at the Y-axis, you num-nut. We're still in enthusiasm. If you see prices doubling in a matter of days if not hours and your hairdresser talking about crypto, then you know we're nearing "new paradigm!".

1 hours later 28684353 Anonymous
>>28683667 Bros we're going to make so much money.

1 hours later 28684440 Anonymous
>>28684292 you don't understand what the new paradigm phase stand for do you? it's about believing price will only go up without a correct, which is where we are now. We are ending the greed phase and entering last phase. Crash is imminent you dumb faggets

1 hours later 28684499 Anonymous
>>28683096 >this time it's different >oh no wait it's the same

1 hours later 28684515 Anonymous
>>28684440 > it's about believing price will only go up without a correct Nobody believes that right now

1 hours later 28684564 Anonymous
>>28684515 lot of people say we are going to 100 k or even 300 k EOY

1 hours later 28684647 Anonymous
>>28680551 Barely at media attention

1 hours later 28684719 Anonymous
>>28684440 you will never be a woman

1 hours later 28684723 Anonymous
>>28684564 Listen faggot, if you're so convinced it's going to crash show me your 10x leveraged short on Bitcoin. Nut up or shut up cunts.

1 hours later 28684754 Anonymous
>>28684564 100k followed by a correction back to 30k over the course of the next 2 years matches previous trends.

1 hours later 28684765 Anonymous
>>28680551 media attention

1 hours later 28684839 Anonymous
>>28684723 i will not short you idiot as this is a way too risky bet. But i did sell a part of my portfolio and i keep selling gradually every day. Anyway, i'm making a lot of screencaps and will post a nice thread later on

1 hours later 28685006 Anonymous
>>28684839 You're only doing what any non-degenerate gambler would be doing. Taking profits on the way up is a fucking no-brainer. No one is saying it's gonna keep going up fucking forever. Of course it will fucking crash one day but you dipshits acting like it's gonna happen in like a week are fucking delusional.

1 hours later 28685079 Anonymous
Think we're in the institutional phase still. Lot of room to run.

1 hours later 28685097 Anonymous
>>28684647 it 10x'd over the past year and we're "barely at media attention"? kek.

1 hours later 28685268 Anonymous
>>28684839 Based

1 hours later 28685291 Anonymous
>>28685006 Well, good luck to you fren, but i'm going out massively, sold arleady 50%

1 hours later 28685447 Anonymous
>>28685291 To each their own. I'm not cashing out half till I've hit my own target. If it all comes crashing down before then, well fuck it, I've only put in play money anyway.

1 hours later 28685468 Anonymous
>>28680551 I'm at fear

1 hours later 28685640 Anonymous
>>28680662 50k might be the psychological barrier like 20k the previous time.

1 hours later 28685780 Anonymous
We are going to 400k

1 hours later 28685798 Anonymous
>>28685640 it'll probably pass 50k today

1 hours later 28685902 Anonymous
>>28685468 Yeo, if I cashed out all my financial problems would be solved but I'm greedy and want to have more. And when it crashes and I'm too slow to sell I'll just neck myself.

2 hours later 28686175 Anonymous
the fact that the thread is so bearish and predicting a crash indicate that we're at the bear trap.

2 hours later 28686580 Anonymous
>>28686175 this

2 hours later 28686627 Anonymous
>>28686175 this

2 hours later 28686687 Anonymous
>>28684499 >cant read a graph ngmi

2 hours later 28687120 Anonymous
>>28684292 Are u kidding? Go outside There are Bitcoin and doge billboards and literally everyone I meet is talking about Elon musk and “you don’t need to only buy a whole Bitcoin, it goes out to a bunch of decimal places”

2 hours later 28687242 Anonymous
>>28682942 Haven't we had media attention for like a month? My local news station had a BTC headline with the old fart newscasters talking about this "bitcoin thing I need to buy". Even so it's really difficult to call and I'd be extremely hesitant for anyone to buy in for the first time here

2 hours later 28687347 Anonymous
>>28680551 On the BTC charts? Bear trap. Newfags just don’t know, it’s going to +100k in a month

2 hours later 28687363 Anonymous
>>28686175 I was thinking this Mainly because of the big first sell off I think over the next few days everything will tank a lot more and then normans will dump their money into everything

2 hours later 28687465 Anonymous
I'm a huge bearfag but we are at Enthusiasm... we're not nearly done here. First sell off was in december

2 hours later 28687638 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210214_145144.png 178x343 7kB)
>>28687465 wrong, first sell off was feb/march of 2020. price tanked from 10k to 5k.

2 hours later 28687694 Anonymous (1613298119747.png 1600x1073 525kB)

2 hours later 28687755 Anonymous
>>28687638 I mean... that was the rona dump

2 hours later 28687807 Anonymous
I say right before bull trap. Bull trap is going to be stimulus passing at the end of the month

2 hours later 28687834 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210214_145507.png 933x469 30kB)
>>28687755 Does the reason of the dump matter? From picrel I'd say we're getting to 100k before crashing back down to 15-20k

2 hours later 28687835 Anonymous (psyop.png 1341x895 2261kB)
>>28687694 WE WAZ KANGS

2 hours later 28688025 Anonymous
media attention

2 hours later 28688061 Anonymous
>>28680551 delusion. tokens like RBC, ASKO, BAO mooning to 100 mil mcap. they have no chance of competing with existing products and people are actually "investing" six figures into these shitcoins.

2 hours later 28688576 Anonymous
>>28680551 Went through first sell off. Institutional investors stage just beginning to mature - see Tesla, JP Morgan etc.

2 hours later 28688814 Anonymous
>>28685640 Or 50k might be the same barrier that 10k was, so none at all, you know?

2 hours later 28688938 Anonymous
>>28685640 >this is what tourists actually believe

2 hours later 28689035 Anonymous
>>28680662 look at the 2nd last monthly candle. if it wasnt for elon's btc shilling, then there'es a good chance we'd be in the red.

2 hours later 28689097 Anonymous
>>28684353 "We're all going to be rich!"

2 hours later 28689132 Anonymous
>>28680551 A few years before stealth phase

2 hours later 28689142 Anonymous
>>28683096 i want to believe

2 hours later 28689155 Anonymous
>>28683165 fucking this

2 hours later 28689157 Anonymous

3 hours later 28689313 Anonymous
>>28685640 i also think the same, the long term bull run might not end, but we most likely will have a short/mid term pull back and test lower resistance levels before smashing 50k.

3 hours later 28689340 Anonymous (fredgraph.png 600x418 24kB)
>>28681279 this. the dollar is the bubble.

3 hours later 28689437 Anonymous (IMG_20210214_095612555~2.jpg 2793x3965 3507kB)
>>28680551 pic related is a local newspaper from my area.... December 2017 they had a 3 page Story about Bitcoin. This Time it's not even one page..... We have plenty of time.

3 hours later 28689439 Anonymous (1611702464125.jpg 2951x9999 3354kB)
>>28680551 On a scale of 0 to retard, you are on retard beyond down syndrome.

3 hours later 28689474 Anonymous
>>28687694 This KEK

3 hours later 28689523 Anonymous
>>28680551 Between take off and first sell of.

3 hours later 28689743 Anonymous
>>28683165 please. all i need is a 3-5x.

3 hours later 28689949 Anonymous
>>28686175 this also back in 2017 elon didn’t purchase 1.5b of buttcorn to dump on us

3 hours later 28689977 Anonymous
>>28687834 >Does the reason of the dump matter? Yes because we are in a situation of totalitarian rights-loss like never before, idiot.

3 hours later 28690198 Anonymous
Delusion. I can argument why too, we're getting normies and celebs starting to get in and shill, plus the most important thing I have to say is that we're close to hitting euphoria on the NUPL on-chain indicator, and in all of bitcoin's history every time we hit euphoria the bull market ended. We're at like 0.72 and euphoria is at like 0.75, I reckon if we go to 52k without a correction to reset the indicator the run is unfortunately over. PS: not meme lines, but on-chain indicators that count net unrealized profits, saying this before some retards start sperging out

3 hours later 28690995 Anonymous
>>28689949 why do people think elon just bought a week ago? He bought a while back.

3 hours later 28691028 Anonymous
>>28689949 differences between 2017 and 2021: 2017: China banned ICO in Sep 2017 Bcash shit show ICO boom Most poorfags are still not completely priced out 2021: Rona brrrrrrrrrrr Elon and institutions bought their bags to dump on us Defi boom since last year 1 buttcorn ≈ $50K already

3 hours later 28691522 Anonymous
>>28689977 Wrong. The reason does not matter, nigger. It's all about market sentiment. Do you think normalfags even know what you're talking about? all they say is the news and the charts.

3 hours later 28691596 Anonymous (1464381209237.png 655x650 25kB)
>>28683096 mmmmmm that hopium taste good

3 hours later 28691624 Anonymous
>>28685291 too early my friend, i've been watching you. I know it's you from how you write, and there's not much of us here. Godspeed.

3 hours later 28692001 Anonymous
>>28685097 only x2.5 from previous ath. this is what you should be watching newfriend.

3 hours later 28692070 Anonymous (memechart.png 1600x1073 507kB)

3 hours later 28692513 Anonymous
>>28683165 >We simply were happy for crypto to be mentioned on tv back in 2017/2018 i specifically remember seeing btc on the news for the first time, it was incredible they're talking about bitcoin now like its real, they are starting to believe its fucking REAL >this is where the public will learn what ETH and LINK it's honeslty going to be horrifying to see normal people shilling things like on biz imagine going to your friends facebook/twitter/instagram and seeing #rubic or something no, no not like now i mean like EVERYONE has their choice of "wagmi" it's so odd because i eat sleep and breathe this shit and i feel like i'm already too late even though ive been in it for 5 years NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT BITCOIN STILL

3 hours later 28692514 Anonymous
>>28692001 that's some /x/ tier numerology bro. it doesn't mean shit. anyone looking at the chart can see it is ten times more expensive than it was less than a year ago. that is the psychologically determining factor right now.

3 hours later 28692782 Anonymous
>>28680551 PUBLIC

4 hours later 28692934 Anonymous
I'm conflicted frens, I think we got too fast at 50k (I would have expected us to reach that by March-April) but at the same time the stock to flow ratio is nowhere near target and news are overall bullish (institutionals are in or entering, many products are ready for use).

4 hours later 28693040 Anonymous
>>28690995 this. he only announced when the double top was filling in

4 hours later 28693170 Anonymous
>>28680551 During the Elon pump there was almost zero mainstream coverage. The mainstream don't have a clue still. It's all being suppressed. Remember when everyone with a brain was talking about the possibility of a worldwide pandemic. The normies were wandering around blissfully ignorant for another two months before it was declared official. Then all the panic buying started, then people started taking it serious. Until btc hits 100k, I think the mainstream will be unaware.

4 hours later 28693195 Anonymous
>>28692934 >(institutionals are in or entering, many products are ready for use) just distractions. even if you are just hearing about it now, those institutions probably got in six months ago. and the retarded shit like mastercard is completely irrelevant for something people predominantly use as a store of value.

4 hours later 28693337 Anonymous
>>28684292 i have 60 year old men telling me about "doggie coin" at work. i work in a machine shop

4 hours later 28693413 Anonymous
>>28693337 we're at the top, but still this is a lie.

4 hours later 28693425 Anonymous (btc.png 748x331 46kB)
this is what will happen

4 hours later 28693456 Anonymous
>>28680551 Denial

4 hours later 28693990 Anonymous
>>28692514 >anyone looking at the chart >psychologically determining factor right now no, normalfags don't look at the charts, they just hear it on mainstream source that its at ath (or local low just after ath). and last time they were memed into bitcoin was at ath too. pretty much every single one of them didn't even knew that btc was at ~5k in march. as long as we don't see plebs taking loans with their house as collateral to buy btc we're fine. just look at reddit with gme to see how people were sperging out near the top by pushing their families and friend to buy in. same in 2017. right now most of people are at the "huh? its still alive?" state when hearing about btc. biz is also devoid of green wojak and is in the general low energy rn. >>28693337 doge? simply the current meme by elon musk.

4 hours later 28694033 Anonymous
>>28693413 i swear to you it is not

4 hours later 28694073 Anonymous
>>28693990 The mainstream sources constantly say stuff like "Bitcoin that was just at 5k a year ago is not at 50k!"

4 hours later 28694202 Anonymous
We just hit media attention, strap in lads

4 hours later 28694416 Anonymous
>>28680551 Despair. As every day.

4 hours later 28694470 Anonymous
>>28685640 >20k psychological barrier lolwut? It always goes much higher than anybody reasonably expects; I dont think anybody thought it was going past 5k in 2017. 10k was amazing. 20k was insane

4 hours later 28694600 Anonymous
>>28684440 It's a new paradigm, and everybody who doesn't buy, now, will be priced out forever. Anybody who does buy will be rewarded with a lifetime of riches, as their bitcoin will continue its 30% monthly price increase. Nocoiners, and anybody born in a future generation, will not be able to afford a $10,000,000 satoshi in 15 years. They will live in tent cities, and Hondas. This asset bubble is different than all of the others - it will never slow down, or pop. The gains are permanent.

4 hours later 28694611 Anonymous
>>28694202 this. stonks have not met inflation yet. We have a way to go, especially with crypto now being acknowledged.

4 hours later 28694670 Anonymous
holy cow some of you are retards, only Tesla and Microstratefy have come out and said they have bought BTC. The institutional investors and hedge funds are buying up but haven't announced it yet as they want to keep it quiet. >Morgan Stanley https://www.bloomberg.com/news/arti cles/2021-02-13/morgan-stanley-may- bet-on-bitcoin-in-150-billion-inves tment-arm >Deutsche Bank https://www.bloomberg.com/news/arti cles/2021-02-13/morgan-stanley-may- bet-on-bitcoin-in-150-billion-inves tment-arm >BNY Mellon and Mastercard https://www.forbes.com/sites/hailey lennon/2021/02/12/bitcoin-welcomes- tesla-mastercard-bny-mellon-venmo-t o-the-cryptocurrency-party/

4 hours later 28694706 Anonymous
>>28694073 huh, not on mine tho ( russia, not the best country for that I know) they just say every other day "btc reached a new high at X" and that's all. still I hold what I said, as long as you don't see shit like >medias actively shilling with tutorials on how to buy crypto on tv >"X waiting room" threads being updated with an higher value before being archived >twitter (as well as other social medias) going apeshit >normalfags and niggers taking big loans to buy crypto >people you know installing blockfolio then we're ok and have room to grow.

4 hours later 28694773 Anonymous
>>28694520 gave you faggots an explanation why BTC and crypto is due to a correction, don't ignore the information and don't get rekt

4 hours later 28694787 Anonymous
>>28694670 >Deutsche Bank https://www.coindesk.com/deutsche-b ank-crypto-custody-prime-brokerage

4 hours later 28694820 Anonymous
>>28694470 This. We're not even close to the insane euphoria of 2017.

4 hours later 28694962 Anonymous
>>28689035 This. BTC was barely moving and probably about to drop. Elon fucking saved the bullrun, but at some point even that can't hold the line.

4 hours later 28695113 Anonymous
>>28687638 Nah, that doesn't fit with "awareness phase". It also didn't get any extraordinary media attention right after.

4 hours later 28695179 Anonymous
>>28693170 >zero mainstream coverage. bruh everyone knows about this shit including my parents, what rock do you live under? im from europe

4 hours later 28695217 Anonymous
The most obvious top of previous cycle are normies talking about shit coins like TRX, XVG, and CRIPPLE. Unless the media are constantly talking about Ethereum/DeFi/LINK this run and shilling shitty food coins I don’t think we are at the media attention phase yet.

4 hours later 28695240 Anonymous
>>28694962 But it's now testing another ATH. If it were about to drop a week ago, it wouldn't have merely dropped down a bit to now rally again, it would have continued to drop. Instead we now see it rising to new heights.

4 hours later 28695259 Anonymous
>>28694706 >>medias actively shilling with tutorials on how to buy crypto on tv kek, there was literally a thread last week about CNBC teaching people how to buy ripple

4 hours later 28695312 Anonymous (41.png 742x131 12kB)

4 hours later 28695387 Anonymous
and oh yeah, remember the fucking deep brain chain?

4 hours later 28695444 Anonymous (maxresdefault.jpg 1280x720 131kB)
>>28695259 you mean pic rel? that was from 3 years ago

4 hours later 28695539 Anonymous
>>28691624 you are watching me? i feel special now. I will give you pro tips if you flatter my ego. I don't know how you track someone on this bord since my ip is constantly changing

4 hours later 28695635 Anonymous
>>28695312 i'm sure these neets know more about BTC than institutional investors who do this for a living

4 hours later 28695741 Anonymous
>>28694600 is this irony? If not, last phase of the bubble confirmed

4 hours later 28695823 Anonymous
>>28694706 average people will not invest more in btc than they invest in other assets. Most people are poor anyway and only have a house or a car if they are lucky

4 hours later 28695936 Anonymous
>>28687834 Yes because black swan event fagget

4 hours later 28695945 Anonymous
>>28695259 you fucking n*wfag holy fuck go back

4 hours later 28696156 Anonymous (1613251543812.jpg 680x780 42kB)
>>28680551 The end of return to normal. This bull run was artificially kept alive by Elon.

4 hours later 28696168 Anonymous
Beginning of the stealth phase

23.858 0.185