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2021-02-14 07:49 28670981 Anonymous GRT POOMP (1612909705675.png 892x803 319kB)
you call that a dump?

3 min later 28671137 Anonymous
It's falling again It was your last chance to sell, see you at 1$ eod

5 min later 28671241 Anonymous
>>28671137 dumb nigger its already end of day and still at 2.24 you're dumb as fuck

7 min later 28671291 Anonymous
>>28671241 Its 4pm retard

7 min later 28671311 Anonymous
>>28671291 >4pm ok thirdworlder

7 min later 28671324 Anonymous (grt dark magician girl stripes.png 870x1135 604kB)
Still holding

7 min later 28671334 Anonymous
>>28671241 The brief drop to $2.13 was the pump marker

8 min later 28671348 Anonymous
>>28671311 japan is first world

8 min later 28671397 Anonymous
The Graph, just like every other shitcoin is just another form of marketing to get stupid people who aren't tech savvy enough to research to get into the scam Investors/whales are the ones that can get into it and get out with profit because they can manipulate the market If you can't see how this is a pump and dump occuring, you deserve to lose all your money, but yeah keep doing that "research"

9 min later 28671401 Anonymous
>>28671348 >japan is first world yeah first in the world for suicide kys chink

10 min later 28671462 Anonymous (grt ribbit sparkles.png 446x845 609kB)
Don't listen to the wagies

11 min later 28671497 Anonymous
>>28671348 Waiting for an opinion from someone whose only skill isn't teaching the only language they speak.

12 min later 28671547 Anonymous
>>28671497 Im russian and work in IT so you missed

12 min later 28671564 Anonymous
>>28671547 nice larp

17 min later 28671807 Anonymous
I'd still be buying more if I could. Gonna wait to see what happens the 15th before I abuse my savings any further. 3 by EOM

20 min later 28671950 Anonymous
6k girth. WIMI?

23 min later 28672093 Anonymous
>>28671397 it's literally a core protocol for web3 alongside chain link you stupid fucking nigger.

24 min later 28672138 Anonymous
I'm literally working with pocket change, holding for the mythical $100 EOY so I can have capital to potentially make it. Holding forever outside of the obv. swing sells when supply defrosts.

25 min later 28672197 Anonymous (hand-holding-diamond-icon-cartoon-vector-illustration-graphic-design-hand-holding-diamond-vector-illustration-149171818.jpg 800x640 34kB)
.70 bought. Steady holding this gem

27 min later 28672265 Anonymous
Sold at 2.60. Will double my bags during this dump and make even more money.

27 min later 28672284 Anonymous (GRT tin-brian-nguyen-misty.jpg 1089x1683 1359kB)
>>28672197 ygmi

28 min later 28672319 Anonymous (Stop_Kony_2012_poster.png 255x391 76kB)
>>28671397 >>bought at 3.00 type, seen a lot of you.

30 min later 28672411 Anonymous
>>28671397 ***FUD DETECTED*** ive seen this pasta in at least 3 grt threads now

32 min later 28672467 Anonymous
>>28672411 They really putting in work to keep the ppl outta the intergalactic mission we are about to embark on

32 min later 28672479 Anonymous (grt leaning in chair smoking.jpg 1000x1000 744kB)
>>28672411 same

35 min later 28672620 Anonymous
>>28671401 KEK

49 min later 28673254 Anonymous
>>28671401 lol

49 min later 28673266 Anonymous
>>28672093 Have you watched the video of the woman stumble her way through the presentation of it? The Google of blockchain indeed. 2 billion more of market cap in 2 days? Completely unsustainable lol, anyone who thinks it's worth buying now deserves to lose. Might go up long term but you'll see 1$ before you see 3$. Especially with the majority of tokens being held by a tiny group. Enjoy the bags though I guess.

56 min later 28673562 Anonymous
>>28672411 Thats because its true you fucking pajeet shitcoin pumping halfwit. Yes, it's not terrible, but it's overvalued as fuck right now 4 billion dollar company overnight hey? And now the time to buy? Give me a break. Wait a few days and pick up these over priced bags then.

56 min later 28673585 Anonymous (marshpumpgrt.png 705x199 20kB)
>>28671397 >p&d?????? Doesnt even spike with celeb endorsement. This coin is the real deal

58 min later 28673670 Anonymous
>>28670981 GRT just double bottomed, we aren't selling anymore fuckers. And you can keep that 'ma China dump' bullshit to yourselves

58 min later 28673674 Anonymous
>>28673585 FYI, all of india is going to be buying this coin now. This dj is Shiva over there

1 hours later 28673815 Anonymous
I just took a shit on my street. Does this mean GRT will pump now?

1 hours later 28673850 Anonymous
>>28673674 And all of India has the buying power of $3.50 which would be better spent on a sewer system

1 hours later 28673911 Anonymous
Is 4.8k GRT enough to make it or should I accumulate more?

1 hours later 28674000 Anonymous
>>28673911 I think at this point with GRT you shouldn't be accumulating unless you plan to delegate.

1 hours later 28674071 Anonymous (cd300456l5h41.jpg 489x489 58kB)
Should I buy in right now, kinda hoping for $2 flat or wait for the dip at $1.50 that I keep hearing about?

1 hours later 28674325 Anonymous
>>286740 Wait for 1.5 and pray it doesnt drop further than that. If you buy now you can pick up part of my 70,000 USD of shorts though lol

1 hours later 28674418 Anonymous
>>28674071 Would you try to catch a falling knife? Don't get greedy anon.

1 hours later 28674771 Anonymous
bros... what the fuck... you said we were cool and no one would sell

1 hours later 28674849 Anonymous (381CB3E1-9A55-4C04-B9F9-7BB1970665D1.png 695x797 346kB)
>>28674771 yeah I sold a lil bit... sorry graphbros ill be back

1 hours later 28676314 Anonymous
God I love every moron who pushed this thing to 2.8, I've been riding shorts of this pajeet pump and dump down from 2.75 and cumming buckets.

1 hours later 28676414 Anonymous
>>28671807 I have $25,000 I kind of want to ape the fuck into this. I already have a 10,000 GRT stack but I want more

2 hours later 28676770 Anonymous
Its tempting to short this shitcoin even more ugh, its literally printing money for me lol

2 hours later 28676827 Anonymous
What’s this talk about a Chinese dump tomorrow? Proofs?

2 hours later 28676848 Anonymous
>>28676414 Do you literally have an IQ of 2? Have you seen what the chart looks like?

2 hours later 28677961 Anonymous

2 hours later 28678611 Anonymous
>>28670981 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOS 9g0rKP24&feature=emb_logo Never selling

2 hours later 28678620 Anonymous
>>28676827 dont spoonfeed this retard, let him lose all his money

2 hours later 28678663 Anonymous
>>28671401 Wicked burn kek

2 hours later 28678754 Anonymous
>>28676827 look up GRT on baidu/sougou all I know is it'll happen until 11:59 PM gmt+8 so get your fiats ready to grab bags

2 hours later 28678906 Anonymous (1613076251982.jpg 718x712 42kB)
>>28678611 Thanks for sharing. Never selling. HODL long term.

2.762 0.075