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2021-02-14 06:33 28666725 Anonymous Google investing $2B into LINK (1613279743803.png 628x1360 152kB)
Any of you faggots got info on this? Doubt it was Assblaster spelling the beans on this to plebbit

0 min later 28666754 Anonymous

2 min later 28666852 Anonymous (1585284138790.gif 400x500 301kB)
>>28666725 imagine falling for this

3 min later 28666904 Anonymous (Plebbit.png 1472x1082 210kB)
>>28666725 A mod deleted the post and banned the user that posted it. Kek

9 min later 28667249 Anonymous
>>28666904 That mod is doing a great service by keeping redditfags out of link

10 min later 28667325 Anonymous (1530493031597.png 1400x1400 1201kB)
>>28666852 It is a long shot but not entirely improbable

11 min later 28667378 Anonymous
>>28666725 Yea, how about no that will never happen

13 min later 28667476 Anonymous
>>28666904 Either biz is the mod or the team doesn’t want that out

14 min later 28667520 Anonymous
>>28666725 Google is investing that money to keep chainlink afloat because in 2/16 it will become obvious the token is not needed and the "$20b" in token Sergey holds is worthless

15 min later 28667612 Anonymous (Link1img.jpg 557x513 80kB)
>>28667476 >Either biz is the mod or the team doesn’t want that out OR... And I'm just spitballing here... But hear me out... OR it's a fucking LARP and none of it is true.

18 min later 28667749 Anonymous
>>28667612 LINK is inevitable

19 min later 28667816 Anonymous
42 mentioned it in a thread from yesterday. If this is true I will never doubt or call him a schizo agagin.

20 min later 28667863 Anonymous
>jai i thought link was the white man's token?

20 min later 28667874 Anonymous (long-distance-murder.gif 280x189 2092kB)
>>28666725 >Google investing $2B into LINK Also, let's think rationally for a moment, If Google agreed to come onboard as a data provider or node operator, they wouldn't have to buy link, chainlink would bootstrap them with a direct allocation of tokens. Because that would be too huge of an opportunity to pass up. The whole point of the team's token reserves is to use them to bootstrap the network, they wouldn't make their biggest business partner of all time go market buy tokens. This whole thing is just a stupid larp from some troll on reddit.

20 min later 28667913 Anonymous (1580339453816.jpg 800x534 87kB)
>>28667520 it is held to incentivize big players entering the market and also for big macs. Wonder though what they have been doing with the money of the 55M having been sold making the float in circulation 405M now. They do have a shitload of job openings advertised that is for sure

21 min later 28667958 Anonymous
>>28666725 it wouldn't be phrased like this, it delegitimizes cl.

22 min later 28668003 Anonymous (1594157336495.jpg 1440x2135 397kB)
>>28667816 did he say anything on top of the pic?

24 min later 28668100 Anonymous (oh.png 175x68 9kB)
I just noticed that the circulating supply has gone up. Didn't it start at 350? Is this just from Sergey dumping or has some allocation already taken place?

25 min later 28668159 Anonymous
>>28667863 He said he was on JPM's IB team. Can verify that the name would check out.

27 min later 28668251 Anonymous
>>28668100 Hmm. 57m tokens at ~34 per token is roughly $2b

27 min later 28668281 Anonymous
This shit might be legit, it might not. But my niggas, we bout to finna moon regardless >PayPal >who u think visa is using >staking >ocr >insurance >bull run If link does not hit 350+ this run, there was some major black swan world event. Hold the fuck on, set sell points, and let’s get this fucking paper niggers

28 min later 28668323 Anonymous
>>28668251 Don't get my hopes up.

29 min later 28668396 42 (1613010940217.jpg 1000x1000 465kB)
>>28668251 >57m tokens at ~34 per token is roughly $2b

31 min later 28668529 Anonymous
>>28668003 He’s here now. Ask him unself.

32 min later 28668585 Anonymous
Tbh the suppression and this actual pump makes me think that Reddit fag is right.

33 min later 28668633 Anonymous
>>28668003 that's beautiful

33 min later 28668653 Anonymous
>>28666725 link literally pump 2 billion in mcap this last day

34 min later 28668704 42 (portfolio.png 1050x624 570kB)
>>28668653 >link literally pump 2 billion in mcap this last day >>28668585 >Tbh the suppression and this actual pump makes me think that Reddit fag is right. >>28667816 >42 mentioned it in a thread from yesterday. If this is true I will never doubt or call him a schizo agagin.

35 min later 28668748 Anonymous
>>28667816 but he IS a schizo which is why he is correct...

37 min later 28668874 Anonymous
>>28668003 I will commission my own Lament of the Linkless statue in my future estate. It shall serve as a visceral example of what not to be in life for all that see it.

38 min later 28668917 Anonymous
>>28667816 link to thread?

38 min later 28668926 Anonymous
>>28668704 Glad to see you back my nigga. Tbh you were getting annoying for a period, you are back to the og 42 that I liked. >I am you, you are me Iv told you this before. Keep the pineal gland open, keep spreading knowledge to people who want it, we are going to make it my g. Ted kacyznski was right, so let’s make some money of this shit.

38 min later 28668964 42 (why yes.jpg 941x1080 73kB)

41 min later 28669115 42 (sergey astronaut.gif 540x540 3384kB)
>>28668926 >Iv told you this before. Keep the pineal gland open, keep spreading knowledge to people who want it, we are going to make it my g it's been a hell of a ride so far, wouldn't trade the experience for anything else

41 min later 28669137 Anonymous
>>28666725 My heart literally started racing. I wanna buy more link holy fucking shit

41 min later 28669157 Anonymous
This would bump the price up to ~$38.72 before factoring in the normie fomo.

43 min later 28669254 Anonymous (1583374065604.jpg 600x900 714kB)
>>28668874 What is the story?

43 min later 28669262 Anonymous
/biz/ what's a better longterm hold, avax or link?

44 min later 28669324 Anonymous
>>28669157 normie fomo brings it to ~$500, followed by $40

44 min later 28669330 42 (winners circle.jfif.jpg 1080x1776 132kB)
>>28669137 >My heart literally started racing. >>28669157 >This would bump the price up to ~$38.72 before factoring in the normie fomo. It's not a resistance line, it's an acceleration gate

45 min later 28669349 Anonymous
>>28667874 $2 billion doesn’t have to be a market but for tokens. It can be in other infrastructure. Cloud service, api accessibility, etc

45 min later 28669382 Anonymous
>>28668633 It really is a contemporary masterpiece, a bizonacci on canvas

46 min later 28669415 Anonymous
>>28669115 I also would not. The journey....understanding more about the occult, understanding more about how everything is the way it is, and how certain people have open eyes.... best of all, The sub conscious self doubt >let’s be honest, all of us have been demoralized at one point even though we knew better Also, it feels good telling my extremely close friends to look into link and seeing these faggots make it with me. The ones who didn’t buy.... ya those fuckbois.... I told them I sold at 18 like an idiot.

46 min later 28669424 Anonymous
>>28666725 Based google

46 min later 28669467 Anonymous
>>28666725 Op deleted his reddit account

47 min later 28669485 Anonymous
>>28669262 LINK of course, but AVAX seems to be promising despite the recent fuckup. May allocate 20% into it.

47 min later 28669497 Anonymous
>>28669467 Da fuq?

47 min later 28669498 Anonymous (39e.jpg 600x838 125kB)
>>28669330 Lick my feet shizo 42

47 min later 28669504 Anonymous
>>28666852 Google already has connections with Chainlink. Announcing they bought wouldn't be any different from Tesla announcing they bought BTC.

48 min later 28669526 42 (Et5IP6xXEAUkECC.jfif.jpg 733x1003 97kB)

48 min later 28669561 Anonymous
>>28669504 >Announcing they bought wouldn't be any different from Tesla announcing they bought BTC. So would just cause a 20% increase in value then?

48 min later 28669569 Anonymous
>>28669415 What do you think about flouride in toothpaste clsoing down the pineal gland? Tried toothpaste without it but my teeth started to get sensitive and have holes..Tricky situation..

49 min later 28669589 Anonymous (1613254176590.jpg 1125x1115 133kB)
30k tokens never selling mfw

49 min later 28669603 Anonymous
>>28667816 I trust 42 because he shilled DMG and that worked out really well as we can see

49 min later 28669607 Anonymous (bcdb68eaccba6f92cada877f6e5333c5.jpg 500x302 29kB)

49 min later 28669617 Anonymous
>>28669504 I’m fairly certain Google “buying” link would show massive interest in running a node. Companies are going to grab tons of link to stake so they can verify high value contracts and derivatives contracts. The singularity is real.

50 min later 28669637 Anonymous
>>28669561 The increase for Chainlink will be way more than 20% since it's way cheaper than BTC.

50 min later 28669652 Anonymous (image0.jpg 680x622 64kB)
>>28669467 This means rather good than bad I guess. Tho he was banned from the sub as well

50 min later 28669671 Anonymous
>>28669330 Wouldn’t be completely out of the question. JPM already knows about CL from their deco candid work. Any update, crumb on deco progress?

50 min later 28669684 42 (6bac446f0cd5.gif 480x612 2110kB)
>>28669603 you win some, you lose some luckily got out right before the CIA honeypot rugpull maneuver

51 min later 28669710 Anonymous
>>28667816 42 also said he’d hold dmg bags forever

52 min later 28669762 Anonymous
>>28668704 Are you still holding dmg bags? I warned you about clownshow keough

52 min later 28669766 42 (EuDvLFYXAAIPk0P.jfif.jpg 1365x2048 206kB)
>>28669671 Chico has been putting out good content on the latest news https://youtu.be/gohIIgN_ZoM it's funny, I hold every project he mentions in that video >>28669710 that was until I aped into BAO: https://twitter.com/thebaoman/statu s/1360824407225204737?s=20

52 min later 28669769 Anonymous
>>28669569 That’s an old meme. Fluoride is supposed to calcify the pineal gland. I think the bigger issues are diet, the dismissal of church, the dismissal of free though/debate, and our fucked up life style has more to do. I use fluoride toothpaste, aluminum deodorant ect. The human body is very good at expelling toxins as long as you eat healthy and work out/get vitamin d.

53 min later 28669838 Anonymous
>>28668251 Pretty sure it's just sirgay dumps, check the archives https://web.archive.org/web/2020120 9062036/https://coinmarketcap.com/c urrencies/chainlink/

53 min later 28669840 42 (bao yum.gif 600x448 3696kB)
>>28669762 >Are you still holding dmg bags? >>28669684 >luckily got out right before the CIA honeypot rugpull maneuver sold it for BAO in January >mfw that was a smooth maneuver

53 min later 28669856 Anonymous

53 min later 28669861 Anonymous
>>28667378 Sweaty, you had almost 4 years. Stop being so salty and just buy.

53 min later 28669867 Anonymous
>>28666725 Google is the kind of company that wouldn't need to hire assassins to hunt you down because they already own the police. Nobody would leak something like this unless they were insane.

54 min later 28669889 Anonymous
>>28667749 If I have 100% xmr should I convert half into Link at its current price? I almost bought the dip when it was 15 but didn’t and got xmr because I understood it better.

54 min later 28669930 42 (EuDgCedWgAELZ88.jfif.jpg 749x587 45kB)

55 min later 28669950 Anonymous
>>28669766 Are you still friends with old clownshow on linkedin?

55 min later 28669951 Anonymous
>>28669769 Hope you are right. I have been extremely depressed for the last 3 months and have had sleep problems, havent been able to work since mid November. Also means not working out, just suffering life. I might get out of it now a bit.. Any tips?

56 min later 28670016 Anonymous
>>28669867 Yet we’re here shitposting with each other for 3+ years, do you think we’re sane?

56 min later 28670041 Anonymous
>>28669861 I have 43k Link but I am sane enough to know that this is fake

57 min later 28670045 Anonymous
>>28669930 I remember seeing you shilling link back in 2018-19. What are your thoughts on GRT?

57 min later 28670054 42 (1609967247253.jpg 1125x987 636kB)
>>28669950 >Are you still friends with old clownshow on linkedin? haha I should check apparently Tim Draper got rugged too and has millions of tokens I know a few other people with a couple thousand in the project, and another top wallet holder who got fucked feels bad man

58 min later 28670085 Anonymous
Anon’s the circulating supply of tokens is up 54m times $34 is a little under 2 billion, big if true anon’s

58 min later 28670097 42 (Graph-Council-desktop@2x.jpg 2880x1616 1333kB)
>>28670045 got some at $0.30 after it hit $0.70 and then retraced but did not enough going to be getting some on the pullback, really glad to see it rip into ATH like that recently a friend told me about chainlink using graph a lot more than a month ago

58 min later 28670106 Anonymous
>>28666725 Jealous of the og marines. My entry into crypto is recent fall 2020. I read everything I could and even though the link meme community was a relic of itself by then it got me into chainlink. But being a poorfag buying backs at $12.65 instead of $0.26 made it improve to get even a suicide stack. I bought in what I could and later flipped around half my stack to get in to a few other projects early (GRT, OPEN, UNN). Just bought what more linkies I could afford right now with fiat in case this news is true.

58 min later 28670114 Anonymous
I work in IB. JP has industry groups, sell side m&a and capital markets, who the fuck is going to be advising on a link buy? are we calling this a cap raise or a sell side m&A?

58 min later 28670115 Anonymous

59 min later 28670138 42 (EsyFnrCXMAEmJCJ.jfif.jpg 956x505 49kB)
>>28670097 >did not enough did not *get* enough it's funny when you have a lot of money, you can throw around 5 figure investments all over the place and in this market the gains just keep compounding

59 min later 28670147 Anonymous
>>28670097 >chainlink using graph got a source for this?

1 hours later 28670189 Anonymous
>>28670114 It would most likely be to stake a node.

1 hours later 28670205 Anonymous

1 hours later 28670222 42 (1612964306341.jpg 1279x1279 121kB)
>>28670147 >got a source for this? https://youtu.be/HOS9g0rKP24

1 hours later 28670258 Anonymous (1609521691873.jpg 720x499 44kB)
>>28670138 >buy linkies at 2 dollars >buy graphies at 50 cents >too poor for it to matter >>28670222 checked, I would buy more if I could afford it FUCK

1 hours later 28670316 Anonymous
>>28670114 if he works in IB, he might also have connections to someone in research. its possible he read a research report somehow from a research analyst who covers tech. crypto is now a legitimate sector some folks are covering these days. t. biz anon who used to work in ER for a MM bank

1 hours later 28670360 Anonymous
>>28670106 ygmi

1 hours later 28670388 42 (EuJuGQ4XYAAcsD1.jfif.jpg 800x950 135kB)
>>28670258 >checked, I would buy more if I could afford it FUCK yeah I'm getting bottlenecked at this point (7 figures) with the fiat-to-crypto onramp and can't buy as quickly as I should be able to

1 hours later 28670430 Anonymous
>>28670054 I got the fuck out after I saw them adjusting top wallet balances into smaller stacks for less centralized optics surrounding the first vote. Wish more people listened to me then. I sold mine into lend and we know how that turned out. Tell your friend who drank too much clownshow koolaid to buy surf before the big release tomorrow.

1 hours later 28670438 Anonymous (1582708253675.png 225x225 4kB)
>>28666904 poor cunnychad

1 hours later 28670474 Anonymous
>>28670388 >bottlenecked >7 figures bruh... I'm sitting here with 3k, and that's 2x my net worth.

1 hours later 28670495 Anonymous
>>28670388 Do you plan to cash out any (at what price level) or never selling?

1 hours later 28670502 42 (10183168665485.jpg 1655x1748 288kB)
>>28670474 >bruh... just stay in crypto for a few cycles and you can get like us if you play it smart

1 hours later 28670557 Anonymous
>>28666725 Fake and gay. Someone is getting a visit from the sec either way

1 hours later 28670573 42 (1611379725019.jpg 1250x701 286kB)
>>28670495 >Do you plan to cash out any (at what price level) or never selling? the whole point of crypto is you NEVER cash out 100% I've already cashed out a bunch to pay down the lines of credit I opened in the first place also cashed some out to upgrade and expand my crypto mining operations a lot of the money I cashed out I re-invested into crypto and making crypto

1 hours later 28670620 Anonymous (20210129_234033.jpg 689x683 38kB)
>>28670502 I'm just gonna keep hodling link and grt. I only have 40 linkies and 230 graphies. I just want enough money for a house.

1 hours later 28670766 42 (ceo of crypto.png 495x614 96kB)

1 hours later 28670803 Anonymous
>>28669889 >100% XMR wtf lmao at least grab some eth and link too.

1 hours later 28670839 Anonymous (Pjjitey2t2t3yrudhjc7.jpg 1242x1394 160kB)

1 hours later 28670936 42 (EtlV-8LXUAEg2oB.jfif.jpg 384x384 26kB)
>>28670430 >I got the fuck out after I saw them adjusting top wallet balances into smaller stacks for less centralized optics surrounding the first vote. Wish more people listened to me then good call man, we all learned a lesson there not everything we pick can be a winner, as long as we're winning in the aggregate, we'll be fine over the long term

1 hours later 28670938 Anonymous
>>28669889 have fun with your private dinosaur coin

1 hours later 28670945 Anonymous
>>28666852 lol well explain the 2 billion that got pumped these last 2 days

1 hours later 28670957 Anonymous (1597995943234.jpg 437x431 21kB)

1 hours later 28670996 42 (1612832637359.jpg 1039x1117 1299kB)
>>28670945 >lol well explain the 2 billion that got pumped these last 2 days

1 hours later 28671045 Anonymous
>>28670114 If true, my guess would be sell side advisory representing chainlink on a $2b equity stake acquisition by Google of chainlink. Chainlink has been trying to fill jobs for 2 years that it can't. Having Google as an equity partner solves that immediately. What remains to be seen is what the equity % allocation at $2bn is given the coins held by Sergey wine also realizing many of those are needed for staking incentives.

1 hours later 28671055 42 (1609973439417.jpg 1037x1036 90kB)

1 hours later 28671129 Anonymous (1589325876418.png 455x677 495kB)
>>28670766 how long do I need to hodl before I have 200k

1 hours later 28671267 Anonymous
>>28670041 Granted, I really don't buy it myself, this shit happens always when we're pumping.

1 hours later 28671387 Anonymous (C245256D-A913-46FC-9344-7EDA70B211AC.jpg 1024x816 114kB)
>>28670573 I’m thinking of taking out a loan on AAVE to buy more LINK. About $200K worth which would be about 40% of my Link stack. Is this a retarded move 42? I was gonna hold until EOY and then pay back the $200K and keep the rest. Should I just not fuck around and hold my current Linkies? Seems like such a no brainer move desu

1 hours later 28671396 Anonymous
I’m not a LINK holder but I do think that after Elon Musk opened the door many will follow. All will follow. And BTC will become a secondary market to Stocks forever.

1 hours later 28671445 Anonymous
>>28670803 It’s a small investment

1 hours later 28671553 Anonymous
>>28667249 this, based mod

1 hours later 28671617 42 (EsBrNdNXIAMj_hL.png 481x600 187kB)
>>28671387 the best way is to inject more fiat and not have to exchange your existing crypto holdings or take out a loan on your crypto I recently upped my e-transfer limits to $10,000 daily but am limited to $20,000 a week and $50,000 a month and it's a bottleneck for my operations at this point

1 hours later 28671643 Anonymous (EsJ_lrRXcAEu8HK.png 500x656 535kB)
>>28671396 >nolinker >cult of Musk Go back

1 hours later 28671814 Anonymous
>>28671617 I’m all in sadly. It’s probably a foolish idea. I should just hold and sell some when it reaches a decent number. I can always swing back in if it crashes in a bear market. And I’ll always have a decent stack left in that I’ll never sell

1 hours later 28671875 Anonymous
>>28668281 Whats so great about chainlink?

1 hours later 28671877 42 (IMG_0121.jpg 1794x784 147kB)

1 hours later 28671912 Anonymous
>>28666904 I'm another mod on that sub. We got proof from the guy, then just banned him so he'd fuck off and keep the price low. Accumulate while you can.

1 hours later 28671973 Anonymous
>>28671912 Proof?

1 hours later 28672017 42 (1611418456692.gif 332x250 3847kB)
>>28671912 >We got proof from the guy, then just banned him so he'd fuck off and keep the price low

1 hours later 28672067 Anonymous (1612499429219.gif 257x212 3050kB)
>>28671912 >>28671973

1 hours later 28672128 Anonymous
>>28670938 >>28670803 I just converted my mooned up xmr into 8 link. Smart or no?

1 hours later 28672130 42 (mad men link.webm 640x480 2974kB)
>>28671875 >Whats so great about chainlink? https://youtu.be/Zp5n3cxoIuY?t=680

1 hours later 28672227 Anonymous
>>28672128 Also I left at least 1 xmr and left a 100 in a stable coin

1 hours later 28672324 Anonymous
>>28671877 Checked

1 hours later 28672338 42 (overlook hotel.png 1202x682 520kB)
>>28672128 >>28672227 if you're playing in the 4 digit range, it's going to take some really good trades to get big gains try to find ways to passively generate crypto IMO you would be best served picking up 0.04 linkpool shares and getting the bi-weekly dividend payout

1 hours later 28672341 Anonymous
>>28672130 Why did you post your shitty nigger music?

1 hours later 28672431 Anonymous
seems like a whale (or group of pnd whales) from here, who really hates redditors, wants redditors to buy by the 18th, so he/they can dump his/their position no proof, but it's something someone from this board would do. also don't believe a business consultant would post anything like that on a public forum

1 hours later 28672476 Anonymous
>>28670054 what do you think of the whole "swapping ur dmg for {redacted}" thing they talk about?

1 hours later 28672483 Anonymous
>>28672128 Find no more than 3-5 projects you're in love with, projects that you think contribute value to defi over the next 3-5 years, and stick with those. Try not to swing from one into the next but rather pad your stacks with fiat as much as you can. Live lean so that you can convert fiat into crypto, buy your 3-5 tokens no matter how red or green the candles. Trust your research and your intuition. Do this and ygmi

1 hours later 28672488 Anonymous
>>28672431 the answer is nothing will happen on the 18 like nothing ever happen when biz give out a date.

1 hours later 28672496 Anonymous
>>28671912 Holy shit, I'm another mod on that sub as well

1 hours later 28672558 Anonymous
>>28666852 The price jumped $10 over the past few days so it's not implausible and I don't even own any stinky linkies

1 hours later 28672615 Anonymous (BD8EC5D4-A88B-4846-8979-115369385460.jpg 1011x850 500kB)

1 hours later 28672616 42 (decec9dfde29.gif 480x254 2655kB)
>>28672476 >what do you think of the whole "swapping ur dmg for {redacted}" thing they talk about? I'll believe it when I see it hopefully they have an orderly shutdown and have a way to recover people, but the way it's going so far, it looks like a rugpull

1 hours later 28672716 Anonymous
>>28672616 What do U think ab $ID

1 hours later 28672720 42 (1611776364886.png 820x680 11kB)
>>28672341 rap music just hits differently when you're making these kinds of gains

1 hours later 28672743 Anonymous
>>28669569 use a salt water/ two drops of lugols iodine and warm water mix rinse swishing through your teeth after debriding the plaque with a toothbrush and no paste. after this brush lightly with a hydroxyapatite based toothpaste and do not rinse after

1 hours later 28672915 Anonymous (1612968536474.jpg 1000x750 69kB)
bros I'm late to the party and only have 205 LINK. I have $6000 ready to go on an exchange come Tuesday. should I DCA in or buy large sums all at once? I was hoping for more time to accumulate but it looks like the train is leaving the station.

1 hours later 28673020 Anonymous
>>28672720 of course you can relate to a song called "hopeless"

2 hours later 28673021 Anonymous
>>28670573 What about real estate? If I had 7 figures I would definitely buy a house or two

2 hours later 28673049 Anonymous
>>28666725 Fake and not AAVE anyways.

2 hours later 28673081 Anonymous
>>28672915 We are in the middle of a bull market right now, I don't think it makes much sense to try to DCA.

2 hours later 28673168 Anonymous
>>28673081 Put your money where your mouth is and swing then.

2 hours later 28673191 Anonymous
>>28672720 >>28672716

2 hours later 28673222 Anonymous
>>28672130 Music is shit. Post about the fundamentals or fuck off

2 hours later 28673225 Anonymous
>>28673168 Wut? I'm saying if you are sitting on a pile of cash and are looking to make an entry, do it sooner rather than later. This is literally what I've done already, I really don't have any spare cash I can throw into crypto at the moment.

2 hours later 28673229 Anonymous
>>28673081 the alternative is to set aside my money and wait for the bull market to end, and then buy buy buy. but I risk being eternally priced out if I do that. I'm practically already priced out because I only make $17 an hour and LINK is gaining faster than a fat man at McDonald's

2 hours later 28673251 Anonymous
>>28672720 lol this new 42 is not only gay but cringe as all hell. fuck off youre doing a disservice to the name

2 hours later 28673292 42 (22CAA963-C9A2-46F9-9C5C-16597B57B507.jpg 661x623 373kB)
>>28673222 >fuck off no

2 hours later 28673344 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210213-234001.png 1080x2520 433kB)
hey monke where did your imageboards song go? I liked it a lot :(

2 hours later 28673364 42 (0AA58ACB-EF08-43B1-87A9-F0D728B2747B.jpg 680x455 43kB)
>>28673251 >doesn't know about ryan celsius ngmi https://youtu.be/Z7kDVby9Fjw

2 hours later 28673503 Anonymous (C2A950FD-CE42-45B2-8CE6-727EF2C4FF7A.jpg 474x648 35kB)
>>28673292 >>28673364 >>28673191

2 hours later 28673517 Anonymous (spot exchanges inflow mean.png 1844x598 83kB)
>>28666725 I almost gave a shit for half a second. Aaaand deleted, of course. >this will be announced on exactly x date It would never be announced until the deal was closed and Google was already fully in their position. Common sense tier Even then, it wouldn't be announced, you would only know about it once they filed periodic reports and this appears on them. Which means, if it's happening, you're gonna see it in the data before you'll ever see in it in the news. Or, from questionable redditors.

2 hours later 28673553 Anonymous
>>28673344 Bump I’m upset about that too

2 hours later 28673620 Anonymous
>>28668281 >Finns moon Shut the fuck up nigger

2 hours later 28673651 Anonymous (link SpEx inflow mean.png 1855x698 164kB)
Also, btw:

2 hours later 28673667 Anonymous (CEDA70AD-7D83-4A9B-A367-48D425E840AF.jpg 305x328 18kB)

2 hours later 28673734 42 (sn8.jpg 2560x3840 1594kB)
>>28673651 UNI has a similar dynamic, the amount available to buy OTC is dwindling

2 hours later 28673794 Anonymous
>>28673651 curious

2 hours later 28673801 Anonymous
>>28673651 What is a spot exchange. What does this mean in retard terms ie the takeaway

2 hours later 28673919 Anonymous
Ok explain what's link use case to me, linkies.

2 hours later 28673954 Anonymous
Fuck, i remember 2017 when i fell for the "do oposit what biz say" meme and havent bougt link when it was heavly shilled. Instead i hold some shitcoin wchich dropped 90%. Now i am price out of suicide stack. Hold me bros

2 hours later 28673965 Anonymous
>>28673919 it parses jsons

2 hours later 28674092 42 (EuFA70TXUAESG5f.jfif.jpg 792x127 18kB)
>>28673801 >What is a spot exchange. What does this mean in retard terms ie the takeaway less and less tokens are kept on exchange wallets more and more chainlink tokens are used for smart contracts and as adoption increases, this trend will only increase the tokenomics of chainlink are amazing >>28673919 >Ok explain what's link use case to me, linkies. https://blog.chain.link/what-is-the -blockchain-oracle-problem/

2 hours later 28674103 Anonymous
>>28673919 uhh explain the street to me dear

2 hours later 28674381 Anonymous
I am not a linklet but good luck guys, hopefully link will shoot to $100, it is our coin.

2 hours later 28674404 Anonymous
>>28666725 “Jai” Brown hands typed this.

2 hours later 28674457 Anonymous (1577686162544.png 852x782 122kB)
>>28673651 interdasting

2 hours later 28674460 Anonymous
>>28673801 Spot exchanges are those that deal in the asset itself. For example, these are not futures or options exchanges. Binance, coinbase, kraken, all of these are spot exchanges. What it says for link in english is that the number of link flowing into exchanges is falling since march 2020. The chart shows the average quantity of stinky linkies transferred to spot exchanges' wallets. A few things that can drive it: >When token holders transfer their coins to and from the exchange. >When the exchange acquires tokens to hold for their own liquidity needs. >When exchanges acquire tokens to sell OTC in a deal.

2 hours later 28674511 Anonymous
>>28669889 >asking if you should buy LINK on /biz/

2 hours later 28674590 Anonymous
>>28674092 Interdasting. I will wait for the dip.

2 hours later 28674629 42 (1613181500735.jpg 481x500 93kB)
>>28673954 >Fuck, i remember 2017 when i fell for the "do oposit what biz say" meme and havent bougt link when it was heavly shilled. you fell for the "link is a meme" meme many such casualties

2 hours later 28674636 Anonymous (link SpEx outflow mean.png 1824x699 135kB)
Also interesting, inflows and outflows are not inverse, outflows are declining much the same. What you're seeing is probably caused by defi. Those more familiar with link might be able make better sense of it.

2 hours later 28674722 42 (EtRIU-SVEAIia2O.jfif.jpg 1800x1013 131kB)
>>28674636 >What you're seeing is probably caused by defi

2 hours later 28674806 216
>>28673954 Sorry what? Shilled kek Req , trx, icx were shilled. Link had some of the most technical analysis threads in those days If you couldn't see what a solid project I don't know what to tell you

2 hours later 28674826 Anonymous
>>28674636 >>28673651 >>28673517 Do you have a premium sub to it though? The free access gives days. Or sometimes weeks okd data.

2 hours later 28674899 42 (link cycle.jfif.jpg 1554x856 101kB)
>>28674806 >Link had some of the most technical analysis threads in those days https://twitter.com/DLinkbull/statu s/1360590484704538627?s=20

2 hours later 28675105 Anonymous
>>28673954 >bought in at 16 cents >put in 20 dollars, forgot about it, and quit browsing /biz/

2 hours later 28675237 Anonymous
>>28668003 Link is destined for greatness because Link has the best memes. wagmi

2 hours later 28675262 Anonymous (1607840875467.jpg 945x825 145kB)
>>28666725 TONGUE

2 hours later 28675370 Anonymous
>>28671912 >>28671973 >>28672496 Yeah, can confirm it's true, I am also a mod there. AMA

2 hours later 28675394 Anonymous
>>28675105 rip

2 hours later 28675491 Anonymous (fud_works.png 911x800 177kB)
Do you think he regrets throwing away his golden ticket?

2 hours later 28675502 Anonymous
Holding Link and GRT until 2022, AIGMI frens

2 hours later 28675579 Anonymous
>>28674899 Holy shit i would be comfy with this.

2 hours later 28675688 Anonymous
>>28674899 just wait two more weeks, let me put a bit more into LINK

2 hours later 28675722 Anonymous
>>28670996 Someone had to make this. Fucking imagine sitting down at your computer and drawing this. Wtf is wrong with you people.

3 hours later 28675900 42 (0DD8313F-98B4-45CB-BB1B-EFA6173B17A8.jpg 1720x1080 176kB)
>>28675722 >Wtf is wrong with you people.

3 hours later 28675997 Anonymous
>>28671912 A mod from that sub just flew over my house!

3 hours later 28676107 Anonymous
>>28674899 I literally don't believe this. This is why nobody takes TA seriously.

3 hours later 28676168 42 (11E8D532-747A-46D9-B9ED-6E4FE2BE68C1.jpg 645x867 84kB)
>>28676107 but ser the digits

3 hours later 28676188 Anonymous
>>28675722 this made me laugh so hard, thank-you triggered leftist faggot

3 hours later 28676214 Anonymous
>>28669889 Why are you holding monero that's not really an investment coin that's more like you sell little girls on the dark web or you traffic drugs or you want to convert crypto to monero and then through an ethereum bridge to cash out anonymously

3 hours later 28676217 42 (E8ABAD84-B71D-4406-826C-21F3DA4B34E8.jpg 600x375 53kB)
>>28675997 >A mod from that sub just flew over my house! nintendo's uncle confirmed

3 hours later 28676244 Anonymous
>>28676168 >LINK is gonna 15x in the span of like 6 months, and then only correct 40% down before doing another 6x in the span of 3-4 months Unless this TA memeline shit has future knowledge of when staking and ETH 2.0 are going online, it's basically just hopium.

3 hours later 28676278 Anonymous
>>28667249 he is an undercover janny

3 hours later 28676370 Anonymous
>>28666904 We have had three fucking years to accumulate! let the reddit fags learn what chain link is and lets rocket to the moon off of their backs

3 hours later 28676419 Anonymous
>>28666725 That rumour can be spread by anyone. So can BoringDAO being the main source of interoperability between chains >Wait what is this project? You don't know?

3 hours later 28676645 Anonymous
>>28672431 It's called a pod

3 hours later 28676723 Anonymous
>>28668964 What price can we expect link to hit if Google news is true?

3 hours later 28676830 Anonymous
>>28669838 i thought it was forever at 350 million tokens...what the fuck!?

3 hours later 28676858 Anonymous
>>28676723 Probably $70 at least in the short term.

3 hours later 28676996 Anonymous (2021-01-28 00.22.05.jpg 756x756 72kB)
>>28673251 >new has always been gay & cringe, shitting up every thread with some information

3 hours later 28677041 Anonymous

3 hours later 28677059 Anonymous (1599540702508.jpg 500x500 32kB)
>>28676370 No. The floodgates will open the moment not even a mortgage on their houses will buy them a suicide stack. Not one single moment earlier.

3 hours later 28677130 Anonymous
>>28671912 I’m a mod on that sub too!

3 hours later 28677363 Anonymous
>>28676723 The price of a cup of coffee

3 hours later 28677488 Anonymous
>>28676723 1500 dollars EOY

3 hours later 28677539 Anonymous
>>28677488 >cafe gl 3x keked don't worry links

3 hours later 28677623 Anonymous
>>28666725 Is it because of the LTO B2B/LINK collab in Q3? Get paid to pay a bill etc?

4 hours later 28678989 Anonymous
>>28671912 post proof faggot

4 hours later 28679180 Anonymous
>>28672431 >dumping link ever

4 hours later 28679240 Anonymous (1581640313759.png 1300x1500 564kB)
>goes up 10 dollars in a year >T-THIS TIME ITS DIFFERENT GOOGLE ANNOUNCEMENT SOON lol if you didnt buy in 2017 and cash out already like me you're going to go broke

4 hours later 28679342 Anonymous
>>28667378 >T-Systems running node >Tesla spend $1.5Bn on BTC >muh google would never invest in Link what a tard

4 hours later 28679634 Anonymous
I'm so tired of larp threads like these that get this much attention, its a reddit comment. I don't understand how people can make such a big deal out of it, there is a bigger chance that something happens on the 16/2 than this being true

4 hours later 28679711 Anonymous
>>28679634 shut up faggot, you have to go back you dumb bitch.

4 hours later 28679942 Anonymous
>>28679342 imagine this much delusion

4 hours later 28680038 Anonymous
Oh 50k linker here. There is no way in hell the google thing is true. No single way in hell that will happen.

4 hours later 28680240 Anonymous
>>28671912 All the mods be up in this bitch

4 hours later 28680245 Anonymous
>>28679711 duude, youre a maniac take your meds

4 hours later 28680298 Anonymous
>>28680038 og linker here as well agreed we had this kind of larps for 3 years now >something happening soon >date arrive and nothing happens over and over the real news like google collab was never telegraphed

4 hours later 28680456 Anonymous
>>28680298 OGs get it. I thought the pump was for arbitrum so hopefully that’s the case.

4 hours later 28681071 Anonymous
ceo of google here, we didnt invest anything into link

5 hours later 28681289 Anonymous
>>28681071 Thanks for clearing it up Sundar.

5 hours later 28681325 Anonymous
>>28669254 That’s a pretty high quality meme you have there, sir!

5 hours later 28681499 Anonymous
hey guys. I'm a satoshistreetbets mod and also I own google + 98% of bitcoin. We did not in fact invest in chainlink but we did invest in Bao. Google will be entirely running on Bao by 2022

5 hours later 28681794 Anonymous
>>28671875 kys newfag

4.326 0.292